The neighborhood is the Motherland and the Motherland


The neighborhood is the Motherland and the Motherland
If the family is the place where the eyes are open, the neighborhood is the Homeland within the Homeland. Already, the neighborhood is made up of families. Just as children grow up in the family, the family thrives in the neighborhood and strives for a bright future. Such a neighborhood is the family's closest advisor, a mountain support...
It is an important feature of our people to sympathize with each other on days of joy and on other occasions. The neighborhood is such a unity and harmony among people.
serves as an important tool of
The neighborhood is such a sacred place where people are brothers and sisters, god-fathers, friends, share their joys and sorrows, the people are responsible for the upbringing of children, and both achievements and shortcomings are equal to the residents of the neighborhood. falls That is why the proverb "Your father is the neighborhood, your mother is the neighborhood" is not for nothing.
President Islam Karimov's thoughts about the neighborhood are especially noteworthy:
"It is known that over the centuries many life problems have been solved in the neighborhoods. Neither weddings nor Eid-ul-Azha celebrations are complete without the people of the neighborhood. Public opinion on political, economic and other issues is formed in neighborhoods. This is the way of life of our people, the way of thinking inherited from our ancestors. Therefore, life itself requires the development of neighborhoods and their support. At a time when multifaceted reforms are being implemented in our country, the neighborhood should serve as a reliable support and influential force for the society.
In fact, the neighborhood is a historically formed Uzbek living and working with a single goal, reflecting the unique features of the people's lifestyle, mentality, social life, national traditions, customs, moral and spiritual values. It has been a sacred place that has been handed down from generation to generation.

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