Breast care during pregnancy


Breast care during pregnancy

For the first time, Feruza felt the tightness in her breasts while breastfeeding her 4-month-old daughter, Barno. At first he thought it was a cyst caused by the thickness of the milk ducts. However, when she expressed her concerns in the Mothers' Group, the following week, everyone unanimously advised her to see a doctor. Although the doctor thought it was just a blockage of the milk ducts, he still referred her to the UTTG. As a result, Feruza was diagnosed with breast cancer that year. Fortunately for Feruza, she was diagnosed early and is currently undergoing treatment.

It is easy to neglect your breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Significant changes in your body and lack of sleep make it difficult to diagnose. During this time, your breasts can develop many different densities, including obstructed pathways and lipomas (benign tumors of the adipose tissue).

It can be difficult to understand that breast densities can be dangerous for breastfeeding women, so it is best to get tested. The only correct way is to check the density. Usually, the treating physician uses a triple test, which includes a chest and medical history. An ultrasound and, if necessary, a biopsy are performed.

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, it is important to seek help.

It can be difficult to tell this information to your children, especially if they are still very young. Special facilities are available

they are designed for similar situations and are useful for reading. They provide access to this information in an understandable way.


If you have a friend who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, you can provide very helpful practical help if needed. An offer to help with shopping, school problems, or to lift your friend's spirits is an important part of his or her treatment and recovery. You can also protect your friend by accessing the services he or she can use.

Most importantly, consult your doctor if you notice any densities that are bothering you. It is important to be proactive when examining your breasts and seek a second opinion if necessary.