Grade 6 questions and answers for applicants


Grade 6 Natural geography of continents and oceans
Topic: What does the natural geography of the continents and oceans study?
What is the difference between continents and continents?
- The continents do not include the surrounding islands, and the continents are given the same name by adding islands.
What does the geography of the continents and oceans study?
- Studies the laws of the geographical crust and its development, structure and properties, components, natural geographical features of each continent and oceans.
How many sections does the textbook contain?
- 5 ta.
Who was the first to land on the moon in 1969?
- Neil Armstrong and Aldridge of the United States.
The deepest lakes in the world?
- Baikal (1620), Tanganyika (1470), Caspian (1025), Nyasa (706), Issyk-Kul (668 m).
6. The area is 5 million km2 low-lying? - Amazon low.
7. In which country is Lake Ubzu Nur located? - Mongolia.
8. To which country do the cities of Poznan, Lodz, Krakow belong? - Poland.
9. Chukotka ya. Alaska with the island ya. The strait between the islands? - The Strait of Bering.
10. Which city is the center and capital of the Bermuda Islands? - Hamilton.
Topic: Geographical maps and their types, atlases, globes.
11. According to what features maps are divided into groups? - Types according to the size of the area, scale, content and purpose.
12. What types of maps are divided according to the scale? - Large-scale (1: 10000 to 1: 200000), medium-scale (1: 200000 to 1: 1000000), small-scale (1: 1000000 and more) small).
13. According to the content of natural maps, ecological maps belong to which map? - Thematic natural maps.
14. What is an atlas? - A systematic collection of geographical maps based on a single program is called an atlas.
15. Who created the first collection of maps? - Greek scientist Claudius Ptolemy.
16. What is the scale of globes? - From 1: 30000000 to 1: 83000000.
17. Based on the idea of ​​the Greek scientist Pythagoras that the earth is spherical, the Greek scientist who made a globe in the 2nd century BC? - Crates (Greek Er av II century).
18. In what year was the Tashkent globe installed? - 1984 at the Faculty of Geography of the National University of Uzbekistan.
19. Which side of Beijing is from Tashkent? - To the east.
20. How many times is the distance reduced by 1 m in 500 cm? - 1: 50000 So the distance is reduced by 50000 times.
21. Which regions are not depicted in the globe created by Martin Beheim? - In America, Australia and Antarctica.
22. The northernmost and southernmost points on the globe? - The North and South Poles.
23. In which countries is the highest lake in the world? - Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia.
Topic: Boundaries, features of the geographical crust.
24. What are the processes that occur as a result of wind work? - Aeolian processes.
25. What is the geographical crust? - The lower layer of the atmosphere, the whole crust, which includes and interacts with the hydrosphere and biosphere.
26. When and by whom was the idea close to the concept of the geographical crust first expressed - in 1 DNAnuchin.
27. What doctrine was created by the Russian AAGrigoriev in 1966? - The doctrine of the geographical crust.
28. Where and at what height is it considered to cross the upper boundary of the geographical crust? - From the upper part of the troposphere. Its thickness is 30-35 km.
29. What are the features of the geographical crust? - Feature 1: the components of the geographical crust - the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere are constantly interacting and interacting. Feature 2: Feature 2 Knowledge of the process of metabolism and energy. Feature 3: The presence of organic life in the geographical crust, including human society.
30. What influences the development of the geographical crust? - Influences the external and internal energies of the Earth.
31. What plays an important role in the structure of the geographical crust? - Metabolism and energy.
32. How often is the ocean water renewed? - In 3000 years.
33. An example of the vertical structure of the geographical crust? - Alternation of altitude zones.
34. What is the structure of climatic zones, natural zones, geographical crust? - Horizontal structure.
35. What is the role of the ozone layer? - Protects from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
36. Under the influence of what energies the main part and less part of all processes that take place in the geographical crust take place? - The main part is solar energy, to a lesser extent the internal energy of the Earth.
37. A bay in the north of the Labrador Peninsula? - Ungava.
38. Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital of which country? - Brunei.
39. Where does the Colorado River flow? - To the Gulf of California.
40 In which country is Lake Van located - Turkey.
41. Caves grow well in which rocks? - Limestone, gypsum, chalk.
Topic: The laws of development of the geographical crust.
42. What are the stages of development of the geographical crust? - 3 Nobiogenic, Biogenic and Anthropogenic.
43. When did life appear on Earth? - 3,8-3,5 billion years.
44. What periods does the nobiogenic phase include and what is formed in it? It covers the period from 4,6 billion to 570 million years and forms the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere.
45. Describe the biogenic stage? - It began 570 million years ago. During this period, organisms evolved. As a result, the biosphere was formed and the geographical crust was perfect.
46. ​​In what period did the Gersin Caledonian mountain folds occur? - Paleozoic (340 million years).
47. At what stage (3 million years ago) man appeared? - At the anthropogenic stage.
48. What are the general laws of the geographical crust? - Integrity, the circulation of matter and energy in nature are periodic, rhythmic phenomena, geographical zoning and territoriality.
49. What is rhythmicity? - The repetition of the same products in nature over time is called rhythmicity.
50. What affects the metabolism of matter and energy in the geographical crust? - The internal energy of the Earth and solar energy, as well as gravity have a strong influence.
51. What is zoning? - Zoning is the lawful change of geographical components and natural complexes from the equator to the poles, in the mountains to the heights.
52. What is the law of natural zones, climatic zones? - Zoning.
53. In which part of Africa the Alpine deformation took place? - On the Mediterranean coast of the Atlas Mountains.

Topic: Lithosphere and terrain.
54. What is included in the lithosphere? - Part of the Earth's crust and upper mantle.
55. Who and when determined the boundary between the Earth's crust and the upper mantle? - 1914 Mokhorovich.
56. What areas are separated in the earth's crust? - Platform and geosynclinal.
57. General similarities between Eastern Europe, Siberia, India, South China? - Platforms.
58. What are the most active areas of the Earth's crust? - Geosynclinal zones.
59. What is the thickness of the earth's crust in the plains, in the young mountains? - 35-40 km in the plains, 55070 km in the young mountains.
60. Which layer is not found in the oceanic crust? - Granite layer.
61. What is the thickness of the lithosphere on the ocean floor and on land? - 5060 km on the ocean floor, 100-200 km on land.
62. What rocks have been identified in the crust with a thickness of 3,5-5 km? - Magmatic rocks.
63. What is the asthenosphere and its lexical meaning? - The layer between the Earth's crust and the mantle. The Greek "astenos" is weak.
64. Why do the lithosphere plates move horizontally? - Due to the fact that the asthenosphere layer is composed of substances in a soft and elastic state, and due to the annular movement of substances coming out of the mantle.
65. What happens at the boundaries of the collision of lithosphere plates? - The formation of mountains, moving volcanoes, earthquakes.
66. What is the meaning of the word relief? - Greek - I rise.
67. The main forms of relief? - Mountains and plains.
68. The lowest point on land? - Dead Sea - 405 m.
69. How many meters below sea level is the Caspian lowland? - 28 m.
70. Where are almost 35% of the continents? - In the mountains of sea and ocean waters.
71. How deep is the batial part of the ocean? - up to 3000 m.
72. What is the meaning of the word Abyssal? - The Greek word means deep.
73. What is the length of the Mediterranean ridges? - 60 thousand km.
Topic: Hydrosphere. Its components.
74. What is the average salinity of ocean waters near the equator, in temperate latitudes and tropics? - 34% near the equator, 36% in the tropics, 33% in temperate and polar latitudes.
75. The average temperature of ocean water? - + 17,50 C.
76. The warmest ocean- Pacific +19,40 C.
77. The coldest ocean? - Arctic Ocean - 0,750 C.
78. »20 billion km3"What is this?"
79. Sirdaryo, Amudaryo, Nile? -…. Transit rivers.
80. What percentage of the land area is covered by glaciers? - 11%.
81. What kind of glaciers are mainly in Antarctica, Gereland, Arctic? - Covering glacier- 99%
82. Where the snow line is equal to sea level? - At the poles.
83. Groundwater with magmatic properties? - Geysers.
84. What is the share of groundwater in the hydrosphere? - 4%
85. How are perennial glaciers formed? - Soil sedimentary rocks, groundwater freezing together.
86. What is their thickness? - From 0 meters to 1500 m.
87. The second deepest lake? - Lake Tanganyika.
88. The area of ​​Lake Baikal? - 31500 km2.
89. The total volume of water in lakes? - 750 thousand km3.
90. The area of ​​the Fedchenko Glacier? - 907 km2.
91. What mountain range is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean? - Lomonosov underwater mountain range.
92. Rivers flowing to the west? - Congo, Senegal, Orange, Murray, Colombia, Don, Aranga, Yukon.
93. What is the area of ​​perennial glaciers? - 20 million km2.
94. The largest seas on Earth? - Sargass (7000 million), Philippines (5.726000 km2), Arabia (4832), Marjon (4068), Jani China (3573 thousand km2).
95. Which seas are connected by the Strait of Makaser? - Sulawesi and Java.
96. What part of the ocean is the property of the state?
97. What is the length of one nautical mile? - 1853 meters.
98. Between which islands is the 8th degree strait? - Luckadif and the Maldives.
99. India ya. The desert located in the northwest of the island? - Tar desert
100. What part of the earth is a mountain? - 40%.
101. When was the first geographical atlas created in Uzbekistan? - 1. By Babushkin.
102. What is the meaning of the word pantalasa? - Greek pan: all, "de" - land, "thallasa" - sea. means.
103. In which climate zone are the islands of Asia Minor, the Apennines and the Prineya? - In the subtropics.
104. What did AOVeGenar founded in 1912? - He founded the hypothesis of mobility.
105. Nukvalafa is the capital of which country?
106. Bolivia borders with which countries - Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay.
107. Komondor and the Kuril Islands belong to which countries? - Russia.
108. On which side of the Canadian capital Ottawa is located? - In the south.
109. What language family do Finns, Hungarians, Estonians belong to, which language group do they belong to? - Finno-Ugric group, Ural language family.
110. What is extracted from the Gulf of Karabakh? - Glauber's salt. (Mirabilit).
111. On which island is the volcano Etna? - Sicily.
112. Another name for the island of Folklent? - Malvinas Islands.
113. How many Stanley and Libigistan waterfalls are there on the Congo River? - Stanley 7, Libygiston 32.
114. What is the share of ocean water in the world's water resources? - 96,4%
115. What part of the mass of the atmosphere corresponds to the lower layer? - 99,5% to 80 km, 80% - to the troposphere.
Topic: Atmosphere. Climate regions of the Earth.
116. What did A. Lavnazye discover in 1774? - The gas composition of the atmosphere.
117. What is the meaning of the word troposphere? - Greek - "Turn".
118. What is the thickness of the mesosphere? - 80-85 km.
119. What are the factors that create the climate? - The factor of latitude, the factor of atmospheric pressure and air masses, the diversity of natural complexes of the terrestrial structure are the factors that create the climate.
120. What is the effect of constant winds? turns to the right in the hemisphere, to the left in the southern hemisphere? - Under the influence of the Coriolis force.
121. At what depth is the most variable water in the ocean? - From 200 m to 250 m.
122. Which stream is 70 times larger than the total water volume of all rivers on the earth.?- Gulf Stream.
123. How many climate zones are there on Earth and how many of them are major? - There are 13 climate zones. 7 of them are main, 6 arelands.
124. How much does the average annual temperature decrease from the equator to the poles? -25-26 0 C and - 100 Decreases to C.
Topic: Natural complexes, their exchange and zoning.
125. What is a nature complex? It is called the Nature Complex (TC).
126. How many natural regions of the world's oceans are divided into? - 11 natural regions.
127. The main reason for the formation of natural zones? - Climate.
128. Moderate climate zone 700 east Which natural zones are located along its meridian? - Coniferous, broad-leaved forests, mixed forests, forest-steppe, steppe-desert and semi-desert natural zones.
129. What is an anthropogenic landscape? - TCs acquired as a result of human economic activity are called anthropogenic landscape.
130. What are the altitude zones in the mountains of Uzbekistan? - 4 altitude zones: desert, hill, mountain, pasture.
Topic: The formation of continents and oceans.
131. How was the Descartes-Kant-Laplace hypothesis created? - The idea that the solar system and the Earth were formed by the combination of moving dust particles in the universe was expressed in the same way. This is named after them.
132. Who developed the hypothesis of mobility and when? - In 1912, the German geologist A. Wegener.
133. What is the meaning of the word mobility? - Greek - sliding movement.
134. When did the continent of Pangea appear? - 200 million years ago
135. Which continents separated from Lavrasia and when? - 65 million years ago, the continents of America and Eurasia.
136. What did A. Wegener think about the cause of the horizontal displacement of continents? - The cause of centrifugal force due to rotation around the Earth's core.
137. Who created the hypothesis of lithosphere plate technology? - 1968 LRSykes, J. Oliver.
138. What causes the lithosphere plates to move away from each other? - Upward movement of mantle substances.
139. According to scientists, which lakes can turn into an ocean? - The Red Sea and Lake Baikal.
140. What is a benta? - An organism that lives on the bottom of the ocean, between deposits.
Topic: The world's oceans, their parts and the relief of the ocean floor.
141. Who introduced the term "ocean of the world" and when? - Russian scientist YMShokalsky in 1917.
142. What is the lexical meaning of the term "ocean"? - The term "ocean" is derived from the Phoenician word for the Greek coastal sea. A great river that revolves around the earth.
143. What science was founded by the "Challenger Expedition"? - The science of oceanography.
144. What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by water in the Northern Hemisphere, what percentage in the Southern Hemisphere? - 61% in the S Hemisphere, 81% in the Southern Hemisphere.
145. When did the study of ocean waters in depth? - Since 1920.
146. Who was the first to divide the world's oceans into five parts in 1650? - Dutch scientist B. Vorenius.
147. The length of the Mediterranean mountain range? - 60 thousand km.
148. How many seas are there in the world's oceans? - 67.
149. How many centuries does the period of great geographical discoveries cover and who invented during this period? - In the second half of the XV century, in the first half of the XVII century H. Columbus, J. Cabot, Vasco da Gama, Amerigo Vespucci, F. Magelan, F. .Dyerk, V.Yanszan, A.Tosmanlar.
150. The ocean with the largest number of islands? - The Pacific Ocean is more than 10 thousand.
Topic: Ocean salinity temperature, currents.
151. What is the salinity of water in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans? - 36-37% in the Pacific Ocean, 37,9% in the Atlantic Ocean.
152. What is the average temperature of water in the thermal equatorial zone? - 27-280 C. (5-100in latitudes).
153. Where is the hottest water and the coldest part of the world's oceans? - The warmest water is in the Persian Gulf, the coldest is in the Arctic Circle.
154. What is the salinity of ocean water in the Gulf of Finland? - 2%.
155. How does the temperature change in the open ocean? - -20-290 C.
156. What influences the change of the world's oceans in the horizontal and vertical directions? - Geographical latitude, currents, volcanoes, rivers.
157. What is a stream? - Horizontal movement of large volumes of ocean water over long distances.
158. From which direction do cold currents move? - From the poles to the equator.
159. Fastest flow? - Golfstream (3m / sec).
160. What causes the phenomenon of floating in the world's oceans? - Due to the gravitational pull of the Earth and the Moon.
161. Where is the highest wave recorded - 34 m in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean.
162. At what latitudes hurricanes are often observed? - In tropical and temperate latitudes.
163. What is the speed of the tsunami? - 700-800 km / h.
164. Which currents have a speed of 95 cm / sec, 25-75 cm / sec? - West wind current, South passat current.
165. 300 m in the geography cabinet3there is air. This weather is +300How much moisture can it hold at room temperature? - 30 gr i300 m3= 9000 gr.
166. Thermometer at an altitude of 8 km -180Displays C. What is the surface temperature at this time? - 6i8 = 48, 480+ (- 18) = +300 C.
Topic: Ocean resources and their use and protection.
167. How many of the organisms hunted in the world's oceans are fish, invertebrates, marine mammals? - About 80% of fish, 10-12% of invertebrates, 8-10% of marine mammals.
168. What is a necton? - Free-moving organisms.
169. What% of biological resources are currently used? - 2%
170. How many cod, herring and mackerel are caught in the ocean water a year? - Cod - 10,7 million tons, herring - 22,3 million tons, mackerel - 5,1 million tons.
171. The place where the world's oceans produce the most oil and gas? - Persian bed.
172. 80% of economic trade relations, 95% of transportation of goods were carried out by which means of transport? - Maritime transport.
173. How many port cities are there on the shores of the world's oceans? - 2700.
174. What products are the main cargo transported by sea? - Oil and oil products.
175. What is the annual revenue from maritime trucking? - $ 220 billion.
176. What are the international maritime organizations? - International Maritime Committee, Interstate Oceanographic Commission.
177. Types of plankton? - Phytoplankton and Zooplankton.
178. The Marmara Sea is located between which straits? - Dardanelles and Bosphorus.
179. The scientist who determined the geographical location of the Earth's north magnetic pole? - R. Amundsen.
180. In which sea region are the islands of Bermuda located? - Sargasso.
181. What is the height of rising water in the open ocean - up to 4 meters.
182. If 2 kg of salt is extracted from 50 tons of ocean water, what is its salinity? - 1 kg in 25 ton of water, which means that the salinity of water is 25%.
183. In what climatic zones is the island of Honshu? - In subtropical and temperate zones.
184. The peak with a height of 2037 m? - Mitchell ridge. On the Appalachian Mountains.
185. What is a crater? - A plate-like or variance-like depth that occurs on the surface or under the sea. K. is formed as a result of volcanic eruptions, the fall of large meteorites.
186. Which islands are the island of Mindanao, Luzon and Samar? - Philippines.
Topic: Atmospheric and terrestrial effects of the world's oceans.
187. What do heat engines mean? - The world's oceans absorb 70m of heat from the Sun to the Earth. And the ocean becomes a heat accumulator.
188. The main cause of wind, storms and hurricanes in the atmosphere? - The metabolism of matter and energy in the system "Ocean - Atmosphere - Land".
189. What are recreational resources? - Recreation and tourism resources.
190. Deserts formed in the areas of cold flow? - Namib, Samali, Atacama desert.
191. What is Joybor? - Canal, river, ditch, place by the ditch, land.
Theme: Pacific.
192. General information about the Pacific Ocean? - Ocean area with seas - 178700000 km2. Average depth - 3960 m, the deepest point - Mariana Trench 11022 m, water volume - 710400000 km3, Number of seas - 25, Highest water rise - Penjin lip - 13,2 m, largest bay - Alaska Bay - 384 thousand km2.
193. How much of the Pacific Ocean is the area of ​​the world's oceans - half, 1/3 of the earth's surface.
194. How far is the Pacific Ocean from north to south and from west to east? - From north to south - 12 thousand km, from west to east - 17,2 thousand km.
195. Who was the first tourist to see the Pacific Ocean? - In 1513, the Spanish tourist V. Balboa saw it.
196. On the basis of whose travels the first information about the Pacific was collected? - F. Magellan and J. Cook.
197. Who studied the northern part of the ocean in 1741? - VIBering and AIChirikov.
198. What is the annual rate of displacement of the Pacific Ocean? - greater than 10 cm.
199. Where is the thickness of sedimentary rocks 100-200 m, 500-600 m? - In depressions - 100-200 m, in the equatorial region - 500-600 m
200. How much area does the shelf occupy in the ocean? - 1,7% of the area.
201. In which seas of the ocean is the shallow sea? - Bering, Okhotsk and Arafur.
202. How many of the 5 submarines with a depth of more than 35 km are located in this ocean? - 25.
203. What is the average annual rainfall around the equator, in the west and east of the temperate latitudes, in the east of the subtropics? - The equator - 3000 mm, in the west of temperate latitudes - 1000 mm and in the east - 2000 3000 mm in the subtropical east-100-200 mm.
204. Where is the saltiest part of the ocean? - 36% in the tropics.
205. What is the meaning of the word typhoon? - Chinese - "typhoon" - means big winds.
206. What is the speed of typhoons? - 30-50 rarely to 100 km.
207. Which ocean accounts for half of the world's living organisms? - The Pacific Ocean.
208. How many salmon live in the northern part of the ocean? - 95%.
209. The largest mollusk in the Pacific Ocean and its weight? - Tridakna weighs 30 kg.
210. Where do giant aquatic plants with a length of 200 m grow? - In the southern latitudes.
211. How much ocean products does the Japanese consume per capita? - 80 kg.
212. How many countries are located on the Pacific coast? - 50 countries.
Topic: Atlantic Ocean.
213. From which ocean did the great geographical discoveries begin? - From the Atlantic Ocean.
214. General information about the Atlantic Ocean? - The area of ​​the ocean with the seas - 91700000 km2. The average depth is 3926 m. Depth - "Puerto Rico sediment - 8742 m, water volume - 330 million km3. Number of seas - 16. Highest water rise - Fandi Bay - 18 m. The largest bay is Mexico, 1555000 km2.
215. How far is the ocean from north to south? - 12 thousand km.
216. Where are the widest and narrowest parts of the ocean? - The widest part is the temperate zone (9450), the narrowest part (2620 km) is the northern part.
217. What is the meaning of the word "Atlanta"? - Pakhlavon carrying a dome of the sky on his shoulders.
218. The peoples who crossed the Atlantic Ocean first? - The Vikings.
219. When was the name Atlantic first written on a map? - 1507.
220. Whose travels gave a lot of information during the Great Geographical Discoveries? - B. Diash, Columbus, J. Cabot, Vasco da Gama, F. Magellan, J. Cook collected a lot of information about the Atlantic. .
221. When the complex study of the nature of the ocean begins? - From the end of the XIX century.
222. What is the number of ditches in the Atlantic Ocean? - 15.
223. Which continents formed as a result of horizontal splitting of the Atlantic Ocean? - Honduran and Lavrazea continents.
224. What rocks are distributed in the Mediterranean ridges? - Basalt and volcanic rocks.
225. Where in the ocean does the shallow sea occupy a large area? - In the northern part of the ocean, near the Floruda Peninsula, near the Falkland Islands.
226. What crossed the upper part of the Mediterranean ridge? - Crossing the transverse and longitudinal deep ravines.
227. What is the temperature of the surface water of the Atlantic Ocean? - +16,50 C.
228. In what latitude of the ocean there are many stormy days? - 400 jk.
229. In which part of the ocean there are seedlings (windless days)? - In the subtropics.
230. In which areas of the Atlantic Ocean the salinity is 34-35%, and 37-39%? - 34-35% on the northern and southern borders, 37-39% in the Mediterranean.
231. Due to which current the Murmansk port does not freeze in winter? - Golfistrim stream.
232. In which region of the Atlantic Ocean the annual rainfall is 1770 mm and the average salinity is 35%? - Equatorial.
233. In which region is the Sargasso Sea located? - Located in the northern subtropical region. The salinity of the water is 37% and the temperature is 28 in summer0 C, in winter 230 C.
234. What is the salinity and temperature of the Sargasso Sea? - Salinity is 37%, in winter 230 C, summer 280 C.
235. Which ocean is the most important in terms of maritime transport? - The Atlantic Ocean.
236. When was the Suez Canal built - 1869.
237. What% of the world's oceans absorbs heat from the sun? - 70%.
Subject: Indian Ocean.
238. General information about the Indian Ocean? - Total area - 76170000 km2, average depth-3711m, deepest point- Sound sediment-7729 m, water volume-282700000 km3. Number of seas - 11, the highest rise - Kanbey Bay - 11,9 m. The largest bay is Bengal - 2191 thousand km2.
239. When was the Indian Ocean explored by the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Indian sailors? - 6 years ago.
240. The first tourist to cross the Indian Ocean from west to east? - 1642-1643 A. Tasman.
241. Expedition organized by UNESCO in 1660-1665? - International Indian Ocean Expedition.
242. What is the meaning of the Indian word? - "father of rivers" in pink.
243. Which peoples crossed the Indian Ocean from the south of Africa and returned from the west? - Phoenicians.
244. What is the average depth of water? - 3711 m.
245. The average salinity of the Indian Ocean water - 36,5%.
246. Where is the highest and lowest precipitation? - The maximum in the equatorial region - 3000 mm, the minimum in the northwest - 100 mm.
247. What is the width and height of the mountain ranges of the Central Indian Ocean? - Width - 400-800 km, height 2-3 km.
248. The saltiest and freshest places in the ocean? - The saltiest Red Sea - 42%, the freshest - the Bay of Bengal - 30-34%.
249. What is the temperature of the water surface in the northern part of the ocean? - +250 C, +280 C.
250. What is the maximum thickness of sedimentary rocks in the ocean - 5,5 km. In the Ganges delta.
251. Who made 7 great scientific voyages to the Indian Ocean? - ________________
252. What did the English traveler James Cook (2-1771) do in the ocean in the second half of the XVIII century? - He determined the depth of the ocean.
253. What branches are divided into the ridges of the Central Indian Ocean? - Arabian-Indian, West Indies and Australia-Antarctica.
254. Sardolena, Skunbareya Flying fish are found in which part of the Indian Ocean? - Northern Equatorial min.
255. How much of the world's fish is caught in the Indian Ocean? - Only 5%.
256. What is the weight of the Emperor and Adeli penguins? - The Emperor ping-45 kg. Adeliniki-6 kg.
257. Warm and cold currents in the Indian Ocean? - There are warm currents such as the southern passat, Mozambique, monsoon, needle nose, as well as westerly winds and Somali cold currents.
258. Peripheral seas in the Indian Ocean? - Commonwealth, David, Red, Timor Sea.
259. Where in the Indian Ocean are pearls and pearls mined? - From Sri Lanka, the Bahrain Islands and northwestern Australia.
260. What is extracted from the Bassov Strait? - Oil.
Topic: Arctic Ocean.
261. General information about the Arctic Ocean? - Total area - 14100000 km2. The average depth is 1225 m. The deepest place - Litke sediment - 5527 m. Water volume is 18 million km3. The number of seas is 11. The highest rise is Mezen Labi-10 m. The largest bay - Gudzong - 848 thousand km3.
262. Who wrote the first information about the Arctic Ocean in 1 BC? - The Greek scientist Pytheas called it the "Turned Sea".
263. What is the name of the Arctic Ocean by the Europeans? - Hyperborean - (Greek - "god of the north winds").
264. How many years ago did the ocean appear? - 60 million years.
265. The largest islands and archipelagos? - Novaya Zemlya, Novaya Siberia, Severnaya Zemlya, Shipisbereng, Franz Josef Land.
266. Where did the Dutch seafarer Willem Barens explore in 1594-1597?
267. In 1893-1896, who went to the northern part of the Arctic on the ship "Farim" to study the depths and currents of the ocean? - Norwegian tourist F. Nansen.
268. What are the piles of ice in the Arctic Ocean called? - Tauruses.
269. The thickness of iceberg deposits in the ocean? - 1000-3500 m.
270. How many underwater ridges and length of Lomonosov ridge? - Number of ridges 3, length of Lomonosov ridge - 2000 km.
271. What is the salinity of surface water and ocean floor? - The salinity of surface water is 30-32%, at the bottom - 34-35%.
272. What is the average salinity of water? - 30%.
273. How long is the navigation period? - 1-4 months.
274. What do seabirds produce in the Arctic? - Bird market.
275. In which seas do ships sail throughout the year? - On the Norwegian coast and in the Barents Sea.
276. The thickness of perennial ice in the Arctic Ocean? - 3-5 meters.
Subject: Africa. Geographical location and history of study.
277. General information about the African continent? - Area - 303000 thousand km3. The highest point above sea level is Klimanjaro volcano - 5895 m. The lowest place above sea level - Lake Assal - 153 m. The northernmost edge of the continent — Ras Engel b. The southernmost point of the continent is Igna b. The westernmost point of the continent - Almadi b. The easternmost point of the continent is Ras Hafun b. The longest river is the Nile 6671 km. The largest lake is Victoria, 69463 km3. The largest island-Madakaskar-587041 km2.
278. What is the meaning and origin of the word Africa? - The word Africa has been used since the II century BC and is derived from the name of the Afar tribe of ancient Berbers.
279. What was the African continent originally called? - Libya.
280. The intersection of the main meridian and the equator? - The Gulf of Guinea.
281. Who are the peoples of northern Africa, from the Gulf of Sidra and Gabes to Tunisia? VIII century.
282. The tourist left by the lion's mouth? - David Livingston.
283. A tourist who during his travels collected interesting information about the nature and population of Africa and did topographic work, hydrological and meteorological work? - Juncker in the late XIX century.
284. A geographer who collected samples from more than 6 cultivated plants and determined that Abyssinia was the homeland of valuable durum wheat? - NIVavilov.
285. On which mountain is Lake Tana located? - In the mountains of Ethiopia.
286. 98% of diamonds and 76% of gold are mined from which continent? - From the African continent.
287. How does the amount of oil change in South Africa? - Decreases from east to west.
288. A traveler who explored the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa? - 1487 Bartolomeu Diash.
289. What does "30500 km" mean? - The length of the coast of Africa.
290. Areas of East Africa? - From the Gulf of Aqaba to the lower reaches of the Zambezi River.
291. 5199 m, 5109 m, 5895 m, 4620 m, 4165 m, - which mountain peaks does it belong to? - Kenya (5199 m), Margerita (5109 m), Klimanjaro (5895 m), Ras Dashen (4620 m), Tubkal (4165m).
292. What year is called the Year of Africa? - 1960 17 states.
293. Which Moroccan tourist is famous for his study of the nature, population, customs and economy of Africa? - Ibn Battuta.
294. Where did Ibn Battuta study? - He studied the northern and eastern coasts of Africa, the Nile basin (1395-1349). The western part of the Sahara Desert has been studied from the upper reaches of the Niger River to the middle reaches.
295. What geographical event took place on May 1498, 20? - The Portuguese Vosco da Gama arrived in the Indian port of Calcutta.
296. Where did the British traveler David Livingistan explore Africa? - He explored the Kalahari Desert, the Zambezi River, the upper reaches of the Congo, Lake Nyasa and Lake Tanganyika. Named after Victoria Falls.
297. Who identified the islands of Zanzibar, Lake Victoria and the source of the Nile as Cagera? - English tourist-GMStenli (1817-1877).
298. Russian scientists who studied the life of the peoples of African nature? - VV Juncker, YPKavalevsky, AAYeliseyev, NIVavilov examined and studied.
Topic: Geological structure and minerals.
299. When did Af Mate form an integrated platform with the Arabian Peninsula? - 180 million years ago.
300. In what period of deformation was the Red Sea opened? - In the deformation of the Alps.
301. What is the length of the fault in East Africa? - 6500 km.
302. In what places are deep lakes? - In grabens.
303. What caused the spread of igneous rocks in Africa? - Ore mineral.
304. What minerals is rich in Africa? - Crystalline rocks - iron, chromium, copper, zinc, tin, uranium ore, gold, sedimentary rocks - coal, oil, natural gas, manganese ore, salts, phosphorites.
305. Which countries are located in the border zone of the famous copper region? - Zanzibar and Congo.
306. What is common in the continental shelf of sedimentary rocks? - Coal, oil, natural gas, salts, manganese ores and phosphates are common.
307. What are the parts of Africa in terms of relief? - Low and high Africa.
308. What are the forms of relief in "low" Africa? - There are many sandy lowlands. The Sahara Desert, the Congo Basin, Darfur, Achaemenid, Tibet.
309. Where does "high" Africa belong? - Occupied East and South Africa.
310. Where is the border between "Low" and "High" Africa? - Angola-Ethiopia route.
311. In which Africa are the mountains of Ethiopia, the plains of East Africa and the plains of South Africa? - High Africa.
312. The lowest place in "Low" Africa? - Kattora Basin (-133m).
313. In which basin is Lake Assal located? - In Afar basin.
314. What are the main landforms of "Low" Africa? - North-West plateau and deserts, mountains.
315. Where are iron ore deposits mined? - In the Atlas Mountains.
316. What fields are abundant in North Africa? - Oil fields.
Topic: African climate and its main features.
317. What factors make up the African climate? - Geographical location, air pressure and masses, relief, ocean currents.
318. The most rainy place in Africa? - Up to 10000 mm to the city of Debunja in the Gulf of Guinea.
319. Mountains in South Africa? - Cap and Dragon Mountains.
320. Why is Africa the hottest continent? - Most of it is located in the illumination zone, ie in the latitudes of the tropics.
321. Where in Africa 1 cm2160-200 kcal of energy falls on the surface? - Near the equator.
323. Which trade winds do not bring rain? - North-east trade winds.
324. Where do the southeastern passes bring a lot of precipitation? - In the eastern part of the Dragon Mountains to the mountains of the island of Madakaskar, the coast of the Strait of Mozambique.
325. Which regions of Africa receive 3000-5000 mm of precipitation? - In the eastern part of the island of Madakasker, on the western slopes of the flat mountains of East Africa.
326. In which parts of Africa was the influence of relief on the climate most pronounced? - In South Africa.
327. In which mountains of Africa it snows? - Atlas, to the highest parts of Kilimanjaro.
328. What type of oil is found in the Namib desert? - Dew.
329. What is the noosphere? - Greek - "sphere of the mind" - the biosphere, where human mental activity has become a major factor. The highly developed stage of the biosphere.
330. The 1st country to establish slavery in Africa? - Portugal.
331. Where is the lowest temperature in Africa? - In Morocco - 150C cold.
332. The tallest waterfall in Africa? - Tugela ball.933 m.
333. What is the height of Kanurun volcano? -4070 meters.
334. Which country belongs to the main part of the Nubian desert? - Sudan.
335. Africa stretches 8000 km from north to south and 7500 km from west to east.
Topic: Inland waters.
336. What% of Nile water is used for irrigation, evaporation and soil? - 70%.
337. The length is 4320 km, the area of ​​the basin is 3,8 million km2, A river with 32 waterfalls named Livinoston and 7 waterfalls named after Stanley? - Congo.
338. What is the difference between the Congo and the Nile? - Its wetlands are large and do not form a delta.
339. The length of the Niger River and the area of ​​the basin? - Length - 4160 km, the area of ​​the basin - 2 million km2.
340. The lake that changes its basin? - Lake Chad.
341. Which rivers flow into Lake Chad and what is their depth? - The river Hiari flows, depth - 4-7 m.
342. What are the names of stagnant lakes in Africa - Chad, Rudolf, Rukva lakes.
343. In which deserts groundwater is found? - Sahara-Kabr, Namib, Kalahari-Somali deserts.
344. What are the small rivers of Africa in the Indian Ocean? - Zambezi, Limpapo, Rufiji, Tana, Jubba, Uabi-Shebelle and other rivers.
345. The source and source of the Orange River? - The source is the Dragon Mountain, the source is the Atlantic Ocean.
346. What is the length of the river Zambezi? - -2660 km.
347. On which river was the Aswan dam built? - On the Nile.
348. Uzbek scientist who measured the water level of the Nile? - Al-Farghani.
349. What is the length of the longest lake in the world? - Tanganyika is more than 650 km.
350. Which lake does Koknil start from? - Tana lake.
351. Which lake's name means "water" in the local language? - Lake Chad.
Topic: Climate zones.
352.How is Africa relative to the equator? - Symmetric.
353. How many climate zones are there in Africa? - 1 equatorial, 2 subequatorial, tropical and subtropical climate min. place
354. Where is the equatorial region? - Part of the Congo River basin and the coast of Guinea.
355. In which climate zone is observed only in summer? - In the equatorial region.
356. What climate is typical for hot summers and dry winters? - Subequatorial average temperature 200c decreases.
357. Sand wind blowing in the North Tropic? - Strong "samum" wind in Arabic "hot wind".
358. What is a valley? - A dry river is full of sudden rains.
359. In what season in the subtropical climate zone tropical air masses prevail? - In summer.
360. Which climate zone is the northern and southern hemisphere 150-200extends to latitudes? - Subequatorial.
361. Describe the subtropical climate region? - The northern and southern regions of the subtropical climate are the northwestern part of the continent (July +27 each).0 C, +280 C, January +110 C, +120 C) and in the south-west (July + 130 C, +140 C, January +210 C) dry summers, humid winters.
362. A region rising from the east like a huge impassable wall with a height of almost 3000 m? - The mountains of Abyssinia.
363. Which river means "black" in Latin? - Niger River
Topic: Natural zones. Nature of equatorial forests and savannas.
1. What natural zones are there in Africa? - On the African continent there is a zone of permanent equatorial forests, seasonal wetlands, savannas and sparse forests, steppes and deserts, solids. zones of deciduous evergreens and shrubs are repeated 2 times.
2. In which natural zone red-yellow laterite or ferralite soils are found? - In the equatorial forest zone.
3. Animals not found on the continent other than the African continent? - Giraffe, zebra, lion, hippopotamus, gorella, okapi, Af ostrich, lemur, marabu, genu deer, mirza bird, red goose.
4. The largest natural area in Africa? - Savannas 40%.
5. In what desert does the Vilvechia plant grow and how long does it live? - In the Namib desert. Lives 150-200 years.
6. What disease is transmitted to humans by Setse mosquitoes? - Sleep sickness.
7. When does it mainly rain in the savannas and how many months does the rainy season last? - It rains mainly in summer, the rainy season lasts 6 months.
8. What are the most common tree species in the savannahs? - Acacia, sand palm.
9. What is the height and weight of the largest African ostrich? - Height - 2,8 m, weight - 90 kg.
10. How many species of trees and plants are there in the equatorial forest zone? - 1000 species of trees, 25000 species of plants.
11. In which TZ grows umbrella acacia, baobab, mimosa? - In the savanna and sparse forests.
12. Find TZ, which grows aloe and wild watermelon? - In the desert and meadows.
13. In which TZ live the most animals in the trees? - Wet equatorial forests.
14. Extremely greedy bird - Where does Marabu live? - Savannah and sparse forests.
15. Oily (oily) palm - how many liters of sweet juice in the rainy season and what is prepared? - 15 liters, from which wine and drinks are made.
16. The name of a tree that is 20 m high, 30 m in circumference and can hold up to 120 liters of water in its body, can live up to 5000 years? - Baobab.
17. Who is the second tourist to travel around the world? - James Cook.
18. What is the name of the equatorial forests in Africa? - Gilea.
Topic: Tropical deserts and subtropics.
1. What percentage and in what part of the continent are tropical deserts? - 30% and located in the northern part.
2. What is the area of ​​the Sahara Desert, the largest and hottest desert in the world? - 7,8 million km2.
3. How much land do the oases occupy in the Sahara Desert? - 3% more 200000 km2.
4. What causes the formation of rocks, cracks and fissures in the deserts, leading to the formation of rocky deserts? - Daytime 400-500 C li temperature, 0 at night0 As a result of the decrease in C.
5. What do the locals call the rocky deserts in S.Kabr? - Gamada.
6. What is the temperature at the top of the Atlas Mountains at 3000 m and how much snow falls? - Weather - 100-170 Cool to C, 2 m of snow.
7. The capital of Senegal? - Dakar.
8. 15% of the territory of which country consists of national parks. Congo.
9. The name of the main plant of S. Kabir oasis? - Date.
10. What is extracted in the Libyan desert? - Oil.
11. What deserts occupy a large area in S. Kabir? - Sandy deserts.
12. What plants grow on the shores and slopes of the northern subtropics? - Maquis, olives, small palms, cork oak.
13. Where does Bonan, a woody herbaceous plant, grow? - In humid equatorial forests.
Topic: Natural and geographical areas. Population of.
1. How many geographical regions of Africa are divided by natural conditions? - 4 of them - North, Central, East and South Africa.
2. In what country are the savannas of Sudan, the Sahara Desert and the Atlas Mountains? - In North Africa.
3. Where does the territory of Central Africa cover? - The coast of Guinea and the Congo Basin.
4. What are the main mountains of East Africa? - The mountains of Ethiopia and the plateaus of East Africa.
5. Which country has the hottest and coldest climate? - In Central and East Africa.
6. A country rich in diamonds and gold? - South Africa.
7. What is the total population of Africa - 869,2 million people?
8. In which country are the young Burmese mountains? - In North Africa.
9. Country with oil, gas and phosphate residues? - North Africa.
10. How many national parks and reserves are established on the continent? - 392.
11. South of which river basin does South Africa occupy the territory? - Congo-Zambezi.
12. In which country is Kruger National Park located? - South Africa Res (JAR).
13. A dwarf tribe living in Central Africa? - Pygmy 140-142 cm.
14. How many different natural complexes are there in North Africa? - 3
1) Permanent evergreen forests and shrubs with hard leaves.
2) Sandy, rocky desert Sahara Tomb.
3) Vegetation-rich savannah Sudan or Sahel.
15. In which country grow redwood, oil palm, seyba, muscat trees, rubber trees, which are used for expensive furniture? - In Central Africa.
16. Which peoples live in North Africa? - Arabs and Berbers.
17. What plants grow in the subtropical landscape of South Africa? - Cypress, cap olive, silver tree, cedar, African walnut, cap chestnut, yellow tree.
18. In which countries are the largest national parks? - In East and South Africa.
19. Mountains that appeared at the same time as the Alps and the Himalayas? - Atlas Mountains.
20. A mixture of Mongoloid and Negroid races? - Malagasy.
21. What is the population density in the Nile Delta? - 1 people per 1000 sq. Km is very dense.
22. What is grown in the Niger and Senegal river valleys of the savannas? - Rice.
23. A mixture of Europoid and Negroid races? - Mulat.
Topic: Geographical location of Australia. History of study, Relief.
1. General information about Australia? - Area - 8959000 km2. The highest point above sea level is Mount Jaya - 5030 m. The lowest point above sea level is Air North k-16 m. The farthest north point is York b, the farthest south point is Southeast b, the farthest west point is Stip Pointb, the farthest northeast is Byron b. The longest river is Murray 3490 m, the largest lake is Air North-15000 km2. The largest island is New Guinea 792540 km2.
2. What is the meaning of the word Australia? - Latin-southern.
3. Who was the first European to set foot on Australian land? - William Janzan from the Netherlands.
4. In 1606, William Yanszan explored which peninsula and what was the name of the mainland? - Cape York explored the island. As the new Dutch.
5. The tourist who discovered the north-west coast of the continent, determined that Australia was a separate continent? - James Cook, 1769-1770.
6. What is the length of the coast of the continent? - 19700 km.
7. What is the share of islands and peninsulas? - 22%.
8. Who discovered the island of Tasmania in 1642? - Dutch sailor Abel Tasman.
9. In which mountain bend rises the Great Suayirgh ridge in the east? - In the Gersin mountain bend.
10. What minerals are located on the ground of the platforms? - Ore minerals such as iron, copper, lead, zinc, uranium ore, tin, gold, platinum.
11. What is Australia famous for in the world? - In the extraction of rust, lead and silver.
12. Phosphorite, salt, coal and lignite, oil and natural gas are contained in which rocks? - Sedimentary rocks.
13. Australia is a world leader in terms of reserves? - Iron and non-ferrous metals (bauxite, lead, zinc, nickel).
14. Australia is divided into how many parts according to the relief structure? - 3 parts: 1) Western Australian plateau 2) Central plain 3) Large watershed.
15. In which cities do half of the population live? - Sydney and Melbourne.
16. The height of Kossyushko peak? - 2228 meters.
17. How far is Australia from north to south and from west to east? - 3200 km from north to south, 4100 km from west to east.
18. Homeland of coffee? - Ethiopia.
19. Plains in Australia? - Nallabore, Ayers Rock, flat mountains of Western Australia.
20. The peninsulas in northern Australia? - Cape York and Arnhem Lands.
21. What is the length of the Great Barrier Reef? - 2300 km.
22. When was the conquest of Australia discussed? - By the end of the XVIII century.
23. Which continent does not have modern glaciers and extinct volcanoes? - On the Australian mainland.
24. Where is the largest coal basin? - New South Wales.
25. Where are the main gold deposits? - In the flat mountains of western Australia.
Topic: Australian climate, inland waters, natural areas.
1. How many times is Australia dry compared to Africa? - 5 times.
2. Which winds bring a lot of precipitation to the eastern slopes of the Great Watershed? - Southeast passats.
3. How many climate zones are there in Australia? - 4: 1) Subequatorial climate, 2) Tropical climate zone 3) Subtropical climate zone, 4) Moderate climate zone.
4. Describe the subequatorial climate zone? - 200 occupies the territory of jk gancha. Equatorial air masses bring a lot of precipitation in summer (800-2000 mm), tropical air masses blow in winter, dry air does not rain.
5. What are the climatic zones of the tropics? - Dry and humid tropical climate zone.
6. Which climate zone occupies the southern part of the continent and the northern part of the island of Tasmania? - Subtropical climate zones.
7. How is the amount of precipitation distributed in the subtropical climate region? - Subtropical climate type (300-1000 mm) from west to east Continental climate type (precipitation 100-500 mm) and humid subtropical climate type (oil in the south-east) in 2000-3000 mm).
8. Why are there so few rivers in Australia? - Because most of the continent is located in a dry tropical climate, there are few rivers.
9. 60%, 7%, 33% of Australia's inland waters belong to which ocean basins? - 60% belong to the closed closed basin, 7% to the Pacific Ocean and 33% to the Indian Ocean.
10. What is a creek? - Dry riverbeds.
11. What do rivers in Australia saturate with? - They are saturated with rain and groundwater.
12. What is the area of ​​Lake Air? - 15000 km2.
13. Where on the mainland there is a lot of groundwater? - Desert and semi-desert.
14. What natural areas are there in Australia? - Wet equatorial forests, evergreen hardwood forests, deserts, savanna and sparse forests, mixed forests, tropical forests.
15. Which island is covered with mixed forests? - Tasmania.
16. Australian aborigines migrated by boat? - (from Indonesia) from Southeast Asia.
17. What plants and animals are typical of the savannas? - Eucalyptus, acacia, cassowary, bottle-shaped trees, kangaroos, vambat, sack ants live.
18. In what forests do koalas, lirodums, kangaroos, baggy devils, duck-nosed yexidna, colorful parrots live? - In tropical forests.
19. Dry shrubs in the desert and semi-desert zones of Australia, consisting of low, thorny acacia and eucalyptus - what is it called? - Scrap.
20. The number of species of eucalyptus? - More than 600.
21. How many of the 12 species of plants in Australia are endemic? - 9000, 75%.
22. What% of continental animals do not occur anywhere on earth? - 90%.
23. How many of the 670 species of birds in Australia are endemic? - 450 species.
24. Where is the longest annual rainfall in Australia? - 3535 mm in the village of Innesfeim.
25. What is the population of Australia - 19,9 million (2004) people.
26. How many species of sacks are there in Australia? - 162 species.
27. Where is the island of Grud-Aylent? - The Gulf of Carpentaria.
28. Strait between Cape York Peninsula and New Guinea? - Torres Strait.
29. On which side of Australia is the city of Adelaide located? - In the south.
Subject: Oceania.
1. What is the area of ​​islands in the ocean - 1,3 million km2.
2. How many islands does Oceania include? - More than 7000.
3. Which islands make up about 90% of Oceania? - New Guinea and New Zealand.
4. What are the geographical regions of Oceania? - Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia.
5. What is the average annual temperature? - +230C, +280C.
6. What islands are New Guinea, Solomon, New Hybrid, New Caledonia? - Melanesia (black islands).
7. How many species of plants are there on the island of New Guinea? - More than 2000.
8. Which islands in the ocean are geosynclinal islands? - Mariana, New Caledonia.
9. What are the minerals? - Non-ferrous metal ores, coal, phosphate, bauxite, oil, etc.
10. On which islands live the 3-meter-tall Moa chicken, 3-eyed lizard, kiwi chicken? - New Zealand.
11. What is the annual amount of precipitation on the slopes of Hawaii? - 12500-14000 mm.
12. Islands included in the geo.oblast of Micronesia (small islands)? - Guam, Marian, Marjan Marshall, Gilbert, Ellis Islands, Caroline Islands.
13. What are the islands of Hawaii, Pakha, Tuamotu? - Volcanic islands.
14. What is the population of Oceania - 12,7 million people (2004).
15. What percentage of the total population of Native New Zealand is indigenous? - Maors 9%.
16. What kind of plants do locals grow? - Coconut palm, banana, sugar cane, pineapple, coffee, cocoa.
17. How far is the Hawaiian Islands? - 2500 km.
18. What is the percentage of the total land area of ​​Oceania? - Only 2%.
19. How many meters above the mountains of New Guinea there is permanent snow, small glaciers? - 4420 m.
20. Polynesia- Hawaii, Tuamotis, Tonga, Cook, Society, Marquis.
Topic: Antarctica. Geographical location, history of study, geological structure of relief, excavations.
1. General information about Antarctica? - Area - 14 million km2, highest point- Vinson massif- (Elsuer mountains) 5140m, lowest place-Bentley sediment- (Ice mountain) -2555 m. The average height of the ice surface is 2040 m.
2. Compare the concepts of Antarctica and Antarctica? - Antarctica is a southern geographical region. It includes the islands and seas in and around Antarctica. The area is 52,5 million km2. Antarctica is an icy continent with an area of ​​14 million kmXNUMX2.
3. The literal meaning of the word Antarctica? - The reverse side of the Arctic.
4. What is the length of the coastline in Antarctica - 30000 km.
5. The largest peninsula? - Antarctica.
6. On which coast is the erebus volcano in Antarctica located? - In the Ross Sea.
7. Which continent is called the Continent of Science and Peace? - The Continent of Antarctica.
8. How many seas are there around Antarctica? - 12.
9. 1st and 2nd tourists in the South Pole? - 1) Norwegian R. Amundsen (December 1911, 14) 2) Englishman R. Scott. (January 1912, 18).
10. What years are called the International Year of Geophysics? - 1957-1959.
11. When was the Treaty of Antarctica adopted? - 1959 between 11 countries.
12. In what transformation of the ridge in the trans-infarction? - In the Alpine deformation.
13. When did the ice cover begin? - 360 million years ago.
14. When were the modern glaciers formed? - 20 million years ago.
15. How many meters is the thickest part of the ice in Antarctica? - 4500 meters.
16. The highest continent? - The average altitude in Antarctica is 2000 km.
17. How much of the relief of the ice sheet in Antarctica is below sea level? - 70%.
18. In which plane is the Bentley sediment located? - In the Baird plane - 2555 m.
19. What is Nunutak? - The peaks of the mountains protruding from the ice are called Nunutak in science.
20. Where is the South Magnetic Pole now? - Adelie.
21. In 1898, 1900, which Norwegian tourist spent the winter in Victoria, Antarctica. K.Borxgreving.
22. When did Antarctica begin to be studied by aircraft? - Since 1928.
23. Which station is currently operating on the mainland? - Molodyozhnaya station.
Topic: Climate and organic world.
1. What percentage of the world's glaciers and freshwater reserves are in Antarctica? - 87% of glaciers and 80% of freshwater reserves are here.
2. How do winds blow in Antarctica? - Strong winds blow towards the ocean, 1-30 m per second, sometimes up to 35 m.
3. What is the average temperature in winter? - -600 C is often -700-800Will be lower than C.
4. What is the distribution of precipitation in Antarctica? - In the center of the continent, the amount of precipitation is 30-50 mm, increasing towards the coast. 600-700mm. It is snowing.
5. In what climatic zones is the territory of Antarctica? - Antarctica and subantarctica.
6. What animals live in the coastal areas of Antarctica - blue whales, seals, sea tigers, southern seals and sea lions and penguins.
7. Since when is it forbidden to hunt blue whales in Antarctica? - Since 1967.
8. What is the area of ​​the islands near Antarctica - 75000 km2.
9. Where is the thickest part of the ice in Antarctica? - Victoria. Knee
10. Identify the sea that does not belong to Antarctica? - Fiji.
11. How many species of penguins are there? - 17 species.
12. What are the "Antarctic oases"? - Lands on the shores of the continent completely free of ice and snow. What is the temperature in the summer on the ice-free slopes? - +130Can reach up to C.
Subject: South America. Geographical location, history of study, geological structure.
1. The most fertile continent? - South America.
2. General information about South America? - Area - 17800000 km2. The highest altitude above sea level is Akangkagua t, 6960 m. The lowest point above sea level is Valdes, 40 m. The northernmost point of the continent is Galinos b. The southernmost point is Frouerd b. The westernmost point is Prinyas b. The easternmost point is Kabu-Branku b. The longest river is the Amazon 6400 km. The largest lake is Maracaibo, 14343 km2, The largest island-fire area is 48200 km.
3. How far is South America from north to south and from west to east? - From north to south - 7000 km. It stretches 5000 km from west to east.
4. Which current flows in the southeastern part of South America? - Falkland cold current.
5. What did our compatriot A. Beruni say about the existence of the American continent?
6. Where did H. Columbus go on October 1492, 12? - To the island of San Salvador.
7. Which tourist of Italian origin explored the northern coast of South America in 1499-1504? - Amerigo Vespucci.
8. In what year was the continent of the new world called America? - 1507.
9. Who made a great contribution to the scientific study of South America? - German traveler - A. Humboldt, French botanist - E. Bonplan.
10. German tourist who studied the nature of the Andes? - A. Humboldt.
11. Russian scientist who collected interesting information about the nature and population of the continent? - NGRubsov, GILongsdarf, AIVoyeykov, NIVavilov.
12. When was the Gorin nose invented by whom? - 1616 W. Scheiten (Dutch).
13. What is the length of the coast of South America? - 28700 km.
14. The largest peninsula in South America? - The island of Guaxira.
15. Neblina peak, 3014 m high, is located on which flat mountain? - In the flat mountain of Guiana.
16. What low plains are there in South America? - The Amazon and La Plata plains, the Orinoco plain.
17. What deposits are present in the igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Andes? - Copper, tin, lead, gold, silver, platinum.
18. Which of the following deposits are found in South America? - Boron, iodine, sulfur, natural nitrate.
19. What minerals are abundant in the basaltic and metamorphic rocks of the Brazilian plateau? - Iron, diamond, ura, manganese, nickel, cobalt, tungsten.
20. In which regions of the continent there are deposits of oil, natural gas, coal? - In the sediments with sedimentary rocks.
21. What is the relief of the territory of South America? - Divided into 2 parts: 1) mountainous west 2) plain and flat mountainous.
22. The highest moving volcano in South America? - Lyulyaylyako-6723 m.
23. What is the length of the Andes? - 9000 km.
24. On which mountain is the peak of the bandeira with a height of 2890 m? - Brazilian flat mountain.
25. In which country is the Macaroni National Park located - in Colombia.
26. The widest waterfall in South America? - Iguazu 2700 m.
27. What is the height of the volcano San Pedro? - 5974 m.
28. Area 14343 km2 Geographical object? - Lake Maracai.
Topic: Climate and inland waters.
1. What parts of the continent are affected by equatorial and tropical air masses? - Central and northern.
2. What air masses dominate in the southern parts of South America? - Moderate air masses.
3. Why is there less rainfall on the west and southeast coasts of the continent? - Cold currents in Peru and the Falklands bring dry air masses.
4. How many climatic zones are there in South America? - 6. Equatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate. 1 time subequatorial climate region is repeated 2 times.
5. In which climate region the amount of precipitation is more than 3500 mm, the temperature during the year is 240-250 Around C? - In the equatorial climate zone.
6. Describe the subequatorial climate region? - 2 seasons are clearly expressed. In summer it rains 1000-2000 mm. The average monthly temperature is +250 C. No precipitation in winter, temperature +200 C atrophy.
7. Describe the tropical climate of the region? - In the eastern part of the Brazilian plateau, the precipitation is about 1500-2000 mm. The average temperature in January is +250 C, and in July +170C, + 190C. 250-500 mm of precipitation falls near the Andes.
8. Under the influence of which cold current formed the Atacama Desert? - Peruvian cold current.
9. Which climate zone is the mainland 300 will 400 - Subtropical climate zone.
10. Describe the temperate climate region? - On the Pacific coast, the annual rainfall is 2000-3000 mm. In the east, the climate is temperate continental with precipitation of 300-400 mm. The winter is cold and snowy. In summer there are snowstorms.
11. Which river has more than 500 tributaries? - The Amazon River.
12. What is the width of the middle reaches of the Amazon River, downstream, at the confluence? - The width of the middle reaches - 5 km, the width of the lower reaches - 80 km, the confluence - 320 km.
13. What is the width and height of the waterfall Iguazu on the Parana River? - Width - 2700 m, height - 2 m.
14. From which river does the highest waterfall in the world flow? - Anzel from the Churuk tributary of the Orinoco River. 1054 m.
15. On which river the phenomenon of "rapid flow" is observed up to 1400 km? - On the Amazon River.
16. Predatory fish found in the Amazon River? - Piranha.
17. Where does the Magdalene River flow? - To the Caribbean Sea.
18. Which rivers of South America belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin? - Amazon, Parana, Tocantins, Orinoco, San Francisco, Uruguay.
19. From which mountains does the Paraná River begin? - From the Andes and the flat mountains of Brazil.
20. A beautiful flowering plant with leaves 2 m in diameter in the Amazon River? - Lily (Vector) regiya.
21. The hottest place in South America? - +460 C is in Rivadavia.
22. Where is the lowest temperature in South America?0C in Sarmienta.
23. The highest rainfall in South America? - 7155 mm Buenaventura, Colombia.
24. Which climate zone in South America is 2? - Subequatorial.
25. When was Angel Falls discovered? In 1935.
Natural zones, altitude zones.
1. Which river is formed by the confluence of the Maranon and Ukayali rivers?
2. What are the natural zones in South America? - Equatorial, subequatorial forests, savannas, steppes, semi-deserts, deserts and deciduous forests.
3. What are the equatorial forests called in the local language? - Selva (Portuguese "forest")
4. What is the Amazon? - This is the name of the forest areas in the Amazon Basin.
5. What valuable trees grow in the Amazon? - Rubber hevea, all kinds of palms, cocoa, seyba, melon trees are also native.
6. From which tree did T. Heyerdahl build his ship "Kon-Tiki"? - From the tree of balsa.
7. Podzolic lateritic soils - red-yellow ferralites, which forests are typical? - Equatorial forests.
8. The height of the Seyba tree? - 80 meters.
9. Animals living in the equatorial forest zone? - Monkeys, sloths, tapirs, piranhas, water pigs - Caribbeans, anaconda snakes, jaguars, frogs, birds - calibers, parrots, peaches, butterflies beetles.
10. What areas are included in the subequatorial forest zone? - The northern slopes of the flat mountains of Brazil and Guyana.
11. How much rain falls per year in subequatorial forests? - 2000-3000 mm.
12. What is the fauna of the savannas like?
13. What is the steppe zone in South America called? - Panpa ("treeless" land in the Indian language).
14. What plants and animals are found in the steppes? - From plants - chalov, beta, wild millet, from animals - llamas, ostriches, pampas deer. Pampa the cat lived.
15. What is Patagonia? - A country with harsh natural conditions and low rainfall.
16. In what climate zone is the desert zone? - In the temperate zone.
17. What are the plants and animals of Patagonia? - Grasses and thorny shrubs grow. Animals such as rodents, nutria, small armor live.
18. In what natural zone does the tree, which is called "Ax breaks" due to the hardness of the wood, grow? What is the name of this plant? - Kebracho tree Savannah and sparse forest zone.
19. What do we call the "lungs of our planet"? - Amazonian forests.
20. What is a campus? - A zone of living savannas in Brazil.
21. What is the subtropical steppe and desert zone in South America? - Patagonia.
22. The smallest bird? - Caliber weight 1,6-1,8 g, length 5,5 cm. There are 500 types.
23. What kind of animal is a chinchilla? - The fur is the most valuable rodent.
24. What are the dry mountain steppes and deserts of the high mountains called? - Pune.
25. What is the order of altitude in the Andes? - 1) All equatorial forests up to 1000 m. 2) mountain forests 1000-2000 m. 3) High mountain forests 2000-3000 m. 4) High mountain meadows 3000-4000 m. 5) Snow and glaciers 5000-6000 m.
26. What is Paramas? - High mountain meadows.
27. A bird of prey in the Andes? - Condor.
28. What soils are widespread in Patagonia? - Low-yielding gray soils.
29. Where is the number of savannas? - In the lowlands, flat mountains of subequatorial climates.
30. A river with a length of 2730 km? - Orinoco.
Topic: Natural geographical areas. Population of.
1. What are the major natural geographical areas of South America? - 2 major countries - Mountain west and plain east.
2. Amazon is located between which flat mountains? - The flat mountains of Guiana and Brazil.
3. In which country in South America the temperature is +24 all year round0, + 270Precipitation is around 1500-3000 mm.?- Amazon.
4. In what months do the left and right tributaries of the Amazon flow? - The left tributaries flow from April to June, and the right tributaries from December to February.
5. What is the origin of the name Brazil? - From the name of the Paul-Brazil tree.
6. What deposits have been found among the sedimentary rocks in the Amazon? - Oil, natural gas, non-ferrous metals, manganese, iron.
7. Where is the Brazilian Plateau? - Located between the Amazon and La Plata plains and the Atlantic Ocean.
8. What rocks make up the surface of the Brazilian Plateau? - Mainly the oldest crystalline and metamorphic rocks.
9. In what regions are located the largest and southern parts of the Brazilian Plateau? - The largest part is located in the subequatorial and tropical southern part in the subtropical region.
10. Describe the climate of the Brazilian plateau? - The average temperature in January is +220C and +290 C gacah, average July temperature +120 until. The average oil content is 1400-2000 mm.
11. What are the rivers of the Brazilian plateau fed by? - Rain.
12. Plants and animals of the Brazilian Plateau? - In the forests of the north grow warm palms, in the south - Brazilian acacia, in the evergreen forests - Paraguayan tea. Rare forests and savannas are inhabited by red beaks, wolves, red deer, and ostriches.
13. What is the population of South America? - 367,2 million people (2004).
14. When did people come to the mainland from Asia? - 20 thousand years ago.
15. Which country speaks Portuguese? - Brazil.
16. In what century did the Spaniards and Portuguese first settle in South America? - In the XVI century.
17. Describe the concepts of mestizo, mulatto, sambo? -
Mixture of Europeans and Indians-Metis.
Mixed Negro with European-Mulat.
The mixture of Iders and Negroes is called Sambo.
18. Which country speaks Spanish and Kecna? - Peru
19. Mountains rich in gold and diamonds? - Brazilian flat mountains.
20. The oil-rich plain of South America? - Orinoco pastekis.
Topic: Geographical location of North America, history of study, geological structure, minerals.
1. General information about North America? - Area - 24200000 km2. The highest elevation above sea level is McKinley ch, 6194 m. The lowest point above sea level is Death Valley-86 m. The northernmost point of the continent is Merchison b, the southernmost point is Mariato b, the westernmost point is Prince B of Wales, the easternmost point is St. Charles, the longest river is Mississippi 6019 km. The largest lake - Upper Lake - 82100 km2. The largest island - Gereland - 2175600 km2.
2. The length of the coast of North America? - 75600 km.
3. What percentage of the continent are islands and peninsulas? - 25%.
4. Who among the Russian tourists in 1732 explored the north-eastern coast of the continent? - I. Fyodorov and M. Gvozdev.
5. Who determined the geographical location of the North Magnetic Pole? - R. Amundsen in the early twentieth century.
6. Which coast of North America is strongly fragmented? - North and East.
7. At the end of the X century, who will study Gereland, the north-eastern part of the continent? - Eric Randa.
8. Who discovered the Hudson's Bay and Strait in 1609-1610? - G. Hudson.
9. Where did Bering and Chirikov study in 1741? - He studied the Aleutian Islands and the coast of Alaska and made a map.
10. Who has a great role in the organization of trade? - G. Shelikhov.
11. The territory monopolized by the Russians in 1798? - "Russian America", ie Alaska. island.
12. When did Russia sell Alaska to the United States? - 1867.
13. In what era did North America break away from Eurasia? - At the beginning of the Mesozoic era.
14. How far apart are Eurasia and North America over the last 1 million years? - 40 km.
15. What are the deposits of igneous and metamorphic rocks and flat mountains? - Iron, Uranium, copper, nickel, gold, silver.
16. What minerals are rich in the Apallachi Mountains? - Ore minerals.
17. On which side of Mount Apallachi is the Flint-Mammoth Cave? - On the south-western slope.
18. What is the name of the deepest and narrowest gorge in the world? - 320 km - on the Calado River - Grand Canyon (about 2 km)
19. The narrowest place in North America? - The length of Panama is 48 km.
20. What is the width of the Bering Strait? - 85 km.
21. What minerals are contained in the layers of sedimentary rocks? - Oil, gas, coal, salt.
22. Which armpit is figuratively called a "hot pan"? - Mexican armpit.
23. Geographical object called "ice bag"? - Hudson Bay.
24. The eastern slopes of which mountains are rich in coal? - Mount Cordelier.
25. In what zone do sheep live? - Arctic desert zone.
Topic: Climate and inland waters.
1. Why is the climate of North America different? - Because it stretches from north to south.
2. Which currents cause the most precipitation? - Warm currents in the North, the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf Stream.
3. The lake to the north? - The lake of big hands.
4. How many climatic zones are there in North America? - 6: Arctic, subarctic, temperate, subtropical, tropical, subequatorial.
5. The temperature is negative throughout the year, with precipitation of 50-100 mm in the west and 300-400 mm in the east, which climate is typical for this region? - Arctic climate zone.
6. Subarctic iq. min? - The average temperature in January is 250 from-300 C, +5 in July0and + 70 C each. Humidity decreases from east to west (300-600 mm).
7. Which climate region occupies a large area and the amount of precipitation decreases from east to west by 1500-1000 mm? - Moderate climate zone.
8. Description of the subtropical climate region? - 400 from the north to the Gulf of Mexico. +6 in winter0 C+80 C is warm, humid 400-500 mm, and summer is dry and warm. The Pacific coast is affected by the cold California current.
9. What is the climate zone in the southernmost narrow part of the continent? - Subequatorial climate zone.
10. The largest river on the continent? - Mississippi (large river in Hindi).
11. Where does the Mississippi River begin? - From the Rocky Mountains, the Central and Great Plains, the Appalachian Mountains.
12. Which river is called the "Mud River"? - Missouri.
13. Which river forms a long and wide estuary in the downstream? - St. Lawrence.
14. What is an estuary? - In Latin, the flooded downstream of a river.
15. Where does the Rio Grande River flow? - It starts in the Cordillera and flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
16. Niagara Falls is located between which lakes? - Lakes Erie and Ontario.
17. Which rivers in North America are fed by snow and ice? - Yukan and Mackenzie.
18. Which rivers belong to the Pacific Ocean basin? -Yukong, Columbia, Calarado rivers, Fraser.
19. What is the length of the longest Habbort Glacier in Alaska? -145 km.
20. What is the area of ​​the Great Lakes? - 246000 km2.
21. Which river connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean? - St. Lawrence.
22. Which lake in the Indian language means "Water"? - Lake Winnipeg.
23. Which river is 3700 km long? - Yukon.
24. Where was the highest rainfall? - 3830 mm in Ketchikan.
25. Where were the strongest winds observed? - On April 1934, 12 on Mount Washington 41,6 m / sec.
26. The tallest waterfall in North America? - Yosemid 757 m. On the Merdes River.
27. Which river is connected by Lakes Erie and Ontario? - Niagara.
Topic: Natural zones, altitude zones.
1. In what direction are the natural zones in the south of the continent? - In the meridian direction.
2. What natural zones are exchanged in North America? - Arctic desert, tundra and forest-tundra zones, taiga zones, mixed broadleaf forests, forest-steppe and steppe zones, semi-desert and desert. l zones, savannas and sparse forests, seasonal wet forests.
3. Which natural zone occupies the island of Gereland and the Canadian Arctic archipelago, mainly mosses and lichens, from animals polar bears, walruses, sheep, white-tailed deer. consisting of birds? - Arctic desert zone.
4. What is the width of the southern boundary of the tundra and forest tundra zone? - In the East 530 from sh k, in the west 620 sh.k.
5. What animals live in the tundra? - Reindeer, sheep, lemming, polar fox, polar wolf, white sparrow, white rabbit. Alaska is home to mountain sheep and mountain goats.
6. What is the width of the taiga zone? - 450sh k until.
7. Plants and animals and soils of the taiga zone - black and white pine, American aspen, balsam fir, pine. Douglas pine, cedar, white and black pine grow on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
8. What percentage of trees on the Labrador Peninsula is black pine? - 90%.
9. What animals live in the taiga zone? - Black and brown bear, American pig, deer, forest bison, deer, wolf, Canadian lynx, shuns, andatra, red fox.
10. Plants found on the Pacific coast? - Ducal pine, white and black pine cedar.
11. Where are the broad-leaved forests preserved only? - In the Appalachian Mountains.
12. What plants grow in the forest zone of mixed and broad-leaved forests? - Pine, birch, poplar, willow, chestnut, oak, beech, American walnut, pearl, groundnut such as plants.
13. Describe the forest-steppe and steppe zone? - On chestnut and black soils grow chalov, beta, bison grass, oak acacia, thorny shrubs. Bison, wolf, fox, deer, shuns, apossum live with a white-headed eagle.
14. In which natural zone formed red and beetroot soils? - In the zone of savanna and sparse forests.
15. Where do anaconda snakes live? - On the coast of Nicaragua.
16. What plants are found in the savanna and sparse forests? - High grasses, cacti, acacia, oak, pine.
17. Oak, carob pine, palm, cypress, from animals: alligator, black snake, turkey, which natural zone is typical? - Zone of seasonal wet forests.
18. Plants and animals found in semi-desert and desert zones? - Black wormwood, cactus and yucca, black snakes and rodents, reptiles, shields.
19. In which mountains are formed altitude zones? - In the Cordillera and Appalachian Mountains.
20. What altitude zones are exchanged in the Cordelera Mountains? - Steppe, forest-steppe, broad and coniferous forests, sparse low-curved forests, high mountains, grassy rocks, snow and glaciers.
21. The largest cactus in North America? - Saguara height 24 m.
22. Where does a sequoia tree with a height of 100 m and a width of 9 m grow? - In subtropical mountain forests.
23. In which national park in Canada are bison protected? - Wood Buffalo National Park.
24. In which reserve are sequoias protected? - In the Yasimid Nature Reserve in the United States.
25. What kind of natural zone is formed around the Great Lakes? - Mixed and broad-leaved forests.
26. Which river is 54 km long? - Niagara River.
27. What is the prairie? - A steppe zone in North America.
Topic: Natural geographical areas, Population.
1. What are the major natural geographic regions of North America? - In 2 parts: 1. East Plains. 2. West - the Cordillera.
2. McKinley Peak (6194m) is located on which ridge of the Cordillera? - On the Alaska ridge.
3. Where do strong earthquakes occur in volcanoes with a movement of 10 laps? - In Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.
4. What animals live in the mountain tundra? - Reindeer polar fox lemmings.
5. In which country is the Great Basin and the Calaroda Plateau? - In the Cordillera.
6. The hottest place in North America? - Death Valley +570 C.
7. What is the population of North America? - 512,5 million people (2004).
8. Who are the indigenous peoples of North America? - Indes, Eskimos, Aleuts.
9. How many thousand years ago the inhabitants of the mainland came through the Strait of Bering? - 25-30 thousand years ago.
10. Where are the majority of mestizos and mulattoes? - Mexico and Central America.
11. How many Indians live in North America? - 15 million.
12. What percentage of Canada is forested? - 50%.
13. What is the number of Negroes in North America? - About 25 million people.
14. What is the Eskimo house called? - It is called Igla.
Topic: Eurasia. Natural-geographical location, history of study.
1. General information about Eurasia? - Area - 54600000 km2, The highest altitude above sea level is Jamolungma 8848 m. The lowest point above sea level is the Dead Sea - 405 m, the northernmost point of the continent - Chelyuskin b, the southernmost point - Piay b. The westernmost point is Rock b, the easternmost point is Dezhnev b, the longest river is Yangtze 6300 km.
2. What percentage of the total land area of ​​Eurasia? - Almost 30%.
3. How many of the world's eighth peaks are located in Eurasia? - All 14 peaks.
4. The length of the Eurasian coast? - 100000 km.
5. What is the origin of the term Europe and Asia? - From the ancient Phoenician words Yerep-west, Osu-Sharq.
6. What is the length of the coasts of Europe? - 38000 km.
7. What is the length of the coast of Asia? -62000 km.
8. What is the farthest object on Earth from the sea? - Jungariya Alatovi.
9. Which coasts of Eurasia are strongly fragmented? - Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
10. What objects crossed the border between Asia and Europe? - The Ural Mountains, the Emba River, the Kuma-Manch sediment in the north of the Caspian Sea, the Sea of ​​Azov, the Black Sea.
11. Where did the border between Europe and Asia cross on land? - Through the eastern foothills of the Ural Mountains, the Emba River, the northern shores of the Caspian Sea and the Kuma-Manch basin.
12. Who wrote the first geographical information about the continent? - Herodotus, Heraclitus, Strabo, Plato (Aristotle), Ptolemy.
13. What is the contribution of Muhammad al-Khwarizmi to the science of geography? - He founded the geography of Central Asia and Arabia, compiled "World Maps" with about 70 scientists.
14. To whom do works such as "India" geodesy belong? - Abu Rayhan Beruni.
15. What is the essence of Beruni's law? - The mass (size) of rocks brought by rivers is proportional to the speed of water flow.
16. Who is the author of the work "Tourist Scholars" - H. Hasanov (1981).
17. What warm and cold currents wash the shores of Eurasia? Warm currents such as carosio, monsoon, North Atlantic.
18. How far is the Eurasian continent from north to south and from west to east? - 8 km from north to south, 16 km from west to east.
19. How many important places and geographical details of mountains are given in Khorezmi's book "Kitab sutrat al-ard"?
20. Who discovered the island of Sakhalin in 1787? - J. Laperukha.
21. A tourist who made 1857 expeditions in Central Asia in 1885-4? - Russian MMPrijavolski.
22. Where did S. Dezhnev study in 1648? - He studied the Bering Strait and Chukotka.
23. What is the area of ​​the largest peninsula in the world? - Arabian Peninsula, 2730000 km2.
24. On which mountain is the peak with the height of 7495 m? - Ismail Samoni peak, in the Pamir mountain.
25. Where is the highest point on Earth "Snow Line-Pole of Height"? - 6400 m. Central Tibet.
Topic: Geological structure. Minerals.
1. From which continent did Eurasia secede 65 million years ago? - Laurasia.
2. What are the geosynclinal zones on the Eurasian continent? - Alps - North and Pacific Ocean, Ring of Fire.
3. In which geosynclinal zone are active volcanoes such as Etna, Stromboli, Vesuvius? - In the Mediterranean part of the Alpine-northern geosynclinal zone.
4. Where were the earthquakes in December 1948, 1966, 2002, 2003, 2004? - Ashgabat-1948, Tashkent-1966, Hindukush-2002, Iran-2003, Indonesia-December 2004.
5. Where are the most common ore minerals? - In the composition of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
6. Where in Eurasia is iron ore mined? - From northeastern China, Scandinavia and the Indian subcontinent.
7. Korea in the Iberian Peninsula, Siberia, Central Asia. What deposits are there on the island? - Gold deposits.
8. From which regions of Eurasia there are deposits of blue sapphire (blue sapphire), red sapphire? - In the Urals, India or the island of Sri Lanka.
9. What minerals are contained in the sedimentary layer? - Oil, gas, coal and lignite deposits.
10. From which offshore shelves of Eurasia oil and gas are extracted? - From the offshore shelves of North, Caspian, Arabia, South China.
11. From which regions of Eurasia oil and gas are extracted? - Persian Gulf, Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, Greater China Plain, Turan Plain, Greater Sunda Islands, Kalimantan Islands from the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
12. The oldest mountains of Eurasia? - Ural, Dean, flat mountains of Kazakhstan.
13. The youngest mountains in Eurasia? - Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, Pamirs, Hindu Kush, Kopetdag.
14. Where are the volcanic mountains spread in Eurasia? - On the island of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Sicily and Iceland, the Apennines. Mountains in the Carpathians and the Caucasus.
15. What are the oldest platforms in Eurasia? - Plains in Eastern Europe, Eastern Siberia, India, Greater China, the Arabian Peninsula.
16. Which plains are young and covered with sedimentary rocks? - Western Siberia, Indo-Gangetic and Turan lowlands.
17. What do the Volga, Valdai, and Central Russia have in common?
18. Low mountains in the Kyzylkum desert? - Sultan Uvays, Bukontog, Kuljuqtog, Tomditog.
19. What is the length of the mountain valley ice in the Altai Mountains? - Reaches 300 km.
20. When did the ice age in Eurasia occur? - The fourth period of the Cenozoic era.
21. Where is the pole of cold in the northern hemisphere? - Oymyakanda-710 C.
22. Where are bauxlide deposits found? - In Kazakhstan, in the foothills of the Alps in the Great Plains of China.
23. What is mined Kursk magnetic anomaly? - The largest iron ore deposit.
24. Which of the following countries is located on the peninsula? - Qatar.
Topic: Climate and its features.
1. How is winter in southwestern Europe and southern Asia? - Warm in southwestern Europe and warm in southwestern Asia +200 C will be.
2. Where is the average July temperature +320 C? - In the Arabian Peninsula.
3. How much rain fell in the Cherapunja region in 1856? - 2300 mm.
4. What is the average temperature in January in Siberia? - -480 Decreases to C.
5. What is the average amount of oil in Cherapunja? - 12665 ​​mm.
6. Why does the climate in Eurasia change less from west to east? - The western part of the Eurasian continent is always under the influence of warm and humid sea air masses from the Atlantic Ocean.
7. Why do Arctic air masses enter Central Asia in winter? - Because there are no mountains to block the cold winds from the north.
8. Which lowland does not snow in winter? - Colchis plain.
9. How does the climate in the mountains of Tibet and the Pamirs differ from other places? - With the heat of summer, severe cold of winter and very little precipitation.
10. In which mountains the high climatic zones are most pronounced? - In the Alps, the Carpathians, the Caucasus, the Tianshan and the Himalayas.
11. In which city the absolute maximum temperature is +380C, absolute minimum –80C? - Tokyo.
12. Which river flows into the Yellow Sea? - Huanghe River.
13. Where was the lowest rainfall in Europe and Asia? - In Asia, the distance is 14 mm, in Europe, astrakhan is 160 mm.
14. Where is the volcano Semeru with a height of 3676 m? - On the island of Java.
Topic: Cold and temperate climates.
1. Why are the climatic conditions of the continent so diverse? - Because it stretches from north to south.
2. Which regions of Eurasia are covered by the Arctic climate zone? - The part of the Arctic islands and the land that connects to the Arctic Ocean.
3. What is the temperature in summer? - The temperature is low +10C+30C.
4. What is the average winter temperature in the Arctic climate zone? - -400 C.
5. In which climate zone the average temperature in summer is +40C and +140 The amount of precipitation up to C is 200-400 mm? - Subarctic climate zone.
6. What air masses move in a temperate climate zone? - The sea from the Atlantic Ocean is continental inside the continent. Monsoon air masses from the Pacific Ocean move.
7. What are the climatic types of temperate climate zones? - Marine, continental and monsoon climate types.
8. Which months account for 90% of annual precipitation in the monsoon climate zone? - April-November.
9. Which seas are included in the seas between the islands? - Java, Sulawesi, Banda, ocean seas.
10. What is mined on the island of Shipisbergen? - Coal.
11. What are the hot climates of Eurasia? - Subtropical, subequatorial (2) and equatorial climates.
12. Describe the subtropical climate zone? - In summer, the temperature under the influence of tropical air masses is +300 C, +35C, very little rain. In winter, moderate latitudes are dominated by air masses.
13. Which ocean in the subtropical climate region does not accumulate vegetation during the year under the influence of air masses? - Under the influence of westerly winds from the Atlantic Ocean.
14. In what climate is summer very hot and dry, and winter is much colder, less precipitation, around 100-150 mm? - Subtropical continental climate.
15. What is the annual rainfall on the Black Sea coast of Georgia? - 3000-3500 mm.
16. Where in Eurasia the precipitation is 100-350 mm, mainly dry subtropical areas? - Caspian plains of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, southern Uzbekistan.
17. In which climate zone is the Arabian Peninsula, the mountains of Iran and the basin of the Indus River? - Tropical climate zone.
18. Describe the tropical climate region? - Summers are very hot + 30 + 35C, winter warm + 18 + 240 C, precipitation is around 500-2000 mm.
19. In which climate region is formed a monsoon climate type with high rainfall? - Subequatorial climate region.
20. What areas does the equatorial climate cover? - Sri Lanka and the south of the Malacca Peninsula, the islands of Southeast Asia.
21. Half of the island of Java and the islands east of it, the southwestern part of the island of New Guinea, what is the climate and the amount of precipitation? - In the southern subequatorial region, precipitation is 1000-2500 mm.
Topic: Inland waters.
1. What basin does the Amudarya, Syrdarya, Volga belong to? - It belongs to the closed basin.
2. What types of Eurasian rivers are divided according to the type of saturation? - Rain, snow, ice and groundwater.
3. What does the water regime and saturation of rivers depend on? - It depends on the seasons.
4. What do rivers in monsoon climates and equatorial regions get fed from? - Rainwater.
5. Which rivers in Eurasia are fed by snow and rain? - Volga, Ob, Irtysh, Yavsey, Lina, Pechora.
6. Which river has the most muddy water? - Zuanghe.
7. Tectonic lakes in Eurasia? - Baikal, Geneva, Issyk-Kul.
8. What is the origin of the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea? - Residual lakes.
9. What is the length, thickness and width of the Fetchenko Glacier? - Length - 72 km, thickness - 1000 m, width - 1700 m - 3100 m.
10. Which river flows from Lake Onega? - Svir.
11. Which lakes are included in the flowing lakes? - Issyk-Kul, Balkhash, Caspian, Aral.
12. In what part of Eurasia are perennial glaciers? - In the northern part.
13. How are perennial glaciers formed? - From the freezing of sedimentary rocks with groundwater.
14. How does the thickness of permafrost change? - From 0 m to 1500 m.
Topic: Natural zones. Natural zones in cold and temperate climates.
1. What natural zone is there in the Arctic region? - Arctic deserts.
2. What plants and animals live in the natural zones of the Arctic region? - Mosquitoes and lichens grow, polar bears, walruses, seals, white sparrows.
3. In which region are the tundra and forest tundra located? - In the subarctic region.
4. What soils and plants are found in the tundra zone? - Tundra-gley, peat-gley soils, moss-lichens, Pakana birch, shrubs polar tulips.
5. Describe the forest-tundra zone? - The average temperature in July is +110,+130C. Precipitation is 300-400 mm, podzolic-gley, swampy peat-peat soils.
6. Which natural zone is characterized by small pine, birch, spruce, willow, polar fox, polar sparrow, rosomaha from plants? - Forest-tundra zone.
7. What plants and animals are found in the taiga zone? - European spruce, black and white spruce, cedar, spruce, deer, brown bear, lynx, alder, raven. etc. occurs.
8. What kind of forests are typical of trees such as oak, black birch, linden, maple, hornbeam? - Mixed forest zone.
9. A natural zone belonging to the temperate zone, which exists only in the western and eastern parts of Eurasia? - A zone of broad-leaved forests.
10. What kind of plants and soils are found in the forest-steppe and steppe zone? There are dark brown soils in the forests and black soils in the steppes.
11. Describe the desert zone in the south of the temperate zone? - Summers are dry and hot +250 C, +320 C, precipitation occurs mainly in spring and late autumn, winter cold is frequent.
12. In which deserts formed sandy, saline, brown, light gray soils at the foot of the mountains? - In the Karakum, Kyzylkum, Taklamakan and Gobi deserts.
13. Find a natural area in Asia where there are two-humped camels, Przewalski's horse, gazelle, saiga antelope, tortoise, snakes and wild donkeys? - In the steppes and deserts.
Topic: Natural zones in hot climates.
1. What climatic zones are included in the subtropical nature zones? - In the subtropical regions of Eurasia, hardwood deciduous evergreen forests.
2. Soils of the zone of hard green deciduous forests and shrubs, flora and fauna? grapes, and olives and citrus fruits.
3. Camellia, camphor, laurel, ferns belong to which zone? - Subtropical, sernam monsoon forest zone.
4. What plants and animals are found in the subtropical steppes and semi-deserts? lizards and snakes, rodents, desert deer, hawks, wild pigeons, turtles, rabbits, foxes, wild boars, andatra, wild cats.
5. Where do you find wild donkeys, deer, hyenas and hyenas? - In the deserts of Arabia.
6. Plants typical of the tropical savannas?
7. Where in Eurasia is the savannah zone? - India and the Indo-Chinese peninsula.
8. Which peninsula has the most bamboos? - In the Indo-Chinese peninsula.
9. Describe the subequatorial seasonal wet forest zone? - Very rich in tree species. The average temperature in January is +15 +180 Cga teng. Wild elephants are still found on the islands of India and Sri Lanka.
10. Plants and animals found in the equatorial forest zone? - Palms, mangroves, gibbons, orangutans, blackbirds, cassowaries, rhinoceroses, wild bulls.
11. In what natural zone do deer, jackals, monkeys, tailless macaws, jays live? - Hardwood deciduous evergreen forests and shrubs.
12. In which mountains the highlands are clearly visible? - On the southern slopes of the Himalayas and the Alps.
1. What is Tiraya? - Swampy forests in the foothills of the Himalayas.
2. What trees grow in Tiraya? - Herbs, soap tree, mimosa, palm, bamboo.
3. What natural zones are exchanged in the Himalayas? - Tropical wet forests, subequatorial forests, subtropical evergreen forests, broadleaf, coniferous forests, high subalpine and low alpine. meadows.
4. What altitudes are exchanged on the northern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains? - Steppe, forest-steppe, broad-leaved forests, mixed forests, coniferous forests, subalpine and alpine meadows, the highest snow glaciers.
5. Where does the number of regions in the high mountains increase? - From the poles to the equator.
6. Where does a bat weighing 2 gm live? - Indo-Chinese.
7. How many years does an Indian elephant live? - 80 years.
8. The longest ivy? - Rotang is 300 m long.
9. How many meters high are the alpine meadows in the Alps? - 2000-2500 m.
10. The so-called "land of purity in the morning"? - Korea.
11. Which of the following countries is located in a closed basin? - Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Nepal.
12. Rudolf Island is part of which archipelago?
13. In which country is Lake Kukunor located? - In China.
14. In which country is the Ruhr coal basin located? - In Germany.
Topic: Anthropogenic nature complexes.
1. 80% of the territory of Eurasia is developed? - Black and chestnut steppes of the Eastern European plain.
2. On which mountain is the Ilmen Nature Reserve located? - On the Ural Mountains.
3. In which country is the Belavez Pusha National Park? - In Poland.
4. When were the mountain ranges of the Mediterranean identified? - 50-60 years of the XX century.
5. In the 6th century BC, who was the first to say that "the earth is spherical"? - Pythagoras.
6. The most beautiful natural zone? - Steppe zone.
7. 690 JK and 910 The island located in GU? - Peter I. Island
8. Where does the Mezen River flow? - To the White Sea.
9. What is the lexical meaning of the word platform? - French means "flat shape".
Topic: Population and political map.
1. What is the total population of Eurasia? - 4,6 billion people (2004).
2. What is the population of Europe and Asia? - 7250,6 thousand in Europe, 3870,5 thousand in Asia.
3. What is the population density in Eurasia? - 1 people per 85 sq. Km.
4. In which regions is the population growth rate high in Eurasia? - In Central Asia, in the south and southeast of Asia.
5. Where is the population density high? - In the Indian subcontinent, the Greater China Plain and Europe.
6. What race do the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Mongols, Vietnamese, Yakuts, Germans, Kazakhs belong to? - Mongoloid.
7. A river in northern Italy? - The Po River.
8. Lake Chud is located on the border of which countries? - Estonia and Russia.
9. The largest language groups in Europe? - German, Roman, Slavic.
10. Which peoples belong to the group of Turkic languages? - Turks, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijanis.
11. The largest country in Eurasia? - Russia 17,1 million km2.
12. What are the commonalities between Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, South Korea? - Peninsula countries.
Topic: The division of Eurasia into large natural geographical areas.
1. What is natural geographical zoning? - The process of dividing continents into specific parts that are different from each other.
2. What are the major countries of Eurasia? - Northern Europe, Central Europe, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, Far East, South-West Asia, Old Asia, Central Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, South-West Asia.
3. What did the Russian scientist Muskhketot say about Central Asia? - He said, "It is a beautiful continent with a unique nature within the Eurasian continent."
4. Which natural geographical region of Eurasia are Arab countries? - South-West Asia.
5. In which ocean are the islands of Kergelen, Kroze, Herd located? - In the Indian Ocean.
6. What processes are associated with the presence of large lakes in Finland and Caralia? - Erosion activity of ancient glaciers.
7. The continent where deserts are not widespread? - The European continent.
8. The current flowing along the southern part of the 3 oceans? - The flow of westerly winds.
9. If the salinity of sea water is 3%, how much salt can be obtained from 2 tons of sea water? - 1000g - 3 g
1000 kg - x kg
x = 3kg
1 t contains –3 kg, 2 t contains –6 kg of salt.
10. By whom is the earth form first geoid called? - VAVernadsky.
Topic: Central Europe.
1. Where is Central Europe? - Alpine-Carpathian Mountains, lowlands, ancient flat mountains, islands of Great Britain and Ireland.
2. How far are the Alps from west to east? - It is arched and 1200 km from west to east.
3. Description of the climate of the Alps? - The climate is temperate, winters are mild, summers are cool, the annual rainfall is about 2000-3000 mm.
4. In which country is Lake Boden located - Germany.
5. Reserve in the Italian Alps? - Grand Paradiza.
6. What climatic influences are formed on the northern and southern slopes of the highlands in the Alps? - Under the influence of temperate climate on the northern slope, under the influence of subtropical climate on the southern slope.
7. The type of soil found in the northern foothills and flat mountains of the Alps? - podzol soils.
8. What are the natural parts of the Carpathian Mountains? -3: Western Carpathians, Eastern Carpathians, Southern Carpathians.
9. Length, average height and highest point of the Carpathian Mountains? - Length 1500 km, average height - 800-1200 m, highest point Gerlachowski-Shtof 2655 m in the High Tatra.
10. Description of the climate of the Carpathian Mountains? - The climate is slightly more continental, the average temperature in January -30 -50 C. The average summer temperature in the foothills is +17 +200 C.
11. What are the steppes in the Carpathian Mountains called? - Pushta.
12. Where is the highest precipitation in Central Europe? - 3000-3500 mm on the western slope.
13. Which mountain has 15-27 km of glaciers? - In the Alps.
14. What is polona? - Carpathian mountain pastures.
15. What animals are found in the Carpathian Mountains? - Brown bear, pig, lynx, lynx, waterfowl.
16. The greatest natural resource of the Carpathians? - Mountain forests.
Topic: Eastern Europe.
1. The area of ​​the Eastern European plain? - 4 million km2.
2. What is extracted from KMA and Krivoy-Rog deposits? - Iron ore.
3. What are the coal basins in the Eastern European plain? - Moscow, Donetsk, Pechora coal basins.
4. What deposits are covered by the surface of the Eastern European platform? - The present period with marine and continental deposits.
5. In which areas of the Eastern European plain there are oil and flammable shale deposits? - There are oil deposits from the Volga-Ural region and Pechora basins, flammable shale deposits from the Baltic.
6. What do Donetsk and Timan have in common?
7. What seas is bordered by the Eastern European Plain? - It is bordered by the Barents and White Seas in the north and the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas in the south.
8. Description of the climate of Eastern Europe? - Winter is mild in the west of the plain (-60, -80 C), cold in the east (-100, -200 C). Summer is cool (+180,+220 C). Southeast (+250,+290C) the amount of hot oil (800-600 mm) decreases to the east.
9. Where is the lowest precipitation? - 200 mm in the Caspian lowlands.
10. In which direction do the rivers Volga, Dnieper, Ural flow? - It flows south.
11. The main lakes of Eastern Europe? - Ladoga, Onega, Elton on the Caspian Sea, Invasion.
12. On which rivers are reservoirs built? - Volga, Kamadon and Dnieper rivers.
13. What is clearly expressed in the plains of Eastern Europe? - Latitude zoning.
14. In which part of the Eastern European plain there are many lakes? - In the North-West.
Topic: East Asia.
1. Where does East Asia belong? - The eastern part of the Chinese state is the Korean Peninsula, Japan and the Philippines.
2. What platforms lie on the ground of East Asia? - China-Korea and South China.
3. Which mountain is located in the central part of the Great Plains of China? - Mount Shandong.
4. Description of the climate of the Greater China Plain? - Winter dry cold in the north (-60 C), warm +3 in the south0 C. The average July temperature on the hot summer coasts is +260 C. Annual precipitation is 500 mm in the north and 1000 mm in the south.
5. The largest lake in East Asia? - Lake Taihu.
6. What soils are distributed in the Great Plains of China? - Fertile brown soils.
7. What mountains occupy the southern parts of East Asia? - Southern China low-lying mountains.
8. Where in East Asia are grown cotton, sugar cane, oranges, mandarins, pineapples and bananas? - In the basins of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers.
9. What are the main crops of East Asia? - Rice and Chinese tea.
10. What deposits are very large in East China? - Coal and iron ore.
11. What minerals are the low-lying mountains of southern China famous for? - Tin and Tungsten.
Topic: Central Asia.
1. What is the territory of Central Asia? - The mountains and deserts of China and Mongolia.
2. Which seismic region passes through the central and southern part of Central Asia? - Alpine-Himalayan.
3. The youngest mountain in the country? - Karakum mountain.
4. What rocks are formed in mountainous areas and depressions? - Sedimentary rocks in igneous and metamorphic depressions and depressions in mountainous areas.
5. What is the formation of ore, rare metal deposits? - Magmatic and metamorphic rocks.
6. The highest and lowest places in Central Asia? - The low place of Tarfan basin (-154 m) in the Taklamakon desert. The highest peak of Chogoru in the Karakurum ridge is 8611 m.
7. What is the organic connection of combustible and ore deposits? - With sedimentary rocks.
8. What are the main landforms of Central Asia? `li.
9. Describe the climate of the country? - 1000 mm of precipitation on the eastern slopes of the mountains in the south-eastern part of the country (Tibet, Kuklun). The average January temperature in the north is -240 C, (+16 in July0 C) in the center (Taklamakon ch) –80 C (+24 in July0 C), in the south (Tibet t) -200 C (+10 in July0 C) atrophy.
10. Which rivers in Central Asia dry up? - Tarim, Zulayho.
11. What salt lakes are there in Central Asia? - Lobnor, Kukunor, Ubsu-Nur lakes.
12. Fresh lakes of the region? - Bagrashkol, Orin-Nur lake.
13. What natural zones are formed in Central Asia? - Forest-steppe, semi-desert, desert zone.
14. What does Tianshan mean in Turkish? - God is a mountain.
Subject: South Asia.
1. What is included in South Asia? - The highest Himalayan mountain ranges, the Indian subcontinent, consisting of young mountain ranges and alluvial deposits of India.
2. Where is the Himalayas? - Between the Tibetan Mountains and the Indo-Gand Plain.
3. Length, width and average height of the Himalayas? - Length 2400 km, width 200-300 km, average height 6000 meters.
4. Which climate regions are characterized by the climate of the Himalayas? - Tropical and subequatorial climate.
5. What animals are found in the Himalayas? - Himalayan bears, mountain sheep, wild oats are home to various rodents.
6. To the south of the Himalayas there is a plateau with a length of 3000 km? - The Indo-Gand plain.
7. What is the climate in the Indo-Gandhi valley? - Tropical in the Indian valley, subequatorial in the Gandhi valley.
8. How much rain falls in the Tar desert? - 100-150 mm per year.
9. What forests are there in the Gand and Brahmaputra delta? - There are thick mangroves and evergreen forests.
10. What is the basis of the Indian subcontinent? - From the oldest Indian platform.
11. The highest point of the Indian subcontinent? - Mount Anaymudi - 2698 m.
12. What are the mineral resources of the Indian subcontinent? - There are deposits of iron and manganese, gold, diamonds, granite, coal and oil.
13. Describe the climate of the Indian subcontinent? - The climate is subequatorial monsoon. The average temperature in January is +26.0C, +40 in June0C increases. The amount of oil is from 1000 mm to 3000 mm.
14. The largest rivers of the Indian subcontinent? -Mahonadi, Gadavari, Krishna.
15. What natural areas are distributed in the western Ghat mountains, river deltas and in the center? - In the western Gat mountains there are evergreen moist tropical forests, in the center there are savanna forests.
16. What soils are distributed in most of the Dean Plateau? - Red and black tropical soils.
17. What animals live on the Indian subcontinent? - Indian elephant, wild ox, tiger, monkey.
Topic: South-West Asia.
1. What is included in South-West Asia? - Countries of the Arabian Peninsula.
2. In what era did the Arabian Peninsula separate from the African platform and join the Eurasian plate? - Kaynazoy.
3. The regions of the northern part of the country consist of a chain of young mountains that rise in what twist? - Alpine twist.
4. What is extracted from the mountainous part of the Arabian Peninsula? - Phospharite.
5. The highest and lowest points of the Arabian Peninsula? -The highest point is Mount Tiahama 3760 m, the lowest point is the Dead Sea (-405 m).
6. Give a geographical description of the climate of South-West Asia? - The northern part is subtropical, the rest is tropical. Precipitation is up to 1000 mm in the Mediterranean coast and in the mountains of Tiahama, and less than 100 mm in the rest of the region / Garmsel-hot winds in the deserts.
7. What natural zone is formed in the Mesopotamian plain? - Chalachol zone.
8. What are the most common plants and animals in the country? Ohu, camel, various rodents and reptiles are found.
9. Where in the country are sandy loam, barren soils? - In tropical and partly subtropical deserts.
10. Slavia borders with which countries? - With Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic.
11. In which sea is the island of San Matvey located? - The Bering Sea.
12. In which climate region is the Indian peninsula located mainly? - Subequatorial.
Topic: World population, growth, location features.
1. How many people did the world's population reach in 1000 at the beginning of the century, in 1500? - 230 million at the beginning of the century, 1000 million in 305, 1500 million in 440.
2. How many years did it take for the population to double in the last 1000 years? - 2 years.
3. According to the UN, what was the world's population on October 1999, 12 - 6 billion people?
4. When was the world's population 6,3 billion? - 2003.
5. How much is the world's population growing every minute, every day and every year? - 150 people per minute, 22000 people every day, 80 million people a year.
6. What is a demographic explosion? - Very rapid population growth.
7. In which countries the average life expectancy is 37-40 years? - Mali, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Guinea.
8. The longest-lived nations? - The Japanese.
9. In which countries the average life expectancy is 79-80 years? - Switzerland, Sweden, Iceland, France, Italy.
10. What is the average population density of the world? - 1 people per 46 sq. Km.
11. In which country the population density is 925 people? - Bangladej.
Topic: The current political map of the world.
1. How many types of political map of the world according to the content? - 2 types: in the short sense, in the broad sense.
2. When did the struggle for "redistribution of the divided world" begin? - The end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century.
3. When did the USSR appear? - 1917.
4. What are the biggest changes on the political map of the world? - The division of the USSR, Czechoslovakia, the emergence of a single German state.
5. Which countries are included in the "Seven" countries - the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Great Britain, the eighth - Russia.
6. Similarities between Cyprus, Iceland, Madakaskar? - Located in the islands.
7. Countries located in the archipelago? - Japan, Philippines, Indonesia.
8. What are the groups of countries according to the level of social development? - 2 developed and underdeveloped countries.
9. What groups are divided into states according to the form of government? - 2 types - republic and monarchy.
10. Separate the states with an absolute monarchy? - Vatican, A. Arabia.
11. How many of the world's states are republics? - 75% of all countries are republics.
1. What is nature? - The whole world around us is the source of material and spiritual needs of people.
2. What is a human being? - A living organism is an individual who carries out complex social and labor activities.
3. How many main groups of natural resources can be divided? - 5 mineral, climatic, water, terrestrial and biological resources.
4. What are the minerals in the ore? - Iron, copper, diamonds, gold, uranium.
5. What are the mineral resources of Noru? - Gold, oil, gas, phosphorite and others.
6. What groups of natural complexes are divided according to the degree of human impact? - Natural landscapes, natural anthropogenic landscapes, anthropogenic landscapes.
7. What is included in natural landscapes? - In Antarctica, permanent glaciers, islands, mountains, deserts, thick forests in the Arctic Ocean.
8. What landscape group do pastures and arable lands belong to? - Natural-anthropogenic landscapes.
9. When did the landscape of cities begin to take shape? - 5-4 thousand years ago.
10. What plants were brought to Eurasia and Africa from the Americas? - Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and sour cucumbers, cocoa, beans, squash, pineapple.
11. Which states were formed during the period of slavery? - Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Gutzia, Rome, Babylonia.
12. What is the amount of solid waste in the world? - 12 billion tons.
13. How many million tons of oil fall into the world's oceans every year? - 10 million tons.
14. What was the number of millionaire cities in 2000? - 220.
15. Which is the most polluted ocean? - Atlantic.
16. How many tons of ores and construction materials are mined in the world a year? - 125 billion tons.
17. How many types of Red Book are there? - 3 types: International, national, local.
18. In which part of Asia there are many active volcanoes? - East.
19. The Omolon River is a tributary of which river? - Kolima.
20. To which country does the city of Hammerfest belong? - Norway.
21. The state of Norfolk is a colony of which country? - Australia.
22. Which islands are part of the Aleutian Islands?
Jizzakh city 29th comprehensive school
Geography teacher Bekzod Yusupov
experience was used.

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