11st Grade Educational Hour lesson plans


Explanatory note
We must raise our children ourselves, not leave them in the hands of others.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev
On April 2017, 6, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 187 "On approval of state educational standards of general secondary and secondary special, vocational education" was published. In this regard, it was decided to revise the content of educational hours and implement them on the basis of a competency-based approach.
It is known that pThe head of the inf is the person responsible for directly supervising the educational process of students in his class, ie during and after classes.
Activities of class teachers in general secondary education The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", "National Program of Personnel Training", Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education, Relevant normative documents developed by the Ministry of Education and Science and approved by the order of the Ministry of Public Education dated January 2007, 20 No 19"Regulations on the class teacher of educational institutions" is formed on the basis of.
This program and methodological manual is based on the above-mentioned legal and regulatory documents on education, as well as the continuity and consistency of general secondary education, modern methodologies.
The purpose of the program - The organization of educational hours based on the ongoing socio-economic reforms in the country, the best practices of developed countries and science and modern information and communication technologies, the education of modern, spiritually mature, active citizens .
Objectives of the educational hour program:
introduction of effective forms and methods of educating students on the basis of national, universal and spiritual values;
introduction of pedagogical and modern information and communication technologies in the educational process;
ensuring the effective integration of education, science and industry in preparing students for social life.
Today, as a result of the speed of information flow, the negative effects of popular culture on our lives are also felt. We can see this issue in the example of students ’social lives. Sometimes children are rude by their parents, they are not able to express themselves clearly orally or in writing, they lack responsibility, they can't get along with others, they don't allocate their money properly. we hear the idea that it can’t. Therefore, it should be noted that the development of the program is based on international and national experience.
"Regulations on the class teacher of educational institutions""The class teacher is one of the main teachers in the educational system of the educational institution, which organizes the practical education and upbringing of students in the class attached to him." In this regard, today's educational institutions There are similar problems in the work of class leaders:
- Improper organization of goals and objectives set by some class teachers in the process of educating students;
- Educational hours are not organized on the basis of a clear curriculum;
- Insufficient knowledge of teachers and class teachers about most of the laws and regulations in the field of education and spirituality;
- Unsatisfactory environment in some classes, lack of a harmonious and strong team;
- Low attendance in some educational institutions, the presence of students who regularly miss classes;
- Students in some classes do not have diaries, and those who have them are not supervised by the class teacher;
- Some students attend classes without preparation, even without textbooks;
- Students do not have enough understanding of the physical and mental dangers of Internet and mobile phone addiction;
- The incidence of juvenile delinquency, crime and delinquency;
- Lack of competencies that play an important role in the education of students;
- Lack of professional competencies of some of our teachers and educators;
- Low effectiveness of educational work;
- Lack of effective communication with parents;
- Lack of effective system of measures to combat and prevent crime, cell phone and Internet addiction, drug, tobacco and alcohol consumption.
At this point, we would like to draw your attention to an important aspect of the issue. How are educational hours organized in general practice in secondary schools today?
- In most cases today, educational hours consist of dry talk and go beyond the topics of educational hours;
- The behavior of a student is discussed;
- Students' mastery and attendance are discussed;
- We are talking about issues such as preparation for events and solving class problems.
What should be the educational hours?
- Just as the educational process consists of separate, independent lessons, educational hours are carried out with the help of integrated educational methods, effective tools.
- The class teacher should have a clear work plan for these activities.
Today's turbulent times demand from all of us the need to further strengthen the moral and spiritual educational work. Without spirituality, man cannot be a conscious social being. That is why class teachers and the whole teaching staff have an important task, such as teaching students to live on the basis of national and universal values. We have a future in a dangerous time when globalization is intensifying, the struggle between different ideas is intensifying, the attacks of "popular culture" are spreading around the world, and the destructive information transmitted through the Internet is trying to make the human heart and mind dependent on it. The search for effective forms and methods of preparing the younger generation for life has become a matter of public policy. In order to make educational work more up-to-date, it is necessary to reconsider all the ideas that are the basis of education, to focus on the child's personality, to make effective use of the positive experience gained over the years. The development of the human personality, on the other hand, is a very complex and continuous process. His upbringing is directly influenced by his parents, school, neighborhood, friends, public organizations, environment, internet, media, art, literature, nature and so on. That is why all class teachers must take these criteria into account in their educational activities. Educational hours are an area for the practical application of basic competencies formed in students. Properly organized educational hours allow students to apply the basic competencies formed through the disciplines in social life. One of the main goals of the educational hours is to teach students to adhere to the culture of behavior, freedom of expression, speech skills, correct and effective use of information, as well as compliance with international and national legislation in this area. Also, through educational hours, students can choose the right profession, the formation of a culture of reading, the right distribution of free time, the right choice of various clubs to develop their talents, ready work skills such as creating jobs by oneself rather than working in places are formed. Educational hour programs are formed on the principle of from simple to complex, and include the following areas. Patriotism; moral, legal, physical, hygienic, environmental and aesthetic education also directs students to choose the right profession. These areas of educational hours in the Republic of Uzbekistan are based on the priority of continuity, continuity of education, personality and interests of students, in which the following basic competencies are formed in accordance with the characteristics of age.
Communicative competence - to be able to communicate in the native language and in any foreign language in social situations, to adhere to the culture of communication, to form social flexibility, the ability to work effectively in a team.
Competence in working with information - to be able to search, sort, process, store, effectively use the necessary information from media sources, to ensure their security, to develop the ability to have a media culture.
Self-development competence - continuous self-development of physical, spiritual, mental, intellectual and creative, striving for perfection, independent study throughout life, continuous improvement of cognitive skills and life experience, o ' z implies the acquisition of skills to alternatively evaluate behavior and make independent decisions
Socially active civic competence - the formation of the ability to feel involved in and actively participate in events, happenings and processes in society, to know and fulfill their civic duties and rights, to have a culture of behavior and legal relations in labor and civil relations.
National and intercultural competence - loyalty to the motherland, kindness to people and belief in universal and national values, understanding of works of art and art, the ability to dress modestly, to follow cultural rules and a healthy lifestyle.
Competence in mathematical literacy, knowledge and use of scientific and technical innovations - to make personal, family, professional and economic plans on the basis of accurate calculations, to read various diagrams, drawings and models in daily activities, to use scientific and technical innovations that facilitate human labor, increase labor productivity, lead to favorable conditions involves the formation of acquisition abilities.
Also, these competencies are formed based on the content of each educational hour.
The "Sample Topic Plan for Educational Hours" for students of grades 1-9 of secondary schools is based on the formation of educational and moral qualities, as well as national holidays and important historical dates celebrated in our country. In addition, the plan takes into account what to pay attention to when conducting educational classes for students during science months.
This program and manual today recommends the development of "Educational Hours" in collaboration with specialists and practitioners of the Republican Education Center as practical and methodological assistance to class teachers.
The 8-hour “Rules of the Road” syllabus and lesson plans in the “Educational Hours” plan are not reflected in this handbook.
Respect for the wisdom of sages and our national values, patriotism, humanity, physical education, personal hygiene, in order to form and strengthen the educational and moral qualities in students, the content of the "Educational Hour" developed for 5th grade students of secondary schools. Recommendations were given on what to pay attention to when celebrating national holidays and important dates in our country, as well as cleanliness, dress code, children's rights, nature conservation, economic education, greetings and manners, love of books.
Educational hours can be organized in the following order:
  1. Introduction;
  2. Main part: story, conversation, lecture, group work;
  • The final part.
An exhibition of literature on the subject will be organized for use in educational hours. The process can be organized in an open dialogue, roundtable, discussion, trainings and various other unconventional ways.
 (Note: Up to 15% change can be made to the proposed educational hours program by the decision of the Methodological Council of Class Teachers of Secondary Schools.
____-School principal:
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Topics to be covered
The path we have chosen. Uzbekistan is a country of great potential.
Exemplary behavior and manners are the qualities of a perfect human being.
Youth and crime.
"The richer the farmer, the richer the people."
The teacher is as great as your father.
The mother tongue is the mirror of the heart.
The fight against crime among young people is a factor of social peace.
Behavior in public places.
Health district wealth.
A person who knows the language knows (within the framework of the Russian language month).
Indifference and indifference.
A sense of duty and responsibility to the homeland.
The rule of law is a guarantee of the well-being of society.
Countering terrorism, extremism and information threats.
The greatest courage.
My goal for the future!
All responsible for the peace of the people.
Religion and the culture of information consumption.
Without corruption - we will build a society.
Great values ​​lead to good.
Cyber ​​space and us.
Information age threats.
Respect to the woman!
Combating vices that hinder the development of society.
National customs and traditions.
Amir Temur and world culture.
The way to the human heart.
Computer games are a manipulative tool.
Family is a sacred place!
Courage and bravery.
The value of time.
A book I love to read.
My chosen profession.
34 hours
Date: ___________________________
  • The path we have chosen. Uzbekistan is a country of great potential.
Course Objectives:
Educational purpose: to provide students with knowledge about the Independence Day and its content.
Educational purpose: To cultivate feelings of patriotism in the hearts of the younger generation. Formation of feelings of independence, freedom, sacred place of Uzbekistan, respect for the Motherland, glorification of values, self-awareness.
Developmental training: To develop students' views on independence, freedom and patriotism.
Basic competence elements:
Competence in working with information: to be able to tell messages on TV, radio, telephone.
Self-development competence: respect for adults, follow their advice, behave in public places.
National and cultural competence: to know and distinguish national holidays, national values, historical monuments in which he lives.
 Course type: Mixed.
Course Method: Brainstorming, question and answer, group work.
Didactic equipment: Color photos on the history of our country, portraits of scientists and great people, textbook "Sense of the Fatherland", Islam Karimov's book "High spirituality is an invincible force", handouts, slides.
Technical equipment:  Slide projector, screen. Use of projection materials on the subject "Vatan tuykusi", "The idea of ​​national independence and the foundations of spirituality."
Technical drawing of the lesson:
Organizational part 5 minutes
Questions to activate students 10 minutes
Summarize students' ideas 15 minutes
Encourage students 5 minutes
Homework 5 minutes
Additional time 5 minutes
Course Outline:
1. Organizational part:
  1. Questions to activate students.
Question 1. Using these pictures, try to explain the word independence (Figure 1, products made in Uzbekistan, school and college students, fields, historical monuments, pictures of celebrations)
The teacher summarizes the students' answers and concludes the question as follows.
Independence has given us not only economic opportunities, but also the opportunity for spiritual recovery. As an independent state, we have defined our domestic and foreign policy. Thanks to independence, our forgotten values ​​have been restored and refined.
Independence is first and foremost a right. That is, at the heart of this word is the notion of having a great and great right.
Question 2. What do you mean by "This dear Motherland belongs to all of us"?
The teacher summarizes the students' answers and concludes the question as follows.
     We receive love and affection, devotion and devotion from our noble mothers, our priceless Motherland.
            This dear Motherland belongs to all of us. Living, fighting and, if necessary, sacrificing his life for his happiness, bright future, prosperous future is happiness for everyone living in this sacred land.
Question 3. Why is it said to “fight for peace”? Have you ever thought?
The teacher summarizes the students' answers and concludes the question as follows.
For us, for our country, peace and tranquility are more important than anything, we must fight for peace, we must protect this life. Protection means, first of all, vigilance. Awareness-raising is not a daily or monthly seasonal issue, but a daily work, a daily activity.
Peace, stability and cooperation are the three pillars of the Uzbek state.
Question 4. Who are the reforms being carried out in our country today for?
 The teacher summarizes the students' answers and concludes the question as follows.
The real wealth of a society is man, the human race. Any renewal, any change in society is carried out, first of all, for the benefit of man, for the well-being of his life.
Ensuring the priority of human interests is the main goal of all reforms and changes.
            Reform is not for reform, but primarily for the benefit of the people. It is not the interest of the state, but first and foremost, that man, his life, rights and freedoms are the highest value and wealth.
Q5: What opportunities are being created for young people by our state? What are the conditions for young people to show their talents in your area? How do you use it?
The teacher summarizes the students' answers one by one.
Question 6. Who are we, the descendants of what great people?
The teacher summarizes the students' answers and concludes the question as follows. Each person is a unique world. Human life is not eternal, but memory is eternal, memory is eternal.
            The legends and epics about the legendary Alpomish, the great Farhod, who laid the shoulders of the heroes on the ground, are not just a legend, but a symbol of the spirit of the people, the courage of the people.
            In our blood is the awakening spirit of a thousand years of Eastern thought.
            We are the heirs of Beruni, Amir Temur, Mirzo Ulugbek, Mirzo Babur.
Man can preserve nature and its longevity only if he preserves his destiny.
            Question 7. What is meant by "the fate of our country, tomorrow depends on our youth"?
The teacher summarizes the students' answers and concludes the question as follows.
The spiritual awakening of the youth is one of the main factors protecting the nation from negligence.
The teacher summarizes the lesson by summarizing the students' answers to the questions throughout the lesson:
Compassion for the motherland is able to solve any problem, to overcome any evil force.
            Courage cannot be expected from a person who is not rooted in national pride and patriotism.
            Dear students! Rely on your intelligence, knowledge and thinking, your energy, your mountain-like support for your Motherland and make it great. Always keep Marra high, tomorrow is ours, our brave youth like you!
Do not forget that every victory you will achieve in the future - the victory of our country is the victory of Uzbekistan!
During the lesson, the teacher should guide and motivate the students who responded, without openly criticizing their opinions.
These lessons should not consist of simple lectures, but should focus on the more practical aspects of the assignments.
            Homework to write in their notebooks their free thoughts on the topic "Uzbekistan is my homeland, a place of happiness", taking into account the age characteristics of the classroom, or to write an independent work for high school students about the role of education in youth can offer.
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Topic 2: "Exemplary behavior and decency - a perfect human quality"
Slogan: "Attention to literature - attention to the future, attention to spirituality"
                                                                                                    Islam Karimov
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to encourage them to be active in science, to remind them that their mother tongue is the language of the nation.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "Some words have magic" (Hadith)
         One of the pillars of the great tower of human etiquette and the foundation of humanity is to pierce the precious jewel of speech with gentleness and decency. Those who sit at the top of the moral arch say that one of the highest levels of human perfection and knowledge is beautiful speech and eloquence, the flower of this garden opens with the breeze of the spring of the mind and can write a bright jewel of happiness only for the mind trader. According to the Greek rulers, whose pleasant and precious words are the crown of wisdom and ingenuity, language is the key to the treasure of virtue of every intelligent person, and the amount of knowledge of each person is determined by his words:
                            When everyone is not talking,
                            It will be a profession with guilt!
                                                                             Barkhurdor ibn Mahmud
 Behruz Baqli said: “I like two things in the world: one is a word that pleases the heart, and the other is a language that pleases the word. A happy volunteer is a person whose heart can benefit from words. A kind word is a word that can bring joy to a person's heart! ” Byte:
    The power of the soul is a sweet word,
    To the wind that bears witness to the breath of Christ!
                                                                       Abulbarakot Qodiri
                                                              East is the Garden of Wisdom
“Searching for a word, speaking, trying to color a word, trying to present it in a beautiful way, fighting to win the eyes and ears, that means in the word. death and resurrection have become my way of life ”
                                                             Tursunoy Sodikova
   If in 1897, 70 nationalities and ethnic groups lived on the territory of our country, in 1926 their number reached 91, in 1959 - 113, and in 1979 - 123. Today, their number is more than 130, and their share in the population of Uzbekistan is 20%.
   Analyzing the results of a survey conducted by the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representatives of other nationalities, ie the Slavic diaspora (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians) - 38,6%, the peoples of the Volga region ( Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash) - 72,5%, Central Asian peoples (Kazakhs, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Turkmens) - 78,2% consider Uzbekistan as their homeland. This shows that people of other nationalities respect Uzbekistan as their homeland, and the attitude to its language has risen to the level of respect and esteem.
  At present, about 27 national cultural centers established in our multinational republic by representatives of 150 nationalities operate on the initiative of President Islam Karimov on the basis of the idea of ​​"Turkistan - our common home." Of these, 14 national and cultural centers have the status of the republic.
   Assignment: Interpret the words "Language is the mirror of the heart", "Language is the dress of thought", "Language is bitter and sweet".
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Topic 4: "If the farmer is rich, the people will be rich."
Slogan: "A person who protects nature will save himself, his family and his country."
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to teach them to preserve our motherland Uzbekistan, to further develop our love for nature.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: “High spirituality is an invincible force”, “Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence”, “Uzbekistan for the great future”, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters , slides, handouts, festive status.
On the board" When a mother gives birth to a child and brings him up, he brings him to nature. ”
  Man must change his attitude to nature, the environment around him, know the laws of nature, organize and develop his life on their basis. It is necessary to develop ways of life in accordance with the laws of nature. Otherwise, man and society will cause major natural disasters and die from them.
  The natural appearance of the universe, which was created over millions of years, has deteriorated over the last 10-15 years.
  The air was broken, polluted. In particular, the soil was "injured" due to toxins, the water was polluted with various substances, and so on. These cases began to have a negative impact on human health.
  From the moment a person is born, he enjoys the blessings of nature. For the first time he breathes in the air. Human beings need food, water, and sunlight to grow, and they get all of this from nature. When a person is brought up by his mother, he is brought up by nature. That is why it is called "Mother Nature". Human health depends on the environment and nature around him. When nature is pure, man is healthy and strong.
Assignment: Towards a healthy life, let's save nature!
Note: AA question is written in a circle, or a rectangle, a triangle, the students from the groups answer the question one by one, they stay on the unanswered path, the student who answers goes to the finish line. (Question - the student who answers the most about nature will be the winner)
Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, activism, enthusiasm and perseverance, speed, creativity.
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Topic 5: “Teacher is as great as your father
            Who has taught you a letter in the way of truth?
            It is impossible to turn it around with a hundred tanj.
                                                                                    Alisher Navoi
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to instill in them a deep respect for teachers.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Stars of spirituality, Abdulla Aripov Mirror of Justice, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "Everyone, no matter what profession he works in the future, remembers with pride the first time he entered school, the first time he held a pen in his hand."
                                                                                         Abdulla Oripov
             We bow to you for a lifetime, dear teachers!
             You are always honored, your heart is a river,
             You spread light, every moment, every second,
             Never get tired, dear teachers!
        Many devotees of education are working hard to improve the quality of education in our country. Our goal is to introduce such devotees to the general public and show their work as an example to our youth.
     "Self-sacrifice every day, every hour, drop by drop, tirelessly and tirelessly to the great goals, to make this quality a constant, daily criterion - this is the real heroism."
                                                            (High spirituality is an invincible force)
    The teaching profession requires such real heroism. We introduce you to the heroes of our science working in our Republic.
    We rely on these hard-working professionals to fulfill the responsible task of educating a new generation, a new generation of thinkers in our country, and we have a good idea of ​​their invaluable role in shaping the spiritual world of the young people who will replace us tomorrow.
          In this bright world, everyone lives with a sense of gratitude to their loving parents, teachers and mentors. No matter what achievements and results a person achieves during his life, no matter where he works, no matter what position he holds, the education he received at school is of great importance in his formation as a mature person and a qualified specialist.
         From this point of view, continuing the idea of ​​our enlightened ancestors, if we say that if the greatest school in the world is a school, the most honorable of professions is teaching and coaching, I think we are telling the same truth.
         Of course, the fact that we have declared October 1 as the Day of Teachers and Coaches in our country has a deep meaning.
                                                                (High spirituality is an invincible force)
        It is our sacred duty to briefly dwell on our Jadid ancestors, who contributed to the education system and considered the school to be a great institution. May their souls always help us in our teaching profession.
 Mahmudhoja Behbudi -
  One of the leaders of the Jadid movement in Turkestan, a writer, journalist and public figure. He was born on March 1874, 10 in the village of Bakhshitepa in Samarkand. In 1919 he was killed by the Emir of Bukhara in Karshi.
     Behbudi was one of the first in Samarkand to establish a methodical Jadid school in 1904, for which he wrote "Muntahabi Geography" ("Brief General Geography"), "Kitab ul-Atval" ("Book for Children"), "A Brief History of Islam". ”(“ A Brief History of Islam ”),“ The Practice of Islam ”and other textbooks, as well as several articles on schooling and education. In addition to textbooks, he published a map of Turkestan, Bukhara and Khiva in a private publishing house in Samarkand. He published newspapers and magazines. In the play "Padarkush", written in 1911, he put forward the idea of ​​calling everyone to enlightenment, to repel the scourge of ignorance.
 Abdurashidkhonov Munavvarqori  - politician and educator.
    One of the representatives of the Jadid movement in Turkestan, a teacher. Ideologist and leader of the "Shorai Islam" organization (1917-18). Born in 1878 in Tashkent.
   He was arrested in 1929 on charges of unjust nationalism and shot in 1931. He studied at the Yunuskhan Madrasah in Tashkent. From 1903 he opened and taught Jadid schools.
   For such schools the audio book "Adibi avval" ("The first writer", 1907) and the textbook "Adibi soniy" ("The second writer" 1907) were published several times.
   In 1908, his books "Sabzazor" (collection), "Earth" (from geography), "Tajvid" (taught the method of reading the Qur'an) were published and used as a textbook in schools of the new method. From 1906 to 1917 he was editor of Jadid newspapers.
 Abdulla Avloni (1878-1934), poet, playwright, statesman and public figure. Hero of Labor (1925), Professor (1930). He studied at the old school and madrasa (1884-1890). He opened new schools in Tashkent (1904); Turon (1913; Turkistan since 1914) formed a theater troupe, Publishing House (1914), School (1916) book publishing companies; He published the newspapers Shuhrat (1907) and Turon (1917). Founder and editor of the newspaper "Ishtirokiyun" (1918). Editor of the Journal of the Trade Union Movement (1921). Head of Women's and Men's Educational Institutions in the Old City (1922-29), Chairman of the Old City Union of Educators (1923), National Military School under the Turkfront (1924-29), Central Asian Communist University (SAKU; 1925-29). ), Teacher of Central Asian State University (1930-34). Avloni wrote textbooks for schools of the new method; His collections of poetry and dramatic works have been published.
      Science means to read, to write well, to learn everything necessary. The glory of knowledge is the glory of the Hereafter. Science is a very high and sacred virtue for man, because science shows us our state and actions like a mirror. It sharpens our minds like a sword. Our great enlightened ancestor Abdullah Avloni said that he separates the reward from the sin, the honest from the forbidden, the clean from the filthy, guides us to the right path and causes us to be happy in this world and in the hereafter. Abdulla Avloni told us what science is capable of, such as Shodiyeva Maqsuda, a physics teacher of the 300th school in Sergeli district, Rizayeva Shoxista, a chemistry teacher of the first category, Karimova Oysulu and Kholboyeva Marhabo, primary school teachers. Our cadres also appreciate such science and are diligent in educating a harmoniously developed generation.
   We wish all teachers and coaches in the country good health, strength and great success in educating young people who are our future.
Assignment: Students' words from poems and poems praising teachers.
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Topic 6: "Mother tongue is the mirror of the heart."
Slogan: "Language is the mirror of the nation"
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to pay more attention to the language, to teach them to participate in the month of science.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Stars of spirituality, Abdulla Aripov Mirror of Justice, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board:  "If literature lives, the nation lives"
      There is another powerful tool for discovering man, his spiritual world, and that is the art of words, fiction. It is no coincidence that literature is described as anthropology, and poets and writers as engineers of the human spirit.
     Along with foreign translators who have been translating Uzbek literature directly from our native language for many years, here are our talented boys and girls studying at universities of our country. It would be expedient to involve in this difficult and at the same time noble work, to solve the organizational and practical tasks directly related to the solution of these issues.
           If we want to sing Uzbekistan to the world, to glorify its ancient history and bright future, to keep it in the memory of generations, we must first of all bring up great writers, great poets, great creators. Because, as the great writer Cholpon said, if literature lives, the nation lives.
                                                                 (High spirituality is an invincible force)
Homework: Exercise "Poets and writers I know."
Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, activism, enthusiasm and perseverance, speed, creativity.
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Topic 9: Health district wealth.
According to research, in the second half of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century, most of the pedagogical works created by our enlightened ancestors paid special attention to the physical upbringing of the child.
In particular, the views of Abdurauf Fitrat on the organization of physical education on the basis of social education, the education of a healthy and energetic person are noteworthy. The chapter entitled "Child-rearing" of his book "Leader of Salvation" says: "Physical education has been given great importance since ancient times. If the whole organ of man is not healthy and strong, then man will not live long. If one of the organs in a person's body is disturbed, that person withdraws from work and becomes a need of others.
Everyone strives to be healthy, alert and energetic, to maintain their youth, beauty and ability to work. One of the key factors in achieving this is physical activity.
In our society, a healthy lifestyle has been raised to the level of state policy, and at the same time, radical reforms are being carried out in our country to bring up a physically mature and healthy generation. In particular, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Physical Culture and Sports" and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On measures for further development of physical culture and sports in Uzbekistan" The important tasks set forth in it are reflected.
Of course, not everyone has to be a highly skilled athlete to compete and win prizes. However, a person regularly engages in sports, physical fitness benefits based on their ability. Or a 15-20 minute morning workout that can be done every day, a 40-60 minute walk in the open air, a 20-30 minute walk before a night’s sleep are also sure to come true.
Modern medicine shows that there are conditions such as a decrease in a person’s health due to lack of physical activity, impaired internal organ function, low ability to work, and physical development that is not at the required level. This is the reason why the ancient philosophers thought that the thing that makes a person unconscious and damages his health is prolonged physical inactivity.
If the teachings of the great ruler Abu Ali ibn Sina, "Physical training is a glorious method of health," become the motto of every person's life, one will never get sick.
Physical education and sports allow the younger generation to grow up harmoniously, while at the same time making the most of their free time. The human body develops as a whole in harmony with the external environment. This harmony also controls the activities of all organs in the central nervous system. Regular, uninterrupted physical activity has a positive effect on human health: metabolism improves, body tissues absorb nutrients better, decomposed substances leave the body faster.
Morning exercise can be done by people of all ages. Positive results are obtained only when the exercises are performed continuously and consistently. Long breaks can lead to a decrease in the impact of previous workouts. This means that everyone who wants to live a long life on the basis of strengthening the body, increasing labor productivity, strengthening health, should always engage in physical training, as well as carry out daily activities in a certain order.
In fact, energy is needed for movement, and energy is obtained through the processing of fats and carbohydrates in food. Exercise helps to improve the respiratory, vascular, digestive, blood production systems.
Therefore, people who are actively engaged in physical activity will have a light mind, alertness, energy, clear heart, high mood and stability. As a result of exercise, the body's defense system develops well. An example of this is the results of a study conducted by physiologists with the participation of more than 200 people. The study, which was conducted to determine the emotional level of people who exercise regularly and consistently, found that 72 percent of those who participated in the experiment felt very happy. The reason for this is that they exercise on a regular basis.
Exercise, which begins in childhood and adolescence, is especially helpful. Everyone needs to train their body to a solid regimen. Exercise, such as physical activity, outdoor walks, and sports, are among the factors that ensure longevity and health.
In addition, in our relatively hot climate, it is advisable to harden the organism by non-traditional methods. In particular, exercise methods such as walking in various foot baths, salt and rock walks, as well as walking in the open air before and after sleep enhance the activity of the body's immune system.
In short, health is a person's peace of mind and ability to withstand the harmful effects of the external environment. Exercise is a mechanism by which the body gradually adapts to the effects of water, sun and air. In order to live a healthy life, of course, it is necessary to harden the body in different natural environmental conditions. It is necessary to inculcate this, especially in the minds of our youth. After all, training from childhood and adolescence is a guarantee of a healthy life, longevity.
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Topic 10: “People who know the language know (as part of the Russian Language Month).
Slogan: "The future of Uzbekistan - in the hands of young people"
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to teach them to participate in the month of Russian language science.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Stars of spirituality, Abdulla Aripov Mirror of Justice, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "The XXI century is the century of intellectual youth"
“First we teach our children. Then we learn from them. Those who do not want it will be left behind. ” Raynis
       In fact, if we take into account the opinion of this scientist, today our children know many languages, know technical devices better than we do, and what we learn from them today, of course, shows the strength of the intellectual knowledge of our youth. Upbringing has always been the brightest dream of mankind. But not all the peoples of the world have thought about it. People with such a dream were considered to be the sages of the countries of ancient enlightenment and culture - the most respected intellectuals and rulers. Among them is the self-respect of our ancestors, who lived in our great land called Uzbekistan. This is a fact accepted by the world community. We can cite a lot of evidence from our history for the dream of raising a harmoniously developed generation. Remember the idea in Al-Farabi's City of Noble People. According to him, every citizen of the society is a noble person, regardless of his position and position, that is, whoever he is. A good man knows all the rules of his country, follows them, thinks, is a master of his profession, and, if necessary, sacrifices his life for the Motherland. The people of Fozil respect each other. There is an oriental tenderness, kindness and respect between parents and children, teachers and students. First of all, it is worth noting that such thinking is due to the high level of spirituality of the ancestors, and, of course, such an opinion is the result of studying the centuries-old heritage. So there is a spiritual basis for our intention to raise a harmoniously developed generation. The concept of enlightenment in the traditions and blood of our nation, the nature of the pursuit of knowledge and knowledge has been formed and refined for thousands of years.
                                                                                                   (Dream of harmoniously developed generation)
Homework: "Voice of the Future" What is the function of the selection? "Round table" will be held. Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, activism, enthusiasm and perseverance, speed, creativity.
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Topic 11: Indifference and indifference
Slogan: "The future of Uzbekistan - in the hands of young people"
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to teach them to participate in the month of Russian language science.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Stars of spirituality, Abdulla Aripov Mirror of Justice, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "The XXI century is the century of intellectual youth"
President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree "On measures to radically increase the efficiency of law enforcement agencies, strengthen their responsibility for ensuring public order, reliable protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens." Sof.uz writes about this.
In September 2016, the Law "On Internal Affairs" was adopted. However, the possibility of implementing the requirements of this law, as well as the study of citizens' complaints about the activities of law enforcement agencies, shows that there are still many problems and issues in the field, said in a commentary on the new decree.
The analysis of appeals to the Virtual Reception of the President of Uzbekistan and the People's Reception shows the need for a critical review and radical improvement of the work of law enforcement agencies.
National and foreign experience shows that traditional measures, such as strengthening the responsibility for crime and other offenses, the use of technical means in search operations, strengthening control over the perpetrator, do not always yield the expected results in reducing crime. .
This, in turn, will lead to the application of new methods of work in crime prevention, closer communication with the population and the public, the establishment of public control over the activities of law enforcement agencies, as well as the widespread introduction of modern information and communication technologies. indicates that
The Presidential Decree "On measures to radically increase the efficiency of law enforcement agencies, to strengthen their responsibility for ensuring public order, reliable protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens" aimed at solving pending problems.
The decree provides an in-depth analysis of the serious shortcomings and problems, their causes and negative consequences.
In particular, the main tasks and functions are not clearly divided between the units at the national, regional and district levels, the workload of law enforcement agencies does not correspond to the organizational and staffing structure. As a result, while the employees of some units of the upper level do not fully use the existing strengths and capabilities in their work, the service responsibilities of the employees of the lower levels remain much higher than their actual capabilities. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the responsibility of employees in the performance of their service duties.
Lack of awareness of the population about the problems and concerns of the population due to the lack of regular meetings of law enforcement officials, prevention inspectors and cooperation with the public, creates serious shortcomings in the preventive work, which is the main task of the system.
Achieving efficiency and effectiveness of the system requires, first of all, direct communication with the population, close cooperation and solidarity with civil society institutions.
Insufficient attention to work with existing citizens' appeals in the activities of law enforcement agencies, indifference, superficiality and formality of work, low culture of communication with the population, unfortunately, is a bitter truth. As a result, citizens who are dissatisfied with the situation are complaining to higher authorities.
The decree sets out the main directions of reforming the system of internal affairs to address such problems and shortcomings. In particular, it was noted that the law enforcement agencies need to be transformed into a socially oriented professional service that provides timely and quality assistance to the population, "serving the interests of the people" is the main duty of every employee.
The decree also provides for measures for the rational distribution of the main responsibilities of all levels of staff, the establishment of regular targeted communication with the population, the introduction of the practice of reporting to the public by the heads of law enforcement agencies on behalf of the authorities. The main directions, such as further improvement of the material and technical base of the activities of law enforcement agencies, have been identified.
The decree establishes a new system of parliamentary and public control over the activities of law enforcement agencies. In particular, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis introduces a procedure for hearing twice a year the report of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan on the state of crime prevention. Similarly, the Jogorku Kenesh of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent city and regional Kengashes of People's Deputies hear quarterly reports of the heads of territorial divisions of the relevant law enforcement agencies. District (city) Councils of People's Deputies hear quarterly reports of the heads of district (city) police departments, and monthly reports of his deputy for youth affairs.
During these hearings, the measures taken by law enforcement officials to perform their duties, in particular, the prevention and suppression of offenses, the detection of crimes, the analysis of the crime situation, the causes and conditions that lead to an increase in offenses -measures are critically discussed. Based on the results of the hearings, the effectiveness of the work of law enforcement agencies will be assessed, as well as recommendations will be made on the suitability or incompetence of officials in relation to their positions.
In order to increase the efficiency of the lower echelons of law enforcement agencies, by decree, the deputy head of district (city) police departments (divisions) on youth issues - the head of the crime prevention department (division) It is planned to introduce the post. He is tasked with effectively organizing and coordinating the work of prevention inspectors, especially the prevention of juvenile delinquency.
However, the decree provides for a number of organizational changes in the system. At the same time, the emergence of new threats to international terrorism and religious extremism in various parts of the world requires the need to further strengthen the fight against crime as a priority task of law enforcement agencies. In view of these circumstances, the General Directorate for Criminal Investigation and the General Directorate for Combating Terrorism and Extremism are being established on the basis of the General Directorate for Criminal Investigation and Combating Terrorism.
Investigating crimes is another important task of law enforcement agencies. In this regard, in order to ensure the independence of the investigative bodies, to create the necessary conditions for them to exercise their powers, the General Directorate of Investigation is being transformed into the Investigation Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan.
It should be noted that one of the reasons for the existing shortcomings and problems in the work of law enforcement agencies is the unsatisfactory system of work with personnel, their training, retraining and advanced training.
Not enough attention is paid to attracting knowledgeable, loyal and responsible people to the system, who consider law and order and public safety, protection of human rights and freedoms as their sacred duty and main duty. In order to address the shortcomings in this area, as well as to create a new system of work with personnel, the General Directorate of Personnel and the Department of Internal Security were established.
In addition, the activities of the centers for retraining and advanced training of sergeants, the Tashkent Higher Military Technical School and the Higher Technical School of Fire Safety were reviewed. They have been transformed into centers of initial training and advanced training of law enforcement officers, military-technical and fire safety institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, operating on the basis of new requirements.
In recent years, the international relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan have been expanding, and cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations in the field of human rights has been developing rapidly. However, to date, the activities of the ministry in this direction have been carried out by several departments as secondary tasks. With this in mind, the Department of International Cooperation was established on the basis of the relevant departments of the decree.
There are also problems with the implementation of the requirements of the passport system, control over compliance with the rules of travel abroad, entry and stay in the Republic of Uzbekistan. There are inconveniences and inconveniences due to the incorrect distribution of workload in the most popular district (city) departments of the Department of Immigration, Immigration and Citizenship. Taking into account the need for radical reform of the law enforcement agencies, the General Directorate of Migration and Citizenship was established in this direction.
Insufficient implementation of the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On appeals of individuals and legal entities" is largely due to the lack of a clear structure, the main task of which is to work with appeals. As a result, there are shortcomings in ensuring the timely and quality consideration of citizens' appeals.
In this regard, the decree provides for the establishment of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for dealing with appeals of individuals and legal entities.
Openness and transparency of law enforcement agencies play an important role in ensuring close cooperation with the population and the public. The location of police buildings in cities and district centers causes a number of inconveniences to citizens living in remote areas. Therefore, in order to ensure the proximity of law enforcement agencies to the population, in settlements far from the police departments (divisions), an additional 175 city (town) police departments (divisions) and 824 bases points are being established.
In order to implement the necessary organizational and legal mechanisms for the implementation of the main tasks outlined in the decree, a comprehensive program of measures to radically reform the system of internal affairs was approved.
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Topic 12: “A sense of duty and responsibility to the motherland. 
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to raise the national flag, to teach them that it is their childhood duty.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Stars of spirituality, Abdulla Aripov Mirror of Justice, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "May the flag of Uzbekistan rise high in the world!"
        The National Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in its appearance, consists of three flags: dark blue, white and dark green. is a rectangular fabric. The flag is 250 centimeters long and 125 centimeters wide. The width of the blue, white and green widths is the same. Each is equal to 40 centimeters in width. In the middle of the flag there are red borders 2,5 cm wide from the edges of the white width. The blue at the top of the flag depicts a new white moon on the front and back of the flag, near the pole, and twelve white five-pointed stars next to it.
 Relation to the approval of the state flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan
 A special demonstration poster with:
“1) The blue color of the flag reflects the meaning of life, the eternal sky and
 is a symbol of life. In the language of symbols, it is goodness, wisdom,
signifies honesty, glory, and loyalty. Consequently, Amir Temur
the national flag was also blue; 2) The white color of the flag
It is a symbol of sacred peace, the light of the day and the universe
lights. White purity, innocence,
it is a symbol of purity, purity of dreams and fantasies, the pursuit of inner beauty; 3) Green is a symbol of renewal of nature. It is a symbol of youth, hope and joy in many nations;
 4) Red lines are streams of life force flowing in our body;
5) The image of the young crescent is associated with our historical traditions. It is also a symbol of our independence;
6) The stars were considered a priestly, divine symbol for all nations. Uzbekistan
The image of 12 stars on the national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is also directly related to our historical traditions, our ancient solar calendar. Our attention to the twelve stars is explained by the development of "science of astrology" in the scientific thinking of ancient countries on the border of Uzbekistan. The image of twelve stars on our national flag should be understood as a symbol of the antiquity of the culture of the Uzbek people, its pursuit of perfection and happiness in their homeland.
Assignment: "The national flag of Uzbekistan - my pride" Conducting a competition of essays on the topic.
Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, activism, enthusiasm and perseverance, speed, creativity.
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Topic 13: The rule of law is the key to the well-being of society.
Slogan: "Every child has the right to think independently"
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, knowledge of their rights, education in the spirit of respect for the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Stars of spirituality, Abdulla Aripov Mirror of Justice, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: Convention on the Rights of the Child
   Adopted by the United Nations on 1989 November 20 by Resolution 44/25 of the General Assembly and entered into force on 1990 September 2.
    The Republic of Uzbekistan acceded to this Convention by Resolution of the Oliy Majlis of December 1992, 9 № 757-XII.
  On June 1994, 29, the Convention entered into force in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
   The Convention on the Rights of the Child consists of 3 parts and 54 articles.
     The rights of the child are paramount in all States Parties.
  According to the Convention, the main responsibility for the upbringing of children lies with the parents. If parents fail to fulfill their responsibilities, the state will lend them a helping hand.
 In severe cases, the state can take a child away from his parents.
   Article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan also states:
 “Everyone has the right to education. Free general education is guaranteed by the state. School work is under state control. ”
  Every year, on the occasion of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the coming year is named by the Head of State. The naming of such a year will also serve for the happy future of our children.
  In particular, the State Program "Year of Healthy Generation" in 2000, "Year of Mother and Child" in 2001, "Year of Health" in 2005, "Year of Harmoniously Developed Generation" in 2010 are developed each year. cared for his health and future.
SAN technology.
                             (trinity-effective, ethical, gentle)
The purpose of the technology:
    To develop students' skills of individual, team, group work, creative and organizational activities, a responsible approach to work, skills of decoration.
The order of training:
The teacher introduces the students to the rules of the lesson and asks them to divide into small groups of 3 people.
     In small groups, students are divided into the following roles:
Artist, literary and artistic editor, designer. Then the representative of each group chooses one of the cards with assignments from the teacher's desk.
        Tasks can be as follows: (on the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
making a sketch of a poster (dedicated to a topic, holiday or anniversary);
preparation of a sketch of a poster inviting to a holiday (or any event) (for example, an announcement, propaganda, invitation);
preparation of sketches and models of invitation cards for various events (for example, holidays);
 making models of greeting cards;
Preparation of sketches for the decoration of an event venue.
Small groups are given 10 minutes to complete the assignment and prepare for the presentation. When the preparation time is over, the presentation begins. During the presentation, the groups will present, demonstrate and justify their sketches and models, defend their options in team work. When the presentation is over, a general discussion begins. During the discussion, students identify the requirements for the decorated, prepared work, and the teacher or a separate creative group writes down the ideas and suggestions expressed by students on a special room board or Whatman paper. At the end of the lesson, the teacher distributes to students a few sample sketches on the various tasks given above.
Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, activism, enthusiasm and perseverance, speed, creativity.
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Topic 14: Combating terrorism, extremism and information threats
Slogan: “In this world, yinvincible power, - spiritualitydir"
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to make them feel that our people have a great spirituality, to further develop humanity and kindness.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "Spirituality is absorbed into a person along with mother's milk, father's example and ancestral teachings"
                                                                                                       Islam Karimov
       Concluding our discussion of the role and importance of spirituality in our lives, first of all, we must understand that achieving spiritual growth is not a one-year or five-ten-year task. The people, the nation has been raising and enriching its national spirituality for years and centuries. Because spirituality is not a set of rigid beliefs, but a continuous process in constant motion, and as development continues, the demands on spiritual life will constantly arise due to its rapid movement.
           The dangers facing the spiritual world today cannot be ignored, but we are convinced that the will of our people has been strengthened in the complex processes of history, and the spiritual world is growing stronger and stronger in spite of all attacks and pressures. We are glad to note that even the forces that cannot see us recognize this fact.
    Because the people is a huge caravan moving forward on a great and glorious path. There have always been, and may be, those who try to distract him from the path, from time to time. It is no coincidence that the caravan is not safe. But no force can repel the caravan of people. After all, in the hearts of the people there is an invincible force inherited from any generation - spirituality.
                                                              (High spirituality is an invincible force)
Homework: Exercise "Struggle of ideas". "What is spirituality?"
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Topic 15: The greatest courage
Slogan: "The greatest courage is spiritual courage".
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to encourage them to be active in the science month, to develop respect for people.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: “High spirituality is an invincible force”, “Uzbekistan is on the threshold of independence”, “Uzbekistan for the great future”, Emir of Turan or mind and sword, Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
  • Board:
" Indeed, only a person who deeply understands the laws of nature and history, the processes of its development will be able to build his life on the basis of spiritual courage. In this sense, I personally encourage the lives of our hardworking and creative people, especially our farmers, who work day and night to earn a living, especially in the heat of winter and summer, as well as in the rainy days of spring and autumn. I know that is an example".
Islam Karimov
 For many, it is not easy to jump on the field and show heroism only when the situation requires it. For this, a person must have a big heart, enthusiasm and, most importantly, a strong belief in himself and his strength.
    But if I am told to be selfless every day, every hour, to work tirelessly for great goals, to make this quality a constant, daily criterion, this is true heroism. I would say.
After all, it is necessary to be diligent in everyday life, to show self-sacrifice every day, to never bend spiritually, to raise this quality to the level of the rule of life, to say the least, that not everyone can do it. To say that a person needs a great heart and a strong will, I think I am not mistaken.
    I am always proud of the fact that in my life, in my career, I have been able to communicate with mature people who have spiritual courage, to live as a contemporary.
One of our compatriots was a famous archeologist, academician Yahyo Gulyamov.
    I knew this man, a selfless scientist of his time. He was a great scientist who had his own independent opinion and, if necessary, could boldly say the right things that high-ranking officials did not like.
    Historians are well aware that usually in the depths of the hills lie historical monuments, the remains of an entire city. During the Soviet era, when only the roofs were not planted with cotton, such a ridiculous policy as flattening such ancient hills and turning them into cotton fields was in full swing. I remember very well that the brave scientist Yahyo Gulyamov opposed such a shameful act. I have heard that he was oppressed because of this quality. But our cultural community is well aware that this man is steadfast in his life and scientific views due to the feeling of spiritual courage in his heart.
I would add our famous poetess Zulfiyakhanum, who reflected the spiritual image of the Uzbek woman not only with her poems, but also with her whole life, to such a selfless person. It is no exaggeration to say that her poems, which resounded from the pulpits of the world, taught humanity, love and devotion to millions of fans of poetry as a bright expression of the intellect of the Eastern woman, the perfection of grace.
Our people highly appreciate the faithful life of the poetess Zulfiya, her radiant creativity. For this reason, March 1, the day of Zulfiya's birth, becomes an annual poetry festival in our country.
      Ozod Sharafiddinov was a leading representative of modern Uzbek literature, criticism and translation. For fifty years he has been a creative, young critic, writer, and researcher. At the age of seventy-six, Ozod Sharafiddinov was awarded the Hero of Uzbekistan, Laureate of the Beruni State Prize, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, the Order of "Labor Glory", "For Great Services", the Gold Medal of the National University of Uzbekistan. Professor, holder of many medals, honorary diplomas, certificates. Uzbek intellectuals and cultural figures call Ozod Sharafiddinov "Master".
     Ozod Sharafiddinov was one of those who longed for independence and knew it as the essence of his life. The teacher never tired of talking and writing about the fighters for independence. He believes that human humanity can be fully manifested only in a country where freedom is celebrated. There are some interesting laws of life: during the years of independence O.Sharafiddinov's spirit was refreshed, his love for life and the future increased. However, physical ailments torment the Master… When the spirit is alert, physical ailments can do nothing.
    Ozod Sharafiddinov has written articles and researches on most Uzbek writers of the XNUMXth century. Among his researches on writers, Cholpon, Abdulla Qahhor, Gafur Gulam, Oybek, Mirtemir, Shaykhzoda, Zulfiya are the leaders in terms of both weight and number. In recent years, Ozod Sharafiddinov has written essays not only about Uzbek writers and critics, but also about leading intellectuals.
    The bibliography contains brief information about about 30 books, more than 600 articles and translations by O. Sharafiddinov. The author has read and studied dozens of works of art, many scientific works to write one article, research, portrait, essay. Before publishing some articles, after publishing some, he overcame a lot of opposition and heard insults. In short, it is clear that the half-century career of Ozod Sharafiddinov - a critic, translator, teacher - professor was difficult and complicated. The good news is that due to independence, Ozod Sharafiddinov has gained value because there are people who can appreciate his creative work.
                                                                  (High spirituality is an invincible force)
Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, activism, enthusiasm and perseverance, speed, creativity.
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Topic 16: “My goal for the future!
Slogan: "My dream world in the new year"
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to inculcate good intentions in the new year.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: “High spirituality is an invincible force”, “Uzbekistan is on the threshold of independence”, “Uzbekistan for the great future”, Emir of Turan or mind and sword, Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "New year, good year"
        New Year's Eve is celebrated in our country on December 31 every year. But this holiday is celebrated in different countries on the basis of different traditions. Want to know? In ancient times, on January 13, many Christian countries celebrated the "Old New Year". This is also a view of the new year. In ancient Egypt, New Year's Eve was celebrated on the day of the Nile flood. This usually happens in late September. The overflow of the Nile was of great importance in the life of the Egyptians. They believe that these days the sun god Amon is sailing across the river with his wife and son Binn. Then they return to the temple again. That is why they celebrated this day as a holiday. In Babylon, the New Year is celebrated in the spring. At this time, the king leaves the country. And the people do whatever they want. When the king returns, the people go about their business. The Romans have long celebrated the New Year on the first of March. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar. Then the new year began to be celebrated on January 1st. The word "January" is named after the Roman god Janus. According to the Romans, he had two heads, one facing the new year and the other facing the old year. The Roman New Year festival is called Calends. People are giving presents to each other these days, celebrating the holiday. The Celts (a population now living in parts of France and England) celebrated the New Year in late October. Their holiday is called Samhain and means ‘end of the year’. The Celts believed that all spirits would be resurrected that day. Today… Australia. New Year is celebrated on January 1 in Australia. It’s so hot here that Santa and Snow Maiden share a gift in a bathing suit for the holiday. Indonesia. In Indonesia, the New Year is celebrated in October. On this day, they apologize to each other for their crimes of the past year. Eskimos. Some celebrate the New Year on April 1, some in October, and some in January. For the Eskimos, the day when the first snow falls is the New Year. Burma. In Burma, New Year's Eve is celebrated in April. It can also be called a water festival. There is even a water festival called Tinjon. The Burmese drown each other for a week. China. In China, the New Year is celebrated to the sound of rockets and crackers. In the past, such tools were made of bamboo. In China, quarreling is banned on the first day of the New Year holiday. Italy. Don’t walk close to homes if you’re in Italy on New Year’s Eve. Because they throw their old stuff out the window tonight. According to the Italians, the more you throw, the more wealth will come in the new year. So it’s not uncommon for even a closet to fall on your head.
Homework: Your New Year dreams?
Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, to be active, demanding, creative.
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Topic 17: All are responsible for the peace of the people.
Only motto: "Military - a profession of heroes"
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to teach them that every profession is their own, to teach them that everyone has the right to have a profession, regardless of gender, to develop respect and pride for the defenders of the Motherland.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
On the board: "Courage protects the Motherland!"
         This means that the number of young people who want to join the military is growing every year. Importantly, their dreams are coming true. Military service has become a family profession, and military dynasties are emerging. Thanks to independence, military service has become an honorable profession. Young people are looking at the military profession with great enthusiasm and interest. This is not a simple interest, but an expression of their high sense of patriotism and their sense of responsibility for the peace and security of the Motherland.
      After the independence of our country, large-scale reforms have been carried out in the military sphere. In particular, conscription points of defense departments and divisions, training classes of military units have been brought up to modern standards. The ceremonial observation and reception of young men for military service has become a good tradition during the years of independence. Parents, community members, community members, labor and war veterans are actively participating in such ceremonies. Concert programs of art groups are presented. Another factor that strengthens the motivation of young people to become soldiers is the benefits provided to young men who have returned from military service in terms of employment and education. The prestige of our army is further enhanced by the fact that the majority of young people who have served in the military and have the appropriate recommendation from the command, enter higher education. The effectiveness of the ongoing reforms in the Armed Forces of our country clearly demonstrates that military service has become a school of life that brings up our youth spiritually and physically harmoniously. In this process, it is important to increase the effectiveness of work in the field of pre-conscription training of young people for military service, primary military education, the establishment of constant communication between military units and the public. In particular, every year on the eve of the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, defense departments in cooperation with local military units organize various meetings and educational events in mahallas, enterprises and organizations, educational institutions. During the meetings and talks, extensive information is provided on the content and results of the ongoing reforms in the defense system of the country, the lives of servicemen, the conditions created for them.
Homework: "There is nothing wrong with dreaming" exercise. Being in the military is the dream of every young man, every young man who goes to the army deserves the respect of girls. Do you agree with me? Welcome to the comments area.
Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, activism, enthusiasm and perseverance, speed, creativity.
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Topic 18: Religion and the culture of information consumption.
Slogan of the day: "Protection from Internet threats"
It is known that the complex ideological processes taking place in the world, the escalating conflicts in some regions, the information attacks spread through the Internet today do not leave anyone with a common sense of concern. In particular, the information attacks that are spread through the so-called spider web are causing people to become morally backward and causing conflicts between states. The event, which took place at the Higher Technical School of Fire Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Tashkent, was also dedicated to the presentation of the book "Protection from Internet threats" created by clerics of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan. , cadets and clerics of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan. He talked about the Internet, which is one of the achievements of the era of direct globalization, its positive and negative aspects today, how the word Internet is formed in the minds of spiritually underdeveloped citizens. At the same time, the current difficult period in which we live requires the vigilance and vigilance of the people of our country, especially our youth. It should be noted that in this regard, the Cabinet of Ministers set the task to prepare training manuals on the protection of young people from information attacks on the Internet. In response to this task, the scholars of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan conducted research, obtained valuable opinions of experts in the field and created a book "Protection from Internet threats" using the most modern pedagogical methods. acknowledged that it was the first study guide to focus. The fact that this book was named the "Best Book of the Year" in the republican competition organized by the Uzbek Agency for the Press and Information also shows how relevant and significant it is. , the book was published in late 2015 in four thousand copies. According to the speakers, the book includes ten such topics as "Threat to Healthy Beliefs", "Crisis of Conspiracies in the World Information Network", "Protection from Information Crisis", "Types of Idleness and Violence". busy and summed up forty-seven topics. Of course, such literature should be in the library of every educational institution. Only then can young people be protected from the negative situations that arise through the Internet.
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Topic 19: “We build a society without corruption.
Only Slogan: Corruption is the cousin of development
The goal: Teach students to fight corruption
 The event, organized by the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, the Association of Veterans of the Customs Service of Uzbekistan, the Tashkent State Law University and the Tashkent City Department of Justice, was attended by participants in foreign economic activity, customs clearance specialists and the media.
 Corruption seriously undermines the political and economic development of any state and society, weakens the constitutional foundations of the state and the rule of law, and ultimately leads to the violation of human rights and freedoms. It was noted that the fight against this scourge is one of the most important means of effective protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the context of rapid legal reforms in our country.
 In our country, special attention is paid to the fight against this scourge. A solid legal framework and a clear system for combating and preventing corruption have been formed.
 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 2017, 2 "On measures to implement the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan" On Combating Corruption "" To ensure effective implementation of the provisions of this law, promotes the timely and quality implementation of measures to prevent corruption in all spheres of society and state life.
 This resolution approved the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2017-2018, which includes more than 50 important measures to be taken by public authorities, public associations and other organizations. found its expression.
 The roundtable focused on the work being done to combat corruption in the customs authorities. Extensive work is being carried out among the personnel of the customs authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan to prevent violations, fight corruption, strengthen service discipline and legislation, and clean the ranks of the customs authorities from unclean employees.
 During the past period of 2017, Tashkent-Aero IBC conducted about 80 preventive lectures, meetings, individual educational work and interviews. Various inspections are carried out on a regular basis to test the level of vigilance and awareness of employees in the performance of their duties.
 In the roundtable, participants received answers to their questions.
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Topic 20: “Great values ​​lead to good.
 (On the occasion of the birth of Alisher Navoi)
Slogan of the day: Navoi bread. Barrier. Avoid the road to it,
                      Don't worry, the crown illuminates all four sides.
                      If he strikes Navoi himself, he will strike the disbeliever.
                     After all, a Muslim and a disbeliever are hungry for bread.
                                                                                            Halima Khudoyberdiyeva
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to teach them that it is a child's duty to study the heritage of our ancestors, to develop respect for our grandfather Navoi and his work.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "February 9 is the birthday of Nazrat Alisher Navoi."
     Many Russian scholars have done a lot of research on our ancestor Hazrat Navoi. Below we follow the research of academicians Nikonrad and VMJirmunsky.
   For example: Navoi - the founder of the Uzbek literary language; Navoi - the founder of Uzbek classical literature; Navoi - a thinker who was able to combine the artistic and philosophical thinking of the East and raise it to a new level; Navoi - a great figure of the Timurid state, a defender of justice; Navoi is a patron of science, culture and poetry, a teacher and so on.
 Navoi was able to demonstrate the power of the Turkic language in a barrel, combining the creative traditions of the peoples with the traditions of Persian poetry, bringing Turkish literature to the stage of a broad human history. Navoi is a rare talent, but what always inspired him, gave him strength and power was to glorify the spirit of his people by creating great works in his native language. This solemn intention is a divine light, which illuminates the hearts of generations through the works of Navoi.
In this regard, VM Zhirmunsky compares Navoi's work with the work of Leonardo da Vinci and writes: as a perfect person. ”
 (Najmiddin Kamilov. Caravans of Thought-199-201 pages)
Our great-grandfather Alisher Navoi is one of the great figures who had a very strong and effective influence on the formation of the spiritual world of the Uzbek people. We are always proud of his glorious name, the immortality of his creative heritage, the fact that his artistic genius knows no bounds of time and space.
Alisher Navoi is a great figure of the consciousness and thinking of our people, a whole epoch in the history of art culture, an unparalleled representative of our national literature, an immortal word artist who sang the pride of our nation to the world. In other words, there is no person in the world who speaks Turkish and Persian, if he does not know Navoi, if he does not love Navoi, if he does not look at Navoi with devotion and faith.
If we call this great person a saint, he is a saint of saints, a thinker, a thinker of thinkers, a poet, a sultan of poets.
In this sense, we are glad that in recent years the respect for the inexhaustible genius of our great ancestors, the interest in studying their rich scientific heritage is growing in foreign countries. Proof of this can be seen in the scientific and artistic works published in different countries of the world about their lives and activities, as well as in the monuments erected in memory of our great ancestors. In addition, it is worth remembering the magnificent statue of Alisher Navoi in Moscow, Tokyo and Baku.
                                                                   (High spirituality is an invincible force)
Homework: Students will perform samples from the epic "Khamsa" by Hazrat Alisher Navoi.
Note: The teacher encourages sincerity in observing the process, students to pay attention to the rules of etiquette, activism, enthusiasm and perseverance, speed, creativity.
( On the occasion of the birth of ZM Babur)
Slogan: "February 14 is an unforgettable date in the Republic of Uzbekistan - ZMBobur's birthday" 
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to teach them that it is a child's duty to study the heritage of our ancestors, to develop respect for our grandfather Babur and his work.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
  Board: "Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur from Fergana is one of the most famous political and cultural figures of the Renaissance in the East"                SPTolstov
         In those conflicting, chaotic, chaotic times in which Babur lived, it was very important to be a brave commander to rule the state. Nature had endowed Babur with such a quality. For his bravery and courage, he was nicknamed "Bobur" ("Lion") from a young age. The name was not given to him in vain. He was a great horseman, swimmer, swordsman, archer. His body was full of courage, vigor and dexterity typical of commanders. A man equal to him in dexterity has seldom been found. According to sources, he was so physically strong that he trained on the walls of the castle with two people in his arms. In addition, Babur had the qualities of standing up to death, believing in himself and his destiny. These qualities allowed Bobur to always follow people. Babur learned from the experience of those with whom he had encountered in battles. He learned from the Shaybanis the method of "filling" the war, from the Mongols to ambush, from the Afghans to use guns.
           Zahriddin Muhammad Babur is not only a great statesman, a skilful commander, a poet, a composer, but also a great historian. His work is "Boburnoma". This work provides valuable information about the history and geography of the peoples of Movarounnahr, Afghanistan, India and Iran. This memory is one of the works. The work tells the story of historical events that took place between 1493 and 1529.
King Babur died on December 1530, 26 at the age of 47. He will be buried in Agra, in the "Garden of Peace" near the river Jamna. According to his will, in a few years the body of King Babur will be moved to the "Big Garden" in Kabul. This garden was beautified by Babur himself with great love.
           Later this garden was called "Bobur's garden".
 Babur is one of the brightest manifestations of the rulers worthy of the throne of the countries of the East.
Babur's grandfather, like Amir Temur, was a statesman who paid great attention to creative work.
Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
      * Celebrate the 1993th anniversary of Babur's birth on a large scale in 510.
  • Let great work be done to glorify the great memory of Babur.
  • A statue of Babur was erected in Andijan, and a symbolic tomb was built.
  • "Bobur National Park" and a museum "Bobur and world literature" were established under this park.
  • Every year on February 14 Babur's birthday is widely celebrated in our country.
Even when he was the ruler of a powerful and glorious kingdom in India, the dream of the homeland, the pain of separation, never left Babur Mirza, and he wrote the following sad lines:
             You made me a deprived lady again,
              You've made the world a mess again.
              Tole was a disaster for me,
              I did everything, it was a mistake.
             Leaving my place, I turned to the Indian yellow,
              What a pity, what a pity.
Homework: Students analyze the work of our grandfather ZMBobur "Boburnoma".
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Topic 21: Cyber ​​space and us.
Slogan: "The development of science and technology has facilitated many human endeavors" 
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to acquaint students with the secrets of modern science and technology and to develop their interest and respect for them.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "The world is evolving rapidly, which requires a lot of knowledge," he said.
      By the middle of the twentieth century, the role of science in social life has grown exponentially. The nature of the revolutions in the development of science has changed, that is, the revolutions in the field of science have been combined with information in the field of technology, and the scientific and technological revolution has taken place. As a result of the transformation of science into a direct productive force of the scientific and technological revolution of the late 40s, great qualitative changes have taken place in science itself, in technology and in production. As a result, the volume of scientific activity began to double every 10-15 years. It is gratifying to note that the number of scientists and researchers in the 70s of the twentieth century was more than 90% of the number of scientists who lived in the entire period of scientific development. In general, it should be noted that the growth rate of researchers in the world is several times higher than the growth rate of the population, that is, science and education have become an important factor in social potential.
  As a result, the number of specialized scientific organizations has increased dramatically in the twentieth century. Scientific institutions in the field of science began to be established, and new disciplines and their specific educational content began to emerge. In particular, cybernetics, mathematical linguistics, geophysics, biotechnology, probability theory, ergonomics, computer science, technical aesthetics, etc. are the newly named disciplines.
   If we look at the scientific and technological progress of the last quarter of a century, during this period, especially in the exact sciences, such as physics, mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, biology, as well as in technology, laws, theories and We are witnessing the emergence of hypotheses. The interaction of sciences has accelerated, and new fields of science have begun to emerge. They also had a significant impact on the content of education, which in turn contributes to the development of technology. In particular, today the automation of economic management is carried out on a large scale. In this regard, one of the requirements for modern lessons is to convey the achievements of science and technology to young people.
  The close integration of science and technology with production is a requirement of this period. That is why today's young people need to have a certain understanding of the basics of modern technology before graduating from school.
   Today's rising science and technology help us to understand the laws of society and the nature of natural phenomena, the development of the environment around us. Thanks to advanced science and technology, man actively cooperates with the environment, his living conditions improve. At the end of the XNUMXth century and the beginning of the XNUMXst century, science and technology developed at an unprecedented rate. During this period, the automation of industry, transport and other industries began. The basis for the emergence of a new science called "Cybernetics", based on the theory of automatic control.
  It is difficult to find an area where computers are not used today. They also closely assist people in the management of workshops, shops, factories. Two important features of computers are that they can perform calculations quickly and process large amounts of information in memory.
Assignment: Students will be asked to answer the following question: What is the educational value of science and technology?
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Topic 22: Threats of the Information Age
Slogan of the day: Internet protection measures
Objective: To teach students to use the Internet wisely
The National Library of Uzbekistan has been enriched with the book "Protection from Internet threats", published by Movarounnahr in 372 pages in 3000 copies.
 Aydarbek Tulepov's book focuses on the threats posed by the Internet, destructive ideas that negatively affect the minds of young people, and the negative consequences of unculturedness under the guise of "popular culture" on the basis of concrete evidence and real-life examples. The basis for combating such threats and the formation of ideological immunity in young people is described in national and religious terms. Also, the original image of destructive ideas is expressed in detail through life facts, questions and answers, and psychological tests.
The handbook consists of ten chapters and covers the threat to healthy beliefs, the attack of conspiracies in the global information network, networks of idleness and corruption, threats of social networks, cyberterrorism, computer games, the information age, the information age. threats, virtual communication tools, technical development threats, information attack protection and other global issues.
 Each page of the book contains rules and attitudes that guide readers to the right path, protect them from the great thinkers of our people, scientists and scholars, and warn them of the dangers posed by the Internet. Each topic is provided with color illustrations based on real events, questions and assignments on the topics covered, independent work topics, recommended resources and literature to use.
 Aydarbek Tulepov's book "Protection from Internet threats" serves as an auxiliary textbook for university students, students of academic lyceums and colleges, professors and coaches. The presence of test questions and a glossary in it serves as a grateful helper for those who are engaged in the celebration of youth.
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Topic 23: Respect for women!
Slogan: “We feel this world with your kindness, Mother! ” 
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to teach them that there is no one in the world who is kinder and dearer than a mother, that there is a world of love for them, to develop a sense of kindness to mothers.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "Woman shakes the world"
  MARCH The first day of spring, rejuvenation and renewal, means that this day is celebrated in our country as the birthday of the daughter of the Uzbek people, the symbol of fidelity and devotion Zulfiyakhanum.
Zulfiyakhanim is a well-known poet who has reflected the spiritual image of the Uzbek woman not only in her poems, but throughout her life.
   Her poems, which resounded from the pulpits of the world, taught humanity, love and devotion to millions of poetry fans as a bright expression of the intellect and grace of the Eastern woman.
   But this complex life did not always spare this woman, who was filled with love for her people and homeland, and lived in search of goodness and beauty in the world. In fact, in this world, the pain of separation and exile is in everyone's head. But women like Zulfiya-opa, who overcame sorrows and griefs with courage and became a symbol of fidelity and devotion with her mountain-like endurance, deserve all the highest respect and esteem.
                  (Islam Karimov "High spirituality is an invincible force").
Indeed, today the number of followers of Zulfiya Khanum is growing. May the souls of God and Zulfiyakhanum be happy, may their places be in heaven, and may their souls always be helpful in the work of their disciples.
   May Uzbek girls and women never leave their devotion and fidelity.
March is one of the most festive months. This month, MARCH 8 is a worldwide women's holiday in our country, and MARCH 21 is widely celebrated in the Muslim world as Navruz.
    MARCH 8 is Mother's Day today
    A bouquet of flowers on the way to the base!
The mother is dear, the mother is honorable, the mother is a friend, the mother is our body and soul, she knows her child dearly. From morning till night, the mother prays to Allah for the well-being and perfection of her child. If you are sick, or if you are sad, the kind person who cares for you is your mother. She kept you in her body for nine months, and even asked you to protect her child from any troubles. She dreams that when she grows up, her child will be able to do great things. The mother will care for the future of her child for a lifetime. God is so merciful that He gave His servants a Mother after them for them. O Allah, increase the life of mothers, always grant their wishes, may mothers never grieve in this world, may the good days they see be the perfection of their children.
Let this song, which will never become obsolete, be the word of children:
I am a child, I wish, I am a mother.
If you believe me, I am strong, mother,
If the light in your eyes dims, I will surely be light.
After all, I am a child, I wish, I am a mother,
If you believe me, I am strong, mother,
Call me nowhere, lean on me, no doubt,
After all, I am a child, I wish, I am a mother,
If you believe me, I am strong, mother,
After all, I am a child, I wish, I am a mother.
The world has seen such great genius women, and their names will go down in history. We found it necessary to introduce them. Because remembering them on such a beautiful holiday is our human duty and a dream to awaken pride and try to be like them.
Queens of the World:
To`maris; (Queen of Masaggets)
Our mother Khadija; (Wives of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh))
Mrs. To`rabek; (In ancient Urgench, Odilshah was the only daughter of the king)
Malika Tamara; (Georgian national hero)
Beautiful Cleopatra; The divine queen of Egypt.
Janna d * Ark; (French, Hundred Years' War)
Simonetta-Inspiration Paris (blessed to be beautiful forever)
Beautiful Princess Nefertit; (Egypt)
Catherine II; (real name Sofia-Augusta-Frederica; Queen Angalt-Sterbskaya, Shtiten, Europe)
Dancer Nigina; (Kingdom of Khorezmshahs; Temur Malik was not indifferent to it)
Mrs. Saroymulk; (Bibikhanim; Sahibqiron Amir Temur)
Turkon Khotun; (Ruler; mother of Khorezm king Alovuddin Muhammad.)
The Magic Queen; (Catherine; France)
Princess's Maid; (Shodmulk, the daughter of Amur Temur's beloved granddaughter Khalil Sultan Mirzo)
Gavharshod Begim; (Shahrukh Mirza's beloved elder wife;)
Ulug Beka; (Khadija Beg is the beloved wife of Sultan Hussein Mirzo Boykaro;)
Prince Begim (daughter of Umar Sheikh Mirza, sister of Babur Mirza; wife of Shaibanikhan)
Gulbadan Begim; (The third daughter of Zahriddin Muhammad Babur's wife Dildor begim, "Humoyunnoma")
Muhabbat Qasri; (Arjumand bonu- Mumtoz Mahal begim; Shah Jahon; “Taj Mahal”)
The Light of the Palace; (Nurjahon Beg is the third of Baburi's princes, the second wife of Jahangir Shah (Salim))
Jahonoro Begim; (The eldest daughter of King Jahan; science)
Zebunniso Begim (daughter of Avrangzeb; poet)
Nell Gwyn; (London; actress)
“Madonna of Argentina”; (actress; name Evita)
"Iron Lady" or the most powerful woman in the world; (UK; former Prime Minister, politician-Margaret Thatcher)
"The most famous woman of the century"; (XNUMXth century; Marilyn Monroe; actress; mysterious death)
Indira Gandhi (India; politician)
Queen of the Three Ages; (Beautiful Elizabeth; Great Britain)
Mercy - Queen of Mercy; (Mother Teresa; full name; Agnes Bojaksua; Macedonian)
Opera Singer: Maria Callas; (New York)
Queen of Great Britain; (Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Actress who is a symbol of beauty; (Sophie Lauren; Rome; two-time Academy Award winner)
Elizabeth Taylor (American; actress)
Benazir Bhutto; (Pakistan; politician; prime minister)
Princess Diana (Diana Welsh; source of inspiration and symbol of care; Prince Charles; Britain).
 Princesses of Uzbekistan:
Kurbanjon Dodhoh: The wife of an Uzbek general.
Uvaysi: Poet.
Nodirabegim: Poet.
Zulfiyakhanim: A symbol of loyalty and devotion.
Khadicha Sulaymonova: The first Uzbek scientist.
Lutfikhanim Sarimsakova: The image of the mother.
Maryam Yakubova: Actress. (Uzbek mother. “Last days”)
Mukarrama Turgunbaeva: The queen of Uzbek dance.
Saodat Kobulova: Art critic, professor.
Suyma Ganieva: Navoi scholar.
Dilorom Toshmuhammedova: Speaker.
Gulnara Karimova: Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Fund-Forum, organizer of good deeds.
Rimma Ahmedova: Dubbing princess.
Oybarchin Bakirova: The Queen of Dubbing.
Galiya Izmayilova: Ballerina.
Munojat Yulchiyeva: The queen of status, the owner of a unique voice.
Olmakhon Hayitova: Queen of Khorezm.
Nasiba Abdullayeva: Variety queen.
Nasiba Qambarova: Sukhandon.
All women are princesses, beautiful and smart.
 Dear mothers, dear women, dear sisters and daughters, we sincerely congratulate you on the approaching MARCH 8 and wish you long life, happiness and great victories in your noble deeds!
May there always be a smile on your face, kindness in your heart, and laughter on your lips.
Once again, we congratulate all the women of Uzbekistan on the holiday!
 Long live our happiness!
Assignment: Speech on the topic "My love is for you." At the same time, each student writes on a white sheet of paper his heartfelt congratulations to his loving mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and teacher.
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Topic 25: Our national customs and traditions
Slogan: "Let every minute of our lives turn into Navruz!"
                                                                                           Islam Karimov
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to develop respect for our national holiday Navruz, pride in our national traditions.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
On the board: I saw between Vasli, equal breastfeeding - yu hair,
                          Day and night, apparently, Navruz is dying.
                                                                                                 Alisher Navoi
       First of all, we should follow the values ​​inherited from our ancestors and give thanks and praise to our Creator for bringing us to these glorious days - the New Year, the holiday of Navruz.
 Of course, it is worth praising our ancestors, who have always been faithful to their great virtues, and have preserved and respected such a unique tradition as Navruz, even in difficult times. For centuries, for thousands of years, Navruz has been the most long-awaited holiday of joy, beauty and elegance, the holiday of spring in our people, in every family, in every home. Navruz is a season of awakening and rejuvenation of nature. As nature awakens, so does the human spirit. At the same time, it is natural for a person to have strength in his arms, new aspirations in his heart, new hopes and dreams in his life. The noble intention of all of us is that our country should be peaceful and prosperous, our table should be full and blessed, our family and children, our brothers and sisters should be healthy, happy and prosperous. A holiday is suitable for a country where peace is stable. Let the spring, summer, autumn and winter of the people be pleasant, every day will be beautiful. Disasters are far from a place of peace and tranquility. Navruz is close to our national nature with another characteristic. These days, the father, whom God Himself has given to our country, such as the removal of old grievances, all kinds of evils, to be kind, to be kind, to be aware of the plight of widows, to take care of orphans and widows. - The virtues inherited from our ancestors are also the noble essence of Navruz. Let every moment of our lives turn into Navruz!
            (Islam Karimov. On the way to security and sustainable development.)
         Navruz is a holiday that gives a special charm to girls. On the occasion of the holiday, they put henna on their hands and tumors on their eyebrows. They fly on swings, play various games, walk in the wide green fields and make loud noises.
      Navruz is a holiday that brings joy and happiness to children and adolescents. Both young children and teenagers come to him with special congratulations. For them, the customs, traditions and customs of Navruz are very interesting, they watch carefully and try to participate in it with pleasure.
Over the centuries, the Uzbek people have created their own unique and diverse traditions and ceremonies. These are the result of constant repetition and adherence to them. However, customs and rituals have also changed due to the development of society, and some of them have been forgotten in practice. In marriage, depending on the time, new customs and rituals enter and improve. Popular customs have withstood the test of time and are passed down from generation to generation. There are many similarities in the traditions and customs of the peoples of Central Asia, who have lived in the same place for centuries. Tribes and ethnic groups that have joined the indigenous population of Uzbekistan in different historical periods have shared and adopted the traditions of the Uzbeks and at the same time contributed to it. The unique customs and traditions of each nation, which are historically formed, are respected and passed down from generation to generation. In this way, generations continue the traditions and ensure their sustainability. Customs and rituals of social and educational significance were under public administration. The traditions and customs of the Uzbeks are the product of historically formed social relations, formed as a result of the living conditions and environment of the people.  Navruz An ancient, traditional New Year celebration of the peoples of Central Asia and the Middle East. Navruz holiday coincided with the spring month - the beginning of agricultural work. In ancient times, on the days of Navruz, people gave each other sugar. Inspired by every achievement achieved through hard work, people have become accustomed to celebrating the fruits of their labor. Another traditional Navruz holiday in Uzbekistan Goja Oshi or "The beginning of the year." This dish is made from a variety of ingredients that are voluntarily collected from households - grains, mung beans, beans, peas, butter and meat. After the independence of Uzbekistan, along with the national and national holidays associated with important dates, the holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, Navruz are being revived and celebrated. In addition, in the regions of the country, ceremonies based on values ​​of different ethnic meanings are held in the form of folk festivals. For example: “Asrlar sadosi”, “Mingta sunnat, minta nikoh tuyi”, Iftar is given during the months of Ramadan. These are also becoming our modern traditions.
  Assignment: "Round table". What other national customs, rituals and traditions do we have.
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Topic 26: Amir Temur and world culture.
Slogan: "Great people are created by the sorrow of the nation, the pain of the people"
                                                                                                  Islam Karimov
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to develop their respect for the Great Sahibkiran, to instill in them a sense of pride and pride in Amur Temur.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board:  "There is an incomparable Sahibkiro, the Uzbek"
       The image of Amir Temur.
     Amir Temur, the winner of the battles between the emirs of Turkestan, took the throne of Turkestan on April 1370, 9, on the twelfth day of the month of Ramadan, on which the Qur'an was revealed. At that time, Amir Temur was 34 years old. In the second half of the XIV century and the beginning of the XV century, Amir Temur rose to the level of a figure who had a great influence on the political climate in the world, became a statesman who influenced the history of the world.
  President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov said: “Great people are created by the sorrow of the nation, the pain of the people.” “Where in the world, at what time, a great commander like Amir Temur, a great statesman like Amir Temur, science like Amir Temur, 'He was a patron of naviyat and spirituality?'
  Indeed, living in difficult times, as in the Middle Ages, and not for the sake of his own life, but for the sake of the development of the Motherland, to unite the fragmented country, to be a patron and creator of science, Amir Temur was an extraordinary person. `shows. Amir Temur, the great commander, united Movarounnahr and Khorasan and established a centralized kingdom. On the world stage, the name of the brave commander who saved Europe, as the person who laid the foundation stone of our national statehood, has gone down in history, and today his descendants glorify his name every minute. Order of Amir Temur, statues of Amir Temur, Museum of Amir Temur and Temurids, Amir Temur Street, Amir Temur station, Amir Temur mahalla, Amir Temur district, Amir Temur school, Amir Temur group. We must conclude that those who have served the nation, the people, the country, the homeland and, if necessary, sacrificed their lives are honored in this way.
Abdurauf Fitrat is one of the most passionate and enlightened writers of the XNUMXth century in Uzbek literature.. In the article "Temur ahead" we can see how excited the writer, who visited the mausoleum of Sahibkiran, had in his heart: "I came to visit you, my sultan! .. - shouts the writer. - My great lord! Turkish honor was plundered. The honor, attention, faith and conscience of the Turks were trampled underfoot by the oppressors. The land of the Turks, the hearth, the hearth, the Turan fell into foreign hands! My dear! It is your sacred custom to shed the blood of those who betrayed the Turks, even if they are Turks, do not lie down, get up! Crush, strike, and kill those who betray your trust! If I didn't want to spend my three days in peace, none of this would happen. If I had not taken the sword and the instrument that you had given me, my Turan would not have been plundered… O lion of lions! Pass through my writings, hold my hand, gird my loins, give me your holy blessing! I swear by your unbounded zeal that I will not sit on my feet until I restore Turan's old honor and glory! ”(Hürriyet newspaper, October 1917, 31).
Amir Temur had four sons and two daughters. Both boys and girls were well acquainted with the secrets of martial arts. Jahangir Mirzo was born to Amir Temur's wife Turmush aka. Jahangir Mirzo's sister was Aka Begi. Amir Temur also had sons such as Umarshaykh Mirzo, Mironshah Mirzo, Shohruh Mirzo, and a daughter of Sultan Bakht Beg.
    As a kind father and a strict coach, he never lost sight of everyone.
    Assignment: Analyze one of the works written about Amir Temur. This will strengthen the development of patriotism, pride and pride in Amir Temur, and will arouse more interest in historical works and books. For example: People's writers of Uzbekistan Pirimkul Kadyrov's "Great image", Muhammad Ali's "Sarbadorlar", Nurali Kabul's "The great emir of the Turan or the mind and sword".      MMIBDO ': ________________________
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Topic 28: Computer Games Manchurian Tool
Slogan: "Awareness and vigilance is the most important task for the state, society and man in any time, in any situation" Islam Karimov
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to teach them to be always vigilant and vigilant.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board:  "We need to protect, warn and educate our youth from any negative vices and spiritual threats, to have an independent worldview"
           We need to be vigilant and vigilant not only physically, but also spiritually, especially, urging our youth to be vigilant and vigilant against spiritual threats. It is known that in order to prevent any disease, first of all, the human body develops immunity against it. In order to bring up our children in the spirit of love for the motherland, our rich history, devotion to the sacred religion of our ancestors, we must, first of all, strengthen ideological immunity in their hearts and minds. So that our young people become people who have a deep understanding of their national identity, as well as the world, and keep pace with the times. Then neither the "call" of the ignorant fanatics nor the ideas that reject the notions of morality, which are completely foreign to us, will be able to influence them. When we talk about protecting our young generation from various spiritual aggressions, we need to speak openly not only about the great qualities that glorify our people, but also about the bad habits that have negatively affected its development, left over from ancient times. First of all, we must think about how to rid our society of such evils as selfishness and indifference, nepotism and localism, corruption and selfishness, and disregard for others. I would like to dwell on another flaw that poses a serious threat to our spiritual life. Personally, I hate this flaw. I don’t want to see a person with this disorder. This is a betrayal. I see any evil in betrayal. A person who does not have faith in goodness and truth, who does not believe in them, is fearful. If a person with a treacherous nature sits in the chair, say that there is no peace there. It is these people who start the war between two people, between two countries. Therefore, we should be aware of such people, they should not have a place next to us. If anyone around us is experiencing such symptoms, we need to take them into our care immediately and start on the right path. In this regard, which has been confirmed many times in history, I also consider it necessary to repeat once again a vital fact that I have tried in my own experience: if we are united, we will be united in the interests of the people. If we live as one soul, no one will be able to defeat the Uzbek people, unless we betray ourselves. One of the most famous philosophers made an in-depth analysis of this vital fact and stated the following truth: “Do not be afraid of your enemies - they can kill you if you go too far. Don’t be afraid of friends - if they go too far, they may betray you. Fear the indifferent people - they will not kill you or sell you, only because they are silent and careless will betray and kill you on earth. " In particular, a comprehensive scientific and practical analysis and evaluation of today's complex ideological processes, to determine their priorities, to whom and against what, to study the impact on different segments of the population, harmful to our national interests, our way of life. It is important to reveal the essence of ideas and ideological attacks, to strengthen the foundations of national thinking and a healthy worldview in the hearts of our citizens. Only on this basis can it be possible to bring up young people as strong-willed, selfless and patriotic people who have their own opinion, are able to stand firm against various spiritual attacks.
Assignment: "Teaching independent thinking." Visit the world of thoughts and ideas on the words of awareness, vigilance, spiritual threat. (Cause, effect)
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Date: ___________________________
Topic 32: "The book I love to read"
Literature nurtures the soul, sharpens the mind and nourishes the soul. That is why it is always needed. Although the human race easily succumbs to material interests and the news of the times, it is bored, misses its originality, and wants to return to it. Only then will the value of literature be known and its necessity understood. After all, a good book purifies a person's heart, encourages him to think, to understand.
 We talked with Ibrahim Oafurov, a well-known literary scholar, translator and writer, about the pleasure, hardship and necessity of reading, about the present and future of Uzbek and world literature, the skill of translation.
- I can't imagine a person who has never read a book in his life. Everyone gets this blessing in their hands anyway for different purposes. For some, reading is a matter of the heart, for others it is just fun, for others it is a necessity. Some even equate the book with a sleeping pill. When you can’t find a good work of art, at least there aren’t those who sharpen their minds by reading a dictionary. Still others read for prestige, not to be left behind by their friends. Are you Why do you read books?
"Time is short." There is no time. Not possible. It is not possible. And reading a book is just… It really takes a lot of time to read a book. But where do you get it in a time of "deficit"? It was measured to everyone until the last minute: seconds to seconds.
Recently, I read a book about the lives of foreigners and immigrants, all of which are vital facts, vital, that is, actually happened, thousands of people have experienced. Completely unfamiliar to me, stories full of suffering, humiliation, humiliation, violence, weakness, the author wrote with tears in his eyes. Speaking of time, I finished reading it two or three hours a day, eight days a week. Then, unable to contain the various impressions I had received from the book, I called my brother, the poet Tursunboy Adashboyev. "Oh, goodbye," said Tursunboy, rejoicing like an innocent child (there are no people over the age of seventy who rejoice like an innocent child at every step). "I begged someone for a book and read it in one night." A unique book! ” Here is a book I read in eight days that Tursunboy Adashboy read in one night. I have always envied people who read the book so quickly. Fast readers are more common among writers and journalists. Ahmad Azam, Murad, Erkin, Mahmud, Olim Otakhan, Ahmadjon Meliboyev and many others read the book in one pass. Each of them must have their own fast reading and so fast reading methods.
For example, the "method" of a friend of mine, who is called a "book lunatic", is as follows: (Forgive me for revealing the secret of sex) - he immediately reads the annotation of any book he comes across. Looks at the beginning and end of the preface, immediately goes to the table of contents, reads in detail, goes back to the beginning, sees one or two paragraphs from the text, opens the middle of the book, introduces one or two paragraphs, and finally he considers his last words: in between he utters "himm-himm." That's how he gets acquainted with dozens of books that are new to him in an hour. Then in circles he always expresses his opinion about these books. But I'm amazed: he says unspoken, "untouched" thoughts.
Another friend of mine reads books sitting around various dictionaries. He says, "There must be an environment and conditions in which a book can be read," and in an environment surrounded by such wonderful dictionaries, he reads very carefully, writes unfamiliar words and phrases, and clarifies their meanings from his dictionaries. and he notes these in his notebook with disappointment, as well as his own personal comment below. Another friend of mine loves books, but he reads books to pass the time, his reading is fun, he seldom grumbles about the books he reads, it’s probably too boring to gossip about the book with others. sees it as work or sees it as useless.
Another friend of mine falls asleep and reads books about history. He re-explains them in frustration, how colorful his methods and ways are! The more people in the world read a book, the more the way they read a book. If we write about how to read this book, the story will get longer. But look at the methods given for the example given: almost all of these readings are more like creativity than reading, like reading creatively, or like reading at the creative level, or like reading the same creation. zi or reading type of creation. This is the most effective, multi-benefit method of reading. In such a study, a person is constantly enriched and grows mentally and spiritually.
In general, roughly, people are divided into people who need to read a book and people who don’t need to read a book. The psychological basis of this can be sought and elaborated. But as the story drags on, we bore our time-consuming reader. But each of us should value the time of each other. After all, it is one of the most noble cultural and moral relations between people, and perhaps the most important, along with the appreciation of our precious time.
The person who needs to read is Napoleon. Despite the fact that his time was very short, he read with great interest and diligence the German writer Hyote's novel The Sufferings of Young Werther, and when he arrived in Germany, he invited the writer to him and enthusiastically expressed his impressions and opinions about the work. . Otherwise, where is Napoleon and where is Werther? Needed, the emperor and writer sat around a table on a book.
The famous king Hussein Boykaro was a close childhood friend and nurse of Hazrat Alisher Navoi. He eagerly reads each new work of Navoi as if it were a holiday for himself. Despite being a king, reading became his high spiritual and spiritual need. He cannot live without this need. From reading he pursues the following goals: first, he enjoys it immensely; secondly, inspired, every word of Navoi is inspiring; third, it enriches mental abilities and emotions; fourthly, there is an opportunity to have a long conversation with Navoi about words and elegant creations: in these conversations he tells Navoi his thoughts about the new work, even edits the pages of Navoi, makes corrections. Encourages new books to be written, praises Navoi's new work in royal councils and councils, gives examples from Navoi, gives Navoi ideas for new works. That’s part of the purpose of reading. They read books with a noble goal in mind.
They strive to be knowledgeable, progressive-minded, open-minded to time and history, and human life in general, and dream of it. These are the things that make you need to read a book. If we do not feed our souls, there is no life. If we do not nourish our spirituality every day, there will be no spirituality, we will be frozen, if our spirituality is not constantly flooded, when we live only for the needs of the self, we will feel and behave like human beings and society will be fully active It is very difficult to be a zosi, even if it is impossible. I read the book to gain knowledge and study. I have been very interested in other people’s experiences, ways of living and living since I was a child. To me, human experiences seem to be the most valuable thing. I believe that everyone’s life experience has the value of a dorilfun. In addition, books are a treasure trove of human beauty. A sense of beauty, ingenuity is perfected by reading books.
Recently, I saw a collection of letters from the well-known philosopher Tilab Mahmudov and his wife, the respected journalist Dilbar Mahmudova, entitled "Moment of Life." What a book that is rich in precious moments of life, that gives a person a world of pleasure! Time and contemporaries, how vividly and interestingly the steps of human maturity are described in this precious book! Honestly, I envy books like these: they are priceless experiences that show page by page the humanity of a bitter, happy person!
Over the next three to four years, I have read books that cover the life experiences of employees, journalists, owners of various fields, scientists, who have come a long way in life and actively influenced society. Their circulation is extremely low.
But human experiences - the birth of man, no hardships, growing up in struggles, the testimony of the processes of time - are extremely valuable. Books like this are very useful for generations. Perhaps they will not only teach you how to be honest and not give in to hardships, not to sell your precious beliefs, not to be deceived, not to be deceived, not to be deceived, not to be deceived.
Does my age require that books that reflect such life experiences without being painted or filled with fabrications are more valuable than the books we often call novels, and more necessary for man and future generations. In the world, such an experience has preceded books, and in our country they are created and serve their benefit. The mysterious "cases" of Navoi, the testimonies of Khoja Ahror, the incomparable events of Babur, the mysterious appearance of such books after the works of Behbudi, Qadiri's school of life are among the discoveries of the social consciousness.
- Indeed, our ancestors have always had a special respect for books, and brought up their children in the spirit of boundless respect for this source of knowledge. They believed that the book was a miracle, that the person who read it was truly different from the others. That is why the scholars were treated with envy and respect. But what about today? To today's generation, which is becoming a "piri" of information technology, the book seems to be losing its divine essence as a material thing…
- At first glance, the book may seem to lose its essence. But a good book example is a treasure. But when did the treasure lose its essence? By a good book we mean books that benefit people, raise their consciousness, culture, raise their views to advanced positions, that is, they become a grateful spiritual companion and helper.
Such books, on the other hand, never lose their essence or significance. Mankind has been reading Aristotle's Poetics for thousands of years and is still not bored. His idea that art is born of imitation of nature is still alive, and the whole stream of Western philosophy and aesthetics is still stuck on the branches of meaning and content of this idea, creating thousands of volumes of works. What an imitation! Or five thousand years ago in a book, "Understand Yourself!" as the saying goes. Mankind has not yet gone beyond this idea, nor has it come up with a better one. how to lose the essence of the book? It will never happen. As long as humanity exists, the book will remain something that is constantly in demand.
In the ancient minds of mankind there is an image of the heavenly book "Lavhul Mahfuz". According to the mythology of mankind, it stands not in the depths of the enchanting universe, but in the vastness of the Milky Way. In the imagination of mankind, it is written by God Himself, and the destinies of all people, the fate of the universe, are written in all ages. Let’s not delve into this oil. The word goes on and on.
What I mean is that what is called a book is born in the eternal mind of mankind. This is not without reason. This means that the idea of ​​a book has existed in the human mind since time immemorial, and that it is the book itself that is the form of the bashmiya that man was born with and that governs mankind. Let’s stop talking about the essence of the book here. The book saved humanity, and will continue to do so.
- Sayings such as "Reading is different, reading is different" or "Be a man more than a scientist" are usually addressed to people who boast of reading a lot of books, but whose spirituality is shallow. Good works not only enrich the spiritual world of the reader, but also educate him by influencing his consciousness and heart. But that is not the case with all books. It is the work of an animal to eat what comes to it, says Hazrat Navoi. The same can be said of reading. What do you think about selecting good works? As a reader, how do you differentiate between readable books?
- We talked a bit about reading the book with a purpose above. There are also people who read a book in their hands in vain. To take an example from myself, I read the book as a child and reader as a child. I found it very interesting, I was looking for impressions, the life described in the books seemed infinitely richer and more interesting than the one-of-a-kind life that was going on in front of my eyes. I thought books were richer and more attractive than life.
On the contrary, life is richer and more infinite than anything else and has a primary value. But every new true book enriches life and the imagination about it, the book can look into the most hidden depths of life. It can also describe the most incredible incredible phenomena. So if you read Anna Karenina or Telba, the book seems much richer than life. now I read books as a literary critic, translator, penman. The interests of the times are changing.
When I was a freshman at the university in 56, I became very interested in the books of Russian writers such as Garshin, Uspensky, Goncharov, Green, Babel, Platonov, Bunin, Korolenko, Gorky. When you read them, your heart will be filled with sorrow and grief. Pain attracts and brings humanity to the heart. This was followed by the works of Hemenguey, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, Flaubert, Stendhal, and Anatol Franz. Decades later, the fascinating works of South American writers were hard at work. After them, from the very melodic examples of avant-garde literature to the present day, I constantly observe the remarkable changes in the minds, figurative, artistic views of mankind. The books reflect the changes in the human mind and subconscious, from the best to the finest. Especially the works of Freud, Jung, Kant, Nietzsche, Joyce, Proust, Camus, Marquez, Borges, Sartre…
- We know you as a translator who presented the best works of Joyce, Marquez, Aitmatov, Dostoevsky, Mopassan, Turgenev, Hemenguey to Uzbek readers. With this service you have added a great treasure to Uzbek literature. Plus you created a great school for our young translators. But when you look back, don’t you regret not spending the energy you put on that path into creativity?
- Nature kindly gives everyone one or more talents. In our beautiful language, written by ancient Yugnaki, there are the words "uqush", "uqar". They mean intelligence, ingenuity, talent in our modern language. We also call it "learning." In Russian it is called "prizvaniye", in English "pover". I went through the translation of a book, not following someone else.
I am very interested in how "Old Man and the Sea" will sound in Uzbek, how the power of our language will be able to describe this world of colorful events and unparalleled human experiences? - in his romantic youth, who read the works in Russian and enjoyed them endlessly. It is not surprising that through this passion and curiosity I have awakened that talent - prizvaniye, pava. To train and adapt my hand and mind, I did incessant translations for myself, practicing articles, poems, mansurs.
By the way, the tension of thoughts expressed by the mansuras, the artistic images of the new age, the symbols of the new age, in my opinion, sometimes seem to be equal to the novel. But as the traditional mind becomes accustomed to artistic patterns, it arrives later. Mansur’s poetry also existed in my grandfather’s time. But there was no "mansura" as a genre. Mansura is hard to fit into the definition, it requires the intensity of thoughts that flash like lightning and branch like lightning. I will never regret if my talent, my "reading" encouraged me to write articles, poems, mansurs, to Uzbekize the most avant-garde examples of world literature.
The waters flowed, and the grass grew green. The treasures of artistic style of Uzbek literature are enriched by the immortal styles of artistic thinking of Nietzsche, Joyce, Marx, Aitmatov, Dostoevsky.
- Today, "When will Uzbek literature connect with the world?" The questions are repeated over and over again. Well-known artists are of the opinion that it is necessary not to rush to refer literary samples to foreign readers until qualified translators are formed. Yes, many of our poets and writers today cannot trust translators of their creations. The reason is that even those who can connect two words in a foreign language are going through the same door. How do you assess the future of our translation?
- Artistic translation is a living participant in artistic processes. While there is a desire for enjoyment and enjoyment from books and art, translation continues to enrich our national literature by filling it with examples of world literature. Now the interest in translation is growing. I am sure that young people will develop devotees of literary translation. But new talents are just sprouting. How much responsibility do talented people take on? This is decided by creative individuals.
- You are a literary critic with your own thoughts and worldview. So we want to know your opinion on a question that is on our minds. In our view, the analysis and interpretation of works of art in literary criticism seems to have fallen into a stereotype. Is it to avoid commenting, to retell the plot of the work of art, to praise it for the sake of the author, and at the end of the article to not disappoint the readers, such as "there are some minor flaws"? using the traditional form. We are witnessing some young writers and poets, even the incompetent middle-aged ones, clinging to the skirts of one of the literary critics and writing forewords and reviews to their new books. Is it possible that the words of those who have worked hard for many years and achieved the rank of scientists are so cheap or arrogant?
- There are many reasons for this. Which one do you say. We have well-formed features of the transition period. Big and small follow him. The literature of the past and our closest contemporaries Abdulla Qahhor, Odil Yakubov, Ozod Sharafiddinov, Said Ahmad, Utkir Hoshimov, Shukur Kholmirzaev, Shavkat Rahmon made history by completing a certain last stage of literature. The new age, the new literature, has its own names, its own dimensions. New literature is being formed from within the old literature. Often we are trying to evaluate the buds of a newly formed literature with old concepts and stereotypes.
There is no other way, according to Dialectics, the novelty does not fall from the sky, but sprouts and is watered from the broken place of the old. Man factor. Condition factor. The social factor. All of these are very closely intertwined. May skirts. Well people might still moan but at least expectations have been set. All of this is in the process, and it means that the individual of the transition period has not yet risen above that transition period and cannot see beyond it. However, it is clear that the forces that determine the central paths of national literature and create new images, new symbols of the new age on the basis of traditions, are also secretly expressing their passions.
An example of this is the series of interesting works published in literary and social publications. The period has not yet selected, selected, and nurtured its own literary critics, researchers. This is not a spontaneous process. Much also depends on the long-term plans and efforts of universities, academies, creative associations and agencies. The present and future interests of national literature require consistent activity in the spirit of free creativity.
In fact, it is only when an artist goes through the arduous school of life that he achieves great results in the field of creation. The meaning and purpose of creation is to influence society, to satisfy the spiritual needs and moral and educational thirst of people. A person who has not gone through the school of life, no matter how talented, cannot accomplish this task. The ocean of creativity requires him to dive head-to-toe. He doesn’t know what an ocean is, sitting on the edge of the ocean soaking his feet in the sand. In the long run, it can only put the fear of the ocean on paper. Even then, if he has mastered the principles of imitation…
"There's a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time." We know that you have created very beautiful works in the genre of mansura. Today, when it comes to this genre, your name goes into a dream. Tell me, what impressed you about Mansura? If you also think about its specific aspects.
- I would like to answer your question about Mansura with gratitude and enthusiasm. Mansura has hardly entered the literary-artistic process, becoming an integral part of it. But it has not yet been featured in any of the anthologies. If it is a novel or a rhyming word, it is ignored, and if it is a mansura, it is ignored. “I slept like a weed in a vineyard,” I described my difficult adolescence in a mansura. This sentence is literally a mansura sentence. Why a vineyard? Why cut? Why go to bed? These are the drama of the growth period of a small person and the symbols of the growth period. In these four words, drama and tension emerge and resonate.
All of Mansura’s other thought systems complement this image and stand next to him like warriors. Mansura’s only rule is his tension of thought and unexpected figurative associations. I think they reflect my own new figurative way of thinking. Shalviragan fictional airy words can never be mansura. Not to mutter to Mansura, the bow should sound like an arrow. If you read this and understand it…
- Last question: What do you rejoice and worry about when you think about the present and future of Uzbek literature as a well-known literary scholar, brilliant translator, skilled writer? In general, are you satisfied with what young artists write? Based on your own experience, what advice would you give them?
- I include modern youth in the category of like-minded people. Who is a thinking person? This category is interested in knowing. But knowledge and thinking are impossible without books, newspapers, magazines, the Internet. It’s not that young people aren’t interested in getting to know each other. They are very curious to know. They chose the ways and means the Internet offers an interest in knowing and thinking. Now this process is intensifying non-stop.
Time is not infinite, it is measured. the time allotted to each of us is neither less than a second nor more. We go from one station on the River of Life to the other and get off. The Internet offers intensive and optimal ways to use time. You mean games, huh? But there are concepts under the games. These concepts are densely filling the brain layers of young people.
I am convinced that the brain layers of today's youth differ from the brain layers of us and those before us in their size, power of reception, intensity. It is these young people who have absolutely no time to read a book. Our time was comfortable. We searched for books and read. Those who read many books were academics, doctors, candidates, directors, and so on.
Where are the horizons of today’s youth? The Internet enriches the mind, memory, infinitely enhances the operational power of the brain. But it squeezes out feelings and emotions. There is as much space for information as you want, but there is no room for emotion. The internet is not emotionally friendly, now the mind is getting stronger. One of the reasons why poems, epics, novels are not read is that this mind is getting stronger and stronger.
What is an emotional symbol? Da Vinci drew Jokonda. Joconda is the same as Da Vinci. Jokonda’s smile - a half smile - can be called a divine smile. Da Vinci left this smile to humanity as an emotional symbol. Until then, such a smile had never been seen in human art. True, such divinity was manifested in the smiles of Buddha and Moni. In them the image of the universe is sealed. But does Jokonda’s smile reflect the utter nonsense of man’s birth? The secret to this is hard to come by. I would like to say in the language of Mansura to the young people whose color is clear and whose horizons of hope are wide:
The spark is your homeland,
 Homeland is your spark.
Source: Hürriyet newspaper, July 2014, 2
MMIBDO ': ________________________
Date: ___________________________
Topic 33: "My chosen profession"
Slogan: "You can't be a person without dreams, you can't live without dreams"
The goal: To inculcate patriotism in students, to inculcate in them the ability to work for their dreams in the future, to find the opportunity they are looking for.
The result: Free thinking, impressions and conclusions of students.
Visual aids used: President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov: "High spirituality is an invincible force", "Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence", "Uzbekistan for a great future", the Emir of Turan or the mind and sword, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Spirituality is the sun of my heart, Spirituality stars, Pedagogy, slogans, posters, posters, slides, handouts.
Board: "Good luck with your aspirations, never get tired of your dreams, your chosen profession!"
    The best of the profession is a person's work done with his own hands and honest literacy. The chosen profession or any profession plays an important role in the meaningful and effective life of any person. Because people who have a profession that suits their abilities and who pursue these interests are definitely able to find their place in life.
      The profession or any profession he chooses plays an important role in the meaningful and effective life of any person. Because people who have a profession that suits their abilities and who pursue these interests are definitely able to find their place in life. Achieving such a result requires solid knowledge in the early stages of education. This, in turn, imposes a number of responsibilities on the teaching staff. Career-oriented teachers and psychologists must perform their duties diligently and provide students with complete and accurate information about existing professions and occupations.
      Vocational information consists of modern types of production and professions, the state of the labor market, the needs of the economy for qualified personnel, the content and prospects of the development of the professional market, forms of professions, the requirements for the profession.
         Soon after graduating from your favorite school, each of you will apply to the academic lyceums and professional colleges of your choice and continue your twelve years of compulsory education. And in the future you will become the owner of your favorite profession.
Indeed, the professions in this world are very diverse. Through professions, everyone finds his way and has a place in society. You will be educated in a country of great opportunities, thanks to independence. The professional colleges, academic lyceums operating in our country today have been renovated to meet world standards. Education is provided on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies. And you, the graduates, should take advantage of such opportunities created. It is even better if the vocational college you choose is located in a convenient area. I promise myself by reading books and being a decent child. Because I live in the land that gave birth to great scientists. This ground brings only and only intellectuals into the world.
Assignment: Each student provides information about his / her dream profession and the academic lyceum or vocational college of his / her choice.
MMIBDO ': ________________________

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