Constipation in babies


Constipation in babies. About the reasons and prevention 👇👇
Constipation is common in the first months of a baby's life. Sometimes the baby may not have bowel movements for two or three days. In constipation, the inside of the child is hard and dry. Then the baby is very restless, cries violently, sweats and faints.
If constipation continues regularly, the condition will worsen. That is, due to the hardness of the stool, the mucous membrane of the rectum is injured
🤷🏻‍♀️What is the reason for constipation in babies?
There are several different causes of constipation in babies:
👉🏻 Improper feeding of the child (for example, improper breastfeeding) often causes constipation. Because if the baby is not properly attached to the nipple, he will quickly get tired during the feeding process and will not be able to get enough food.
👉🏻Most mothers give additional food with the help of pacifiers along with breastfeeding. At this time, the infection passed through the sucker has a negative effect on the microflora of the intestines. As a result, nutrients in the stomach are not broken down and insufficiently absorbed due to the disruption of the microflora. After that, the child becomes constipated.
👉🏻Infection that enters the baby's body in different ways (for example, an unclean pacifier, not washing the nipple before breastfeeding, the contamination of the container for additional food) develops and inflames the intestines. This causes chronic constipation in babies.
👉🏻 Sometimes the infection in the intestines leaves complications, causes intestinal atony, and as a result, chronic constipation develops.
👉🏻 Due to the lack of development of the baby's front abdominal muscles, it is difficult for him to get stronger. As a result, gas naturally accumulates in the intestines of the child and it becomes difficult to have a bowel movement.
👉🏻 In addition, the child is constipated even if he is not full.
🤷🏻‍♀️What to do when a baby is constipated?
To prevent constipation, every mother should follow the following tips:
✅ feed and breastfeed the babies, do not let them go hungry;
✅ often put the baby to bed on his stomach;
✅ the child should be held by the armpit and move his body;
✅ in order to improve bowel function, it is possible to give vitamins to the baby after consulting a doctor;
Rub the baby's belly slowly clockwise.

❌❌Some mothers use vaseline-coated tubes, matchsticks, or glycerin suppositories when their babies are constipated. These things will help the baby's constipation a little, but later the child can get used to it.
❌❌Other same mothers rush to enema the baby. Since the baby's skin is very delicate, enema often causes unpleasant complications. That is, if a slight mistake is made during the enema, then the child may develop paraproctitis (colon disease).

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