10 properties of banana that we do not know


Prevents cancer

The protein in bananas is important in the prevention of cancer. The content of this substance in this tropical fruit is significantly higher. It is therefore recommended to eat a banana with dark skin.

An effective tool in vascular traction

The cause of leg muscle spasms is a lack of minerals. Potassium and magnesium-rich bananas are a remedy for leg cramps. This is why most athletes include a special fruit in their diet.


Reduces the risk of kidney disease

The product, which contains a sufficient amount of potassium, has the ability to remove kidney stones. Studies show that regular consumption of bananas reduces the risk of developing dangerous kidney disease by 40 percent.


Strengthens the heart

Products that contain sufficient amounts of potassium in the diet prevent the development of high blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Eating a product that contains 1,3 grams of potassium per day reduces the risk of heart disease by 26 percent. It is enough to eat 2 to 3 bananas a day (taking into account human weight).


Improves vascular function

Accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels leads to the development of atherosclerosis. The phytosterols in bananas, on the other hand, prevent the accumulation of cholesterol and strengthen the health of vascular diseases.


Has a positive effect on gastric function

For those suffering from peptic ulcer, banana is a very useful tropical fruit. This is because a special enzyme in this fruit plays a key role in the production of the syrup that protects the stomach walls.


Energy source

The vitamins and minerals in bananas are a source of energy. It satisfies the body's need for energy sources.

The cause of a good mood

Bananas contain the happiness hormone (dopamine) and B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous system.


Helper in diabetes

It contains a specific type of starch that is well tolerated by people suffering from type 2 diabetes. This substance is especially common in green bananas. For comparison, the average size of a green banana is 12,5 grams of starch, while a ripe banana is 5 grams.

Read more:  POWDER

Useful in maintaining the body

Resistant starch prevents the formation of fat deposits and increases energy consumption. This fights the accumulation of excess weight.


Khurshida Husenova



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