Ranking of the richest musicians


Ranking of the richest musicians

1. American black hip-hop musician and rapper - Jay-Z, $2,5 billion.

2. Famous singer in America and Barbados - Rihanna, $1,7 billion.

3. The oldest British singer - Andrew Lloyd Webber, $1,25 billion.

4. Another old female singer from Great Britain - Paul McCartney, $1,2 billion

5. American famous singer and model - Taylor Swift, $1,1 billion.

6. Famous black rapper from America - Sean Puffy Combs, $1 billion

7. American famous model and singer - Madonna, $850 million

💭 P. S: The above list is compiled according to the ranking of the richest musicians alive right now. (https://ledgernote.com/blog/interesting/top-10-richest-musicians-in-the-world/#:~:text=This%20is%20the%20table%20for,Dolly%20Parton%20%24670 %20Million%20USA)

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