WISE THOUGHTS: Thoughts of Dr. Abdul Qalam


WISE THOUGHTS: Dr. Abdul Qalam's thoughts (https://telegra.ph/file/e32fcc5f9a949b06c0097.png)

👤 Avur Pakir Jaynulabdin Abdul Qalam (1932-2015) - Indian scientist, scientist and public figure. Dr. Abdul Qalam is the 11th President of the Republic of India and served from 2002-2007. The scientist, who rose from the son of an ordinary boatman to the rank of president, is the scientific and spiritual guide of the country's youth, and has been able to prove that labor is a success. Read examples of his quotes below:

“Before you can dream, you have to get used to dreaming. But remember: dreaming does not mean dreaming, it is a process that does not give a person sleep.

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"The only way to succeed on the path to a goal is to persevere."

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"In order for a man to enjoy success, he has to face hardships. The pain of work is a sign of success. ”

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"Hitting someone doesn't mean beating them," he said. As long as victory is determined by one's heart, there is no point in being hostile to anyone. ”

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"Let's not hesitate to sacrifice today so that our children can prosper tomorrow."

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"No one considers a non-free nation or a human being worthy of respect," he said. That is why we need freedom. "

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“The hardships of life come to us not to destroy us, but to realize our hidden potential and opportunities. Let them know that you are a perfect person. ”

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"To shine like the sun, you have to know how to shine like the sun."

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"For people with a high heart, religion is a way to make friends and live in peace," he said. And small people are turning religion into a terrible weapon. ”

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"Even a small goal is a crime against you," he said. Always value yourself and look for the high, not the small. ”

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"I am not a handsome man," he said. But I am a man who can come. Beauty is not in the face, but in the heart. ”

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"As long as the country wants to build a society free of corruption and good thinking, I strongly believe that it will be done by three members of society," he said. They are parents and teachers. ”

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“You must have realized that the Creator also helps those who work hard. That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. "

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“You can't change your future, but you can change your character, your habits. That, in turn, will change your future. ”

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"When it rains, the birds rush to their nests, and only the eagles fly to the top of the cloud. The bottom line is that problems are the same, and whether or not you find a solution depends on your character. ”

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“Don’t read success stories: they’re no different than a letter. You study the lives of those who fail: they make you draw conclusions. ”

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"If you want to be great, first of all serve the greatness of your nation."

📝 Source: Shukhrat Sattorov's book "We win: the secrets of success and a decent life."

"Whoever seeks what he will find beg"

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