Congratulations and poems to the guardians of the homeland


Congratulations and poems to the guardians of the homeland

Hello dear friends! Today is January 14, Defender of the Fatherland Day. I congratulate all the guys on this opportunity. You are here, our peace is lasting, our dignity is high. All my kind and sincere wishes to you. Happy Holidays!


Guys are the praise of nations

The ore of the generation, the backbone of the state,

Prosperity of the country, the reason for weddings,

The pride of the people, the grace, the joy.

If the young man survives, there is no danger,

There is a shield, a fortress idol, a fortress,

Girls laugh at the peak income,

Paradise, rest in the sleep of the old.

One without a son, one without a son,

One of you is a brother, a co-worker.

Our weight is always light,

Fortunately, you are here.

We need your protection,

And we can't stand your irony.

The earth and the sky do not trust you,

We always turn to your neighbor

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