3 ways to stop hiccups


3 ways to stop hiccups

Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm that are accompanied by impaired respiratory function. Here are a few ways to overcome it.

Breathe (or not breathe)
There are many ways to breathe. This can be a deep breath or vice versa. In any case, the goal of these methods is one - to distract the brain and force it to stop sending nerve impulses to shorten the diaphragm.

Drink water
When you drink water, you make swallowing movements, which in turn cause temporary changes in the breathing process. This can stop the contraction of the diaphragms.

Physical effects
The most common ways to overcome hiccups are by squeezing, pinching, or hitting the palms - in a word, any method that distracts the nervous system using a painful effect.

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