What changes will occur in the public education system in 2023?


What changes will occur in the public education system in 2023?

It is known that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's Address to the Oliy Majlis was announced yesterday. In it, the most priority directions for 2023 were determined, and special attention was paid to supporting education as the second direction.

In particular, 2023 was declared as the "year of attention to people and quality education". In the coming year, the following activities will be carried out in the reform of the education system:

— Protecting the status of teachers, their honor and dignity is specified separately in the Constitution;

- Two-shift schools will be abolished. In 2023, 70 new schools will be built, 460 schools will be expanded. 100 school building projects will be launched with the participation of private investments, and their number will be increased to a thousand in the next five years;

— From 2023, a complete reform of school education based on international educational programs will begin;

- From next year, primary classes will be taught using textbooks created on the basis of a completely new methodology;

- From the next academic year, free meals for elementary school students will be introduced in other regions, such as Karakalpakstan and Khorezm, and schools in Tashkent city, and 2,3 trillion soums will be allocated for this purpose;

- A new program will be implemented from 2023. European vocational education standards are introduced in 1 technical school in each region. In the next five years, all colleges and technical schools will be covered by this system;

- At the same time, separate engineering schools will be established together with prestigious international organizations in the fields of chemical industry, electrical engineering, transport and energy.

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