Is green tea harmful?


Is green tea harmful?

🌿 Green tea can disrupt heart rhythm, and in people with low blood pressure, it can lower it again.

🍂 Some people do not like to drink green tea
This is especially true for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

🍁 Also, people with duodenal ulcers should not drink green tea. In this case, drinking green tea can damage the stomach and intestines.

🍃 People with thyroid disease should also refrain from drinking green tea

🤱🏻 Breastfeeding mothers drinking green tea is detrimental to their restful sleep

🔸 Caffeine and theophylline in green tea can cause tachycardia and disrupt the nervous system

🔺 People with glaucoma and gout are not recommended to drink this tea

🐍The more rest you drink, the more purine acid in it

It is also not possible to drink an unlimited amount of green tea. This increases the risk of kidney stones

👉🏻 @ Tibbiyot_24

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