Book lovers! 8 professions suitable for you


Book lovers! 8 professions suitable for you (📚
There are those who spend a few hours a day reading a book. The most suitable professions for them are related to texts. And such professions are not rare. Meet them below:
1️⃣. Review writer
It is an ideal profession for those who like to lie on the couch and read a variety of books throughout the day. But to get started, you also need to have interesting and meaningful writing skills.
You need to get noticed first with the reviews you write. To do this, run a personal blog about literature. There you give your comments. Such a blog can serve as a portfolio that can both attract advertisers and provide customers. Customers are usually from various publishers and editors.
2️⃣. Librarian
Despite the popularity of gadgets, libraries still retain their importance. If you can't find vacancies in city or district libraries, visit different educational institutions, which will have their own libraries.
3️⃣. Literary translator
You need to be fluent in any foreign language to work in this profession. If you know one of the languages ​​besides English, French, German or Spanish, your possibilities will expand even more. It is important to note that you also need to be creative in translating stable phrases into a foreign language.
4️⃣. Proofreader
Talented writers also make mistakes, including methodological mistakes. It is necessary to turn to proofreaders - they check books, scripts, information texts and correct mistakes.
5️⃣. Literary agent
Literary agents are involved in discovering new writers and introducing them to the public. This profession requires good taste and understanding of modern trends.
Once you find a good writer, you can help with book publishing and effective advertising. So you need to be aware of marketing as well.
6️⃣. Editor
Professionals in this profession should be fluent in the language and correct the author’s mistakes. In this case, the text has to be edited spiritually.
7️⃣. Book cover designer
The most important thing in the book is that even though it has content, the cover should not be overlooked. A love of reading helps to create the look of a future book cover in a quality and "targeted" way. Designers who do not like literature often do not put themselves in the shoes of the reader and find it difficult to express the content of the book on the cover.
8️⃣. Archivist
The owner of this profession operates in the archive. Its mission is to review and protect important documents of various genres. These may be the original ancient manuscripts or the first copies of modern books that have become bestsellers.
📝 Source: (

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