In what order should science teachers close the 4th quarter in their diary system?


In what order should science teachers close the 4th quarter in their diary system?

Grades 1-9:

a) for 0.5 and 1 hour lessons:

👉The average score of the 3rd-4th quarter average scores is included in the 4th quarter column;
👉 the average grade of the 2nd and 4th quarter grades is transferred to the annual grade;
👉in the result column, the average grade of the annual and exam grades is placed in the result column.

b) for a lesson of 2 or more hours:

👉 in the 4th quarter, the average grade is placed in the annual column based on the average score shown in the "Kundalik" electronic class magazine;
👉 all subjects without an exam put an "X" in the exam column;
👉the grade in the annual column is moved to the result column. If there is an exam, the average grade of the exam grade is set annually.

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