Didactics as a theory of pedagogical education


1. That didactics is a theory of education and training.
2. Goals and main concepts of didactics.
3. The main directions of the development of didactics in the current period.
II. PURPOSE. To describe the scientific-theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of the educational process, that is, the content-essence of the theory of education, teaching and learning.
1. Giving students an understanding of didactics.
2. That didactics is a theory of education.
3. Goals and objectives of didactics.
4. Basic concepts of didactics.
5. The concept of continuous education system and secondary special, vocational education.
6. Modern didactics systems.
7. Educational paradigms in modern pedagogy: traditional, conservative, scientific, humanized, rationalist (bisiovist), technological, esoteric.
IV. BASIC CONCEPTS: Didactics; teaching theory; general didactics; philosophy and sociology, political science; ethnology and pedagogical psychology; human physiology; private methodology; education; educational process; principles of education; didactic principles; educational methods; educational tools; form of education; knowledge, skills and abilities; learning, teaching, studying and teaching; organization; didactic materials; handouts; didactic ability; didacocentric technologies; paradigm; informatization of education; innovative education; modeling.
1. That didactics is a theory of education and training
Didactics is an independent branch of pedagogy. Education deals with the development of the theory of education, that is, its goals, content, laws, and principles.
Didactics is a part of pedagogy that studies the general laws of the educational process.
Didactics is a Greek word derived from the words "didasko" - teaching and "didaskol" - teacher.
The literal translation of "didactics" means the theory of education.
This term was introduced into science by the German pedagogue W. Ratke (1571-1635). Under the name of didactics, he understood the scientific science that researches its theoretical and methodological foundations. The fundamental scientific foundations of didactics are the first Ya. A. It was developed by Comenius (1592-1670). In 1657, he wrote "The Great Didactic" in Czech. Under the name of didactics, Comenius understood "the art of teaching everyone about everything." Famous scientists such as G. Pestalottsi, I. Herbert, KD Ushinsky, V. Ostrogorsky, P. Kapterev made a great contribution to the development of the essence of didactics. Didacts in this direction Yu.K. Babansky, N. Gruzdev, M. Danilov, B. Yesipov, L. Zankov, M. Skatkin also did a lot of work.
Didactics seeks answers to questions of pedagogy such as "Why should we teach", "What should we teach", "How should we teach", "To what extent should we teach", "Who should be taught", "Where should we teach", "What should we teach using?" .
General didactics, in turn, is very strongly connected with the methods of certain subjects, reveals the general laws of teaching based on their information, and at the same time serves as a general basis for the methods of teaching each subject.
Didactics sets itself the task of learning the general laws that meet the goals of comprehensive education of students.
In didactics, the general issues of educational organization, the essence of the educational process, the content of education, the laws of education, the principles and methods of education, and its organizational forms are covered.
The teaching process includes the teaching activity of the pedagogue and the specially organized cognitive activity of the learners. Here, let's focus on the analysis of these processes. The managerial role of the teacher in education, based on the social foundations of his profession, requires the acquisition of the rich experience of his ancestors, the achievements of humanity in the course of centuries of knowledge, work, communication, general relations, aesthetic and moral views.
Didactics and methodology are in a strong connection and interdependence. Didactics studies the general laws of teaching. Specific features of teaching a specific subject are developed in special methods.
Special didactics is one of the main branches of pedagogical sciences, teaching methods, methods, forms and ways of teaching specific subjects. It develops on the basis of general didactic achievements and improves only based on its theoretical generalizations. The didactic rules applied to a specific subject legislate the general aspects of that subject and show the universal aspects of teaching.
Connection of didactics with other subjects. The educational process is based on the social, economic and political conditions of the development of society, people's activities and vital needs, the achievements of modern science and technology, and the great demands placed on the personal qualities of all learners.
The results in the field of didactics bring new issues to him. Solving these problems requires the maximum effective use of the achievements of other sciences.
Philosophy and sociology as sciences of the general laws of development of society and environment help didactics in taking into account social and other specific features of people's life and activities.
Political science serves to reveal didactic issues related to political events and processes in education.
Ethnology helps didactics to correctly take into account the national characteristics of people, which are characteristic of national experiences in education.
Pedagogical psychology provides an opportunity to take into account the psychological laws and principles of the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in the educational process.
In the educational process, human physiology helps to show the specific features of the structure of the human body and the working laws of the nervous system, their role, importance and specific tasks.
Special methodology helps didactics to clearly take into account the peculiarities of the use of different forms and means of education in the teaching of individual subjects.
2. Goals and main concepts of didactics
The main task of didactics is to arm the young generation with a system of scientific knowledge, skills and qualifications.
All this should be reflected in the implementation of the teacher's educational, educational and developmental tasks. Based on this basis, it can be said that in the process of education, the teacher teaches the acquired knowledge to his students. It equips them with skills and competencies in their educational activities. At the same time, it creates worldview and moral standards in learners, develops interests and abilities, increases their cognitive activity. The activity of the teacher opens up great opportunities for the purposeful formation of the learner's personality. More precisely, it plans the entire educational process, organizes joint activities with students in this process. It helps learners overcome challenges and diagnoses their knowledge and the entire learning process. In turn, the activity of learners is directed to learning in the educational process, acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, preparing oneself for activities useful to society. The activity of learners in the educational process represents a multifaceted movement, and this movement greatly helps them in solving cognitive tasks.
The main concepts of didactics include education, educational process, educational principles, educational methods, educational forms, educational tools, knowledge, skills, competence, teaching, reading, etc.
Education is a process of imparting knowledge to the learner with the help of specially trained specialists and forming skills and competencies in them, a means of conscious preparation of a person for life and work as a person.
Education means the process of physical and spiritual development of a person, his conscious development of some exemplary activities, striving to become a social model and all-round perfection.
The primary task of education is to educate the learner. At the same time, it serves as a source of information for the family, production and other areas.

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