Five ways to feed a whimsical child


Five ways to feed a whimsical child

1⃣Involve the child in the cooking process. Maybe the kid wants to taste a salad or porridge he made himself.

2⃣First of all - do not force the child to eat. Neither persuasion nor intimidation, especially punishment, is beneficial - quite the opposite. The main thing is not to give the child food between meals and the appetite will quickly develop.

3⃣Swim the food in a fun way. Let your imagination run wild and turn a simple meal into a festive meal.

4⃣Add game elements. Make mountains of potatoes on the plate, rivers flowing with sour cream, and meatballs with thorny flesh on the banks.

5⃣Interest in the child’s opinion. Ask him what he wants to eat today and suggest a few options to choose from. The child enjoys demonstrating independence.

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