45 About President Donald John Trump


- The man you see above is that famous and supernatural former President Donald Trump. His fortune currently stands at $ 2.4 billion (Forbes).
Donald John Trump, 45th President of the United States (full name) was born on June 1946, 14 in New York City, USA. He is the fourth child in the family and has two sisters, one brother and one sister.
- Donald Trump served as President of the United States from 2017-2021.
- The Plaza Hotel in the movie "Alone at Home" is really his. Even Trump played a role in this film.
- His barber is his current wife, Melania Trump.
- His mother was a philanthropist and his father was a real estate developer.
Donald Trump is now 74 years old. He is the father of 5 children and the wife of 3 women. He has 10 grandchildren. Her youngest child is 15 years old. His eldest grandson is 13 years old.

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