9-month child care


9-month child care
The toddler will continue to sleep for 10 hours at night, daytime sleep will be double - 1,5-2 hours, don’t be afraid to leave the window open at night - it will let you know if the baby is really freezing. If he sleeps healthy, then everything is fine. Fresh air improves blood circulation and improves brain function. Thus, the baby is less irritable, which forms a perfect immunity. If the baby opens during sleep, it could mean he is hot. It is better not to use the pillow for a year.
Food is also stored five times - at 6:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00.
First and last feeding, 200 ml of breast milk or baby milk
When feeding the latter, you can give a variety of whole grains, egg yolks and fruit juices.
The diet includes meat broth with added meat puree. Add vegetable puree and juice to it.
For dinner it is useful to feed the child with cottage cheese, kefir and fruit puree. So the meal at night will not be too heavy and the child will sleep well. The total amount of food should not exceed one liter or 1000 grams per day.
The last meal is not required at 22:00 - if the child refuses to eat, do not use violence
If the child does not eat meat in its pure form, mix the meat dishes with vegetable dishes. The consistency of this dish also needs to be minced, and you can pass the meat through a meat grinder twice.
✅Fresh air
Remember how beneficial it is for your little one to walk in the fresh air. In terms of duration, such a walk can be 3-4 hours in summer and 2-3 hours in winter. Try to take your child outside as much as possible - up to three times a day.
Remember to dress the baby depending on the weather and check the temperature of his feet under the blanket from time to time.
From the age of nine months, you can take a bath once a day. The duration of the water procedure is 8-10 minutes and the water temperature can drop to 35C. Do not forget about the positive effect of hardening in rinsing, water the child at a temperature of 35S, do not test the child in the bathroom - buy him a rubber duck. , pour more foam into the water in the bathroom, you can even blow soap bubbles in the process. Allow your child to enjoy the process, play, and have fun. Do everything for the real joy of swimming.
Gymnastics should be a daily exercise for the baby. From 9 months onwards, add new exercises to it.
Show the child your toy and then slowly push it aside so that the child begins to lean to one side. Do this exercise 4 times on each side.
Take the child by the hand and walk around the room with him, three sets per minute will suffice.
The child sits in a crib or playground, is drawn to it with a toy from above, is invited to stand up, and is held on a fence. Repeat 3 times.
If your baby is already confident in the above two, then you can try to play ball with him. Just take the ball in your hand and bring the child from all sides so that he actively moves and takes the toy from you.
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