Some answers on the transfer of studies, according to the new procedure


Khushnudbek Khudoyberdiyev Some answers on transferring studies passed:

➖ "Perevod" does not and does not have any privileges, recommendations, targeted admissions;

➖ In "Perevod" there is no such thing as choosing 5 directions, only one is chosen;

➖ The transition points for "transfer" from abroad and from non-state HEIs to state HEIs are shown above;

➖ There is no quota for transferring studies from abroad and non-state HEIs, that is, those who can pass these passing scores, regardless of how many, are given the right to "transfer". In other words, "perevod" players are not competing with each other, they only fight with their knowledge.

More information about Perevod can be found here:

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