Distribution of class hours


Distribution of class hours
According to paragraph 15 of the regulation "On the procedure for the completion of classes in general educational institutions and the formation of tariff lists" (https://lex.uz/ru/docs/-4919258), the hours of classes for teachers are as follows distributed based on the priority sequence of indicators:
👉 teachers who trained winners of international Olympiads;
👉 winners of international Olympiads working as teachers;
👉 Teachers with international certificates specializing in foreign languages ​​and STEAM subjects (TESOL Level 5, CEFR B2, IELTS 6.0 and above, as well as other certificates determined by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan);
👉 Teachers who graduated from the world's leading universities included in the TOP-1000 ranking of universities;
👉 teachers who trained the winners of the republican stage of the main Olympiads;
👉 winners of the republican stage of the main Olympiads working as teachers;
👉 teachers who won prizes in the republican competition (teacher of the year);
👉 teachers with higher qualifications;
👉 teachers with the first qualification category;
👉 teachers of the winners of the regional and district stages of the main Olympiads;
👉 teachers with the second qualification category;
👉 teachers with a master's degree in pedagogical field;
👉 teachers with excellent grades according to the results of theoretical and practical tests conducted in their subject according to the established procedure;
👉 unclassified teachers with higher education;
👉 teachers with a diploma in retraining;
👉 (https://t.me/+KzysPSHcaRVlMGQy) graduate students of higher education institutions in the pedagogical direction;
👉 teachers who graduated from universities of foreign countries in the field of pedagogy, but whose diploma was not recognized;
👉 teachers with secondary special, professional education before being provided with teachers with higher education;
👉 leading employees of the general education institution in the relevant specialty until it is provided with highly educated teachers.
☝️ It is recommended that the maximum amount of teaching hours be determined for teachers who have priority based on the above indicators.
With the written consent of the teacher who has the opportunity to receive the maximum lesson hours, the lesson hours that can be allocated to him can be given to other teachers.

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