Pedagogical creativity


Pedagogical creativity: the ability of the pedagogue to create new ideas that serve to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, as well as to positively solve existing pedagogical problems, unlike traditional pedagogical thinking
Way 1: formation of creative thinking skills. The main emphasis is on the formation of creative thinking skills, and students are directed to express the nature of creative actions using verbs. In particular, in order to effectively form the ability of creative thinking, teachers pay attention to the presence of necessary verbs in the questions that encourage students to think. If this situation is explained with examples, the control question asking students to "describe the relationship between the heart and circulatory system" does not form creativity in them. After all, the concept of "describe" in the question is equivalent to saying "tell your existing knowledge one by one". Using thought-provoking words (verbs) for students when asking control questions facilitates their creative thinking. Therefore, according to the first way of forming creative qualities in a person, it is appropriate for pedagogues to use words (verbs) that force different, antique, unconventional and thorough answers. M: The use of words (verbs) such as "find the connection", "create", "predict", "logically explain the idea", "imagine" is considered effective from a practical point of view. Instead of asking students to "describe the connection between the heart and circulatory system", the teacher should ask them to "give all types of connection between the heart and circulatory system". As a result, students will have the opportunity to generalize existing knowledge and to put forward new thoughts and ideas. It is appropriate for teachers to use the first method - to use the "Creativity Map" of teachers in forming creativity skills in students.
2nd way: development of financial creative skills.
Educators use instructional methods and methods in the formation and development of creative movement skills in students. In this case, the use of questions may only help in the short term, but it does not promote interactivity and engagement among students.
3rd way: organization of creative activities. This path emphasizes creative, creative thinking in the process of solving problems and promoting innovative ideas. Although creative methods and methods are not actively used in these processes, creative thinking occurs. M: "Finding the relationship between the heart and circulatory system" (Isaksen & Treffinger, 1985). While completing the assignment, students will analyze various problems related to the human circulatory system. As a result, multifaceted thinking and observation takes place in this process.
4th way: use of creative products (developments). In this way, the pedagogue can give students the task of creating a presentation on the topic "Human circulatory system" using Power Point software or multimedia. In the process of preparing the presentation, students actively develop creative thinking skills. Students can fully demonstrate their creative thinking skills in a comfortable environment. If students have a feeling of fear of failure, if they hesitate to express their thoughts incorrectly, if they are criticized, in such a situation, it will not be possible to effectively form and develop their creative thinking skills. It is possible to successfully form creative thinking skills in students only by turning creativity into a habit. In this process, their thorough understanding of the content of the subject and the methods and tools used in evaluating creative thinking skills (topic 3) become important. Only in an environment with a creative character, students will have the opportunity to understand the relationship between the content of the studied subject and educational information and begin to think about it (Anderson et al., 2000). M: in the process of studying the "Essence of the Immigration Event" on the basis of the "Brainstorming" strategy, students should first of all have an understanding of what the strategy itself is and how it should be applied. Certain factors prevent the development of creative qualities and skills of pedagogues. Therefore, in the pedagogical process, teachers should focus on eliminating these factors. The following factors hinder the development of creativity in a person:
1) avoiding risk;
2) allow rudeness in thinking and behavior;
3) underestimation of personal fantasy and imagination;
4) subordination to others;
5) think only of success in any case

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