Instructions for use of naphthyzin, prices, about


Instructions for use of naphthyzin, prices, about

Name of the drug: Our oil.

Bleeding from the nose

In nasal congestion due to allergies

In improving the postoperative condition of the upper respiratory tract

In chronic conjunctivitis i.e. for the eye

In allergic diseases of the eye

In losing bacteria in the eye

Method of use and dosage?

1 or 3 drops 3 times a day for adults with nasal congestion.

From 2 to 6 years: 2 drops: 3 times in small doses

For the eyes: 1-2 drops of 0.05% solution 3 times a day.

A 0.05% solution is also used for nosebleeds.

Nojuya effect?

Sometimes shrinkage when autumn flour is used

Swelling in the nasal mucosa when used for a long time

It should not be used in the first and last 3 months of pregnancy.

Not used during lactation

Cannot be used on children under 1 year of age.

It is not used in cases of inflammation of the eye and during chronic rhinitis


Naftizine (naphazoline)

Dosage form?


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