1st Grade Educational Hour lesson plans


                                                    Explanatory note
We must raise our children ourselves, not leave them in the hands of others.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev
On April 2017, 6, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 187 "On approval of state educational standards of general secondary and secondary special, vocational education" was published. In this regard, it was decided to revise the content of educational hours and implement them on the basis of a competency-based approach.
It is known that pThe head of the inf is the person responsible for directly supervising the educational process of students in his class, ie during and after classes.
Activities of class teachers in general secondary education The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", "National Program of Personnel Training", Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education, Relevant normative documents developed by the Ministry of Education and Science and approved by the order of the Ministry of Public Education dated January 2007, 20 No 19"Regulations on the class teacher of educational institutions" is formed on the basis of.
This program and methodological manual is based on the above-mentioned legal and regulatory documents on education, as well as the continuity and consistency of general secondary education, modern methodologies.
The purpose of the program - The organization of educational hours based on the ongoing socio-economic reforms in the country, the best practices of developed countries and science and modern information and communication technologies, the education of modern, spiritually mature, active citizens .
Objectives of the educational hour program:
introduction of effective forms and methods of educating students on the basis of national, universal and spiritual values;
introduction of pedagogical and modern information and communication technologies in the educational process;
ensuring the effective integration of education, science and industry in preparing students for social life.
Today, as a result of the speed of information flow, the negative effects of popular culture on our lives are also felt. We can see this issue in the example of students ’social lives. Sometimes children are rude by their parents, they are not able to express themselves clearly orally or in writing, they lack responsibility, they can't get along with others, they don't allocate their money properly. we hear the idea that it can’t. Therefore, it should be noted that the development of the program is based on international and national experience.
"Regulations on the class teacher of educational institutions""The class teacher is one of the main teachers in the educational system of the educational institution, which organizes the practical education and upbringing of students in the class attached to him." In this regard, today's educational institutions There are similar problems in the work of class leaders:
- Improper organization of goals and objectives set by some class teachers in the process of educating students;
- Educational hours are not organized on the basis of a clear curriculum;
- Insufficient knowledge of teachers and class teachers about most of the laws and regulations in the field of education and spirituality;
- Unsatisfactory environment in some classes, lack of a harmonious and strong team;
- Low attendance in some educational institutions, the presence of students who regularly miss classes;
- Students in some classes do not have diaries, and those who have them are not supervised by the class teacher;
- Some students attend classes without preparation, even without textbooks;
- Students do not have enough understanding of the physical and mental dangers of Internet and mobile phone addiction;
- The incidence of juvenile delinquency, crime and delinquency;
- Lack of competencies that play an important role in the education of students;
- Lack of professional competencies of some of our teachers and educators;
- Low effectiveness of educational work;
- Lack of effective communication with parents;
- Lack of effective system of measures to combat and prevent crime, cell phone and Internet addiction, drug, tobacco and alcohol consumption.
At this point, we would like to draw your attention to an important aspect of the issue. How are educational hours organized in general practice in secondary schools today?
- In most cases today, educational hours consist of dry talk and go beyond the topics of educational hours;
- The behavior of a student is discussed;
- Students' mastery and attendance are discussed;
- We are talking about issues such as preparation for events and solving class problems.
What should be the educational hours?
- Just as the educational process consists of separate, independent lessons, educational hours are carried out with the help of integrated educational methods, effective tools.
- The class teacher should have a clear work plan for these activities.
Today's turbulent times demand from all of us the need to further strengthen the moral and spiritual educational work. Without spirituality, man cannot be a conscious social being. That is why class teachers and the whole teaching staff have an important task, such as teaching students to live on the basis of national and universal values. We have a future in a dangerous time when globalization is intensifying, the struggle between different ideas is intensifying, the attacks of "popular culture" are spreading around the world, and the destructive information transmitted through the Internet is trying to make the human heart and mind dependent on it. The search for effective forms and methods of preparing the younger generation for life has become a matter of public policy.
In order to make educational work more up-to-date, it is necessary to reconsider all the ideas that are the basis of education, to focus on the child's personality, to make effective use of the positive experience gained over the years. The development of the human personality, on the other hand, is a very complex and continuous process. His upbringing is directly influenced by his parents, school, neighborhood, friends, public organizations, environment, internet, media, art, literature, nature and so on. That is why all class teachers must take these criteria into account in their educational activities.
Educational hours are an area for the practical application of basic competencies formed in students. Properly organized educational hours allow students to apply the basic competencies formed through the disciplines in social life.
One of the main goals of the educational hours is to teach students to adhere to the culture of etiquette, free expression, speech skills, correct and effective use of information, as well as compliance with international and national legislation in this area. Also, through educational hours, students choose the right profession, the formation of a culture of reading, the right allocation of free time, the right choice of various clubs to develop their talents, ready work skills such as creating jobs by oneself rather than working in places are formed.
Educational hour programs are formed on the principle of simplicity to complexity and include the following areas. Patriotism; moral, legal, physical, hygienic, environmental and aesthetic education also directs students to choose the right profession. These areas of educational hours are based on the priority of continuity, membership, personality and interests of students in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in which the following basic competencies are formed in accordance with the characteristics of age.
Communicative competence - to be able to communicate in the native language and in any foreign language in social situations, to adhere to the culture of communication, to form social flexibility, the ability to work effectively in a team.
Competence in working with information - to be able to search, sort, process, store, effectively use the necessary information from media sources, to ensure their security, to develop the ability to have a media culture.
Self-development competence - continuous self-development of physical, spiritual, mental, intellectual and creative, striving for perfection, independent study throughout life, continuous improvement of cognitive skills and life experience, o ' z implies the acquisition of skills to alternatively evaluate behavior and make independent decisions
Socially active civic competence - the formation of the ability to feel involved in and actively participate in events, happenings and processes in society, to know and fulfill their civic duties and rights, to have a culture of behavior and legal relations in labor and civil relations.
National and intercultural competence - loyalty to the motherland, kindness to people and belief in universal and national values, understanding of works of art and art, the ability to dress modestly, to follow cultural rules and a healthy lifestyle.
Competence in mathematical literacy, knowledge and use of scientific and technical innovations - to make personal, family, professional and economic plans on the basis of accurate calculations, to read various diagrams, drawings and models in daily activities, to use scientific and technical innovations that facilitate human labor, increase labor productivity, lead to favorable conditions involves the formation of acquisition abilities.
Also, these competencies are formed based on the content of each educational hour.
The "Sample Topic Plan for Educational Hours" for students of grades 1-9 of secondary schools is based on the formation of educational and moral qualities, as well as national holidays and important historical dates celebrated in our country. In addition, the plan takes into account what to pay attention to when conducting educational classes for students during science months.
This program and manual today recommends the development of "Educational Hours" in collaboration with specialists and practitioners of the Republican Education Center as practical and methodological assistance to class teachers.
The 8-hour “Rules of the Road” syllabus and lesson plans in the “Educational Hours” plan are not reflected in this handbook.
Respect for the wisdom of sages and our national values, patriotism, humanity, physical education, personal hygiene, in order to form and strengthen the educational and moral qualities in students, the content of the "Educational Hour" developed for 5th grade students of secondary schools. Recommendations were given on what to pay attention to when celebrating national holidays and important dates in our country, as well as cleanliness, dress code, children's rights, nature conservation, economic education, greetings and manners, love of books.
Educational hours can be organized in the following order:
  1. Introduction;
  2. Main part: story, conversation, lecture, group work;
  • The final part.
An exhibition of literature on the subject will be organized for use in educational hours. The process can be organized in an open dialogue, roundtable, discussion, trainings and various other unconventional ways.
 (Note: Up to 15% changes can be made to the proposed program of educational hours by the decision of the Methodological Council of class teachers of secondary schools.)
                                                            "I approve"                                                                                      
School principal_________________Tugalov IX   
Curriculum for "Educational Hour"
  • "___" class
Topics to be covered
Time spent
My homeland is my golden cradle!
Rules of our school.
My agenda
Xavfwhat are you
Bow to the Master! (On the occasion of Teachers 'and Coaches' Day)
Nature protection.
About saving
Mother tongue is my soul (in connection with the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state language").
Golden Autumn Tales
Vacation impressions.
Our flag is our pride (November 18 - the day of the adoption of the national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan).
Fairy tales for good - yskirts.
QOur happiness(December 8 - Constitution Day).
Let's sing the anthem (December 10 - the day of the adoption of the national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan).
What is the responsibility?
Yanew year blessed (Yain connection with the approach of the New Year's holiday).
Homeland Security. (January 14 - Defender of the Fatherland Day).
My neighborhood.
Yaxshi upbringing is a human adornment.
Our ancestors say… (before the birthdays of Navoi and Babur).
The advice of wise ancestors. (about folk proverbs and sayings)
The world knows us. (March 2, the day Uzbekistan joined the UN)
My dear mother (March 8 - on the occasion of Women's Day).
A decent boy likes the wind.
Navruz - spring holiday (March 21 - on the occasion of Navruz).
The bottom line is hard work.
In the bosom of Mother Nature.
My favorite fairytale hero.
My hero.
Memories of my grandfather (before the Day of Remembrance and Honor).
My book is my sun.
Yoz - the word that passes!
I finished 1st grade (Impressions about school)
Deputy Director for Spiritual and Educational Affairs: ____________ Turakulova X
1- msubject: "My homeland is my golden cradle! "
I. Introduction:
Educational training Purpose: To instill in students a sense of pride in our independent homeland and a sense of national pride.
To bring to the minds of students the concepts of the country, the motherland. To cultivate a sense of love for the motherland, to develop speech.
Educational equipment: DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos.
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Spiritual moment:
Motherland, Motherland is my mother,
Homeland is the sun, Homeland is the sky.
Homeland is a poem, Homeland is a dream,
Homeland is soil, Homeland is faith.
Part II:
     Homeland is the place where you, your parents, family and friends live. The homeland is the birds and trees that live with you.
      When you come from the street, you look out of hundreds of windows of your own house. Why don't you look at another window? Because inside that window is your homeland.
       ZMBobur was a king at the age of twelve. He made great military campaigns. King Babur cried when he ate a melon brought from Andijan in India. He missed his homeland very much. Those who took melon could not take it home.
     Our Motherland is Uzbekistan! Uzbekistan is a holy Motherland. The place where our dear ancestors were born and raised. Homeland is one for us! The country is one! We have a beautiful country, a unique nature, a unique Motherland, a generous and noble people.
I live in this land. I was born and raised in this country. Uzbekistan is very beautiful. Uzbekistan has many beautiful gardens, high mountains, vast fields, clear waters, modern villages and beautiful cities. The nature of Uzbekistan is diverse and unique in its beauty. Uzbekistan is a paradise.
        In our country, great attention is paid to young people. Because we, the youth, are the future of Uzbekistan. We have created all the conditions for young people to live well, get a good education and rest. New schools, academic lyceums, colleges and universities have been built in our country for our good education. Sports facilities and playgrounds, swimming pools have been built for our young people to be physically fit and healthy.
       The capital of Uzbekistan is Tashkent. Tashkent is a very ancient and ancient, but also a modern city. The city of Tashkent is the heart of our republic. Let's live as worthy children of this land.
         How many lands have I traveled, How many places have I made food.
And I have turned to great wisdom.
As long as my country is in you, my destiny is complete. You are my home, you are my soul
You are my mother, you are my sister, you are half. My dear, my world is Uzbekistan.
      On September 1991, 1, a world-famous event took place. The Republic of Uzbekistan was declared independent. Uzbekistan has achieved equality and freedom. The world recognized our homeland.
          The First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: “Let us have a free and prosperous Motherland”, “This dear Motherland belongs to all of us. To live for his happiness, bright future, prosperous future, to sacrifice your life if you have to fight, is happiness for everyone living in this sacred land. ”
       Our President Shavkat Mirziyoyev It is not in vain that they say, "We must raise our children ourselves, not leave them in the hands of others." Therefore, education has been declared a priority in the field of social development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
          This is evidenced by the fact that Article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan stipulates that everyone has the right to education and free general education is guaranteed by the state.
             At the initiative of President Sh. Mirziyoyev, in order to develop our country at a stable and rapid pace, to further increase the effectiveness of ongoing reforms, Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 is being developed and consistently implemented.
  1. Improving the system of state and society building
  2. Ensuring the rule of law and further reform of the judicial system
III. Economic development and liberalization
  1. Development of the social sphere
  2. Security, religious tolerance and interethnic harmony, mutually beneficial and practical foreign policy
III. Final part:
       We have widely celebrated the independence of our Motherland. Indeed, over the years, our country has been recognized by the world as a result of the incomparable good deeds done under the leadership of the Head of State for the benefit of the children of our people, with a common goal and purpose. Our country, which amazes the world with its chosen path, words and deeds, is striving for perfection.
- What qualities do we need to cultivate in order to be a harmoniously developed generation?
- (…).
Tarona's song "Uzbekistan" will be heard.
- What is the song about?
- It's about the homeland.
        After the students' answers, the information about the homeland is summarized using the "BBB" method. Students say. The teacher writes their answers on the board.
   Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
Topic 2: "Rules of our school"
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training: Encourage students to follow school rules, teach them to take care of school property. To teach students to pursue a happy childhood, to learn under a peaceful sky, in the embrace of native schools and to appreciate these days.
Educational equipment: handouts, photos.
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Part II:September 2 is the day when all schools start studying. From this day you will increase your knowledge.
        Man differs from animals in his intelligence and knowledge.
Man always wants to make his life more beautiful, meaningful and interesting
There is a big difference between the past and the present. We live in an age of advanced technology. Our government is creating conditions for young people to become more educated, knowledgeable and well-rounded. You study in well-equipped classrooms in spacious bright rooms.
      Therefore, you should raise the prestige of your school with your good manners, respect for teachers, kindness to your friends, care for school supplies and classroom equipment. Only then will you fulfill your duty. It is necessary for young people to use these opportunities wisely and get a thorough education, to contribute to the prosperity of Uzbekistan. Good luck on this journey.
III. Final part:
Always remember the golden rule:
1. Be disciplined in lessons.
2. Raise your hand and answer the questions.
3. Take an active part in the lessons.
4. Complete the assigned tasks on time.
5. Keep teaching aids clean and tidy.
6. Listen carefully to the information.
7. Enter classes late.
8. Do not miss classes without a reason.
          At school, children learn to read, write, count, memorize and speak, think and dream. That is why the school is called "the greatest place". . It is necessary to follow the rules issued by the school
          What concepts come to your mind when you say school. Concepts expressed by students are written on the board by the teacher and, if necessary, supplemented.
           Each word is described and students are asked how to behave. In the arms of the mother school, children who are happy to spend their carefree, noisy, curious and simple childhood years express their opinions.
            Class  to keep it clean, you should always come to school in clean clothes, clean your shoes before entering the school building. In the classroom, it is important to keep the room clean, not to pollute the room with small pieces of rubbish, scraps of paper, and food scraps.
            The prosperity of our motherland, the successors of our future, is in the hands of you, dear students. We believe that you will certainly justify the trust of teachers. We hope that you will answer all the instructions given by our state as "Labbay".
Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
 Topic 2: “My agenda”
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training: To give students an idea of ​​the agenda, to teach them to create an agenda.
To give students an idea that a healthy lifestyle can be achieved by following this agenda;
Educational equipment: handouts, photos.
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Part II:
    According to the great judge Ibn Sina, how long a person lives depends on him. To be healthy, a person must follow a number of rules in daily life. Morning exercise, walking, proper nutrition, rest, exercise, keeping clean are the main conditions for staying healthy and living a long life. Proper nutrition is important in maintaining good health. It is no coincidence that Hippocrates, one of the masters of medicine, said, "Our food is our medicine." We get the energy and nutrients our bodies need through food. If we regularly consume products low in iodine, we can quickly become tired, lethargic, and sedentary. As a result of consuming less iron-rich foods, a person becomes anemic, diseased and nervous.
       In ancient Oriental medicine, attempts were made to treat diseases primarily with food. Medication and other medical treatments are prescribed only in cases where there is no cure from food. When a person’s body is healthy, his spirit is also refreshed. He studies well and is productive in his work. Let’s take a look at Samad and Ravshan’s agenda at this point.
Samad's agenda
        Samad is a very capricious and stubborn boy. He watches TV until midnight every day. He doesn't want to wake up early in the morning. He gets up from the market and washes himself. Sometimes he doesn't even have time to have breakfast and goes to school hungry. He yawns in class and sits lazily. What his teacher says does not go unheard. He comes home from school and runs into the street. Every day of Samad is spent in this way. Therefore, its color is broken, there is no appetite, and the level of mastering the sciences is low.
Ravshan's agenda
        Ravshan, on the other hand, sticks to the agenda. He sleeps on time. He gets up early in the morning and does physical training. He cleans his teeth and washes them thoroughly. She eats her mother's breakfast with gusto and goes to school. Stays awake in class, answers questions from the teacher, completes assignments. Coming from school, she helps her mother. He goes to a wrestling club in the neighborhood and practices with his friends. She eats on time and prepares her lessons.
         III. Final part:
        Dear reader, we hope that you will draw your own conclusions from the agenda of Samad and Ravshan. Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
Topic 4: "What is security"
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training:To provide students with an understanding of the threat posed to the lives and futures of young people by extremism and terrorism in the guise of religion, which are spreading around the world in today's complex globalization, and to instill in them the qualities of awareness, vigilance and enlightenment against ignorance. to protect them from any actions aimed at inciting violence, rudeness and cruelty, to form in students immunity against vices alien to us, such as alcoholism, drug addiction and ‘popular culture’;
Educational equipment: handouts, photos.
Course of educational training:
        Today we live in a rapidly changing and extremely complex time, which is radically different from the times that humanity has ever experienced. In this so-called information age, we need to protect ourselves. This is because the threat to the country and the nation is hidden behind all kinds of entertainment and violent sports games on the Internet. That is why each of us should stay away from such games and spend our free time meaningfully. Various clubs and sports should become a part of our healthy lifestyle.
       Various alcohol and drugs weaken the human mind. Hunger for wealth leads to depravity.
Insufficient knowledge, on the other hand, can lead to the influence of various religious movements and jeopardize the peace of the family and the country.
Therefore, it is necessary for a person to constantly strive for knowledge, to be free from harmful vices and habits.
III. Final part:
Assignment 1
 In the cluster method, you are asked to talk about the pros and cons of alcoholism.
Assignment 2
Talking about the beneficial and harmful effects of the Internet in the cluster method
Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
Topic 5: "Bow to the Master"(On the occasion of Teachers 'and Coaches' Day)
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training  To instill in students a love for teachers; describe how much the teacher loves the students; to awaken in students the qualities of kindness in the heart
Educational equipment: handouts, photos.
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
A moment of spirituality.
           My people, who have always glorified the Master, have always respected the Master,
I have the right to wish them well. The perfection of the student is happiness for the teacher.
You are so great, so clever, inextinguishable beacon in the hearts of millions
Your life is a miracle, my mind. It is my human duty to ask for a prayer.
- Guys, tell me, who are these verses about?
Student: about the student's wishes to the teacher.
Teacher:So today’s conversation is about teachers and coaches.
Part II:
Indeed, the teacher, the coach, is such a great, great person that they are like the sun and the moon. Just as the moon receives light from the sun and illuminates the being, so the student receives light from the teacher and lights the torch of life. A teacher is a teacher, a teacher is a profession, a teacher. The teacher is the architect of the heart, the coach is the one who finds the way to the human heart, who teaches morality, decency, humanities.
The words of the teacher, the coach, the teacher, the teacher sound proud.
                How happy I am, this bow in my bow, What a man I would be with a book in my hand
I'm finishing your byte. I don't care if I don't recognize a letter.
The teacher is a beacon of life. He teaches the basics of science to the younger generation. The teacher takes care of the student as his own child. He wants his students to become the best people, to see their perfection and future, to impart knowledge. First of all, a teacher must be selfless, intelligent, wise and, above all, a real person. That is why he gives the child spiritual nourishment. His appearance, demeanor, speech, and manners set an example for his students. He even replaces the child's parents at school. For example, a teacher, a teacher, a student is a mirror, a teacher looks in that mirror, sees his reflection and corrects his shortcomings.
        When the buds open, rum, I respect everyone,
I took the wine of my love, a full glass. It is an honor for Fakhr to be called a teacher.
The teacher is a "spiritual father". It is not for nothing that they say, "Greater than your teacher and father." There is a universal meaning to this wisdom. That is why our great ancestor Alisher Navoi highly appreciated teachers and coaches. With the warmth of the heart, the student takes a place in the heart and teaches him all the knowledge and science he has. Now, dear readers, we will enjoy a variety of poems that you have memorized. Students will listen to memorized poems.
III. Final part:
          There are many professions in the world, each of them has its own significance in life. But there is such a great profession among them that all other professions are formed and developed on its basis. This is a noble profession - teaching. At the heart of the multifaceted, meaningful and complex activity of teachers are important tasks such as educating the younger generation as a harmoniously developed person, informing them of the secrets of science. It is said that a teacher is as great as your father
Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
Topic 6: Nature conservation
I. Introduction:
Educational of training   purpose: Explanation of the topic on the basis of Articles 50, 55 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the work carried out in our country in this regard
Formation of ecological knowledge and skills in students.
Raising legal awareness of nature conservation
Educational of trainingnow:  color pictures, handouts.
Educational of training  go
Organizational part:
Preparation of students for lessons.
Based on quick answers to quick questions
1. An insatiable insect to eat? (Locust)
2. A bee-eater? (Bear)
3. Who is the most honorable? (Ona)
4. The most beautiful song in the world? (Alla)
5. Hardworking insect? (Ant)
6. The author of "High spirituality - an invincible force"? (I.Karimov)
7. What is the name of our capital? (Tashkent)
8. What tree does a crow land on when it is raining? (To a wet tree)
9.Dear blessing? (Non)
10. Knowledge mine? (Book)
       Pupils read stories and explain them through drawings.
The teacher summarizes the students' opinions.
II .Main part:
Work on the text
Teacher:Mother nature is wise  What do you mean by use?
As soon as the Republic of Uzbekistan gained its independence, a number of its laws, first of all, the Basic Law - the Constitution - focused on the preservation and protection of the environment. Articles 50,55 on nature protection were adopted.
These items are memorized to students, the content is explained.
"Citizens have a responsibility to care for the environment."
Article 50 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
"Citizens are obliged to be careful with the environment"
   Article 55 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
"Land, subsoil resources, water, flora and fauna and other natural resources are national wealth, which must be used wisely and are under state protection.
                I - HOW CAN I PROTECT NATURE?
In order to add beauty and richness to the beauty of nature, every student must take an active part in the reproduction of flora and fauna, the preservation of unique natural sites and monuments, the restoration of damaged areas of the planet and other conservation activities. .
     The nature around us is a part of our Motherland.
     If people keep their yards, streets and gardens clean, if they do not burn their ponds, if they do not throw their waste into rivers and canals, if they do not waste their vital water, then they should take care of plants and animals. Mother Nature will also be kind to them if they take care of them.
 Working on the Ween diagram
1 - conservation of nature
2 - Illegal use of nature
3 - conclusion.
III. Final part:
Scientists from many countries believe that the only way for the future development of the planet is sustainable development, which ensures the interaction of nature and man. Many countries are currently facing a shortage of drinking water. Let's look at the future with you as if we were strong, knowledgeable scientists and try to fill in this table and explain it. Students' opinions will be focused on the table. The content of the questions will be explained. The students' answers are marked with a (+) sign.
- What did you learn in class?
- How to protect nature?
Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
Topic 7: About saving
Motto of the day: "Waste of property - foolishness, careless spending of wealth - a sign of decline"
The goal: To teach students to be frugal, not to waste.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: Selected works, slogans, posters, posters of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", Pedagogy, Nightmare, Oriental Wisdom, Abdulla Avloni slides, handouts.
On the board: "There is waste in everything, but not in doing good"
                                                          "Father's word"
The economy is said to know the value of goods such as money and goods.
Those who know the value of property do not spend a penny on the wrong place, and do not spare a penny when the time comes. The opposite of generosity is the opposite of greed, the opposite of economy is waste. God does not love the extravagant. Those who follow the economy will always live in peace and happiness, and bees will collect white money, thinking of the dark days that will befall them, as if they were collecting honey for food in the winter. They say, "There will be a lot of lakes." Everything grows a little.
                        A woman who reduces a lot,
                        It is a matter of land to increase a little.
Today we need knowledge and wealth to achieve our goals, to serve our nation, to be acceptable to the people. It is measured by the wealth and wealth of all the nations of the world. Everywhere the rich nations are hardened, the poor are oppressed, the slaves are enslaved and hanged. The most prosperous ways of earning wealth are: handicrafts, agriculture, animal husbandry, trade. Each of these needs knowledge in our time. Gone are the days of our ancestors, "If you know, you'll die, if you don't, you'll die" The Americans plant one bushel of wheat and get twenty bales of wheat, and the Europeans bring us five cents of cotton and sell it to us for twenty-five cents. But we Asians, especially Turkestans, sell buttocks, chew chandir, give sour cream and add milk. In short, in order to be a modern person, along with science and enlightenment, it is necessary to have an economy, honesty, endless efforts, inexhaustible zeal.
The Noble Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “In later times, the maintenance of religion will be with wealth. Those who are active in economics will not be poor.” He added: “Everything should be in the middle economy. It is necessary to refrain from extremism and separatism, and even if one sells excess Sufism for a while, even in the order of religion, he will be defeated in the end. ”
                                   Like a state where there is nothing honorable among the people,
                                   The state is like strength and health in the world.
                                   Economy, honesty is the adornment of the human body,
                                   It is like diligence to one who does not have a good blessing.
                                                                                     Abdulla Avloni
Intimacy in the family
Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, activism, enthusiasm and perseverance, speed, creativity. (Teacher connects Avloni's thoughts with what to look for in a family today)
Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
Topic 8: Mother tongue is my soul
(On the occasion of the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state language")
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training:
Providing information about the long and rich history of the state language Uzbek; Increasing respect for our native language; Expanding their worldview on the work being done for the development of our native language during the years of independence.
Equipment for educational activities:DVDs, discs, posters
Course of educational training:
Organizational part:Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Spiritual moment:
Singing the national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
If you are fluent in languages, mother tongue,
 You are the only mother tongue for me.
Let me turn your words into sugar,
Mother tongue is the king of beauty.
Part II:
What is the poem about? (….)
Barakalla! So, we will hold today's educational lesson in the section "Ona tilim-jonu dilim".
         On the eve of the years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on October 1989, 21, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Language" was adopted. That is why we celebrate October 21 every year as a language holiday.
            Article 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan states:
         “The state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan is Uzbek. The Republic of Uzbekistan shall ensure respect for the languages, customs and traditions of all nations and peoples residing in its territory, and create conditions for their development. ”
- What do you mean by the state language? (Listen to students' opinions, fill in if necessary)
         The state language is the language that is the main means of communication in the territory of the state. The main language of communication in our country is Uzbek. All state documents are written in the state language, meetings are held in this language.
           Alisher Navoi's role in the formation and development of the Uzbek literary language is invaluable. In many of his scientific and artistic works, he proved in practice and in theory that the Uzbek language is one of the richest languages.
In Turkish, I'm sorry,
I turned that country into a pen.
             Respect for one's mother tongue is reflected in the fact that one speaks and writes fluently and beautifully in this language. The better one knows one's mother tongue, the more one enjoys its riches.
In his book “High spirituality is an invincible force”, President Islam Karimov expressed the following views on the native language:
“All the virtues permeate the human heart, first of all, with the unique charm of the mother goddess, the mother tongue. The mother tongue is the soul of the nation.
 Our native language is widely used in interstate dialogue, in the world's prestigious tribunes, in international conferences. During the years of independence, it has become a source of national pride, a symbol of our independence.
III. Final part:
My mother tongue is no more,
Be competent in all languages,
The Latin script has become beautiful to your words,
The people of the world are always amazed at your beauty.
        A person who knows his native language well also knows the history of his homeland. It is the adornment of a person to pay attention to the language, to keep it pure and polite.
However, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is very important for today's youth. It is not for nothing that our ancestors said, "He who knows the language knows the people" and valued those who knew many languages.
Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
Topic 9: “Tales of the Golden Autumn ”
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training: Education in the spirit of respect for the seasons and nature. Providing information about the seasons; to enrich his ideas about blessings, to develop his mental thinking. Raising children's awareness through games.
Educational equipment:DVDs, discs, posters
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Divide students into groups
Part II:
-How many seasons are there in a year?
- There are 4 seasons in a year.
Today we will divide into 4 groups with you and complete the assignments.
Open these envelopes and determine which chapter is described.
1. Spring
  1. Yoz
  2. Kuze
Which season is depicted in the pictures? Which season is missing?
Write a story based on the picture and explain your seasons
Specify the sequence of seasons.
Listening and summarizing students' answers
Organize a conversation with students about who grows them in order to expand their knowledge about fruits and vegetables that are grown in the fall. Remembering the fairy tales and cartoons that took part in these fruits and vegetables: "Nature has many blessings" ……
III. Final part:
1. Assignment.
Have each group write the months of the season
2. Assignment
Choose the one that suits your season from the given pictures and stick it on the paper.
3. Tell the poems.
Calculate students' scores and summarize the lesson.
Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
Topic 10: “Vacation Impressions ”
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training:
Enriching children's imagination about autumn and its blessings, developing their mental thinking.
Development of children's thinking through games.
Equipment for educational activities:DVDs, disks, posters Pictures of fruits, vegetables, melons, balls.
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Divide students into groups
Part II:
Conversation with students
Did you guys have a good autumn vacation?
What are your impressions of the autumn holidays?
         Children are spending autumn in our country. We will talk to you now about "Autumn Blessings" and play a game. I am in the fall. I will tell you poems. These poems will be about your favorite fruits, vegetables, melons. Your task is to find out what the poem is about and draw a picture of it.
Obinovvot melon,
Do not rub a single bite.
Why I am, I am famous.
Because my coat is flowery.
My Grains Coral,
One head is a cup.
If you dry, I'm a raisin.
To the table, Fayzman. (Grapes)
It's thin
I'm empty,
Lots in the field
I have a friend,
Also in the article
I'm subscribing
That's it
I forbid the "golden pile". (Carrots)
Every piece
A soldier,
In a castle
A thousand armies.
They lie down
White curtain
In the room. (Anor)
               Identify the sequence of pictures: melon, grape, carrot, pomegranate.
III. Final part:
Autumn: Divide the pictures depicting my blessings into 3 groups as quickly as I can.
1.Fruits: Apples, pomegranates, grapes, quinces, pears.
2. Vegetables. Carrots, cabbage, potatoes.
  1. Melons. Melons, watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes.
Children are divided into three groups.
Autumn: Thank you. We will check that you all did very well. Oh now let’s count how many things there are in the group.
How many?
Fruits 5 pcs.
Vegetables 3 pcs.
Melon crops 4 pcs.
               Now we will tell you a poem about "Autumn".
Autumn has come, in a golden bowl for us
Juice came, plenty came.
Sweet fruits in baskets
The barns were full of grain.
With wide valleys, one with fields
Cotton came, glory came.
Encouraging students.
Students are encouraged at the end of the lesson.
Topic 11: “Our flag is our pride
 (November 18 on the occasion of the adoption of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training:
To increase students' respect for the symbols of our state, to increase their love for the Motherland.
Educational equipment:DVDs, discs, posters
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
My flag is waving over my head
When I look at you, my eyes are bright.
Blue, green, white erur colors
Blood in the red line vein.
Let the sky be clear blue
Green valleys appear on the foothills.
Shining the colors of white snow,
The moon shines with the stars
Halpirayver is the flag of my homeland
You are the pride of their hearts
Part II:
          The most recent history of our country begins on September 1991, 1. Since that time, a democratic state based on the rule of law based on a market economy has been established in our country. We, like the most developed countries in the world, have begun to move to market relations.
          We have become a member of influential international organizations - the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund. Our people began to show their potential. Our country is open to the foreign economy. Many foreign entrepreneurs and businessmen came to our country and began to invest. As a result, the economy of our country was soon strengthened and our republic became a great state.
The fact that each independent state has its own symbol - the flag - has long been a law. All independent states, large and small, had their own flags. The blue flag of the state of our great ancestor Sahibkiran Amir Temur always fluttered triumphantly.
  The State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved at the VII session of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Uzbekistan on November 1991, 18.
The national flag and its symbol represent the historical connection with the ancient states on the border of modern Uzbekistan and embody the national and cultural traditions of the republic.
Without respecting the state symbols, we cannot understand the role of our people as a nation, that Uzbekistan is one of the countries of the world.
III. Final part:
Peace and Integrity
Goodness, wisdom
Heaven and water are a symbol of life
Explain and ask students the meaning of each color in our flag
National flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan
 12 stars
Green color
Blue color
White color
12 provinces
The red line
They are streams of life force
Half a month
Have students place the pieces of the flag correctly according to their color and draw a picture of the flag based on the assignment.
Encourage students at the end of the lesson.
Topic 12: "Fairy tales - good - guides"
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training:
Encouraging students to read more fairy tales, cultivating their moral qualities through fairy tales, encouraging them to read more books.
Equipment for educational activities: DVDs, discs, posters
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Divide students into groups
Part II:
         Dear children, educational on the theme "Fairy tales lead to good"
We will pass our lesson.
         The story is loved not only by children, but also by adults.
Fairy tales are one of the oldest, largest and most popular genres of folklore
is one. The fairy tale attracts the attention of the listeners, who are inextricably linked
The caller will have an interesting subject. The plot events are ultimately of goodness
with the inevitable victory of truth over evil, over injustice
ends. Influencing the emotional world of the child through fairy tales,
It is an important task to cultivate their spiritual world.
- You have heard many fairy tales, right?
III. Final part:
"What fairy tales do you know?"
Which row of students play the game of saying the name of the fairy tale the most.
Listening to students' answers. Samples of fairy tales hung on the board
to hold a conversation on the subject to highlight its educational significance.
Encourage students at the end of the lesson.
Topic 13: Our law is our encyclopedia
(December 8 - on the occasion of Constitution Day)
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training:
To form students' understanding of the Constitution. To develop students' oral and thinking skills. Encourage students to know their rights.
Educational equipment:DVDs, disks, posters: thematic pictures, symbols of our state, the Constitution book
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Divide students into groups
Part II:
The anthem is sung
      - In today's lesson we will talk about the Constitution Day on December 8.
You may ask, "What is the Constitution?" Every country has an important book.
      This book is called the Constitution. The Constitution is the basic law of our state. Each country has its own rules. Everyone, regardless of whether they are teachers, students, workers or retirees, must obey them. These rules are called laws. Laws are established by the state. The Constitution defines the rights and duties of our people. For example, we have the right to rest, study, work, free education, free medical care. It is our duty to take care of the school property, classroom equipment: tables, chairs, desks, doors, windows. We must keep school supplies, books clean and not tear the pages. This is one of the rules we must follow.
III. Final part:
A “Put the Pictures to You” game will be held to see how the students have mastered the items.
This means that each of you, children, must know your rights and respect the laws enshrined in our Constitution. Thus, our educational lesson dedicated to the Constitution Day came to an end.
Encourage students at the end of the lesson.
Topic 14: “Let us sing the anthem"
(December 10 - the day of the adoption of the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
The purpose of educational training:
To instill in students a sense of respect and pride for the motherland, the state symbols; to develop students' love for their homeland.
Educational equipment:DVDs, discs, posters
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Divide students into groups
Part II:
        The lesson is a series of questions and assignments.
Question 1.It is connected with the Independence Day using these pictures
specify the characters. (Fig. 1)
Approximate answers of students: cotton, wheat, nature, sun, clear
water, flag, coat of arms.
Question 2There are many different colors in the flag of our country and what they are
does it mean? Try to describe the flag of our country through these pictures. (Picture 2. Picture of the national flag)
Approximate answers of students: 4 types, white, green, blue, red….
Question 3: Do you know the coat of arms of our country? What is the picture of our coat of arms?
Try to describe the coat of arms of our country on the basis of these pictures. (Figure 3)
Question 4: Do you know the national anthem? Let's sing the national anthem together. (Music (backing track) of the national anthem will be performed, accompanied by students.)
When was the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted?
- The National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted on December 1992, 10.  Uzbekistan The National Anthem of the Republic is one of the symbols of state independence.
Composer of the national anthem music Commissioner Burkhonov, the word poet Abdulla Oripov wrote.
III. Final part:
Arrange the lyrics in the correct order
Yashnagay to forever science, creativity,
Glory to the world!
Sunny free land, happiness to the wind, salvation,
You are a friend to friends, kind!

The courageous spirit of the ancestors is with you!
These valleys of gold - dear Uzbekistan,

The time when the power of the great nation was in full swing,
He says he has fascinated the world!

Honest, motherland, be prosperous forever!
Immortal faith of a generous Uzbek,

Free, young generation is a great wing for you!
Torch of Independence, Guardian of Peace,

The time when the power of the great nation was in full swing,
These valleys of gold - dear Uzbekistan,

The courageous spirit of the ancestors is with you!
He says he has fascinated the world!
     What ethical rules do you think should be followed when performing the national anthem? Why?
Question 5: How does our state take care of you children?
Approximate answers of students: schools are being built, kindergartens are being built
There are sports schools. and so on.
          The teacher summarizes the children's answers one by one. Bunda u
He makes effective use of his earlier paintings and uses them to explain the concepts of independence, the state emblem, the state flag.
When the teacher sings the national anthem with the children, it is advisable to show a video that reflects the beauty and greatness of our country.
Listing the opportunities provided by the state to students one by one
passes. (gifts given by the head of state to the 1st grade teacher)
          The gift of our President is one of these opportunities
An excellent read and to justify this confidence, saying that it is a high confidence expressed
it is explained that it is necessary to respond with exemplary behavior.
Encourage students at the end of the lesson.
15-msubject: What is the responsibility
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training: Explain to students that the role of responsibility and will, hard work, effort and teaching of teachers is very important in the development of their dreams and aspirations to become masters of their chosen profession, in the realization of all their dreams.
Introduce professionals to work tools. Awakening of love for professions in the hearts of students. Determining what types of occupations children have, what their parents think about their occupations, explaining the state of the labor process through pictures. During the conversation, teach the children that such qualities as intelligence, hard work, will, patience, solidarity are needed in gaining a profession.
Equipment for educational activities: handouts, pictures of different professions, puzzles.
Course of educational training:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
There are many professions in the world
They are all great
They complement each other
One blinks at the other
The earth is the sea, the sky
So on all sides
Crafts are in service
And respectfully, of course
There are many professions in the world
They are all great.
How much if necessary
They are interdependent
Craft everywhere
Benefits to El
Part II:
Dear students, the topic of today's lesson is "Who should I be?". Through the game we will learn about different professions with you.
  1. What profession do your parents have? What is a profession?
2. Who do you want to be in the future? Questions such as are answered.
The teacher summarizes the children's answers: A profession requires some kind of activity, certain knowledge, experience, training. Different districts of professions. Look at this picture, what kind of professionals do you see in the picture?
Children’s answers are heard and the names of the professions are written.
Distributes pictures of professions to children. According to the photos distributed by children
describe professions
-Where do your parents work? Tell us about their profession. What do your parents do in the workplace?
Children's answers are heard.
Teacher: Who do you want to be when you grow up? What do you think should be done for this?
Children's answers.
It is said that such qualities as intelligence, hard work, will, patience, and solidarity are necessary in acquiring a profession.
Teacher: Here are the children, now we are the profession of your parents, yourself
we talked about your dreams. Profession is a very necessary activity for a person
I think you understand that
Whoever chooses a profession should love it. The work of a person who knows his profession well will be fruitful. Recently my mother Nigora told me that she dreamed of becoming a carpenter, that when I grow up I will be a carpenter and learn to sew a dress for my doll.
            It is very good to be a parent, because you see and learn what they do from a young age, and you help them in this work. When you grow up, if you work in this profession, your parents will be your teachers.
III. Final part:
 Pantomime game.
     Students should use gestures to express the profession depicted in the picture.
"Who is faster" game.
Students name each profession by throwing a ball to each other. The group that can name the most professions is the winner.
Who wants to be a watchmaker in the future?
Whose father (brother, cousin) was a watchmaker?
Each group's word for each profession is given an incentive card, and at the end of the game, incentive cards are counted and the winning group is determined.
Encourage students at the end of the lesson.
16-mavzu: New Year(On the eve of New Year's Eve)
I. Introduction:
Educational of training Purpose:Expanding students 'knowledge of the New Year. Developing students' oral skills, free and independent thinking.
Educational of training  store:DVDs, disks, handouts, pictures, Christmas tree, Christmas, snowman models (you can also make one of the students in the class as Christmas and snowman)
Educational of training to go:
Organizational part.
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Spiritual moment:
Archa - archa, jon archa,
How are your leaves?
Gather around you
Everyone sings.
Hello to you, blue spruce,
You live in winter and summer.
How many leaves,
You are made, you are beautiful.
- Good guys, tell me, on what holiday can we see a beautiful Christmas tree?
- On New Year's Eve.
- Barakalla! In what season is the New Year celebrated?
-In the winter.
- Who will be a guest in the New Year?
- Santa and Snow Maiden?
- Do you like this holiday? Why?
-Yes, we love it very much. (……….)
- Tasanno!
Part II:
- Now, guys, I want to tell you interesting information about how children around the world will celebrate this holiday. Listen carefully.
All children on earth love the New Year just like you. The holiday is celebrated differently depending on the traditions of the countries.
The peoples of the East celebrate this holiday in the spring.
            December is also rich in holidays for Polish children. On this day, mothers cook 12 different dishes for their children. This means that this year, twelve months, this house will be full.
            In Germany, the little ones put their shoes on the door and go to sleep on their own. In the morning, Santa Claus puts mysterious gifts in the shoes of children who wake up. In this country, people who see a pipe cleaner on a holiday are really happy. If they touch a pipe cleaner and get their heads dirty, the New Year will bring them happiness all year round.
            We are also preparing for this holiday. It has become a tradition for our people to celebrate the New Year with new dreams and new plans, summing up the work we have done during the year. take part in performances with the participation of fairy-tale heroes.
III.Final part.
Checking students' knowledge using "spider web" technology.
The class is divided into two groups. Boys - "Santa Claus" group
The girls can be called "Korkiz" group.
-Which months are included in the winter season?
-Winter includes December, January and February.
- What holidays are widely celebrated in our country this season?
- "Constitution Day", "New Year", "Defender of the Fatherland Day" are widely celebrated.
-Children go on winter vacation.
- What changes occur in nature in winter?
- The days will be cold, rainy, frosty, snowy, the water will freeze, the ground will be slippery, the sun will not heat, the weather will be clear sometimes, and so on.
Students' questions about winter, winter weather, children's winter games  "Networking" A-4 format papers will be distributed.
2Why do children in particular celebrate the New Year with great joy?
- Now we will play the game "Archa bezash" with you.
Write your thoughts on the Christmas tree toys you made in the labor class and you will make the branches of this Christmas tree.
Pupils write down why they like the holiday on paper Christmas tree toys and explain it on the branches of a Christmas tree.
1 archani"Snow Maiden" group: (writes) Santa and Snow Maiden come, share gifts, have fun, make a Christmas tree and more.
2 archaniThe group "Santa Claus" reads one of the toys in the bag and finds the answer. When they find the answer, they hang it on a spruce branch.
- Does not burn in fire,
  Does not sink in water.
- Has a finger, no nails.
-If you crawl, you walk, if you don't crawl, you stand.
Santa's been up all night -
I took it, my hand stiffened.
-White-haired heads,
The river will be young.
Now our Christmas tree is ready. Now we will have fun around the Christmas tree.
Pupils sing songs they have learned in music lessons, recite New Year's poems and dance.
Encourage students at the end of the lesson.
Topic 17: Homeland Security (January 14 - Defender of the Fatherland Day)
I. Introduction:
Educational of training Purpose:Expanding the ideological, political, moral, spiritual worldview of students. Deciding on the qualities of loyalty to the motherland, courage, patriotism, humanity. to bring up as strong, well-rounded people.
Educational of training  device:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Educational of training to go:
Organizational part.
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Part II:    
Teacher: The homeland is a sacred place. Every inch of it is dear to us. There is a person who was born, grew up and grew up in this country, who lives with great love for him all his life. There are no great people in this paradise. Their contribution to the development of the Motherland is also world famous.
We are justifiably proud of our ancestors, such as Mirzo Ulugbek, Khorezmi, Beruni, Ibn Sino, Alisher Navoi, Mirzo Babur.
     "The garden of a peaceful nation is full of flowers," say our wise men. We are grateful: our homeland is peaceful, our country is prosperous.
     -Today is the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. January 14 is the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, which is celebrated in all parts of independent Uzbekistan, in military units, schools and universities.
    - The Armed Forces of Uzbekistan are the backbone of our security. It consists of ground forces, air force, air defense forces, border, special and engineering forces, as well as the National Guard, ie selected troops.
III.Final part.
Teacher: We are from the generation of commanders. I hope that in the future you will grow up to be brave, courageous, loyal to his people and country, patriotic like Jaloliddin Manguberdi, like our great ancestor Amir Temur.
"Soldier" Poem is memorized.
We will be soldiers in the future,
We protect the motherland
We are vigilant at the borders,
Adopt this country, garden and meadow.
We are a generation of commanders,
Deserves honors, glory.
My grandfather Temur, like Jaloliddin,
In the heart, the love of the Motherland is more than anything.
The dialogue between father and son in Habib Rahmat's poem "Botir askarcha" can be said.
Dadajon, askar akam
Steps gurs, gurs, gurs.
To my homeland, to my people
He promised to be faithful.
- Is that so?
"I'm their brother,"
How should I be?
Homeland is ready for work
I have to be.
- Is that so?
My homeland, my people
I keep it as an eye,
The soldier is like my brother
I justify your confidence.
- Is that so?
Well done, father and son,
Tilginangga bol, sugar.
You too will grow up one day,
You will be a brave soldier.
Our young soldiers have sent you incomplete articles. Your task is to fill in the missing sentence instead of the full stop.
-Motherland is sacred, _______________________ (every inch of it is dear)
-Peace of the homeland- ________________________ (you are peaceful)
Peace be upon you,
_____________________ (The ground turns green with rain.)
-The soil of the mother earth is ________________________ (dear as mother's milk.)
-Power of the hand - true power,
_____________________ (Homeland soil is expensive.)
-If you build a country, you will grow,
_______________________ (If you don't look, you'll clean up.)
Encourage students at the end of the lesson.
Topic 18: My neighborhood
I. Introduction: 
Educational of training Purpose: A characteristic of our people. Incorporate concepts such as “Seven neighborhood parents for one child”, “Peaceful neighbor, you are peaceful”, “It is good to live in my neighborhood”
Educational of training  device:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Educational of training to go:
Organizational part.
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Part II:    
1. Teacher's information on the topic on a demonstrative basis.
Our neighborhood is big and beautiful. Apricot, apple, peach, pear, cherry and quince trees grow in our neighborhood. The children of our neighborhood take care of these seedlings. They put water on them and soften the bottom. Our neighborhood is becoming more beautiful day by day. This is due to the unity of the people of our neighborhood.
  1. Working in groups based on pictures
3. Teacher's summary of the lesson.
1) What kind of place is the neighborhood?
2) Is your neighborhood beautiful?
3) Who lives in your neighborhood?
4) What kind of people are your neighbors?
5) Do you get along with your neighbors?
6) What stores are there in your neighborhood?
III.Final part.
Work in groups based on small questions
1) How do you feel when you talk about your neighborhood?
2) What is the homeland?
3). What do you mean by a small homeland?
4) How do you express your respect for your neighborhood?
5) Is your family a close-knit family?
6) Who lives in your family?
Encourage students at the end of the lesson.
Topic 19: Good upbringing is a human adornment
I. Introduction:
Educational of training Purpose:To teach students that the upbringing of the younger generation is the foundation of the future.
To instill in students a sense of honor, kindness, humility, humanity, diligence, respect for adults, respect for the little ones.
Educational of training  device:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Educational of training  to go:
Organizational part.
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Part II:
Human education has great spiritual values. Upbringing is one of the virtues of etiquette. An educated person is respected among the people.
Now I will tell you a story about honesty. Listen carefully.
        It is said that Imam Bukhari went on a long journey as a child to study science. His mother sewed forty gold coins on the hem of his tunic. Before the trip, he ordered never to lie in any situation. On the way, the caravan was attacked by bandits. The boy was taken away, and the boy was given a little food. he asked without hesitation:
- What do you have?
"I have forty pieces of gold," said the boy.
 The robbers made fun of the boy. The chief of the robbers ordered the boy to be brought. :
"You foolish boy, if you hadn't said what you had, your gold would have stayed with you, no one would have known!"
  Imam Bukhari said before the journey that his mother should never lie and that he should follow his mother's advice.
  The leader of the bandits was deeply moved by the words of the young Bukhari, who returned from robbery, looting and violence, and repented by distributing to the poor what he had forcibly taken from the poor.
III.Final part.
1. What advice did the mother give to her son on the trip?
  1. So what did Imam Bukhari teach the robbers?
"Pen in the middle of the table" game. (During the break, each student is given a blank card to stick to.)
A-4 format is distributed to each row. What do you mean by upbringing? Write your opinion on a piece of paper and paste it in the format.
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 20: Our ancestors say…
(Before the birthdays of Navoi and Babur)
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training:Educate students in the spirit of respect and reverence for the traditions of our ancestors. Instill in their hearts national and universal values, feelings of kindness and humanity.
Educational equipment: pictures, posters.
Course of educational training:
Organizational part.
Preparation of students for the lesson, information on duty. Attention of students to the topic. The class is divided into two groups.
Name of group 1: - "Alishe Navoi"
Name of group 2: - "Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur"
Part II:
Teacher: - Here we got acquainted with the groups. Now you will compete by telling what you know about the way of life of our ancestors and their legacy.
Student 1:
A five-century-old poetic palace
A poem that shakes the chain.
The place where Timur did not have a knife
Alisher took the pen. (AO)
Student 2:
- Our great ancestor Alisher Navoi is truly one of the people who left an indelible mark in the history of mankind, the sultan of the realm of words.
Student 3:
Our grandfather Alisher Navoi was born on February 1441, 9 in the city of Herat.
Student 4:
Alisher, who loved books from an early age, was polite, sharp-witted, and in the spotlight.
Student 5:
Our ancestor left us many ghazals, epics, rubais and proverbs.
Group 2:
Student 6:
You are an officer, to the world that stretches out its hand,
You are a poet, like an eternal flame.
Not slaves, to your likeness
Neither kingdom fed on cake. (AO)
Student 7:
-Mirzo Babur, the true son of his homeland, the image of a just king, 1483 14-
He was born in February in Andijan.
Student 8:
Both the king and the poet's grandfather's rubais and ghazals, written in nostalgia, inspire love and respect for the Motherland.
Student 9:
Zahriddin Muhammad Babur in his time thought of the interests of the people. He held human dignity in high esteem.
Student 10:
Through his works, the great poet encouraged people to be humble and beautiful.
Students' opinions are summarized.
III.Final part.
Do you know any wise words, rubais, inherited from our ancestors?
Group 1:
- Say what you want, say what you don't say.
- There is no shame in unfaithfulness, there is no fidelity in shamelessness.
-Science and profession collapsed in youth,
  Spend time in old age.
Group 2:
"Whoever fulfills it is the source of fidelity!"
Whoever suffers is a heretic!
A bad man never sees a bad man,
Everyone, if bad, is punished!
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 21: "Teachings of wise ancestors" (about folk proverbs and sayings)
I. Introduction:
The purpose of the lesson: To strengthen students' interest in studying folk proverbs and sayings and the spiritual heritage of great scholars who grew up in our country, to teach them kindness, humanity, patriotism, honesty, integrity, knowledge, fostering the qualities of honesty, sincerity, respect for and devotion to ancestral heritage. Alpomish, Shirak, A.Temur A. Navoi, M. Ulugbek, Bobur and, of course, to learn from our parents and teachers, to learn and continue their good deeds
Educational equipment: Alpomish, Shirak, A.Temur, A.Navoi, M.Ulugbek, Bobur's pictures, books and pictures with their works
Course of educational training:
Organizational part:.
Pictures of Alpomish, Shirak, A.Temur, A.Navoi, M.Ulugbek, Babur, books and pictures with their works.
Organizational part. Introduction to the purpose of the lesson.
Part II:  Teacher: We live in such bright days because of the bravery in Alpomish, the courage and intelligence of Shirak, the heroism of Amir Temur, the courage of our ancestors in the Great Patriotic War. The legend of "Shirok" will be read and worked on the content.
Timur's "Power is in justice." When the sword comes to the press, the content of the wisdom of the truth is discussed.
Composer, poet, gardener, scientist, scholar.
A patriot who gave his life to his people to the mysterious mountain of heaven.
He laid the first ladder, A book as acceptable to the people as the sun,
You will be our great grandfather. The book "Khamsa" shines in the world
                                                  Alisher Navoi praises our grandfather.
I have no luck, my soul is in trouble,
I did everything wrong.
Leaving my place, I turned to the Indian Sara,
Oh my God, I was so dark.
The content of the poem is discussed and Mirzo Babur's boundless love for the Motherland is highlighted.
  1. Navoi's childhood, M.Ulugbek's Observatories, Bobur's deeds for the country, palaces and gardens he built are shown in the pictures.
     We try to continue our exemplary work, paying attention to the professions of our parents, the knowledge that our teacher gives us, their behavior, dress and behavior.
III. The final part: Students will talk about role models and the lesson will end.
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 22: "The world knows us"
I. Introduction:
The purpose of the lesson: Independence Uzbekistan - the world knows you. Why Independence Day is celebrated as the greatest and dearest holiday, lifehow today's opportunities arose in our country, pduring the dictatorial regime the hardships of our people, the great spiritual courage of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov and his thoughts on not forgetting the past.
Educational equipment: Pictures of Islam Karimov and independence.
Course of educational training:
Organizational part:.
Part II:
The teacher shows the border of Uzbekistan from the globe.
  • At one time, Uzbekistan completely abandoned the command-and-control system of the former dictatorial regime, one-sidedly developed weak economy, unfavorable models such as "shock therapy" and firmly chose its path of development based on the famous five principles. "Uzbek model" to reveal the real results of the development strategy, recognized as, through clear analysis;
  • In 1990, the needs of the population in food products, primarily grain, potatoes, meat, dairy and confectionery products, were met by imports, but now 96% of them are produced in-house. interpretation as practical confirmation;
  • The small business and private entrepreneurship sector, which did not exist in the country before independence, now produces more than 56% of GDP, 75-77% of the total employed population in this sector. class - to show with real-life examples that the property class is becoming the backbone of society;
  • to reveal the social significance of the ongoing programs for the construction of modern housing and infrastructure in rural areas on the basis of standard projects, as the appearance of our cities and villages is becoming more beautiful and prosperous from year to year;
  • From the first days of independence, our population, especially the elderly, women and youth, to pay constant attention and care, to protect their rights and interests, to protect the family, motherhood and childhood, including social needs from the state budget. to show that the annual expenditures on support of the population and strengthening of the social sphere are steadily increasing, and in 2014 alone this figure exceeded 60% as a logical result of our large-scale work in this direction;
  • the essence of the great work being done to bring up a new generation with deep knowledge of modern knowledge and professions, independent thinking, living with love and devotion to their homeland, no less than anyone else, emerging as a decisive force. disclosure;
  • independence is for us to restore our national statehood, identity, human rights and dignity, to glorify our traditions and customs, the sacred religion of Islam, the sacred names of our great ancestors, to form a healthy and harmonious new generation. a broad explanation of the unimaginable possibilities;
  • Peace and tranquility prevailing in our country, preservation of interethnic friendship and solidarity, preservation of the inviolability of our borders, further strengthening of friendly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation with countries near and far, increasing threats and challenges in various regions and territories. to live constantly alert, vigilant and vigilant in an increasingly dangerous time, to further increase our mobilization - to emphasize that life itself is the most important and urgent task that we all need today;
      Significant changes have also taken place in the spiritual sphere: attitudes towards language, history, national traditions and values, spiritual heritage, religion, literature and art, our traditions, self-awareness, national ideology. evidence of the formation of The work of the great statesman and politician, the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganievich Karimov is invaluable on the basis of such large-scale work and opportunities provided to young people!
On September 2016, 2, our Motherland and the entire Uzbek people suffered a heavy loss…
The great statesman and politician, the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganievich Karimov loved his people with boundless love and devoted his whole life to serving Uzbekistan.
On September 2016, 2, according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 02.09.2016, the first lessons of the 4-2016 academic year were dedicated to the bright memory of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. In memory of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, a small "Memory Square" and "Memory Lessons" were organized in the main entrance lobby of all our schools. The first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov has left an indelible mark on the history of our country for the liberation of our people from the former Soviet colonies, the restoration of the ancient values ​​of our nation, the development of our youth as a harmoniously developed generation. , on the basis of the world-renowned "Uzbek model" of development, has brought our country to unprecedented heights. During the 2017 years of its independence, our country has gained its name, place and status in the world. In all regions of the republic, our sacred shrines have been restored, the blessed names of our great scholars and their legacy have been glorified. Great strides have been made in grain, energy, and dozens of other fields. These reforms have been highly recognized and respected not only by our people, but also by the world community.
The love of the head of our state for the youth, especially for the aspiring, enthusiastic, enterprising future generations, was fragmentary. Paying special attention to the upbringing of the younger generation, modern conditions have been created in all regions of the country for the harmonious development of our children. Thanks to the created conditions, our talented young people are achieving high results in the field of art and sports on the world stage. They are spreading the fame of our country to the world. The indelible memory of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the founder of the independent state of Uzbekistan, the great son of the Uzbek people Islam Abduganievich Karimov will forever remain in the hearts of all our grateful compatriots, all our people.
III. The final part:
Tell me, guys, what have we achieved since independence?
Thank you for your answers.
Indeed, for 26 years we have been living a peaceful and prosperous life in the heart of the free and prosperous independent Motherland that our ancestors dreamed of, some have reached and some have not. In a very short period of history, Uzbekistan has become a modern, independent, sovereign state that has its own strength and potential, is able to protect its land, peace and tranquility, and is developing rapidly! This fills the heart of each of us with pride and pride…
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged
Topic 23: My dear mother
(March 8 - on the occasion of Women's Day)
I. Introduction:
Educational of training  purpose:To instill in students a sense of respect, esteem, love and cherish of mothers.
To expand their understanding of their duties to their parents, to inculcate moral education.
Educational of training  store:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Educational of training clock go:
Organizational part.
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Part II:
Respect for mother Q.Muhammadi
To honor the mother,
It is the duty of mothers to understand.
The word mother is a great name,
The mother is the chief gardener, and the mother is the guardian.
Mother is the prosperity of our home,
Mother's house is also a joy.
Mother adorned us like flowers,
When we played and stayed late, he visited us.
Our mother is the honor and glory of the Motherland
Our mother is a steel fortress of peace.
    Mother is so great and honorable! The mountains were honored by the mothers, they absorbed the warmth of the sun.
    -Mothers are kind, they are so kind, they love us as "children" no matter how old we are. Mother is life. There is a mother, life goes on, there is a mother, the family does not go out. There is a mother, the world is enlightened.
   - Our mothers make us bigger than a piece of meat, put us in a row, wash us white and comb us white. They are always flying over our heads. They are ready to take the thorn that has entered our feet with their lashes.
   - What is the reason for this? Why do mothers have so many butterflies in front of their children?
Why are they willing to sacrifice their lives for a child, if necessary?
The only answer is motherly love. Mother's infinite love for her child!
-Yes, mother's love melts the stone. They live as a child for a lifetime. So, your mothers, be kind to them, take care of them, appreciate them, dear students.
- They do not need much. They always wish their children health and well-being. In fact, the perfection of their children is the greatest happiness for them.
This is stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Article 64. Parents are obliged to feed and raise their children until they reach adulthood.
Article 66 Adult, able-bodied children are obliged to take care of their parents.
III. Final part:
1. Do you know proverbs about mothers?
Mother and child - tulips with flowers.
- The mother's heart is in the child, the child's heart is in the field.
-Paradise is under the feet of mothers.
  1. Conducting "Sunflower" technology on the theme "My mother".
Our mother
The light of our house
Our dear
Our sweet word
Our caregiver
Who else do you know who doesn’t lag behind our mothers in the Mehr chapter?
- Our grandmothers.
-Bless you, children!
- Describe our grandmothers? What kind of people are they?
-They are prayerful, wise, wise, always respectful, honorable, rich and love their grandchildren.
Students will sing songs about mothers and grandmothers.
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 25: "A decent child likes the wind"
I. Introduction:
Educational of training Purpose:To teach students that the upbringing of the younger generation is the foundation of the future.
To instill in students a sense of honor, kindness, humility, humanity, diligence, respect for adults, respect for the little ones.
Educational of training  device:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Educational of training  to go:
Organizational part.
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Part II:
Human education has great spiritual values. Discipline is manners
An educated person is respected among the people.
Now I'm going to tell you a story about honesty. Listen carefully.
        It is said that Imam Bukhari went on a long journey as a child to study science. His mother sewed forty gold coins on the hem of his tunic. Before the trip, he ordered never to lie in any situation. On the way, the caravan was attacked by bandits. The boy was taken away, and the boy was given a little food. he asked without hesitation:
- What do you have?
"I have forty pieces of gold," said the boy.
 The robbers made fun of the boy. The chief of the robbers ordered the boy to be brought. :
"You foolish boy, if you hadn't said what you had, your gold would have stayed with you, no one would have known!"
  Imam Bukhari said before the journey that his mother should never lie and that he should follow his mother's advice.
  The leader of the bandits was deeply moved by the words of the young Bukhari, who returned from robbery, looting and violence, and repented by distributing to the poor what he had forcibly taken from the poor.
III.Final part.
1. What advice did the mother give to her son on the trip?
  1. So what did Imam Bukhari teach the robbers?
"Pen in the middle of the table" game. (During the break, each student is given a blank card to stick to.)
A-4 format is distributed to each row. What do you mean by upbringing? Write your opinion on a piece of paper and paste it in the format.
Students' opinions are summarized.
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 25: Navruz - the holiday of spring
(March 21 - on the occasion of Navruz holiday)
I. Introduction:
Educational of training   Purpose:Explain to students the essence of "Navruz" and provide information about the achievements of our country during the years of independence, the history of our people by technical means.
To teach students to love spring, to appreciate our national traditions, to be humane, to cultivate in them a sense of friendship and harmony.
Educational of training device: DVD, disc, handouts, photos, harvested wheat.
Educational of training go
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
                   The identity of my Uzbek,
                     Boiling full of love,
                     It is known from his word.
                     Assalamu alaykum!
All:  Assalamu alaykum!
Teacher:What is our lesson now?
Student: Manners, manners,
                   You need to know everything.
                  Respect for parents,
                   Human beauty,
                   I teach everything
                   I am a fan of educational hours.
Teacher:Where we get knowledge
student:At school. School is a place of education and upbringing.
Teacher: What kind of kids are you?
                     Are you ready for training?
All:  We are ready.
Teacher: We will conduct today's training in an unconventional way through the boys 'and girls' competitions under the heading "Navruz - spring holiday".
Dear children!
Now you can find your place based on the word written on your business card. At the beginning of the lesson, students have colored cards of their choice, which contain the words "Happiness" or "Luck". Here you are divided into two groups. Now tell the groups about yourself.
Part II:
 Teacher: Thanks guys. Now we will continue our competition training.
What season is ruling in our country now? Spring
What changes occur in nature in spring?
Students' opinions are summarized.
-Spring in our country… That is why from ancient times the beginning of agricultural work was considered to be March 21. This holiday Navruz, that is New day called
It has become one of the best traditions of our country to celebrate Navruz, the ancient holiday of the peasants, every year with great joy and great preparation.
     In Navruz, farmers start plowing and plowing. Before Navruz, saplings are planted on the roads. The streets are being cleaned, ditches are being dug. Cabbage is being swept away. On the day of Navruz, pancakes are fried and pickles are boiled.
     On the days of Navruz, young people go to see the elderly and the sick.
    When they take mint and violets, the old people wish them: "Ease and well-being, let's never see, let's play and laugh for months and years." The apartments are full of guests.
III. Final part:
Brainstorming Task 1:
We form a cluster of spring. The groups write their answers on A-4 paper.
(Songs about spring, sumalak, Navruz are played during each task. When the music is turned off, students stop moving and answer questions)
The nature of spring
Birds fly from warm countries
Update season  
The ice is melting
The tulips open
Awakening season
The bride of the seasons
The trees are blooming
The thunder rumbles
Flowers, purple blossoms open                                   
Flower season
It rains a lot
After the students have written the answers to the questions, the teacher fills in their ideas.
Teacher:What qualities do you guys think our ancestors had? “Navruz olam ”greeted?
Students explain their ideas. So, before Navruz, they give up all bad habits and welcome the new day with good manners.
The winning group will be awarded with incentive cards
Teacher: Well, how are you students?
Students: We don't want to, Gold!
Teacher: How do you keep the race going?
Students: If we are lucky, we are ahead.
Teacher: Are you happy?
Students: We are happy!
Teacher: Then we will continue the competition. In today's lesson we will watch a story about "Navruz".
Students will be given a slide and analyzed.
Teacher: Children Why was it a good tradition to celebrate Navruz?
Students: The groups answer one by one:
 Quiz Task 2:
When did farming begin?
- In Navruz, farmers began to work in the fields, took out their working animals and tools, plowed the land and sowed the seeds of blessing.
- How are you preparing for Navruz in our country?
- It has become one of the best traditions of our country to celebrate Navruz every year with great joy and great preparation.
- How are you preparing for the holiday?
- We help adults to clean the streets, canals, plant young saplings, whitewash trees.
Students' opinions are filled. Spring is not only beautiful
costs Navruz is the greatest, the most ancient, the most beloved holiday of us, the Turkic peoples. Navruz means a new day. Sumalak, halim, blue somsa, lochira and blue dumplings are cooked on Navruz.
Assignment 4. Replace the missing words.
The groups are given the words written on the paper. The students put the words in their places. (Navruz, sumalak, baraka, lochira, un, qatlama, March 21, new day, kazan, ezgu intention, nuts, mild, beautiful nature, rain, snow, January 14, festivals, rocks, etc.)
Task 3: The children have brought you assignments in swallow notebooks. Why don't you continue the words that were left out in the comments about the holiday traditions?
Note 1:
On Navruz they clean… -….                               (housing)
Note 2:
Until Navruz……. justify.                         (tree trunks)
Note 3:
In Navruz…. do not sit.                                                       (sad)
Note 4:
On Navruz a. (they forget)
Note 5:
     On the day of Navruz… holiday meals will be sent. (to patients)
Note 6:
On Navruz they visit… -….                   (to relatives))
Teacher: Dear children! The future of our independent country is in the hands of the younger generation. In today's topic we talked about our national traditions and universal values, Uzbek traditions. Navruz is celebrated in every corner of our heavenly country. This is due to independence.
Students who actively participate are encouraged by the scores of the groups.
Topic 26: Labor is the root of work
I. Introduction:
Educational of training Purpose:
To give an idea about work. To give an idea that a profession is a material and spiritual wealth, a professional will never be humiliated in life.
Educational of training store:
pictures, posters, tools used in the labor lesson
Educational of training  to go:   
Organizational part
Preparation of students for lessons
Part II:
In ancient times, there was a prince from Dagestan named Mirak. His wealth was immeasurable.
During one of the voyages, a strong wind blew in the sea and the prince's ship capsized. Many of his compatriots were killed. Mirak was washed ashore by the current.
   He left his homeland and moved to another country. He had no money, no shelter, nothing to eat. Aryat and princely pride did not allow him to eat begging.
 He remembered his childhood friend Said. Said's father was a carpenter, making and selling doors and frames. In his spare time, Mirak secretly helped his friend from his father, so he knew the art of making doors and frames.
Prince Mirak became an apprentice to one of the carpenters in the city, made and sold doors and frames. He collected money to return to his homeland.
   When he returned to his homeland, he told his father, the king, about his adventures. The king was glad that his son had returned to his homeland as a craftsman. He made Prince Mirak the most beautiful, wise and intelligent girl in the kingdom.
Before his death, the king appointed Mirak as his successor. He bequeathed to his son:
- My son, I want you to teach your children the profession that led you to become a king and return to your homeland, because any profession will help the future owner of the country to find a solution to all problems.
   According to his father's will, King Mirak, according to the wishes of his children, sent him to the schools of artisan teachers. The princes also studied the father's profession with great interest, became popular and achieved their goals.
From the story:
the only thing that adorns a person's life, that brings him happiness and prosperity, is labor. People gain prestige through honest work and create their own happy future. There is a great meaning in the wise words of our ancestor Bahovuddin Naqshband:
- “Respect for people who live and work hard, to raise them, to relax, to enjoy themselves.
thinking is one of the most important conditions of humanity. ”
III. Final part:
Assignment 4
What articles do you know about the profession and labor?
If you have a trade, you will find bread on your way.
-Patience, need is a good quality.
- It is necessary to work with love, diligence and perseverance. It has three sweet fruits: body health; pleasure; increase in prestige;
- Recognize work as the key to health.
1. What can a person not be afraid of losing in life?
2. Why does a person work tirelessly?
Checking students' knowledge through brainstorming:
There is nothing wrong with the profession. Work glorifies a person. It is necessary to work with love, diligence and perseverance.
The teacher summarizes the ideas received from the students. Being diligent, needy is a good quality. He concludes that only people who know work as the key to health can live a happy life.
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 27: In the bosom of Mother Nature
I. Introduction:
The purpose of the lesson: What is nature? Talk about why we need to take care of it.
Equipment for educational activities: pictures and videos of landscapes, plants, animals.
Course of educational training:
Organizational part. Introduction to the purpose of the lesson.
Part II :
        There is a video showing the landscape: the streets, parks, wildlife and birds, flower gardens and mountains of our country. It is said that all this is called nature in one word.
  Teacher: Everything that surrounds us and sees us in this picture is called nature. Nature is divided into animate and inanimate nature.
Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.
Students are divided into groups and write down the animate and inanimate objects and hang them on the board. When all the work is done, the concepts are generalized.
 This means that animals, like humans, can breathe, eat, grow and, in some cases, benefit humans. Plants also absorb water through their roots, feed, breathe through their leaves, cleanse us of polluted air through their leaves and provide us with fresh air.
 Our high mountains, waters, sand, rocks, and sweaty heights - gold, silver, copper, coal, oil and natural gas are also natural blessings. They have served man since the creation of mankind on earth. As the human mind developed, it began to study these blessings of nature. Our scientists have studied their composition, why they can be used and how to use them. At present, our underground and surface resources are used in various sectors of our economy.
The natural map of the world shows the diversity of nature in the regions, the differences in animals and plants.
III Final part:
          Today we talked to you about nature. We have learned that every plant in our land is precious to us. Imagine what would happen if our house did not have water, natural gas and electricity for a whole day. Now imagine that this does not happen on earth. What do we need to do for this? Of course, we must preserve nature. Only then will our future generations be able to enjoy these blessings. To this end, Uzbekistan, along with many other countries, is a member of the ECOSAN Fund. The main purpose of this fund is to take measures to prevent the reproduction and conservation of some endangered species of animals and plants, as well as water and air pollution.
 We have realized that we must also contribute to this work.
Students will be encouraged at the end of the class.
Topic 28: My favorite fairy tale character
I. Introduction:
Educational of training  Purpose:To instill in students an interest in reading fairy tales. To teach students to be humble, humane, to appreciate the good, to respect adults in the person of fairy tale characters.
Educational of training  store:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Part II:
Teacher: “Once upon a time, once upon a time, in ancient times….” Boys, what is this?
Student: This is a fairy tale.
Teacher: What fairy tales do you know?
Students: "Bogirsok", "Goat children and Wolf", "Turnip", "Emerald and Precious", "Three brothers are heroes" and others.
         Fairy tales always lead to good. In fairy tales, the features of folklore are fully reflected. In the past and in the present, fairy tales were created by representatives of the written literature. So, it would be a mistake to say that all of them were created orally.
         In fairy tales, mainly animals and various mythical creatures take part as heroes. In most Uzbek fairy tales, concepts and qualities such as courage, honesty, fidelity to justice, respect for parents, elders, love for the motherland, courage are understood.
III. Final part:
Task 1: The “Networking” method is used
Students will be given a sheet of paper. They will be asked to write the name of their favorite fairy tale and the names of its characters.
Assignment 2.
Write down the positive and negative qualities of your favorite fairy tale character:
They write according to the "T" scheme
Students' opinions are summarized.
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 29: My hero
I. Introduction:
Educational of training  Purpose:To instill in students an interest in reading fairy tales. To teach students to be humble, humane, to appreciate the good, to respect adults in the person of fairy tale characters.
Educational of training  store:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
Part II:
Teacher: Everyone has their favorite hero. He envies his hero. His every line mimics his movement. Always striving to be like him.
      Heroes are definitely positive and negative; it is said that positive heroes encourage people to do good, while negative heroes cause many misfortunes to humanity.
To give an idea that the real heroes are the people who sacrificed their lives for the glory of the country, who put the peace of the country above everything else.
There will be a conversation about such people. Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Amir Temur, Alpomish, Islam Karimov, Najmiddi Kubro….
III. Final part:
Task 1: The “Networking” method is used
Pupils are given sheets of paper. They are asked to write the name of their favorite hero and the qualities of the class.
Students' opinions are summarized.
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 30: My grandfather's memories (Before Remembrance and Respect Day)
I. Introduction:
Educational of training   Purpose: To explain to the students the sacred feeling of the Motherland, its dear people, the meaning of re-remembering the brave, suffering and courageous sons who sacrificed their lives for the protection of the Motherland. and the use of technical means to provide information about the achievements of our state during the years of independence, the history of our people.
Educational of training  device: Projector and computer, DVD, handouts, photos. (Invitation from war or labor veterans living in the neighborhood)
Educational of training to go:
Organizational part: Preparation of students for lessons, information on duty.
A moment of spirituality.
You are my grandfather - Memory,
You are my grandmother-Qadr!
An ancient ways… ..Memory….
An ancient way - r Qadr….
                            Spots of the gloomy world
                            Popanak binds rakhtma-rakht
                            The mountains of my memory,
                            A tree on which my heart rests.
 I am also a branch, Qadr,
 You are my grandfather - Memory,
 You are my grandmother - Qadr
An ancient way-…… Memory….
Part II:
What is the poem about? (As long as it's about memory and appreciation)
- So, in today's lesson we will talk about the Day of Remembrance and Respect.
In accordance with the decree of the head of our state, May 9 is widely marked as the Day of Remembrance and Honor in order to perpetuate the memory of the children of our people who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and independence of the Motherland. The tradition of celebration has been decided.
In today's lesson, we will traditionally lead in the "Most Holy Day" column.
Teacher: -What do you guys mean by a race?
Students: A competition between two or more groups through a question-answer or game.
Teacher:What types of races do you know?
Students:One by one they say the races they know. "Knowledge competition", "Football", "Swimming", "Volleyball", "Wrestling"
Teacher:Balli! You know the races very well.
 Dear children!
Now you can find your place based on the word written on your business card. At the beginning of the lesson, students have colored cards of their choice, which contain the words "Friendship", "Honor" or "Pride". Here you are divided into three groups. Now tell the groups about yourself.
"Friendship" group
Easy to solve a friend's problem
The person who wants to do,
May the world be full of light,
The world needs friendship.
"E`zoz" group
Peace is very good,
Summer is coming.
No sound of bullets,
Sing, rap and dance to these catchy beats.
G'urur ”gurur
Peace be upon you all,
All the time for that.
The people will fight together
We will not allow war,
Peace prevails, peace is true.
Teacher: Task 1: Let's describe the mood of the three groups through sweet words
Let's write our wishes on apricot, almond and peach blossoms and hang them on the models of apricot and almond trees.
For example:
Good luck to you, welcome, be healthy, be blessed, live long,
well done, reach your goal, find the Blessing, wait until the world stops, survive
have a good rest (groups exchange wish trees)
Teacher: Thanks guys. Now we continue our race lesson.
What season is ruling in our country now? Spring
What holidays and days do we celebrate in spring?
March 8 - International Women's Day
March 21 is Navruz holiday
April 9 is the birthday of our grandfather Amir Temur
May 9 is Remembrance and Respect Day
May 25 is the day of the last call
       For several years, the Day of Remembrance and Honor has been widespread in our country
is being celebrated.
Now we will watch the video dedicated to this day and continue our conversation
(3-5 minute film will be shown)
1. What can be seen in the field of memory and appreciation?
2. What is the meaning of the Day of Remembrance and Respect?
Teacher:Memory is a sacred feeling that promotes self-awareness, a constant remembrance of the past. Man understands his identity more deeply through memory and dignity.
We respectfully say a few words, such as Nation, Motherland, Independence, and consider them sacred. When we talk about these concepts, our minds are occupied with the feeling of involuntary memory. Human memory is sacred, remembering its ancestors, noble. When the memory of ancestors fades or disappears, that is, when there is a gap between ancestors and generations, the nation is in decline.
All sacred concepts are alive with memory. It means not only forgetting the past, but also a bright vision of the present and the future.
Memory teaches a person to look into the future with deep eyes.
III. The final part:
We use the following technologies to find out how well students have mastered a new topic.
Brainstorming method:
     Assignment 2: Now reinforce the knowledge that the kids have acquired
To remember the heroic struggles of our ancestors
We will hold a game "Why".
To know that a prosperous life today is not easily achieved
Why ? technology
Why was May 9 declared a Day of Remembrance and Honor?
For us not to forget our past
To honor the elderly
To report the condition of patients
To honor and remember parents, relatives
To appreciate peace, tranquility
To appreciate the country
Thus the three groups express their opinions.
You guys have a lot of knowledge on the subject.
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 31: "My book is my sun"
I. Introduction:
Educational of training purpose:To create students' interest in reading, learning, using the library. To instill in the hearts of students that science is stronger and more valuable than anything else.
Educational of training store:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Educational of training  to go:
Organizational part.
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Part II:
Find the answer to the riddle:
We love him so much, He is everyone's friend,
Diverse content. Sometimes there is a picture,
Not a teacher, Oh, comrade, find it!
He can give knowledge. Remember: this …… (book)
- So, what is our conversation about today? - It's about a book.
"Tell me, boys?" What does the book teach us?
-The book reveals the secrets and wonders of the world, helps us to acquire new knowledge.
Now listen to the story about the book. The great sage and philosopher Ibn Sina writes: I read Aristotle's Metaphysics over and over again until I memorized it. But I still did not understand anything. I came to the conclusion that it was incomprehensible. One day, as I was walking through the market, I heard a merchant praising his books. I approached the shop. The merchant showed me one of the books. It was Abu Nasr al-Farabi's Basic Rules of Metaphysics. I rejected the book, saying that there was no use in incomprehensible science. The salesman persuaded me to buy the book at a low price. I finally bought the book for only three dirhams. When I returned home, I began to read the book: he had revealed his secrets to me, and I had learned all about philosophy. I found the answers to my questions.
Narration 2: The sage Abu Bakr al-Khwarizmi was seriously ill. His disciples asked him:
- What do you want, what is your appetite?
"I look at the face of the book," he said.
You see, a good book helps us all to understand a science or event that at first seemed difficult, incomprehensible, helps us to acquire new knowledge and shows us the right way.
III. Final part:
Introduction to the rules of reading.
1. Choose a book and read the necessary.
2. To be able to read a book independently.
3. Draw life conclusions from what you read.
4. Copy the required places in the side notebook and memorize it.
5. Know how to use the book properly so as not to invalidate it.
6. To be able to read a book thoughtfully, without haste.
7. Repeated reading - gaining reading skills.
Teacher: Is it possible to buy all the books in the world? Why?
Student:No, you can't buy it.
Student: It's hard to keep a few books at home.
Student: The book I want to read may not be in the store.
Teacher: Well, what can help us in this situation?
Student: Libraries come to the rescue.
Teacher: Barakalla, boy!
So, libraries lead us to the world of books. Follow the example of our ancestors, try to spend your free time reading books, love books. Follow the rules of reading books. Your current job is reading books. If you work for it, you will become an educated person, even a great scientist, and you will create news for the future of Uzbekistan.
At the end of the lesson, students' opinions are summarized and encouraged.
Topic 32: Summer is over!
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training:To give students an idea about the tasks of the summer season, summer vacation.
Educational of training device:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Educational of training  to go:
Organizational part
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Part II:
         Summer begins in June. But in our country, from mid-May, the weather is as hot as in summer. In summer, there is less rain. Schools are over, and students go on summer vacation.
         At this time, children have a rest in recreation centers, health resorts. There are many children's camps in our country. They are built in beautiful nature and fresh air.
         When traveling in nature, there are rules for walking, dressing and swimming.
         It is not allowed to walk in the sun without clothes, to pluck flowers and grass, to touch insects, animals and birds, to take a bath without adult supervision.
         These rules must be followed. Then there will be no accidents.
III. Final part:
Students' opinions are generalized and encouraged
Topic 33: "I finished 1st grade!"(My impressions of the school)
I. Introduction:
The purpose of educational training: Share students' impressions of the school year, give them advice on how to spend a meaningful summer vacation, and encourage them to be careful when going to summer camps or swimming pools.
Educational of training device:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Educational of training  to go:
Organizational part
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Part II:
      Students will be asked to recall some of the knowledge we have gained throughout the year. Knowledge of native language, reading, mathematics, etiquette, the world around us, etiquette, music, English, technology and traffic rules is summarized. Talk about the differences in the level of knowledge, the culture of behavior and the culture of behavior at the time of entering the 1st grade and at the end of the 1st grade. Talk about when summer vacation starts and how to follow safety rules during the summer
    During the summer holidays, children spend their holidays in health resorts. There are many children's camps in our country. They are built in beautiful nature and fresh air.
         When traveling in nature, there are rules for walking, dressing and swimming.
         It is not allowed to walk in the sun without clothes, to pluck flowers, grass, to touch insects, animals and birds, to take a bath without adult supervision.
         These rules must be followed. Then there will be no accidents.
III.Final part.
1. Why is it not allowed to go outside without parental permission?
2. Where do students rest during the summer holidays?
  1. What safety precautions should he take when climbing?
  2. What should we pay attention to when crossing highways?
Students' opinions are generalized and encouraged.

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