Bobur we knew and did not know


"Babur we know and we don't know"  article on the subject.
                                           "For us, Babur is a great culture, a symbol of high oriental manners and ethics."
                                                                               I. Karimov.                            
                 Far from his homeland, longing for his homeland, burning with love for his homeland, fighting valiantly to protect his homeland from enemies, a brave, great commander, statesman, talented poet, founder of the Baburi dynasty, Temurid prince Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur plays a significant role in the history of the country with its rich spiritual and cultural heritage. A statesman and a man who spent much of his time in battles, as a commander, even during the busiest period of his social life, when his personal life and activities were extremely difficult and dangerous, he was able to find time for creative work. gathered and sponsored the people of the horse and creation around him, encouraging them.
                 The Uzbek people have a rich historical past and a great national heritage. One of our golden legacies is the royal work "Boburnoma" created by our ancestor Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. The work "Boburnoma" is Uzbek, a unique monument of world literature, a historical memoir. The play deals with the historical and political events of 1494-1529 in Central Asia, Afghanistan and India, which are directly related to the life and political activity of the author. According to the process of events described in the work "Boburnoma", it is divided into 3 parts: Bobur's Movaraunnahr - 1494-1504; Afghanistan-1504-1524; India is divided into periods of rule from 1524-1530. All information provided in the "Boburnoma", in particular, reports on the political situation in Fergana, Tashkent, Samarkand, Gissar, Chaghaniyan and Northern Afghanistan in the 80-90s of the XV century and the first quarter of the XVI century. zine differs radically from other literature in its detail and accuracy.
         The play contains clear and unambiguous information about the social sciences, history, philosophy, jurisprudence, religion, linguistics, geography, natural sciences, cultural studies, agriculture, horticulture and other fields. , scientifically based conclusions are given. The play skillfully depicts several battle scenes in which Bobur himself took part as a general.
              Babur spent a very short time in India, only four years and eight months (1526-1530). He described the nature of India, its wonders, splendors, as well as its shortcomings and shortcomings, in the Boburnoma. As a result of Babur’s arrival in India, some changes in the development of society (such as the burial of a dead woman together alive) have taken place, and innovations have been introduced. After all, the Indian statesman J. Nehru said, "Because of Babur's arrival in India, great changes took place in India, new developments took place in architecture and culture, in other fields" (J. Nehru, "Discovery of India") '', ,, A Look at World History '').
    Hundreds of people worked on the construction of Babur in the Baburnama: Nechukkim, in the Zafarnoma, when Mulla Sharif was exaggerating the construction of the Timur Mosque in Sangan, Azar and Persia, India and many others. Six hundred and eighty musicians used to work in my buildings every day, and one thousand four hundred and ninety-one musicians used to work in my buildings every day in Ogra (Agra), Sehrida and Biyana and Dilpur. ' 'Tashkent 1993, p. 292).
  Information on the ethnogenesis and ethnography of cities in Bobur's work "Boburnoma" is also very valuable and valuable. For example,
              ,, The main part of the population of Andijan is Turks. There is no one in Andijan and its markets who does not know Turkish. The language of the people is close to the literary language.
                All the inhabitants of Isfara are varieties. They speak Persian.
                The population of Ghazni is a nomadic people and Afghans. Eleven and twelve languages ​​are spoken in and around Kabul (Bobur, Boburnoma Tashkent, 1993).
              In the play, Babur recognized the works of great scientists, writers, poets and artists, and in "Boburnoma" praised them. For example, A.Navoiy, A, Jami, M.Ulugbek….
              It is also significant with the author's comments on the behavior and nature of the Timurid princes - Umarshaikh, Sultan Ahmad, Sultan Mahmud, Boysung'or Mirzo, Sultan Hussein and others, who were hostile to certain historical figures.
           As a great historical figure, Bobur's personality has attracted the attention of European and American oriental historians. Edward Holden, who translated the Boburnoma into English, first finds it necessary to compare Bobur with the famous Yuley Caesar: "Bobur's character is worth loving more than Caesar's." It is written on his forehead that he is a man of high virtue.
            William Erskin, who wrote a novel about Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's childhood and adolescence, describes Babur as comparable to the kings of Asia: no king will come. '' , Boburnoma '' is a flower of Babur's heritage. The creation of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's "Boburnoma" is a source of universal significance. Because this monument has been translated into Persian four times and into English four times, only one Persian manuscript is very popular, thirteen manuscripts are decorated with many small pictures, published eight times, more than a dozen English short editions are sufficient to prove the above opinion.
            ,, As we turn to history, we must keep in mind that it is the memory of the people. Just as there is no perfect person without memory, there is no future for a nation that does not know its history "(I. Karimov," Works ").
           While studying Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's "Boburnoma", I realized that we young people should be proud of the fact that we have such a great literary heritage, that we are the descendants of our great ancestors. Let us discover in our own image the endless qualities of Babur's personality, such as perseverance, courage, love for the motherland, pride, knowledge, talent!

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