Making a wonderful lamp, lamp and lanterns through polyethylene pipes.


Making a wonderful lamp, lamp and lanterns through polyethylene pipes.

- Before doing this, get a little advice from those who work in the field of assembly and polyethylene. I think things like that are interesting to a lot of people. In any case, even if it is not from 0, something can be made by hand.

- For the trumpet - 300 soums.
- For cable, etc. - 200 soums.
- Other expenses - 200 soums.
- To rent or buy used equipment - 200 soums (rent) - $ 000.

- Such lanterns can cost a minimum of 15 - 000 soums in markets and shops, and the price can increase depending on the quality of work.

- You can offer your products to shop, market vendors, phone shops and other store owners. You can sell online.
- You can learn how to make a lantern on YouTube.

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