What kind of tea is better to drink?


Don't teach a thousand minds, a person will still follow the habit he wants and likes. This is also noticeable when drinking tea. For example, some people only drink black tea, while drinking green tea may seem like something is missing. It is not as satisfying as eating unsalted food. Green tea is more popular in Fergana and black tea in Tashkent. This is probably due to the environment or climate. But even in the same family there are people who drink different teas. So, what kind of tea is better to drink? Everyone has a different opinion on this as well.
It is said that a doctor is not a doctor, but an experienced doctor. The Chinese, the world's number one tea producers, have a long tradition of doing so. In any case, it would not hurt to get acquainted with the customs of the more experienced Chinese.
The Chinese consume tea made from flowers in spring, green tea in summer, barra green tea in autumn, and black tea in winter.
In the spring, nature is renewed, but during this period, people feel lazy, tired and drowsy. Tea made from flowers helps to wake up. This type of tea has a refreshing, healing effect. The most common and popular flower in China is jasmine tea.
It is better to drink green tea on hot summer days. Because it is not fermented during the packaging process. Tea can be consumed in moderation, if it is hot, with a couple of ice cubes.
Ulun tea is very popular in China in autumn. It can be described as standing between black tea and green tea. Semi-fermented during production. When brewed, dark brown tea is formed. If you look closely, you can see that the edges of the leaves are reddish.
According to Chinese doctors, it is necessary to drink black tea in winter. Because black tea has warming and body-keeping properties.
So, the Chinese consume their own tea at different times of the year. What kind of tea do you drink at what time? Accept the above information as information, not advice. Because everyone likes to drink tea that is good and suitable for their body.
Orifjan Madvaliyev

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