Detect battery obsolescence on Android


🔋 ( Detect battery obsolescence on Android (and smartly charge your smartphone)

Each charging of the smartphone reduces the original capacity of the battery. A decrease in battery capacity is inevitable. But if you monitor its condition through special software, you can at least slow down the battery life.

1️⃣. Download the Accu Battery app ( Now it collects statistics and makes recommendations to reduce battery wear.

2️⃣. Over the course of a few days, we reduce the phone’s charge to 0% and charge it to 100%.
A few days later the phone discharges to 0% and charges to 100%. Through this we determine the original capacity of the battery.

3️⃣. Ready: The battery status is displayed in the Yomkost section.

This is what it does: Accu Battery helps you keep track of battery status, tells you how much to charge the battery (to lose less capacity), and how long it takes to charge / discharge your smartphone.

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