Native language and literature non-traditional lesson plans


TASHKENT - 2006.
        This manual contains non-traditional lesson plans on "Mother tongue and literature".
        The textbook is mainly intended for students majoring in "Uzbek language and literature." It can also be used by teachers of the native language and literature, as well as masters.
Responsible editor:
doctor of philological sciences, professor
Boqijon To'xliyev
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sаfor Matchonov,    
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Rano Inogamova
        The manual was recommended for publication by the decision of the Academic Council of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami dated December 2005, 29 No 5.
    An important condition for the development of Uzbekistan is the formation of a perfect system of training based on the rich intellectual heritage of the people and universal values, the achievements of modern culture, economy, science, engineering and technology.
                (From the "National Training Program")
        It is known that the introduction of non-traditional lessons in the lessons "Mother tongue and literature" and their integration into the content of education, finding new ways of teaching create the basis for compliance with the requirements of state educational standards. The comprehensive development of the human personality, the awakening of a sense of respect for universal and national values ​​in the younger generation, the development of the national language,'The role of the lessons "Mother tongue and literature" in developing a sense of pride in the traditions of the people is invaluable. Therefore, we also work with the same goals in mind when organizing our lessons.
     We develop a variety of visual aids to make the course transition easy and lively. We try to use them on time and in place. “Brainstorming”, “Intelligence”, “Modular lesson”, “Zigzag”, “Interactive”, “Home lesson”, “Debate lesson”, “Travel lesson”, “Competition” to easily convey the complex topic to the students We use methods such as "lesson". In the lessons, we make effective use of the resources, questions, or tests we teach. Education is always in need of improvement and renewal. Therefore, we are required to research new methods of education as much as possible. Because students don’t like the same pattern of lessons, they get bored. As a result, the student is not able to master the lesson well. The lessons in each method justify themselves when taken two or three times. The variety of methods so as not to exceed the norm, not to bore the students, further increases the effectiveness of the lesson. In the course of the lesson we should pay great attention to the forms of oratory, conversation, storytelling, independent work, written work, connecting with the times, relying on independent thinking. The value given by the students to each lesson is valuable to us.
        This manual is mainly intended for graduate students majoring in "Uzbek language and literature." It can be widely used by students during pedagogical practice.
  1. a) teaching students to think independently;
  2. b) focus the student's attention on one point;
  3. c) on the basics of science, achievements of students
   to create a clear understanding;
  1. g) to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and teach it to others, etc.
  For these purposes, it is recommended to do the following:
- Provide necessary methodological assistance to teachers:
- Meetings on various disciplines, scientific-practical conferences
  as well as the organization of seminars.
- Observation of lessons and application of IPT elements in them
  increase the level;
- to study the experience of advanced creative teachers and
        Giving clear science-based information instead of general or abstract concepts in the course process, etc. Today’s development requires unique creativity, skills and experience from every teacher. This, in turn, places a great responsibility on teachers of mother tongue and literature. The teacher of the XXI century has to be always up-to-date with today's rapidly developing scientific and technical achievements, to be able to use them effectively in their lessons. The interactive methods used in the lessons help students to perform important tasks, such as to awaken in them a sense of love for their mother tongue and country, to raise them to the level of perfect literacy, to achieve logical, clear and complete speech. implies Finding relevant materials in native language lessons, using game methods in their implementation gives good results. For example, students divide into two groups. The condition of the game is that the first sentence ends with the same letter as the second sentence. The sentences relate to a specific topic, resulting in a text. For example: “Man cannot live without man. Man, with his good nature and sweet demeanor, takes a place in people's hearts. Literary evenings at school are also effective. At such events, students memorize samples of poems, break them into symbols, show excerpts from the works, and perform them on stage themselves. At the same time, every aspect that the reader memorizes is imprinted in his mind for a lifetime, he will not forget it.
        The method of analyzing a work of art given to the reader for independent study by writing a review also gives a more effective result. In the process of writing a review, students pay more attention to the language of the work of art, they have the opportunity to teach them to create art. Because in the process of writing a review, the reader tries to fully understand the meaning, weight, and impact of each word.
Course style: Modular (standard) method.
Course Objectives: Readers get their point across clearly
            and teaching to express expressively, the idea in the text
            teach comprehension as described by the author.
The storeroom of the lesson: 1.Technical means: audio cassettes,
       computer, overhead projector. 2. Exhibitions: through melody
       related sentences, pictures, 9th grade mother tongue
       textbook, Said Ahmad's "Horizon", Malik Murodov's
      "The Golden Chest Has Been Opened," by Abdullah Qadiri
       days »,« Hazrati ayol »by Tursunoy Sadykova,« Mehr
       Matlabbeka Ulugbek qizi «Hikmatlar
       bouquet ”and Shavkat Rahmon's“ Selection ”
The motto of the lesson: The beginning of etiquette is language.
The motto of the groups: 1. Speech is a picture of thought.
  1. Good speech is like a colorful flower garden.
  2. A sweet word is the light of the human heart.
  3. The essence of the whole conversation is that it makes a person think.
             (Matlabbeka Ulugbek qizi, "Bouquet of Wisdoms").
        Now Navruz has come to our country. The surroundings were covered with the fragrance of fragrant flowers. Therefore, we also brought to our lesson today a bouquet of beautiful flowers in four baskets: carnations, tulips, violets and chamomiles.
        Dear students! Choose what you like from the flowers in the basket and sit around the table where that flower is placed. The name of your group is also named after this flower. During the lesson, you will collect these flowers and your evaluation cards for your correct answer.
        Today’s lesson will focus on “Conjunctions Connected Only by Melody”. Each of you should get acquainted with the following module program and prepare for the lesson.
        For the 112th grade student of school 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ designed module method.
        Didactic purpose of the module: You need to work independently in a small group of students, know the function and characteristics of punctuation in conjunctions connected by tone, expand your verbal thinking, develop your speech and communication culture.
Assignments related to the learning material that students should master.
Complete the assignments
Objective: To study the properties of compound sentences connected only by means of tone.
1. Carefully read the text in the textbook and identify the simple sentences in the compound sentences given in the relevant exercise and the means by which they are interconnected.
2. Give a written and oral explanation of the text provided on the magnetic tape.
3. Run a test on the computer to repeat the previous topic.
With a group of students
work together.
From the computer
use properly.
Be your own activist
Objective: To be able to find conjunctions in any text
and to express its function.
1.Find the phrases connected by tone from the given literature.
2 Explain the functions of punctuation by participating in the game "Intelligence".
3.Find the given sentences on the overhead projector, put punctuation marks, work with punch card.
Take an active part in a question-and-answer session with the student body.
How many
Did you find the right answer?
Objective: to develop oral communication, creative approach to the topic.
1. Replace the punctuation marks in a compound sentence found in the literature with auxiliary words.
2. Find the finished text from the literature and read it expressively, marking the place of punctuation in the diagram.
3 Fill in the blanks on the board with creativity.
Work fast.
Use the literature.
Work in a group in a training way.
your strength
1. Complete the module! Read the didactic purpose of the module.
2. Did you achieve the goal of the module? To what extent?
3. What helped and hindered the learning process?
4. Which assignment was left unclear? Evaluate your performance throughout the lesson.
5. Homework: prescribed exercise. Write a text with two sentences for each given punctuation.
Express your opinion.
Team leader reports on your activities as a team leader
get out
     Dear students! You are familiar with the module in your hand. Make the most of your time when completing assignments. Punctuation is important in written speech. If punctuation is not used properly, both the content and the syntactic structure of the sentence will change. Punctuation provides a better understanding of the essence of written speech. Read the examples on the board and explain what they mean:
  1. You are not a big boy.
(The little one is emphasized for his smallness)
  1. You're big, you're not a kid.
(O‘smirga is no longer a small child)
  1. Soli's arrival is true, not a lie.
(The comma after the word truth serves to convince Soli that he has arrived)
  1. Soli's arrival is not true, it is a lie.
(It changes the position of the comma in the sentence, emphasizing the falsity of the sentence).
     O'Andy: Let me start the lesson with the Lord's anecdote: One day the Lord was talking and the judge said, "You are a fool." The upset judge dragged his master to the king. Upon learning of the incident, the king threatened his master, saying, "Immediately apologize and say, 'You are not a fool,' or I will call an executioner now." The helpless gentleman looked at the judge and said, "You fool, you are not a man!" He said.
(OBased on the exercises given in the textbook, students identify simple sentences in compound sentences and the means by which they are interconnected. The following text is read from the magnetic tape. OStudents schematically locate punctuation marks in a text, identify conjunctions, and interpret connecting devices.
     "A wise man says, 'A man who does not love his country is a bad man.' Whoever loves the land of his homeland, the flowing waters, the desolate deserts, and the steppes with all his heart, he will be no less, he will be perfect without perishing. Vatangado, on the other hand, is a man of popular outrage. When the time comes, he will not order a single piece of land or a shroud. "It is not for nothing that a handful of native soil is more valuable than a handful of gold."
        Chinnigul group: We have outlined this text as follows:
—-: - ——— - -. ————, —-, ——, ———, ——-, ———.
—-. ——-, ——. «—-», - ———.
        Lola Guruhi: We found that this text contained 3 simple sentences and a compound sentence connected by one relative word.
        Chamomile Group: The compound sentence in this text is connected by cohesive passages. Simple speech has also been cohesive. Commas, colons, and hyphens are also used in conjunctions.
        Purple group: In this text who's who, that's it relative words, - Yes, too binding downloads, hyphen, comma, colon punctuation interconnected simple sentences. Ham  each piece is separated by a comma because the connector is used repeatedly.
        O'Andy: ORun the following tests on a computer to review the topics covered.
Working with the test:
  1. In which line is the compound sentence connected by a melody given?
  2. A) It is necessary to study in school, but it is necessary to study more after leaving school.
  3. B) He who does not want to read can never be a real person.
  4. C) Do not try to know everything so that you are not ignorant in all areas.
  5. D) Laughing too hard is a sign of ignorance and bad upbringing.
  6. E) Nonsense thoughts are present in everyone, only a wise person will not say it.
  7. Mark the line where the means of connecting the components of the joint sentence are shown correctly.
  8. A) Tone, connectors, auxiliary words.
  9. B) Auxiliary words, agreements, tone.
  10. C) Downloads, trailing connectors, helpers.
  11. D) Equivalent connectors, trailing connectors, connective - downloads, relative words, tone.
  12. E) There is no correct answer.
  13. Specify a series of downloads to be added to the words.
  14. A) -chi, -ku, -da.
  15. B) -a, -yak, -ya.
  16. C) -u, -yu, -da.
  17. D) -ku, ham, -chi.
  18. E) -mi, -oq, -gina.
  19. It rains in the mountains even in summer. What type of load is used in this sentence?
  20. A) question load.
  21. B) emphasis load.
  22. C) decoupling load.
  23. D) amplification load.
  24. E) No loading is used in this sentence.
  25. Ham When is the word considered a connective?
  26. A) all the time.
  27. B) only when used in place of equal binders.
  28. C) when repeated at the end of organized passages.
  29. D) is a binder only when the cohesive comes in front of the pieces.
  30. E) ham The word is loading, not linking.
  31. In which sentence can the dots be followed by a trailing link?
  32. A) A dark cloud covered the sky,,. it started to rain.
  33. B) The sky was covered with a thick cloud,… .. it did not rain.
  34. C) A voice could be heard from inside,… .. the words were incomprehensible.
  35. D) The seedlings were well cared for, …… they started to grow fast.
  36. E) There is no snow, …… .. there is a thick frost.
  37. In the binding function -u (-yu) which connectors can be used instead of downloads?
  38. A) attachment binders.
  39. B) opposing binders.
  40. C) disconnect connectors.
  41. D) attachment and contraction binders.
  42. E) binders, binders and disconnectors.
  43. Find helpful words.
  44. A) Exercise is necessary for healthy nerves.
  45. B) Oh, what a moment of true happiness!
  46. C) Hypocrisy and falsehood are alien to friendship.
  47. D) The surface of the water vibrates.
  48. E) A and C are correct.
(Test switches: 1-D, 2-D, 3-E, 4-D, 5-B, 6-D, 7-D, 8-E)
        OAndy: O'in the second element of the chase activity, you will need to find common phrases connected only by melody from the pages of fiction presented in the exhibition and participate in the game “Intelligence” and explain the functions of punctuation in collaboration with your group.
        Chinnigul group: 1. Upon hearing this ugly news, the girl forgot her whole being, (therefore) was stunned and walked until dawn, not knowing what to do.
  1. It wouldn’t be bad if we handed it over to the owner on time (so), as the girl said, “Give it away for free if it’s a delicate thing, (for that reason).
  2. When he returned home, he thought, "I will live in the basement or in the basement until the war is over."
  3. There are three points left on the horizon, this is Nizamjan, this is Dildor, this is Zebi.
(From the novel "Horizon" by Said Ahmad)
  1. Nodirajan, Shoirajan,
   My body does not move,
    Go to the snowy mountains:
    Say a poet is lying,
    In the courtyard of God… ..
    The sky is full of weather,
    Just not enough for me. (colon, comma)
  1. If you have a soul in your body
    Beware of him,
    Insult is a spear pierced in the memory.
                (Shavkat Rahmon, "Selection").
        Lola Guruhi: 1. Contribution from the story: Keep the bread as the apple of your eye, justify the labor of the farmer. (colon)
  1. It is no coincidence that the proverb says, "The more beautiful the earth, the more beautiful it is." (colon)
  2. The most unique wealth is to spend your free time talking to each other, small things.
arguing over, or regretting seeing kids spending the day wandering the streets, man. (dash, comma)
  1. Time is tight, cherished - dear. (dash)
      (Etiquette of Malik Murodov "Golden box opened")
  1. Hand killed in Turkey,
        There was no hand left - death came,
        Who drowned in blood,
        Who was stunned during the prayer.
  1. I feel - in the bottomless darkness
        Humiliated grass that grows screaming.
                        (Shavkat Rahmon, "Selection").
        Chamomile Group: 1. But tell the truth: is there any doubt in your heart as to whether I have chosen this path correctly or not? (two points).
  1. The beggar of the divine will be the beloved servant of the Almighty. (dash).
  2. Yes, this delicate girl who has not tasted the bitterness of life, who has not opened a single flower out of ten: she has gone to forty, she has not smoked, she has not seen a ball. (two points).
                             (Odil Yakubov, "The Treasure of Ulugbek").
  1. The savior laughed at his wife: - What is the meaning of the day when the husband is good? (dash).
  2. After all, Anwar is now famous all over the city, and he knows Anwar, the city's ulama, ashraf, bek, and bekbachcha; Each of these upper classes is ready to give Anwar his daughter and marry her. (semicolon, comma).
  3. Out of concern and caution, I wrote this letter separately and hid it in the book: Anvar aka is a friend who stands by you in difficult times; I am a fugitive - I will refer this to your judgment. (colon, semicolon, hyphen).
          (Abdullah Qadiri, "Last Days", "Scorpion from the Altar").
        Purple group: 1. My dear, one aspect of any bad deed is character: February 16 was a lesson, big and small, a lesson to wake up! (colon, comma)
  1. The world of children is as delicate as porcelain - it cracks. (dash)
  2. The woman is a hot spring: her name is Mehr, her name is Muruvvat, her name is Fidoyi. (colon)
  3. Qualities such as courage, bravery, and eloquence are stronger in the female category: the secret protection of love is courage; to stand in shame without following the path of the devil is courage; always behaving humbly and broken - courage.
       (dash, colon)
  1. Say, child, wind, restraint,
        Say Guldir - let's sing.
        The example of the moon has a jinday spot,
        Wipe and then say let's lean.
        Tell everyone it's bad, one by one,
        Don't tell your mother.
  1. When I came, my mother said:
        "Come on, my dear," he says.
        As for me, I carry a lot of grief,
        I was walking around worried about my naughty child.
        I didn't miss you, Mom. (colon)
  1. Suddenly he was stingy, he picked up my empty words,
        In my own words, I beat myself up: I thought,
        I was alert - to restrain my tongue,
        He taught a wonderful lesson. (colon, dash)
            (Tursunoy Sodikova "Mercy remains", "Hazrati woman")
        Teacher: You’ve found compound sentences on the pages of fiction that are only connected by tone. Now at the rest station, find the answers to the following puzzles, and then your group will report on the place of the punctuation marks (dashes, colons, semicolons, commas) in the sentence on each table.
  1. Don't call me homeless,
     My place is among the peer pieces.
        The "passage" of thoughts - I, for a while -
        Each student will take a half breath… (comma)
  1. Meaning of looking for records, Guiding myself wise.
     Every word, every word, every letter, Etolaman comments. (dash)
  1. Freelance carpenter, Talib doctor.
     Erkin, what do you need after Talib? (dash)
  1. Big brother Samandar is a hard worker and an advanced cotton grower.
     Need something before and after the straw? (comma)
        Chinnigul group: The comma is placed in the following places: Between the cohesive pieces joined without a connector; between cohesive pieces joined by repeating binders; between cohesive pieces joined together by means of opposing binders; to separate stimuli; to separate introductory words and introductory sentences that are not complex in structure; ha va no to separate words from parts of speech; to highlight the separated parts of speech; in conjunctions connected without a conjunction; and, both, and, or in conjunctions with other conjunctions, etc .; a comma is used to separate the author's sentence from the quotation.
    Lola Guruhi: The semicolon is used in the following places: 1. Between closed cohesive parts containing a comma: “Labor, creation, man; the light of the glorious tongue, the joy of life - you are the real source of everything, my homeland is the pillar of peace.
  1. Among the simple sentences, which contain a comma and a certain degree of independence in content, as well as in compound sentences containing different types of sentences: Shinel jiqqa wet; Drops were pouring from Bektemir's face.
    Chamomile Group: The colon is used to indicate that the idea is not complete, in which the completeness is revealed by the next sentence. This is its main feature: 1. It is used to distinguish sentences in a compound sentence without a conjunction: If one sentence indicates the reason for the action understood from the other sentence; shows the result; if one sentence complements or explains the content of another sentence; the extract is applied before the sentence, after the author's sentence. 2. When a generalizing word precedes a compound participle, it is placed after the generalizing word.
    Purple group: The hyphen is used in the following places: The generalizing word is placed before the generalizing words when it comes after the cohesive parts. Sometimes also used in separated pieces. The insert is also separated by a hyphen or enclosed in parentheses. Extracts in the form of dialogues are also used in sentences to express the meanings of equality. If the cut or possessive is represented by an action name, a hyphen is placed after the possessive. (Reading is an understanding of life.) If the possessive is represented by a pronoun and is highlighted separately, without a conjunction and a suffix, a hyphen is placed after the possessive. If the content of simple sentences in a compound sentence without a conjunction is contradictory, if the content of the first sentence is similar to the content of the second sentence, a hyphen is placed even if the first sentence indicates the time or condition of the action understood from the second sentence. (Eyes are cowards - hands are brave).
    (Put the omitted punctuation marks on the compound sentences on the overhead projector and mark on the punch card in your hand which way the simple sentences are interconnected).
  1. A hero who is not dead in battle (,)
     from the betrayals of all who perished.
  1. When he sleeps like a stone, he opens his chest
     or from poisoned banquets.
  1. Hamal (-) bol breath (,)
     morning (-) pink (-)
     The sun is a bowl full of amber may.
  1. Screaming annoying maple (,)
     warns (:) ku-uz (,)
     but three yellow snakes
     climbed the trees (,) sorry. (Sh.R.)
  1. Look at the door (,) Someone came.
  2. A wonderful child of a great country
       know (,) Homeland is waiting for you. (G'.G '.)
  1. It doesn't matter to him whether he died or slept. (HO)
  2. Whoever fulfills (,) is the object of fidelity (Babur)
                     WORKING WITH PERFOCARD
teng! follower! connecting! relative! Tone
binders! binders! downloads! words! tool
  1. X
  2. X
  3. X
  4. X
  5. X
  6. X
  7. X
  8.                                                     X
(The groups in the next stage replace the punctuation marks that connect the simple sentences in the following compound sentences with the auxiliary words found in the fiction).
  1. Remember that life is not Tahir Zuhrolik, (and) Layli is madness, life is a never-ending struggle, (and) winning is a field of losses!
  2. The teacher should not bring up the child in such a delicate way, (and) not work, (but) in his house, when the body comes out of his father's mouth and he is happy, (or) if the food he eats is someone else's right, how can the child be purified!
  3. Your father's house is a gathering place for the souls and (and) the living of your descendants, so try to make it as prosperous as you can.
  4. Keep your tongue from bad words - (because) once the same language is the same again.
        Teacher: In the creative phase of our lesson, you will analyze the statements on the board from the point of view of purpose and express your opinion in collaboration with the group. This task takes place in a training manner.
  1. It is a great tragedy to be overlooked - the families of those overlooked have never grown up.
        Chinnigul group: Such people do not admit their guilt, they hurt others; one will not be two; blessings come from home; the family is in decline: ignorance becomes its companion; complains of the fate of the nomad; there will be a lot of quarrels in the house; noshud - deceives out of fear; good luck to the family; can't join others, ignores… ..
  1. As the elderly, who have lost everything the world has given them, gradually mourn, it is time to pamper them: as a mother.
        Lola Guruhi: to be disappointed as a father; let us show kindness as the closest person; let us be a dardkashi who listens to his sorrows without melting; an ointment to the heart, a strength to the waist; let us hear from them often; let’s take our time and take a trip; let us not spare our sweet words; let us open our faces and speak; let us make as many gifts as possible; let us not tremble in our way, and so on
  1. Gaining love gives a person wings:
        Chamomile Group: kindness - the pleasure of life; kindness is the strength and soul of the family; kindness is the purifier of the house of the soul; there will be no dust in the loving heart; melts the ice of the heart with kindness; happiness does not come to a house without love; to conquer the heart is not a battle, but kindness; man is never satisfied with love; parental love - leaves a light after itself, and so on
  1. Everyone will have mountains of support: let his servants pull a thousand from your feet - if God leans, no one will discriminate against you;
        Purple group: Homeland is our base; for a parent, a child is the pride of the heart; father - gardener of a lifetime; if the child carries a heavy load, the mother's back aches; meatless nail - useless; if the paws are collected - a fist is formed; friend - support for friend; the love of a friend is the sun of life; knowledge is the way to the future; the mind is the wing of man, and so on
        Teacher: Read the didactic purpose of the module at the end of our lesson. Answer the following questions.
  1. Did you achieve the intended goal of the module?
  2. What helped and hindered the mastery of the study material?
  3. Which assignment was left unclear?
(Students will present their findings on the topic. Group leaders will review the students' assessments and report back).
Course Objectives: Students in native language classes
                  interest, their speaking skills,
                  increase logical thinking, fluent
                  formation of expressive skills.
Classroom: Technical means: audiocassettes, 9th grade
                  literature textbook, by Tursunoy Sodikova
                 "Mercy will remain", Shavkat Rahmon's "Election"
Course style:  Sequence of assigned tasks
                   do with - zigzag method.
The motto of the lesson:  Learn science from books, knowledge from life!
        Teacher: The topic of today's lesson is "Joint speech". The style of our lesson is to perform the tasks given to you one by one - in a zigzag fashion. The following tasks in the study of the topic are aimed at learning the difference between compound sentences and simple sentences and their types, as well as the gradual application of these sentences in speech. First, identify your group by answering the following intelligence questions in the three minutes you are given. If you complete the assignment correctly, you will be eligible for the card. At the end of the lesson, the winning team will be determined using cards. Hours are set at five minutes.
        Intelligence questions:
  1. What is the ridge of speech sounds?
(Speech sounds form words, words form phrases, phrases form sentences, and sentences form text).
  1. What distinguishes between simple and compound sentences? (according to the amount of grammatical bases)
  2. Name the means of connecting simple sentences in compound sentences. (connectors and tone, relative words, downloads)
  3. Which parts of a compound sentence are form-independent? (conjunctions with and without conjunctions)
  4. In which type of compound sentence are simple sentences joined together with the help of auxiliaries in the function of equal connecting and connecting? (in conjunctions)
  5. When autumn comes, apricots bloom. In what way are the simple sentences in this sentence unrelated? (logical)
  6. Va give an example of a compound sentence connected with a conjunction. (In the garden of the school yard, various flowers are blooming and colorful butterflies are spreading from flower to flower)
  7. By what means are the parts of a sentence connected by a conjunctive conjunction connected to each other? (adhesive binder and -U, -yu, -da with downloads)
  8. Which punctuation is used in conjunctions connected only by tone? (hyphen, comma, semicolon and colon)
  9. What is the beauty of oral speech? (The beauty of oral speech is reflected in the clear and correct pronunciation of speech sounds, the tone of voice, the pitch of the voice, the appropriateness of the pause)
(Students researchers, critics, and ingenious sages Divide into groups and perform the following tasks on the table one by one)
Assignment in Table 1: In the given 5 minutes, give examples from proverbs, lines of poetry related to joint sentences and state their means of connection.
    Research team:
  1. May we build our own sovereign state in the barren desert, where thousands of scholars and benefactors have died, their minds have stinked, their souls have withered, and their seeds have split? (a compound sentence connected by a melody, an interrogative sentence according to its structure)
  2. If he were alive, he would not stand aside, he would be the leader of today's youth, he would be a shield from the slander that sometimes fell from the sky and sometimes from the ground. (Sh.R.) (via a disconnect connector)
  3. Wisdom is not sold in the market, it is not weighed on the scales of reason. (via ringtone)
  4. He who speaks thoughtfully, will be praised,
      He who speaks without thinking, is ridiculed.
  1. A clean man is a salty man,
   an unclean man is a man without salt.
     (compound sentence connected only by tone)
  1. Both the Shari'a and the teachings have a mandate of truth,
         I am proud of the sultan, I do not fit into the throne.
            (by means of a trailing connector)
  1. Sometimes I am Russian, sometimes I am Circassian, sometimes I am a believer,
     Whatever you dig, my brain is too small for God.
            (via disconnector)
  1. I am always poor, but I am your slave Mashrabing,
     I can't fit in this poor world.
                      (Mashrab) (by means of a binder)
Group of Wise Men:
  1. Stop being bad to people, that’s to yourself
            will be charity. (with tone tool)
  1. The scientist who learned by asking what he did not know, Orlan did not ask
           cruel to himself. (via ringtone)
  1. Crying a lot, headaches,
       after all, we must be happy.
       Tears will be bad if
       Happiness until it comes to an end.
      (link loading and if the link is a compound sentence)
  1. Come on, I'll hide you
        to the deepest heart of the heart,
        then you hide me too
        to the deepest husband of the heart.
       Let no one find us. (trailing link vos.)
                               (Sh. R.)
   Zukkolar group:
  1. The world is red, yellow,
      the lesson they taught us in vain,
      the world is the color of eternity and we are
      more colorful than you think.
            (trailing binder, attachment binder vos.)
  1. Goodbye, Spring! Goodbye, Spring!
     My wish is not fulfilled,
     but wait, said Spring-
     finger pressed to my lips. (via a binder)
  1. We saw a beautiful flower in the evil wool,
     We dreamed of naming it Armona,
     his name became a harmony to his body,
     we stared at this flower and were devastated. (via ringtone)
  1. There is purity in today's youth,
     has religion in their living hearts,
     as if pure nature from evil eyes
    He gave them what he had adopted. (deductible vos.)
                                          (Sh. R.)
Task in Table 2: Divide the following sentences into two simple sentences. Show the main parts of each simple sentence.
Research team:
  1. Man is only afraid of what he does not know. (,) Knowledge is everything
   how to overcome fear. (man is afraid, knowledge overcomes)
  1. Spring has come. (and) Work in the field was in full swing.
                                          (spring has come, work is in full swing)
  1. Be sweet all the time. (,) Out of your mouths
   always a good, meaningful word.
                             (be sweet, let the word come out)
  1. Some of my peers lack vocabulary. (that is why)
   The language is very poor, the words are lazy.
                    (lack of vocabulary, poor language, lazy words)
Group of Wise Men:
  1. Defending the Motherland is a civic duty. Ota-onaga
   Loyalty and service to them is a child's duty. (,)
    (civic duty to protect, childhood duty to serve)
  1. Man does not come into the world as a perfect man. (,) SHE IS
   born does not remain intelligent, wise.
                      (no one comes, he doesn't stay)
Zukkolar group:
  1. Folklore is a hot spring. (,) He doesn't know what a break is, what a stop is.
                          (folklore source, he doesn't know)
  1. We were all happy. (,) Because Elbek is in the competition
won. (We were happy, Elbek won)
Task in Table 3: Make compound sentences from simple sentences.
Research team:
  1. The football game was very interesting (,) In this game, the students of our class won.
  2. Alisher liked the nightingale's word "navo" (and) he began to call his gazelles "Navoi".
Criticism group:
  1. The teacher entered the classroom (and) The lesson began.
  2. If the ingredients are plentiful, the soup will be delicious (as well)
        The vocabulary of the dictionary is ruined by the language of many people.
Donishmand group:
  1. Memorized rules and definitions quickly rise from our memory
        (, therefore) The time we spend in memorization is also useless,
        zoye goes.
  1. Ants live in alliance (, therefore) They
        they are not afraid of their enemies either.
Zukkolar group:
  1. It is difficult for him to meet Bakhil, but it is difficult for him.
  2. Mercy is the need to live for the human child (but) You do not have the same love.
Task in Table 4: Continue the sentences. Determine the type according to the structure and connective of the resulting sentence.
Research team:
  1. Spring has come…. and the cutter was covered with blue grass. (equivalent conjunction)
  2. If you tie it tightly, you will work hard. (a compound sentence connected by a melody)
Criticism group:
  1. God is generous…, He befriends the generous. (a compound sentence connected by a melody)
  2. If the root nourishes, the rod will sprout. (following conjunction)
Donishmand group:
  1. Beware of oppression ……, keep your words short. (a compound sentence connected by a melody)
  2. We love our country ……, so we need to know its beautiful history.
Zukkolar group:
  1. If the author's statement comes from an excerpt gap. , two dots are placed after the author's statement. (following conjunction)
  2. Even if it is raining ………. , the weather was warm. (joint sentence connected by a link loader)
(The groups re-applied to Table 1 and completed the following “fill in the table” task):
   Double words Duplicate words Compound words
 low-high free-flowing tortoise
 The harvest is a huge hot lake
 long-short running Stone
 weather chaman-chaman belt
 easily box-box beshotar
 three to four sugar-blue
 housing backpack sunflower
 basket-by-basket glasses
 bitter-sweet can-shovel shovel
 boys and girls often gold
 large-small layer-layer ivy
 young and old curious roses
 parents small carnations
 el-yurt sweet-sweet half
        (Groups construct related sentences using the following relative words according to Table 2 assignment)
  1. Whoever respects his parents deeply and pleases them, his children will surely respect him as well.
  2. Whoever has many loyal friends is the happiest person in the world.
  3. Whoever has a deep love for fiction from a young age, if he reads it a lot, he will be a highly cultured, rich in language, well-educated person.
  4. O soul, if Babur does not want the world, tell it to God, is this world pure?
(The groups complete the task in Table 4: Make a phrase with the word “Uzbekistan” as follows).
  1. 1. Independent Uzbekistan 2. 1. Sunny Uzbekistan
  2. Beautiful Uzbekistan 2. Nurafshon Uzbekistan
  3. Favorite Uzbekistan 3. A generous Uzbekistan
  4. Mighty Uzbekistan 4. My Uzbekistan
  5. 1. Homeland of Uzbekistan 4. 1. The territory of Uzbekistan
  6. People of Uzbekistan 2. Beauty of Uzbekistan
  7. Gardens of Uzbekistan 3. The future of Uzbekistan
  8. Mountains of Uzbekistan 4. Flag of Uzbekistan
Table Task 4: Compose a text using the following words, following the steps of creating the text.
———— - ——————— - ——————- - —————————
Word Phrase Phrase Text
Research team:
    Spring… Early spring…. Spring has come to our country. Emerald necklaces are piled up in the trees, and the ground is puffed up like dough. Heavenly fragrances will hit your breath, and your mood will rise. What a pleasure to see this scene and how happy to feel it!
Criticism group:
    Hijab… Hijab Verb sin Let a person's hijab be hijab. It was a different matter if everyone had such a custom in their dress. Attracting people's attention is also against Islam, so let's make way for our own national clothes.
Donishmand group:
    Love… .. Light love… .. Love is unique. It is such a painless light that illuminates your whole life objectively and gives warmth and fullness. There is no greater happiness than dreaming of love, following it imaginatively, and talking to it imaginatively!
Zukkolar group:
Homeland… .. Homeland love… .. Love for the homeland is in the net of my heart. It's a blessing! Undefined existence. He is a divine gift! The homeland will not be big or small, ugly, so someone will kneel down and say, "My homeland."
        Group members read the following conditional sounds from the board: 1. Qgtsgqgvyo.b.
        2.Tb 3.Eb 5. Fxsh. sr 6.Yu. 7.K. 8. Kq
   The symbols were read as follows. The goal is to strengthen students ’memory.
  1. Simple sentences in a compound sentence are connected using the following grammatical means.
  2. Equal binders.
  3. Trailing connectors.
  4. The condition of the verb may.
  5. Conjunctive forms of the verb, adjective, adverb.
  7. Assistants.
  8. Agreement additions.
        Distributed tests are given to the groups to monitor and reinforce their knowledge.
Take the testperformance:
  1. Which is a simple sentence in a compound sentence
  connected using download?
  1. A) Luckily, everything looks beautiful to me
           to my eyes.
  1. B) Where the eye is, kindness is here.
  2. C) The nightingale is reading a book.
           In this case, the worms weave silk.
  1. D) You see, the people are such a powerful force.
  2. Which line is simple?
  3. A) Don't be golden, pray.
  4. B) There is no water, no food, no tree.
  5. C) Language is hearts
  6. D) The more books you read, the more you find yourself
           you feel knowledgeable, strong.
  1. The ruler connected by relative words is subject to the subject
   determine the joint sentence.
  1. A) Professional happiness opens the door to success.
  2. B) Language is an expression of human culture.
  3. C) He who values ​​the ignorant will lose his value.
  4. D) The tongue is an arrow without a blade, an arrow without a bow.
  5. The conditional tense of the verb is connected by the possessive
   mark the relative clause.
  1. A) If you respect, you will be respected.
  2. B) A book is a best friend who heals a person.
  3. C) If the world is a flower garden, mother, you are in it
           without blossoming flowers
  1. D) The name of the generous never dies, it is eternal
                                                  Test switches: 1) E. 2) D. 3) D. 4) D.
    Teacher: Check the cards you collected at the end of the lesson. Who do you think is the most active student in your group? Very nice. Now record the homework below in the performance of this Ozodbek Nazarbekov's song "Sen gulsan".
  1. Exercise 17 Find compound sentences in the text and determine how many simple sentences there are.
  2. One of the compound sentences consisting of three simple sentences
copy it in your notebook with the caption “Example of a complex compound sentence”.
  1. Find examples of complex compound sentences from the sample art pages in your literature textbook.
Course Objectives:  Exercise 231 of the textbook “Uzbek
                       in the language of words
                       mastering the content, words - sentences
                       students on topics
                       increase literacy.
Classroom:  Exhibition on the theme "Words"
                       weapons, cards, tests, overhead projector,
                       tape recorder.
Course style:  Competition lesson.
Course Outline: a) lesson organization:
  1. b) request the topic covered.
        The lesson begins with the following questions asked by the teacher:
  1. Who will the proposed rumors be aimed at?
  2. What words do they include?
  3. What punctuation is used when a sentence is part of a sentence?
   Students say that the suggested words are directed to the listener, they come at the beginning, middle and end of the sentence and are separated by commas. Give examples, then read the phrases found in the literature textbook:
  1. Wow! How did they build? ("Light in the Dome")
  1. Oh, mother Turkistan, I sing burning. (From the poem "Mother Turkistan")
  2. Well, I won’t back down from my word. (From the story "Horror")
  3. No, we are the people of this place. (From the story "Uzbeks")
        Teacher: Let's divide our lesson into two groups to make it more interesting. The group leaders collect incentive cards for each student’s correct answer and add up the total score of the group. Under the first condition, the groups were asked the following questions:
  1. Do words accept cut suffixes?
  2. Do words come from independent words?
  3. Are the words related to the text and the tone?
  4. In what ways are words similar to concise ones?
  5. Words are other parts of a simple sentence
   is associated with?
  1. What is the difference between a word and a sentence?
  2. What is a scientific text?
  3. What is an enlightening text?
  4. Explain the terminological meaning of the words highlighted in the text.
      In the next test, the cards with the words written on them should be grouped and placed in envelopes. The cards had the following words written on them: apparently, no doubt, apparently, right, position, wow, obbo, hay-hay, posh-posht, iya, hoy, hey, o, ha, mayli, ho 'sh, well, absolutely, never, sira, mang, kani, please. This task is performed by two students from each group.
   The third condition is that the patterns of the sentences given through the overhead projector are reflected. Groups are required to discuss the place of these patterns.
  1. …., Chamasi, ——- ===.
  2. It is said that \\\\\ ——- ===.
  3. …. mayli, - - - - - ====.
  4. Labbay, - ==== —— ……
   In the fourth condition, two riddles are read from the magnetic tape for each group:
  1. It means excitement, Eh, oh, woe is me.
   What is the word "thank you"? Thanks to whoever finds it!
  1. The water is gushing
   Hum flows from under the water.
   Noise, crackling, squeaking
   Find out what words? (imitation words)
  1. Repeated exhortation, Exciting couple
   How do they write? Find out, don’t make a mistake.
                                                   (with dash)
  1. Undovjon at the beginning of the conversation, Kelar goh in the middle
    Or at the end of the day, something accompanies him
    At the front end of the stand. (comma)
        Now our condition is a “right-wrong” game in which the teams have to pay attention to every comment that is made.
  1. Words are always made up of independent words. (correct)
  2. Modal rhetoric comes only at the beginning of a sentence. (incorrect)
  3. Words do not have a suffix. (correct)
  4. Modal expressions express the meanings of firm belief, suspicion, conjecture. (correct)
  5. Words come only in the middle of a sentence. (incorrect)
  6. Exhortations represent only the meaning of joy. (Incorrect)
  7. Encouragement words are only repeated. (incorrect)
  8. Invitation words are said only on the table. (incorrect)
  9. There are no subtleties of meaning in affirmative and negative statements. (correct)
  10. Conjunctive verbs with adverbs are written together. (incorrect)
      Teacher: Kids, words are mostly found in the text of a conversation, and the conversation is more specific to oral speech. So imagine yourself in a flower garden and try to create a mutual flower arrangement. Let words be included in this text as well.
  1. Jahongirbek, are you laughing, are you basil, are you sunburned?
  2. Ziyodullabek, you said.
  3. Dude, spring is a great season, no doubt spring
   everyone loves it, because the world is covered with flowers of different colors.
  1. Tell you what, my friend, spring is a wonderful season.
   but the brain is a little tired, and the man sleeps
   will continue
  1. As long as spring affects you differently, apparently,
   your color has turned yellow like a daffodil.
  1. Brother, it will affect you even worse, apparently
   you don't look like a cracked daisy.
  1. Hey, buddy, I'm in class even if I don't seem to
   When I go, our flower-faced girls greet me with "kani-kani".
  1. Hey friend, don't brag too much, you're lying
   do not blush like a tulip.
  1. I'm not blushing like a tulip, for you to copy
   When you take “5” and get on the board, your heart is like a rose
   do not become ink.
  1. Brother, your words are pierced like a rose's thorn,
   Well, the friend speaks bitterly, the enemy laughs.
  1. Oh, even if you don’t understand the joke, right away
   you will be closed like a prayer lamp. The man is upset with his friend
   will it be
  1. Honestly, they don’t get offended by a friend, our friendship
   never break
 The next assignment will be a quiz.
  1. Find a series of modal words.
  2. A) Yes, no, sari, oh
  3. B) Apparently, really, both, right
  4. C) So, bye-bye, naturally
  5. D) Please
  6. Well, well What type of words do words belong to?
  7. A) Encouragement to words
  8. B) Denial rumors
  9. C) Modal rhetoric
  10. D) Confirmation statements
  11. How many words are divided into groups according to their meaning and function?
  12. A) 4 groups
  13. B) 2 groups
  14. C) 5 groups
  15. D) 3 groups
  16. When words come in simple sentences with other parts ……
  17. A) is connected
  18. B) not connected
  19. C) Sometimes connected, sometimes not connected
  20. D) There is no correct answer.
  21. Modal words…
  22. A) Comes in a sentence.
  23. B) Alone is the case
  24. C) Answer A and B are correct
  25. D) There can be no talk. Answer key: 1. V 2.D 3. A 4.V 5. S.
    This condition is based on ingenuity. That is, if you find the last syllables of the words in the tables, the first syllables of the independent words appear:
kosh ki tob albat ta lab
de mak kor mutla qo nun
si ra sad chama si nov
qa ni zom tabi iy hom
marha mat lab mabo do hiy
correct si tam as lo zim
haqqi qat tiq may li mon
    The groups met the conditions given to each other in a competitive and organized manner. At the end of the competition, the groups assessed their knowledge using the incentive cards they collected. Student feedback was taken into account in determining the most active student.
    Homework: to find and write words from works of art, newspaper pages, to give them oral explanations. Make ten sentences with modal words, exclamation words, affirmative words.
Course Objectives: Students' logical thinking
                         grow Teaching to work on text.
                         High morale of students and
                         fostering moral character.
Course style:  Independent and creative thinking, debate.
Classroom:   Hardware: audio cassettes,
                       Auxiliary word table.
                       Yusuf Khas Hajib's "Kutadg'u bilig"
                       examples from works and proverbs.
The motto of the lesson:  After all,
                      I'm going to take it to the ground.
                                             (Alisher Navoi)
                      Know knowledge great, study deeply
                      These two are one and the same.
                                             (Yusuf Khos Hajib)
    Students are divided into small groups: wise, intelligent, clever. In the first phase of the lesson, students divide the auxiliary words into groups and place them on the table for a limited time in order to memorize them. For example:
 Packers Auxiliary Downloads
    and so on
    came up with
    after all
        They find that the words given in the sample do not interrogate, and serve to link words and sentences together, to reinforce meaning. Then they carefully read and analyze the text of Ogdulmish and Ozgurmish given in the textbook. Explain the meaning and function of auxiliary words highlighted in the text.
       In the second stage, the text is divided into parts and assimilated. The group of sages changes the formal expression while preserving the overall content of the text. For example:
     “Yusuf Khas Hajib’s‘ Knowledge That Leads to Happiness ’is no less philosophical and moral than Dante’s‘ Divine Comedy ’and Goethe’s world-famous works such as‘ Faust ’. We, too, deserve to see this gem of the world or praise it as much as it is a rare work. This work covers the culture and literature of the Uzbek people, as well as Islamic views and moral education. That is why, even though this treasure was written thousands of years ago, it has become our national and cultural heritage. ”
     The group of intellectuals is tasked to highlight and summarize the qualities of the emblems of the Son and the Transfiguration:
     Stolen and Transformed
intelligent, wise, praiseworthy, simple / awake, understanding, pious
a young Muslim, intelligent, meritorious / unprofessional, ascetic, devout
engaged in affairs,. / busy with worldly affairs
respectful, like a thirst for knowledge… / indifferent, narrow-minded person… ..
That is why…….
People follow him / He is far from people, in a cave
follow. / lives.
   A group of clever people use binders to express their thoughts about the heroes of the work in writing: “Ogdulmish and Ozgurmish followed two paths of Islam. He chose to live among the sons and to lighten their burdens, that is, the hard way. At the same time, he was able to restrain his desires without neglecting prayer. He changed his mind and lived in a cave for a lifetime in order to avoid sins. He thought that loneliness and obedience would both restrain the nafs and cultivate it in Allah. In fact, Islam is not only about fasting and praying, but also about doing good to the people and making the country prosperous. ”
        The groups comment on the connectors in their texts.
  - The connectors in the text connect not only the sentences, but also the cohesive parts. They can come alone and repeatedly. It adds extra meaning to the sentence. The connector often came as an auxiliary in the text. It served to connect equivalent sentences as well as parts of the text.
        In the third stage, a recollection task is given. Using a tape recorder, the group of sages should find the connectors from the following statements, write them down in a notebook, and clarify their tasks. The group of savvy must change the form of the sentences given. The intelligent group, on the other hand, will have to interpret the meaning of the words orally. The teacher completes their answers. Each sentence is read twice:
  1. I named the book "Kutadg'u bilig" and told the reader to be happy and hold it in his hand.
  2. The status of knowledgeable and intelligent people is higher than the sky.
  3. Therefore, knowledge is a lamp that illuminates the darkness and a criterion that determines human dignity.
  4. The tongue is like a lion in a cage, so it cannot be left to its own devices.
  5. Good deeds and kind words glorify a person.
  6. At the time of judgment, death is the same to me, long-distance acquaintances, and even visitors who come and go like lightning. (From Qutadg'u Bilig)
      In the fourth stage, the contest "Who is the first" will be held, the following sentences will be displayed on the screen through a retro projector, and the task will be to find the necessary auxiliary words instead of dots:
     1. It is not surprising that a madman… (and) an ignorant person dies.
  1. Various arts in the world .. (and) innumerable professional training, knowledge
        rely on…. (for) praises,… (therefore) from tongues
  1. Knowledge ifor… .. (with) is very similar.
  2. It is useless to hide both of them
     Knowledge is actually like an inexhaustible wealth,
     … (Therefore) is different from other riches.
  1. Knowledge .. (and) intelligence is a kind of shackle placed on a person. (From Qutadg'u Bilig)
      In the fifth stage, the following example is read from a tape recorder for speech development and logical thinking:
  "I admire you," Hasan told Hunar.
    "You put a tongue in the wood, you gave life to copper, you put gold and silver in a thousand places." Repentance, where did you learn the secret of such miracles ?!
    "Don't you know that?" Said Hunar.
    "Because of my acquaintance with Labor, Intelligence and Passion!"
     Contribution to the story: The profession has a state,
                    The life of a person without a profession is a disgrace.
        Students find auxiliary words in the parable. Commenting on the parable, they enter into an argument. The discussion begins with the following questions:
  1. What profession are you interested in in life?
  2. What impression did you get from the texts?
     - It is clear from our slogans that a professional always does good to people and provides for them. He earns his living through his profession. Yusuf Khas Hajib in his work also emphasized that a perfect person should have good qualities of good words, good deeds, good behavior and enlightenment, intelligence, and showed that practical activity is the basis in the education of a perfect person.
     - A skilled and educated person will not be humiliated. Man alone cannot achieve anything alone. People should support each other, be together on happy and sad days. Knowledge saves each of us from darkness. It lights our way as a torch. The value of knowledge is determined by its practical benefits.
    - The above proverbs also encourage a person to be knowledgeable and educated. It encourages you to be able to put that knowledge into practice. If we cannot put into practice the knowledge we have acquired, such knowledge is useless.
     As soon as you know how to read, sooner or later,
     Climb the mountain of knowledge, cross the sea late.
     Don't be a dry savage,
     Work hard, enjoy yourself.
     After the discussion, the groups evaluate themselves. Evaluation is based on a table.
  1. About the content depending on the title or plan of the text
         I imagine.
  1. I know in advance the course of events according to the genre and style of the text.
  2. As I read the text, I keep all my imagination and assumptions in mind.
  3. I focus on the factors and details that help in imagining.
  4. In the process of reading the text, I sometimes stop and ask myself, what did I learn, what will I talk about next.
        In three cells at the end of the table always, sometimes, never There are answers. As the reader answers the questions, he or she identifies one of these three answers.
    The student explains why he or she gave his or her grade in the table with a “+” sign. Students will be given a homework assignment to create a short text from the following proverbs, use auxiliary words, and identify their functions in a sentence.
        Remember the proverbs.
  1. Choosing a career is up to you,
   Being human depends on your word.
  1. Follow the example of educated people, be polite, humility is good
   keep in mind that it is a trait. (From the bisot of the wise)
  1. Clothes are not worth a man
   The value of man is knowledge and profession. (Abdulqadir Bedil)
  1. A donkey with a book on it from a scientist who did not follow science
   is good. (Sheikh Sa'di)
  1. There is no wealth to live comfortably,
   If he endures, he will be happy. (From the bisot of the wise)
        In studying the life and work of Alisher Navoi, it is very expedient to work on tests, mazes, short texts. The fact that children create and share 1-2 thematic tests during the lesson directly teaches them to work with the test. Labyrinths teach children to act intelligently, while creating small texts encourages them to think and create. In the fifth grade, it is planned to study the moral rubai, the rubai of our wisdom. Tasks such as analyzing them in study, translating verses into prose, interpreting the content enhance the activity of the lesson. In carrying out these tasks, it is very interesting to teach the class students to work in small groups, in a zigzag fashion, that is, one task at a time. This will set the time. Assignments are placed on different tables and groups work in shifts.
    The first task: Work with test questions.
  1. In what language did Alisher Navoi first create his poems?
  2. A) in Arabic
  3. B) in the Persian-Tajik language
  4. C) in the Uzbek language
  5. Impressed by Alisher's ghazal, he said: "If it were possible, I would exchange my verse, which I wrote in twelve thousand Persian and Turkish languages, for this ghazal, and I considered it a great success. Who says?
  6. A) Lutfii
  7. B) Total
  8. C) Ganjavi
  1. Why does Hussein Boykaro leave Mashhad for Merv?
  2. A) due to illness
  3. B) in order to gather an army for the crown
  4. C) to be in the arms of his parents
  5. Mark the king who disliked Alisher in every way and exiled him from Herat.
  6. A) Hussein Boyqaro
  7. B) Abulqasim Bobir
  8. C) Abusaid
  9. What happiness did Alisher achieve in 1483-1485?
  10. A) Composes the devons of Khazayn ul-Maoniy.
  11. B) Creates the work "Khamsa".
  12. C) achieve the position of a minister.
  13. Alisher Navoi's rubai are the rubai of other poets-
   in what way?
  1. A) with its romance, its philosophy
  2. B) with diversity, depth of content
  3. C) with politeness.
  4. What does Alisher Navoi think is the decoration of a real person?
  5. A) his throne, his career
  6. B) the rule that is stabbed into the turban of kings
            on the logo
  1. C) in his manners and modesty
  2. Who will invite Alisher from Samarkand to Herat?
  3. A) His friend Hussein Boyqaro
  4.    B) Uncle Mir Said Kabuli
  5.   C) Teacher Abdurahman Jami
    The second assignment; The cities associated with the life of Alisher Navoi are reflected in the years at five points. You specify the names of the cities. They are:
  1. (point 1456) - Goes to Mashhad.
  2. (point 1469) - Returns from Samarkand to Herat.
  3. (d. 1441) - Born on the site of the Garden of Herat State House.
  4. (point 1460) - Goes from Herat to Samarkand.
  5. (d. 1459) - Returns from Mashhad to Herat.
   The third task: Fill in the given names and identify them:
  1. Ghiyosiddin (Muhammad, father)
  2. Sheikh Abu Said (Chang, grandfather)
  3. Mir Said (Kabuli, uncle)
  4. Sharafiddin (Ali Yazdi, historian)
  5. Abulqasim (Bobir, the king)
  6. Hussein (Boyqaro, friend).
   The fourth task: Create a small text with your group using these given words. ("Khamsa", Nizami Ganjavi, Khisrav Dehlavi, Abdurahman Jami, Alisher Navoi, Turkish language, happiness, unique, elegant, poetic verses…)
   After the students have completed the assignments, the analysis of the rubai begins with a story from Alisher Navoi’s epic Hayrat ul-abror.
   Teacher: Children, you have heard a lot about Mecca, the one who goes on Hajj hopes to be cleansed of his sins, to be purified. It is narrated that a man named Ishmael also set out on a journey to Mecca, where he met Sheikh Mu'min. When Sheikh Momin found out that this passenger was dreaming of Hajj, he asked him:
  "Do you have a mother?" He asks. After receiving the confirmation answer:
  "Go back and serve your mother," he said. This advice is not to the liking of anyone who wants to be a pilgrim. Then Sheikh Mu'min said:
  "I have performed Hajj fifty times, bareheaded, barefoot, and without a companion." I gave it all to you. Give me the joy of your mother.
  - So, what idea did our grandfather Alisher Navoi put forward through this story? - By asking the question to the students, we can find out their opinion and explain the meaning of the rubai.
   In Munshaat, he said: “bar The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded that the wrath of Allaah also depends on the wrath of the father. If a person receives the father's consent, God will receive the consent. "It is the word of the Messiah, your father is your Lord."
   You see, the proverb among the people, "Father is pleased with God," probably dates back to those times.
   In the next task, each group turns one rubai into a prose. The prose of the rubai "Let the child be a slave" can be as follows: A child who honors his father can be the happiest child in the world. It is because of this respect that his career thrives. Just as everyone treats his father, in the future the same attitude will return to his own child. By the way, it is natural that today's son is tomorrow's father, today's daughter is tomorrow's mother, this is the law of life.
   After the commentary of the rabbis, the students are given the task to remember the proverbs created by our people about respecting parents:
  The parents will be the sun to the child.
  The blessing of your parents,
  Fire - not immersed in water.
  If you hold your father in your hand,
  Hold your mother in your head.
  He will be humiliated in the hand that hurts his parents,
  The piece that hurts his mother will be hard on the bread.
  The mother is kind, the father is sad.
  Don't be golden, pray.
       Of course, oral speech is closely related to expressive reading. Samples from the tape are played for expressive reading of the rubai. The weight of the rubai is determined and the poem is recited to the students several times on a portable whiteboard. The teacher memorizes all the verses of the rubai recorded on the screen through the overhead projector on the basis of the following measurements:
  Ze = var ki / shi = ga ne to / ju ne af = sar / bil
   - - V V - V - V - - - -
  It is a narrow, narrow, narrow, narrow, narrow, narrow, narrow, narrow.
  Anyone who is a * dab = you = dur / i = shin ab = tar / bil,
  Al = qis = sa / e = ran = lar = ga / a = dab ze = var / bil.
  - - V V - - V V - - - -
Far = zand a / to qul = li = g'un / chu o = dat qil / gay
Ul o = dat / i = la kas = bi / sa = o = dat qil / gay.
Everyone = ki / a = to = g'a many / ri = o = yat qil / gay.
Do this for your son or daughter.
They find the rhyme of the rubai (afsar, darhar, abtar, zevar, adat, saodat, riyat, siroyat) and the words that are repeated at the end of the verses (bil, qilgay) and copy them into the notebooks of literature. The homework is to memorize and recite the content of these rubai on a set weight.
   The conclusion is that the process of working on the text, analysis, expressive reading involves the aesthetic education of students and the development of their oral speech.
        In the 5th grade, in the process of studying the life and work of Ahmad Yassavi, it is intended to show that his wisdom has not lost its value even today, and that the issues raised in it are still relevant today. This lesson can be organized in the form of a game called “Journey to the Past”. In this case, the flight attendant is a teacher who has to take students from different islands of knowledge. The aim is to increase the activity of students, to develop their oral speech, to develop them in all respects, to encourage them to have good morals, and to increase their respect for literary and spiritual heritage.
   The motto of the lesson is:
  1. “You wicked people who have given their hearts to the world today
 Get rid of the tumor on the base of the Yassavi soil ”(Abdulla Aripov).
  1. "Always do good, you will leave this world,
Doomsday is apparently the catalyst for a united Khundia and their subsequent emergence as a galactic power.
Hoja Ahmad, do not live your life with apostasy,
You deserve it, sir, if you wake up in the morning. "
  1. "A hawk, a hawk,
Sheikh Ahmad Yassavi, who started countless murids »
                                         (Suleiman the Magnificent).
        The teacher interprets the slogans: "People's poet Abdulla Aripov tells the wicked, that is, those who think that this world is about amassing wealth, and those who are corrupt, to read the wisdom of Yassavi and draw their own conclusions." In his wisdom, Ahmad Yassavi emphasizes the transience of the world. After all, the world is a place where people land and go again, something that runs a lifetime, passes away. Therefore, to believe in wealth in the face of the cruelty of destiny is ignorance and ignorance. Understanding death means valuing life with enlightenment, valuing the human child, and not riding on the vultures of pride and ignorance. In his verse, Suleiman Bagirgani emphasizes that Ahmad Yassavi had many murids, that is, disciples. In fact, Ahmad Yassavi raised Zangi ota, Ismail ota, Chopan ota, Khalil ota, Khoja Bahauddin, Suleiman Bagirgani and others.
        1993 was declared the Year of Yassavi. Today, the Yassavi mausoleum remains one of the most sacred sites. The people go there, visit the tomb of our great ancestor and ask for help from their spirits.
    The teacher can then add the following words to the lesson explanation:
The seeker is the seeker, the seeker.
Doomsday is a gathering place.
Tears are tears.
Afghan - to moan with a fig.
Murshidi komil - mature pir.
A Sufi is a person who has entered the path of mysticism.
Sufinaqsh is similar in appearance to Sufi.
     The following wisdom is recited from the tape recorder. The teacher interprets the wisdom:
O soul, you have sinned, you have never repented,
You boasted that you were a Sufi, and you did not die.
I'm sorry you didn't cry for a moment in your life,
You became a Sufi, but you never became a Muslim.
    It is easy to talk about the lies of others, but to deceive yourself is to tear the curtains of hypocrisy.
   In the ninth century, the sect of Malamatiya emerged in mysticism. Those who belonged to this sect considered the main task of self-improvement, purification of the heart. They had to do it secretly. Blaming was a way of self-analysis, of not sparing oneself for one's shortcomings, that is, exposing oneself in the language of blame. As we travel back in time, our ancestor Alisher Navoi also said about Ahmad Yassavi: “Khoja Ahmad Yassavi is the sheikh of Turkestan. His status is high and famous, his karma is matavali (amazing) and infinite (without borders).
        The first island: Island of Scholars. On this island, travelers are asked intellectual questions and their knowledge is tested.
  1. Where was Ahmad Yassavi born? (Sayramda)
  2. From whom does he first study? (From Arslanbob, the great sheikh of Yassa)
  3. Who is his next mentor? (Yusuf Hamadoni from Bukhara)
  4. What kind of poet was Yassavi? (Who was a Sufi poet).
  5. What do Sufi poems promote? (Allah, being, man)
  6. By what name did his poems come to us?
(Proverbs, collectively called "Devoni Hikmat")
  1. What is mysticism called? (As Sufism)
  2. What is the name of literature and poems written in the spirit of Sufism? (Sufi literature, mystical poetry)
  3. How did Sufism come into being? (It was caused by the increasing oppression of the rulers against the people)
  4. What stages do you know? (Sharia, teachings, enlightenment and truth)
  5. What is the main purpose of Sufism?
  (The idea of ​​cleansing the whole society through religious purity)
  1. What ideas are put forward in Devoni Hikmat?
         (Wicked and unjust, justice and truth, wisdom and
         ideas of ignorance are put forward)
  1. Who really attains the beauty of Allah? (Only those who are pure in heart and have faith)
  2. What kind of people does Ahmad Yassavi dislike? (Ignorant people don't like short people)
  3. Name the important signs of ignorance. (Love of wealth, career, lust)
  4. Through whom does his wisdom appeal to men? (To everyone through Sherkhan)
  5. What is so remarkable about Devoni Hikmat? (In its proximity to the vernacular, its simplicity and charm)
  6. In what form are the proverbs of Yassavi written? (Quartet)
  7. In what years did Yassavi die? (Corresponds to 1166-1167).
  8. Who built the mausoleum where Ahmad Yassavi was buried in 1395-1397? (Amir Temur)
       The second island: Zukkolar Island called In doing so, travelers will find answers to questions related to names.
  1. Father's name? - Sheikh Ibrahim Yassi
  2. Mother's name? "Blacksmith."
  3. Akasi - Latif ota.
  4. His brother is Mustafoquli ota.
  5. The teacher from Bukhara is Yusuf Hamadoni
  6. The great sheikh of Yassalik is Arslonbob ota.
  7. The name of the Prophet is Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
  8. Amir Temur was the commander who built the mausoleum for Yassavi
  9. Yassavi's second name was Hoja Ahmad
  10. Yassi's current name is
       Third Island: Creative Island and they must continue the wisdom they have begun. To do this, students will need to have memorized or memorized proverbs.
  1. On a crooked path - neck filling
  2. As for the patient - I do not suck the ignorant.
  3. If the Almighty is a friend, he will not stand still
  4. Let your lust beg you at the last moment.
  5. If you are wise, your nafs will be bored.
  6. When the world sees the goods, it makes the air.
  7. Arrogance is claimed by God
  8. If you meet a fool, your heart will burn.
       The fourth island: Commentary Island. On this island, students tell the content of proverbs. From the stages of mysticism, they think about the stage of enlightenment:
1 Man attains spiritual purity through enlightenment.
  1. As long as everyone is born, he must definitely cultivate his mental activity through science.
  2. Only when one is literate can one distinguish between white and black and good and bad.
  3. An enlightened person does not enslave to sinful deeds.
  4. A man of conscience does not give free rein to his desires, he is not interested in wealth and does not forget the world.
  5. Ahmad Yassavi also wanted his contemporaries to be knowledgeable, intelligent, humble, and religious.
   Fifth Island: Island of the Wise. After listening to the following hadith from the tape recorder, travelers are instructed to remember the articles they know about science and to discover their essence:
   "Learn! Knowledge is a friend in the desert, a support in the way of life, a companion in moments of loneliness, a leader in happy moments, a helper in sad moments, a decoration among people, a weapon against enemies.
      Science cannot be acquired without labor. If you are a scientist, the world is yours. Knowledge is more valuable than the state. Science is the light of the mind. A man of knowledge is like one who is ignorant.
    At the end of the lesson we can conclude that due to independence we are lucky enough to read and study the works and spiritual heritage of such great figures as Ahmad Yassavi, Naqshbandi, Imam Ismail Al-Bukhari, At-Termizi, Amir. we were Traveling to the past, we learned from the islands of knowledge that when Ahmad Yassavi reached the level of a mature scholar, he came to the city of Yassi near Otrar and preached the truth, Islam, and honesty. Hoja Ahmad was endowed with a remarkable talent, a divine power, which would make such a man a teacher and a pir, and who would hasten to enjoy his conversation and prophecy. That is why the dignity of the poet's work has not yet lost its power. He cares about the same as today's demand, that is, to acquire knowledge, to study, to be a person who benefits those around him. Philosophical thoughts about the homeland in Uzbek literature begin with the wisdom of Ahmad Yassavi:
  My head is dust, my body is dust, my body is dust,
  My soul longs for the truth.
  Be dust, may the world pass over you.
  Soil - Homeland. The earth is a tender Earth that has been embracing its great children for hundreds of thousands of years. That is why we respect him. Soil is our source of sustenance. That is why we call it mother-earth.
   The homework is to turn proverbs into prose, create a short text by choosing one of the quoted articles as a title. For expressive reading of poems, it is recommended to read them on a magnetic tape and check it.
(Based on the poems "One day", "Birds also eat")
        The words "Poetry should speak not with descriptions, but with symbols and images, poetry does not describe and copy, but create it," also apply to the poetry of the sensitive poet Muhammad Yusuf. . Because in the poetry of Muhammad Yusuf, the poet embodies the beauty of pure feelings in elegant poetic images. In studying the poet’s work, the teacher gives a brief account of the poet. In the process of expressive reading and working on the text, the teacher pays special attention to:
   - Artistic interpretation of feelings of kindness in the poetry of Muhammad Yusuf;
   - The expression of the suffering that arose in the heart of the poet;
   - Singing of human feelings;
   - Artistic features of poems.
        Exhibition of the lesson Ibrahim Karim's memoir "The Stranger", the book "Lifetime" of various aspects of Shukrullo's work, and collections of poetry by Muhammad Yusuf are recommended.
        Technical means: tape recorder, overhead projector.
        Course Objectives: 1. Formation of the features of spiritual depth of independent free thinking in students. 2. Improving students' skills of expressive reading and poetry analysis. 3. Education in the spirit of respect for national values. 4. To teach a sense of poetic beauty and sophistication.
        The motto of the lesson:
   I can't write a poem without crying like that.
   What are you doing, stop, walk, hit.
 "My lord, you cry a lot, though."
   When I look at you, you don't laugh at all.
                                       (M. Yusuf "Conversation with the heart")
        The style of the lesson: Creative research style.
        The first task: In the "Mind Tower - Test" students work with the questions given in the textbook. They make two tests from the surface and work alternately with each other. The best tests designed for reinforcement are given in class as a question. For example:
     1 When did the poet begin his artistic career?
  1. How did Muhammad Yusuf react to poetry?
  2. Say the name of the first set.
  3. What books of poetry do you know?
  4. Why his poems are the property of the reader’s heart
        turned? such as…
        The art of speech enriches human speech and enhances its power of influence. The Central Asian thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi (873-950) says in his scientific works that expressive reading is a great art, emphasizing the educational role of voice and speech. Before expressive reading of poems, attention is paid to the structure and reading of finger-weight poems. Poems typical of the finger system are not divided into long and short necks. Maybe based on the amount of hijabs. The number of syllables in the verses of such poems is uniformly repeated evenly.
        The second task: The first stage of the "Minute of Poetry" is an expressive reading, in which poems are read from a magnetic tape. Students focus on the technique of reading poems. And together they read poems, memorize. In the pen they mark the stops of the poems:
     Sweat is white / water and is 4 + 5 = 9
     And gur = sil = lab / yi = qil = di te = rak. 4 + 5 = 9
     A = ka biz = ning / qil = mi = shi = miz = dan 4 + 5 = 9
     At night the birds / lar / yio '= la = sa ke = rak. 4 + 5 = 9
        The third task: In the second stage of the "Minute of Poetry" in conscious reading, students focus on the content of the poem. They translate poetic verses into text. They tell what they understand orally. Before they draw conclusions, the teacher reads the passages from the books from the overhead projector. “In the year I was born, the period of deafness began, and my father was added to the ranks of the exiles. There is a commotion at the checkpoint, people are shouting, relatives and friends are saying goodbye. In the hot August of 1931, my father Karimjon Amin, my grandmother Zebuniso, my mother Khosiyatkhan and three brothers, one sister and I - a total of 8 people - were driven out of our house and put in a red car at night like cattle. There were no conditions in this wagon, where men, women, and children were mixed. What a horror! But for the Russian Bolsheviks, they were not human beings, they were "class enemies" and they had no value in cattle "(Ibrahim Karimov. Memoirs of a" Stranger ").
        “In those years, there was a rumor among the people that the Council was unfair. Who were the victims of injustice? Mullahs who read old books, people who have a more comfortable yard. Under the pretext of private property, their property began to be confiscated. It was given to others. So, who wants to take over the house of his neighbor, a neighbor, with seven or eight children? People with a conscience do not do that. But there were many who did the same. There were those who were not afraid of anyone's tears. "
        After the passages have been read, you can enter the discussion phase by asking them the following questions: 1. What impression did the passages make on you and whether they are related to the poet's poem "Birds also eat"?
  1. Have you ever imagined homeless children instead of the image of birds in the poem?
  2. Your thoughts on the people who lived in such difficult days of the dictatorship.
  3. Readers comment on questions such as your attitude to the poems of Muhammad Yusuf. To the last question, they state that they looked with great interest at the poet’s work, read the poems with excitement, and felt responsible in the face of the problems the poet posed to the poem.
        It is clear from the motto of our lesson that the poet often has a conversation with his heart. The fact that his heart does not laugh indicates that his country is peaceful and painful. The poets emphasize that they will rejoice only when they see their land peaceful, prosperous, and their people.
        Homework is given to memorize poems, listen to a sample performance of the text and record their performance on a magnetic tape. The task is to create a short text on the topics “My favorite poet”, “Birds are our friends”.
        In conclusion, it can be said that creative research classes discover talented and creative children who are true fans of our science. At the same time, it teaches them to value parenthood, life, work, profession, humanity, respect for nature and wildlife, friendship and brotherhood.
     In the 5th grade, two hours are devoted to the study of the life and work of Utkir Hoshimov, the analysis of the work "Inscriptions in the frame of the notebook." For more reading, the author's story "Works of the World" is recommended.
    The motto of the lesson is William Matthew's thought: "The master of all abilities is thought."
   Course Objectives: To develop students' thinking skills, to form human qualities. Teaching text creation.
   The teacher begins the lesson by distributing a questionnaire with short questions about the life and work of Utkir Hoshimov.
   Students must answer the following questionnaire:
  1. Utkir Hoshimov was born on August 1941, 9.
  2. His father was a worker, loved books and reading.
  3. His mother, Hakima Aya, has beautiful qualities.
  4. The village where he spent his childhood is Dombirabad.
  5. The sharp nature is wisdom.
  6. The epic he heard as a child was "Kuntugmish".
  7. At what age did he start creating - from the age of 12.
  8. How his first work began - from writing poems.
  9. His first book is The Steel Rider.
10. Abdullah is a demanding writer who appreciates his work
  1. The qualities glorified in his works are zeal and devotion.
  2. Dedicated to his mother - "World Affairs"
  3. The story was written in 1981.
  4. What kind of stories the work consists of - independent.
  5. What symbol unites all of the stories is Mother.
  6. The author's novels - "Desert air", "Spring does not return", "There is light, there is shadow", "Listen to your heart", "Between two doors"…
  7. Stage works: "Happy wedding", "Only from you, only from us"
  8. The author received the following awards: People's Writer of Uzbekistan (1991) for the short story "World Affairs" named after Oybek (1982) and for the novel "Between Two Doors" Republican State Prize named after Hamza (1986).
   Utkir Hoshimov's works will go hand in hand as soon as they are published. Because they have human destiny, human pain, joy, suffering. And in this work, which is referred to you, "Letters in the Frame of the Notebook" also contains his thoughts on the fate of man, nature and society. The following passages from the author's works are read through the overhead projector so that students can read and feel the meanings in the scriptures:
  1. “While the behavior of the human child is interesting. The farther you are from yesterday, the more you become attached to it. As a child, I began to remember the words my old aunt used to say to me every day. “My child! Two angels sit on the two shoulders of man. The angel on your right shoulder will count your good deeds, and the one on your left shoulder will count your sins. He weighs everything in the world. When you have many rewards, you will enter Paradise. If you commit many sins, you will go to hell. " At the age of fifty, I seemed to have a deeper understanding of the essence of this simple and great philosophy. ” (Bow. Selection. Vol. 2).
  2. “Oh! Are you looking for the truth now? Didn't you legislate the slogan that the truth is in power? Did you not say that the more I wrong, the more I will be justified? True, even now there are those who think of their own pleasure, uniting the truth with the earth. He folds his pocket using a sitting chair. First he gathers his acquaintances around him, then he gathers property. That's right, today's idiots are no different than you idiots. But sooner or later everything will be accounted for. The truth is, that's it! That is the absolute truth! ” (From the novel Between Two Doors).
  3. “Will the mother be young or old? Will Mehr be young or old? What about compassion? What about loyalty? I used to know a truth. For the mother, the child will not be big or small. Now I realized another fact. For the child, too, the mother would not be big or small. Ona - ona ekan. He doesn't need another quality. "
  4. “After his father married another woman, the Lord became even more depressed and silent. The more his mother was kind, the more he ran away. I didn’t know anything then, then I realized. The deeper a person feels his helplessness, the more proud he becomes. ”
  5. “If I chose a star that shone from the sky, my mother would choose a star that didn’t grow. When I ask the reason: He is seventy stars. Orphans should be shown mercy. Occasionally a star would fly in the sky. The star, which was just now burning, would suddenly flicker, leaving a thin trail of light. My mother was frightened and said, "A poor man has lost his life." My heart pounded and I fell into my mother's arms. Don't let another star fly! '
  6. “My father was angry. Badjahl did not click on any of the brothers. But my mother used to say, "Hey, be careful, Adang's anger is bad!" So much so that when we saw our father, we all calmed down. " (From the story "World Affairs")
  7. "I was heartbroken when I saw the play 'Human Loyalty' on TV. Once, like Elyor's mother, I followed my "happiness" and went to Shymkent, where I orphaned my child alive. "It's too late now" (from the author's mail)
8. “This letter is being written to you by a woman in Oambo. My son died in Afghanistan: his body came in an iron coffin… Is there more suffering for a mother? I'm done. I saw nothing but death… »
  1. “Robiya! I'm not dead, believe me!
       Believe me, I am in the heart of my homeland!
       Of all the people who want peace
       White dreams, I wish!
       Ergashali aka under the mine
       It was crumbling, I saw it myself.
       Uncle Vasya was stabbed
       I pulled his body and buried it in the ground.
       Horror! What can I say, Robbie!
       The burnt boy has no eyes! ”
                 (Read "Between Two Doors" asidan From the author's mail).
    For each passage read, students find which scriptures are semantically correct. And they divide them into different corners: Friendship is more precious than gold. Let your name die. Ota - intellect, ona - perception. The truth is the truth. Pride - like courage… The following slogans are added to work on the text:
  1. In this bright world, the Motherland is one,
    There is only one name in the world called Mother. (Abdulla Oripov)
  1. Death is afraid to live with hope, to have a strong will and a love of life, to look at it with confidence.
  2. Paradise is under the feet of mothers. (From the hadith)
  3. Whoever gathers the word, let him give it to himself.
   Malik smelt the smoke of the fire of hell.
   That is: The best quality in people is honesty. Liars and gossipers cause mischief (Alisher Navoi).
   When students create a small text, they first express their thoughts orally. They learn to draw conclusions during the discussion. In the examples they cite, they focus on feelings such as patriotism, self-sacrifice, kindness, consequence, dignity, and respect. Finding and writing articles about these feelings is given as a homework assignment. They try to find and read the passages quoted in the work itself. His interest in fiction books is growing. Gifted students can write short stories based on what happened.
     The teacher should determine in advance the methodology of teaching, depending on the topic of the literature lessons, to make a plan. The use of interactive methods in teaching some works in literature lessons, as well as group analysis of the topic, the fact that each student comments on this or that symbol enlivens the lesson, increases the quality and effectiveness of the lesson and gives it a unique content . in addition, it teaches the student to work independently, to approach the work creatively. This will help to introduce new pedagogical technologies in the classroom, based on the requirements of today. An example of this is the interactive study of Utkir Hoshimov's The Last Victim of the War.
Course Outline: Argument, debate.
of the lesson purpose: Students are free and creative
                       teach them to think, nationally
                       from nurturing a spirit of respect for our values
                       consists of.
The storeroom of the lesson: Utkir Hoshimov's “War
                       The Last Victim "story," The World of Light "
                       and Selected Works on the Sale of Life,
                       drawn on the work by the students
                       pictures. Audio cassette. "People's word"
                       article from the newspaper.
The motto of the lesson: Not just mistakes due to open discussions,
                       but even the worst nonsense is quick
                       eliminated. (ME Saltikov - Shchedrin)
                       It's as if you're running around arguing.
                       If you don’t get hot, you won’t fall much.
                                         (N. Xisrav)
The motto of the groups: 1. Mankind values ​​three things
                        always late: health,
                        youth, peace. (Otkir Hoshimov)
                        2. Cannibalism is five of them
                        century ago.
                        I didn’t know… I think humanism today
                        also continues. Because on earth
                        the ball of war is pretty much the same
                        cannibalism! (Otkir Hoshimov)
  1. Robbie, let people hear, say:
                        An unknown soldier - I am always proud
                        It is an eternal fire, an immortal name
                        I am a statue restored in your heart, a statue!
                        (After reading the novel "Between Two Doors", Nodira ..)
The lesson begins with students playing an episode of the story on a magnetic tape. (Shoikrom did not know whether he was asleep or not. He could not understand whether the boy was crying once, or whether the roar of the wind outside heard a mixed scream. He jumped to his feet. He saw the body of the man who had fallen, and froze in horror. At that moment he realized that he had made a mistake, that he had committed a murder. As he jumped, he noticed that his leg was sinking. Then he stopped three steps away from the man, who was lying on the ground, and suddenly collapsed. He stared for a moment, and the wind blew from his chest. a voice came out, shaking both his throat and his body: - Bear-ii!)
Teacher: You are familiar with this work. What is it called? What did you conclude from the episode?
Questions for discussion:
  1. Why is the work called “The Last Victim of the War”?
  2. Who is the last victim of the war? Why did he die?
  3. How did the war affect Shoikrom’s mind?
  4. Why is Shoikrom not happy with life?
  5. Whom did Shoikrom want revenge on? How did the feeling of revenge appear in his heart?
  6. Did this feeling bring Shoikrom to good? What happened?
  7. Why does Shoikrom not want to condemn his wife even though he knows she is lying?
Teacher: From your answers to the questions, it is clear that you have studied the work well. Now, divided into groups of critics and acquittals, we choose one of the slogans of our lesson in collaboration. You need to be actively involved in the discussion. Tell me, can Shoikrom be blamed for the murder that took place?
Defendants guruhi: Yes, the main culprit is Shoikrom. His heart is not filled with anything. A black man who thinks of his own personality. She is upset that she has so many children. He does not know how to give thanks to God. Worse than anyone for a stolen cow.
Defendants guruhi: Shoikrom is a gentle young man. He pays attention to everything. An earthenware plate, a burnt spoon, even a dry table stained with molasses, a sweat-smelling turban, and sandals that had been useless for days. He doesn’t respect her because of his wife’s tenacity.
Defendants guruhi: Shoikrom - bemehr inson. He does not receive weekly messages from his aging mother, his dying brother Shone'mat. He doesn't even like the sound of a baby crying in the middle of the night.
Defendants guruhi: I do not agree with this opinion. Shoikrom’s curse was impoverished by the war. He works at Textiles from morning till midnight. He returns from work exhausted. On the day of her aunt's death, she was drinking tea when she saw that her mother's fingers were cracked. He sighs with regret that he did not hear from his brother. Hunger prefers to die in war than the burden of raising three children in poverty.
Defendants guruhi: He always thinks bad things. For example, when he went to see his brother, he saw that he was lame, and he thought, "He will die soon, he will die anyway." Ilham accuses his wife of stealing a cow, knowing that the samovar’s wife was stabbed when she tried to take her goat from the thieves. He also uses his profession to kill people.
Defendants guruhi: Shoikrom is a hardworking person. His bones are frozen in labor. When his father died, he was in 6th grade and Shone’mat was in 2nd grade. He took his brother Shone'mat to school every day, helped his mother in raising her brother. Now this brother has been lying on the ground for three months, limping. He feels sorry for his brother, knowing that his death is inevitable. He feels guilty for it all. How happy he was when his brother was not taken to war. Unfortunately, he was sick with tuberculosis. He learned to lighten people's burdens, to bring light into homes, to light weddings. It only served the good.
Defendants guruhi: Knowing what the end would be that day, he connected the wire to the vine and threw it between the strawberry buds. He was trying to carry out his evil intent under the pretext of a thief.
Defendants: Shoikrom multiplied that night. Inspiration is the stabbing of the samovar's wife, the theft of ripe grapes by a young man he works with, and the theft of a cow that is about to give birth in early spring. wanted revenge on the thieves for losing.
Defendants: He enjoys his job as he commits murder. He warns his wife, "Don't go out into the yard, and the children will die." Apparently, Shoikrom is accused of murder, premeditated murder.
Defendants: We do not agree with your view that Shoikrom is accused of premeditated murder. She is horrified to see a man lying inside a strawberry bush. He immediately realizes that he has made a mistake, that he has committed a murder. With trembling hands, he squats and punches his chest as he grabs the mud. He is not turning a blind eye to his guilt. The hard and helpless life had exhausted him. Shoikrom lives a lifelong dream for this work, sentenced to spiritual punishment.
Teacher:  True, even in a hard-working, patient man like Shoikrom, what revealed such vices as selfishness, selfishness, and cruelty?
Students: War. The writer was right when he said, "When the water rises, the mud rises, and the time has increased badly since the rise." The actions of these villains affected the mind of a young man like Shoikrom.
Teacher:  At our next stage, let’s take a closer look and analyze the behaviors of the other characters in the story. This will help us find some of the causes that led to the murder. The fact that detectives and savvy people bring evidence and proofs related to the murder clarifies our case.
Scouts: Khadija is also guilty of this murder. Because he married Shoikrom and changed her radically. He turned a kind-hearted young man like Shoikrom into a self-centered, jealous, selfish young man. It is not in vain that our wise people say, "A woman makes the earth a woman, and a woman makes the earth black." Khadija came to this house as a bride, there is no peace in the family. Aunt Umri changed their cauldron because of her whims and gossip.
Smart: We believe that fear and the weather of the day also played a role in the murder. Shoikrom panicked after Khadija's words, "The thief was caught again that day." He turned and went under the walnut. When he saw that one end of the wall on the side of the street had been torn down, and that soil had been poured under it, his heart sank. It was as if someone was staring at the flaw in the wall. Both the hissing of the walnut branches in the wind and the dust of the wall spilling under his feet looked suspicious and frightening, and he immediately turned his back. The wind was blowing harder and harder, the branches of the walnut trees were dubious, and it was as if someone was stepping on the roof and coming to the edge of the porch.
Scouts: Khadija's dryness, ignorance of housekeeping, miserliness, and bad relationship with her mother-in-law have always angered Shoikrom. She doesn't even know how to rub her baby, and as a result, her baby also cried. When her husband came home from work tired and did not like the sound of her baby crying, Khadija immediately punched the cradle. She is jealous of her mother-in-law, who looks after her children. He is lying.
Smart: Shoikrom is overwhelmed by fear. He remembers that the wife of the inspired samovar was slaughtered. If he stays overnight in the shift, and his wife wakes up in the morning with three chicks in his hand, is there any big or small prey for the thief? If a thief breaks into his house, his wife screams and stabs him. If his mother came out and my uncle stabbed him ... “You have no conscience! We need to get rid of those who take advantage of the tragedy. " Fear turns into hatred.
Scouts: When Khadija did not panic that day and did not provoke her husband, she gave a handful of strawberries to a bowl of oats, otherwise Shoikrom would not have connected the current to the wire. Husband - Don't go out in the yard, don't let the children go out, they will die! He doesn't care. He sleeps comfortably.
Smart:  The day Shoikrom's cow went missing was also rainy. Even today, lightning flashes and the wind blows in this and that corner of the sky. Hatred over thieves overcame fear. "Wouldn't he shoot me if he told me to!" He thought, crouching on the edge of the porch, rushing the covered wire to the open wire. When one dies, the others eat their manners. ”His body was sweating. He was not in a position to think about the consequences of what he was doing. He was convinced that his wires were serving the good. It makes him hate murder.
Scouts: Khadija had upset her mother-in-law last year because of this strawberry. He had taken a handful of strawberries and told them not to touch the portions of the poor. Throughout the summer, Umri was invisible to her aunt. When Khadija returned to the family and inquired about her brother-in-law's condition, the murder did not take place.
Smart:  Aunt Umri herself is to blame for this incident. Because Aunt Umri was aware of the thefts in the village. He knew his son's cow was missing and in distress. He had to put an end to his daughter-in-law's whims, explain to his son Shone'mat's plight, and let him know that he would get milk for the strawberries. Despite Shone'mat's objection, Aunt Umri's theft in her son's yard at midnight, her failure to tell her children openly about her thoughts, her humility, and her concern for her child in any situation led to her death. was the cause. He was killed by his son on the evening of May 1945, 8. He was the last victim of the war.
Scouts:  The main culprit is war. Without war, there would be no famine, no poverty. People were not selfish. The writer also condemns the war. Although this story is small in size, it is one of the largest accusations written against the war. The author warns, even through the novel Between Two Doors, that there should never be a war.
Teacher: But even in our current, peaceful times, war continues in some parts of the world. Innocent people are being killed through the fault of warring people. Children are starving. There are those who give a thousand thanks and do not appreciate our peaceful life. For example, after reading an article published in the newspaper "People's Word" on April 2001, 25, the same can be said about the actions of Muzaffar Masharipov. He tried to convert everyone to Hizb ut-Tahrir, that is, to Islam, and worked with his mentor, Kabul Tashbaev, in a secret organization. Under the guise of religion, he stood up against the state, the people, his parents. His father could not raise his head in the neighborhood and appealed to the law enforcement. Muzaffar was a man of regret and apologized. Shortly after, he was left to his own devices. His father, Sultanbek aka, could not bear the embarrassment and committed suicide, hanging himself in the morning. When his family mourned in black, he did not stop calling out in ignorance. He was not even able to follow his father on his last journey. What do you say about that?
Smart: Yes, we blamed the war for Shoikrom’s murder. Muzaffar, on the other hand, lived a peaceful life and rejoiced in fullness. He turned his father's face to the ground and caused his death. Unfortunately, such people are common among us. They are in a terrorist act, shedding the blood of innocent people.
Scouts: In order to choose the right path, we need to read a lot of original books that are thought-provoking, like the story of The Last Victim of the War. In any case, one should try to increase one’s knowledge and one’s worldview. The book is our constant companion, our friend.
        Teacher: It is clear that a person with high spirituality does not stumble in life. Easily gets out of any situation. He relies on his intellect to solve the problems of life. We must learn to value peace, health and youth based on our slogans. I think that today's discussions will also help us to learn and correct the mistakes we have made. Let's keep the peace like the apple of our eye. At the end of the lesson, write an essay on "Independent Uzbekistan on the path to peace" at home. On vacation, try to read Utkir Hoshimov's novel "Between Two Doors". Students ended the lesson by reading excerpts from poems they knew about the war.
               Our body disappears, our immortal name,
              We will be at the victory wedding too.
              Apartment to meet dear friends,
              Step into the hands of loved ones.
              Sometimes it seems like a bloody battle,
              Soldier boys who never returned.
              Those who did not die, as if at that time,
              Probably white cranes.
For independent study
(Based on The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)
The style of the lesson: Modular (standard) method.
Didactic purpose of the module: Expressive reading of students
              improvement, the most delicate emotions in them
              arousal, interest in the work of art, and spirituality
of the lesson device: 1 Hardware: audio cassettes, overhead projector.
  1. Exhibitions: A Tale by Students
              drawn to the protagonists and events
              paintings, works by ASPushkin, fairy tale books.
The motto of the lesson: Fairy tales lead us to goodness.
The motto of the groups: 1. Realize your flaw in perfection
              leads. 2. It is very easy to be generous, the hardest is fair
              to be 3. Honesty, integrity - great happiness.
        The teacher begins the lesson and introduces them to the following module program. In the organizational part of the lesson, students should choose one of the above slogans and work on a modular basis, divided into groups, namely: humble, fair and honest. For their correct answers, they catch the sea fish at the show and collect evaluation cards.
      Special attention is paid to the art of expressive reading. Because the art of expressive reading not only develops children's artistic taste, but also strengthens them spiritually, brings them up as real people. An expressive work has a certain influence depending on the interpretation. The process of interpretation is the physical and mental state of the student. Students will learn about the life and work of AS Pushkin, and after a moment of questions and answers, the book "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" will be read carefully. Expressive reading of the work allows you to approach the work emotionally and consciously. For example, a fish begs an old fisherman:
               "Let go of the sea, Grandpa:
                I'll pay you a big fee,
                I will give you whatever you want, ”he said, calling on any pure-hearted person to show mercy. Or a student who feels that the old woman is greedy, impatient, ungrateful, and disrespectful to the old man will increase his hatred for such people:
          “O foolish old man, fool, mad old man!
           You can't pay for fish! ”
        Didactic purpose of the module: You need to work independently in a small group of students, pay special attention to your speech, pronunciation, analyze the content of the story, creatively research on it, expand your speech and thinking, and develop a culture of communication.
Assignments related to the learning material that students should master
Instructions for completing assignments
Objective: Develop expressive reading skills. Declamation.
1. Find answers to instant questions about the life and work of the poet in the textbook.
2. Listen to the story being read from the tape recorder and pronounce the words correctly.
Work in collaboration with a group of students.
Take an active part in the Q&A with the student body.
Write down the words you don't understand in your notebook.
Objective: To work on the text
teaching Thorough mastery of language rules.
1. Translate poetic passages into text.
2. Create dialogues. Ask questions on the topic.
2. Structured questions on the topic
Work in a team.
Try to work fast.
Objective: To develop oral communication and thinking skills.
1. Participate in the game "Right-Wrong" and answer the questions.
2. Answer the structured questions on the topic and comment on your conclusion to the story based on your slogan.
Work in a team.
Think logically.
Relation to the text given in the overhead projector
let me know
1. Complete the module! Read the didactic purpose of the module.
2. Did you achieve the goal of the module?
To what extent?
3. What helped and hindered the mastering of the study material.
4. Which assignment was left unclear? Evaluate the secret of the activity during the lesson.
5. Homework: Complete the assignments given in the textbook. Mark the emphasis of the poem and the number of syllables.
Write the script of the fairy tale.
Express your opinion.
Rating to the next column
is placed.
Find and read fairy tales on the subject.
        This includes declamation, role-playing, storytelling, vocabulary reading, technical reading, and retelling. If we use pictures drawn by students in a fairy tale, show them through a slide film, and study the work, it will be a purposeful work.
      The groups work on the text in the second phase of the module. The first group: humble group creates a text based on poetic fragments taken from a fairy tale. A group of justices composes questions on the topic from the fairy tale. Honest group and creates dialogues from the fairy tale. For example, a dialogue between a fish and an old man could be:
        Fish: Please, grandfather, let me go to sea.
        old man:  I had never heard a fish speak in my life. What a miracle. Dream or Right? 
        Fish: Bobojon, I am not an ordinary fish, I am a goldfish. I'll pay big if you let me go to sea. I will provide whatever you want.
        old man: Oh goldfish, God bless you. I don't need any payment. Well, float more freely in the sea.
   A group of justices The questions you have created are as follows, and you can contact the groups with these questions:
  1. How did the character of the characters in the story affect you?
  2. How do you feel about an old woman?
  3. What happens to the old man every time he goes to sea?
      What about the sea?
  1. Why does the old man unconditionally obey the old woman's orders?
  2. How are the events described in the cartoon with the fairy tale?
      What is the difference?
   In the next learning activity, the groups test each other's knowledge by asking each other the right-wrong questions about the story. The questions of the "right - wrong" game can be as follows:
  1. The old man goes fishing and catches a big pike.
         Answer: Wrong. The old man catches a goldfish.
  1. The old woman asks the goldfish to ask for a house first.
            Answer: Wrong. Not the house, the tub asks.
  1. The fish actually fulfills the wishes of the old woman, not the old man.
            A: That's right. The old man did a grateful good deed.
  1. Does an old woman want to be a princess rather than a black farmer from the beginning?
Answer: Wrong. The old woman wants to be innocent at first.
  1. After the old woman becomes a nobleman, she puts her old man to work in the stable.
            A: That's right. The old woman ignores the old man.
  1. When the old man told the fish that the old woman wanted to be the princess of the ocean, the fish said to the old man, "Let him stretch his legs towards the bed."
      Answer: Wrong. The fish is the sea without saying a word to the old man
         disappears to the bottom.
     Once the groups have mastered the story, a text close to the topic is selected from the overhead projector and the teacher or fluent reader reads the text:
        “Luqmani Hakim always looked at his son and said: - My son, be patient no matter what happens to you! Life is not without misery and hardship. If someone tells you your guilt, your shortcomings, accept it with an open face, do not frown at him, do not turn your mouth to bad words. Do not walk in the streets arrogant, haughty, or hasty or lazy, and do not raise your voice. No one likes such an ugly voice.
       Contribution to the story: Humility is enough,
                         Shame on you. "
        The groups find a number of the old woman’s bad qualities in the fairy tale in recent educational activities. They advocate the human qualities they have chosen as their motto: humility, justice, and honesty: the lack of humility is ignorance. The old woman is also big, she ignores the old man. Because of his arrogance, he loses what he has achieved.
        Justice must be the basis of our conduct and all our desires. If the old woman had also acted thoughtfully, not only for her own self-interest, not a single hole would have been left in the tub.
        He who turns away from honesty succumbs to wickedness. Honesty adorns any career. The old woman returned to her old self because of greed, arrogance, and impatience. If he had a self-restrained, grateful and honest man, he would have lived a good life and achieved his good intentions.
        Students place their grades in the last column of the module at the end of the lesson. The group leaders review the assessments and report on whether they were set correctly or incorrectly. Students write homework in their diaries as shown in the module.
        The conclusion is that such modular lessons are an important means of educating students in sophistication and developing students' creative thinking skills.
So'zboshi …………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Garden by tone only'lang qo 'ma 8
Qo 'shma gap …………………………………………………………………… .. 20
O'in Uzbek so 'about z-statements ……………………………………… .. 28
O'and FIG'zg'work on the text of the stroke ………………. 32
Alisher Navoi's creativity - educational school ………………………………. 37
Ahmad Yassavi ………………………………………………………………… 41
Studying the works of Muhammad Yusuf …………………………………… 46
The work of Utkir Hoshimov. Inscriptions in the notebook frame …………. 49
War so 'nggi victim ……………………………………………… .. 52
Creation of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin …………………………………… 60

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