What to do when the blood clots?


What to do when the blood clots?

➥ One of the main causes of blood clotting is drinking less water. To thin the blood, the following products should be included in the diet.
➥ Lean meats: beef, chicken, turkey;
➥ beets, cucumbers;
sea ​​cabbage, fish;
➥ Apples, cherries, pomegranates, figs, mulberries, citrus fruits: lemon, tangerine, kiwi;
➥ Ginger, cinnamon, garlic, onion, hot pepper, onion, mint;
➥ Sunflower pistachios, all kinds of nuts;
➥ Onion;
➥ Vegetable oils: olive, linseed oil, etc.

Blood clotting products:
➥Sugar and sweets;
➥Smoked meat, fatty and doughy dishes;
➥Fizzy drinks.

➥ Remember: Overdosing on blood thinners and natural remedies can cause excessive blood thinning and internal bleeding.

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