Inflammation of the spinal cord (myelitis)


The spinal cord is surrounded by membranes and fluid. The nerve fibers that make up its white matter, the centrifugal nerve, transmit pain, body temperature, and other sensory impulses to the brain and provide information about a person's condition. This means that if the white and gray matter of the spinal cord is damaged, such impulses will not pass. The higher the damage, the more paralyzed the body will be. Inflammation of the spinal cord is less common in young people and more common in the elderly.

Pain is often caused by viruses. There are different types of myelitis caused by infections, intoxication, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Primary infectious myelitis is caused by neuroviruses (poliomyelitis, rabies, herpes viruses). The infection is transmitted to the body through the blood (hematogenous route) and develops. Allergic factors and blood-borne transmission to the spinal cord play an important role in the development of secondary infectious myelitis.
Complications after injury. The most common types of spinal cord injuries are thoracic, lumbar, and cervical. If the pathological process is observed in the chest, the legs become paralyzed, muscle tone increases, and urinary retention occurs. If the lumbar spine is damaged, there is a weak paralysis in the legs, which can also lead to atrophy. In addition, the pelvic reflexes are weakened and the pelvic organs are impaired, resulting in the patient losing urination. When the cervical spine is damaged, there is a slight paralysis of the arms, which then spreads to the legs, and the patient is unable to hold urine or sometimes feces. If the myelitis is located in the upper part of the spinal cord, the paralysis will intensify, gradually leading to respiratory and swallowing disorders. In general, the disease lasts for a few weeks without changes, and then develops rapidly. In myelitis, the body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, the patient becomes weak and numb.
The diagnosis is based on early symptoms. For example, the neurological symptoms of myelitis determine the location of the pathological process (inflammation). During treatment, special attention is paid to the prevention of the development of bed sores and urogenital infections. To do this, it is advisable to wipe the patient's body with camphor alcohol, change the position of the body, put a circle around the waist and hips.
The treatment procedures last from a few months to several years. First of all, the senses are restored, and then the work of the pelvic organs gradually improves. In some patients, paralysis may persist. It should be noted that in myelitis of the neck, the disease is very severe due to respiratory disorders, and in myelitis of the chest and lumbar region, the recovery of pelvic function takes a long time. Bed sores and sepsis that occur during this process are life-threatening.
The disease can be prevented. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to avoid infectious diseases, especially tonsillitis, pharyngitis and chronic laryngitis. Trying to prevent vascular damage and improve the functioning of the immune system is also an anti-myelitis tool. Be careful not to carry heavy loads. If the fall has damaged the spine, seek medical attention immediately. This is because myelitis often develops after a spinal cord injury.
neurologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor.

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