The role of exercise in weight loss


The role of exercise in weight loss

While 70 percent of success in weight loss depends on proper nutrition, 30 percent depends on physical activity.

Dynamic walking.
A study by the University of the United Kingdom found that just one hour of walking changes the amount of two hormones that regulate appetite:
• Grelin is an appetite-stimulating hormone.
• PYY is a satiety hormone.

After an hour of aerobic exercise, the level of ‘ghrelin’ in the blood drops sharply and the level of ‘PYY’ increases and together it leads to a decrease in appetite!

It is important to breathe only through the nose and exhale through the mouth during exercise, which stabilizes the heart rate, saturates the blood with oxygen.

Thus, the cell goes into an oxidation mode - fat oxidation. The secret of training effectiveness is in their regularity!

Running exercise.
Running, like walking, does not require special simulators and a gym. However, at the same time, it increases the load on the joints and spine. Also, unlike walking, it requires a special uniform, shoes, and a good walkway.
Jump rope exercise.
One of the best aerobic exercises.
A 10-minute jump gives the same effect as a two-kilometer run, a 10-minute bike race. Rope exercises allow you to work your back, shoulders, arms and abdominal muscles effectively.

The following is the number of calories (kcal) consumed in an hour of exercise:
▪️walking - 250
▪️Racing - 416
▪️Running (8 km / h) - 500
▪️cross running - 600
▪️Running (16 km / h) - 1170
▪️Regular strength exercises - 210
▪️Intensive strength exercises - 420
▪️Aerobic fitness classes - 500
▪️interval cardio training - 600
▪️ Circulation training - 500
▪️Pop jumping (intensive) - 750
▪️swimming (0,4 km / h) - 210
▪️swimming (2,4 km / h) - 460
▪️football - 450
▪️Bicycle (9 km / h) - 185
▪️bicycle (15 km / h) - 320


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