1. Parental responsibility in shaping the spirituality of the person.
  1. Literature and art are an important means of shaping and developing a person’s spirituality.
  1. There are many factors and means of developing a person's spirituality. One of the great values ​​of the Uzbek people, which has been going on since ancient times and never loses its significance, is to have a high level of respect for parents. There is no one in the world who is kinder, dearer and more honorable to a child than a parent. Parents are the backbone of their children, their inexhaustible wealth.

Parents do not spare anything from their child. That is the greatness that nature has given them. According to the Uzbek people's etiquette, it is a sin to pass without greeting the elderly and parents. Respecting parents, their lifelong devotion to their immeasurable, grateful service, receiving their blessings is the childhood duty of children. This is one of the most important requirements of our national values.
As our great ancestor Alisher Navoi said, respecting parents is an obligation for children. Do the same for both of them, and know that the more you serve, the less you serve. It is worth sacrificing your head in front of your father and donating your whole body to your mother! If you want the two worlds to prosper, get the consent of these two people! The night is the light of the day - one is the moon and the other is the sun. Don’t write anything other than their words, don’t take a step beyond the line they draw. Do all the service politely, and do your body like the word "dol" in the word "adab".
We must admit that during the Soviet era, our national values ​​of respect for the elderly and parents began to fade. Some of our young people seem to be losing their high spiritual qualities, such as respecting their elders, enlightened elders, and listening to their advice. Maybe people of other nationalities don't pay much attention to it, but we, Uzbeks, can't help but feel it.
It is intolerable that parents live in homes for the elderly whose children are self-sufficient. From time to time, we hear that there are cases of assault on parents and even more serious crimes! This is not a simple shortcoming, but a degrading tolerance that undermines our national values ​​and loses its humanity. It is natural that the question arises as to the root, the root cause of such atrocities that tarnish our national values ​​and the honor of the Uzbek people.
During the Soviet era, the teachings of our ancestors, instead of propagating our wonderful traditions, were condemned, ridiculed, and considered heresy and superstition. Our heritage of national education has not been studied or promoted. Instead, we have praised and promoted the European and Russian model of education, depriving our youth of our national values. Due to this, we began to lose the invaluable wealth of education, such as the influence of religion and morality, family, neighbors, neighborhoods. Thanks to our independence, these have been put to an end, and significant work is being done to eliminate such negative defects.
Our values, such as respect for adults, kindness to children, respect for parents, love for children, which glorify a person as a human being, make him morally, spiritually beautiful and harmonious, are in the hearts of people, especially young people. It is a joy to begin to receive. The basic law of the independent Republic of Uzbekistan - the Constitution - defines the human duties and responsibilities of children to society, family, parents on the basis of the basic ideas and rules of our national values. Its Article 66 states that adult, able-bodied children are obliged to take care of their parents.
So, every child's respect for his or her parents is a child's duty and responsibility to society. It is both an obligation, a duty, and a duty of a child that we all abide by the following oriental requirements of respect for parents. Feeding parents, dressing them neatly, seeing a doctor when they are sick, giving them the necessary medicine, constantly asking about their condition and health, not to say "uh" in front of parents should not be twisted. If a parent tells you not to do something you don’t like, don’t drink alcohol, don’t join the bad guys, don’t do it and don’t join. When walking on the street, it is necessary not to walk in front of the father, not to reach for food, not to sit at the table, not to sit in front of the father, not to race in front of the father. It is not in our morality to stretch our legs in front of the Father and lie down. It is a child's duty to respond to a parent's call as a labbay, to respond immediately to what he or she is doing without hesitation. Then the parent agrees with his child. A child who has the consent of his parents will be blessed, his work will be successful, and he will achieve his goal.
Even if a child whose parents are dissatisfied runs until late in the evening, his work will not be blessed, and one will not turn into two. There is a lot of wisdom in getting married, getting parental consent in marriage, getting a white blessing. All of the above is a handful of gold, a treasure for us. It means laying the foundation for our future lives. This world is the world again, you reap what you sow, what you did to your parents, it will return to you from your children. This is a law of nature!
We will now quote from the hadiths some exemplary ideas about the glory of honoring one's parents. “If a Muslim child visits his parents in the morning in the hope of reward, Allah will open for him two gates of Paradise. If he visits one of them, he will open for him a door to paradise. If a child offends one of his parents, Allah will not be pleased with him until he approves of him. "Whoever pleases his parents, he will have a tuba (tree in Paradise), and Allah will increase his life." "The prayers of three categories of people are undoubtedly acceptable to Allah: the prayer of the oppressed, the prayer of the stranger, and the prayer of the parents"; "Let the child who has not been able to become a paradise by pleasing both or at least one of the parents in his old age be humiliated, humiliated, and humiliated again"; “Obedience to parents is obedience to God. To sin before him is to sin before God. ”And so on.
We have already thought about the duty of a child to his parents. The duty of a parent to his child is also extremely great and responsible. What kind of spirituality a child will have in the future depends in many ways on the parent, the upbringing he or she gives. Every parent should fully feel his fatherly, motherly duty to his child, and spiritually understand his responsibility to him.
During the former Soviet era, national and spiritual education were long set aside. As a result, it is no secret that parental responsibility in the upbringing of children has decreased. However, the upbringing of the parents is very important in the upbringing of the child and the younger generation. It is useful for every parent to know that child rearing is carried out in the following stages.
The first is generational upbringing, that is, child rearing. It should start before the baby is born. It is necessary to take into account the health of the future mother and father, their responsibility for the upbringing of the child. This means that the child, the parent who wants to have a child, will take responsibility for the fate of their future children and improve their health.
The second stage is care during pregnancy. This issue is very, very important. In developed countries, pregnancy is expected to determine 60 percent of the fate of the unborn person. Measures during this period are taken by most parents.
The third period is the period from birth to 6-7 years. By this time, the main buds of the child's spirituality will be formed. Then begins the period of care and further development of these spiritual buds.
Spiritual perfection can probably begin with the content of the god in the cradle, dressing the child — and feeding him with an honest bite. As Hazrat Bahauddin Naqshband said, good deeds in a person are an honest bite.
This means that if a parent feeds his child with an honest bite, he will grow up to be spiritually pure and honest. We forgot this in the Soviet era, we did not pay attention to it, and the system adapted education to its own interests and took it into its own hands.
The conclusion is that, as our wise people say, we must begin the upbringing of a child before he is born, in the company of parents and the whole family. Everything in the universe is created in pairs. Living as a couple is a law of nature. But living as a family is unique to the human race among all creatures.
The family is the first and foremost unit of society. Society is made up of these little particles. Husband and wife - the third world that arises from the mutual union of two living beings, two worlds - is a family. If the family is peaceful, the world is peaceful and prosperous. Otherwise, marriage will turn into hell, the family will become a prison, and the victims will suffer not only the husband and wife, but also their children and relatives. The family should be based on purity and chastity, mutual love, loyalty and devotion. This is an important factor for raising children.
According to our ancient tradition, the Uzbek family also begins with a wedding. Our people are a generous people. He says if I put what I find in front of the people. Our people cannot be blamed for greed. If we blame, we are humiliating ourselves. It is not fair to throw stones at our weddings and celebrations. But the attempt to get a false reputation under the pretext of a wedding cannot be justified in allowing the chemist to be extravagant. It is good that strengthening the values ​​of charity and spirituality is a priority in weddings and celebrations, not competition.
The Uzbek family has its own internal rules, moral and spiritual criteria, which are not noticeable from the outside. Below we have found it necessary to dwell on some of them, the necessities of life. We hope that this will be beneficial for young people who are about to start a family.
Food is distributed in the morning to everyone, to the family. It is said that he who is careless and lies down will be deprived of food. If you get up early, the work will be productive and the day will be good….
It is not possible to ask about the situation without washing the face and hands, after washing the face and hands, the children greet the adults, the women prepare breakfast, the brides sweep the yard, the door and sprinkle water…
It is a matter of etiquette to take a blessing from the sacred elders of the family to work or study, and when they return, they are first met, greeted, and asked about their condition.
According to family etiquette, adults do not look openly at children, adult children, brides do not look at adults openly, do not act naughty, do not say words without veils. He does not go out in his home clothes. The Uzbek family has many qualities, not defined by law, but there are rules and requirements that have become the values ​​of our nation. It is both an obligation and a duty for our children to adopt them.
Thus, the family is the basic unit of society. The upbringing instilled in the family, the concept of the Motherland, the people, the independence, the freedom, the imagination, will be imprinted on the child's heart for a lifetime. Only when the family is strong, peaceful, prosperous, and healthy can there be stability in society. As the President said, "We cannot create a popular ideology without understanding the role of the family in society, its educational and moral significance, its value, and approaching the family from the point of view of the interests of the nation." That is, we cannot successfully carry out our tasks in the spiritual realm.
That is why our country pays special attention to strengthening the family. In particular, Chapter 14 of our Basic Law, entitled "Family", reads as follows:
"Article 63" The family is the basic unit of society and has the right to protection by society and the state.
Article 64 Parents have a responsibility to feed and nurture their children until they reach adulthood…
Article 65 "Motherhood and childhood are protected by the state."
We can see that in our independent Republic special attention is paid to family relations in the adoption of the "Family Code" at the eleventh session of the first convocation of the Oliy Majlis. The policy of our state aimed at increasing the role of the family will certainly play an important role in raising the morale of our children.
  1. Works of literature and art have such wonderful features as enriching the spiritual world of the citizens of our independent republic, giving them the opportunity to enjoy all the beautiful things. Spirituality, highly artistic, attractive works of literature and art are distinguished by such features as finding a faster way to people's hearts, having a strong impact on their aesthetic sense, encouraging them to deeply observe life events. Therefore, it is important to make the widest possible use of the mediating nature of works of literature and art, such as the artistic influence in educating people in a high spiritual and moral spirit.
The power of literature and art lies in its populism and intelligibility, in its ability to have an emotional impact on people's inner and spiritual worlds. It is important to take into account this feature of literature and art in the upbringing of a spiritually mature generation.
Extensive use of the rich spiritual heritage of the Uzbek people in spiritual education can be an important factor in increasing its effectiveness. The use of the works of such classic poets and writers as Yusuf Khodjib, Ahmad Yugnaki, Ahmad Yassavi, Lutfi, Alisher Navoi, Abdurahman Jami, Mashrab, Muqumi, Furkat, Abdulla Qodiri, Cholpon, Usmon Nasir in the spiritual upbringing of our youth will touch their hearts and spiritual world. is of great importance in spiritual enrichment. The rich artistic and spiritual heritage they have left us is distinguished by its deep philosophical content and moral direction.
In the works of our classic artists there is such a person as honesty and purity, honesty, impartiality, non-betrayal, humanity, patriotism, diligence, religiosity, faith, living with an honest bite, respect for parents the spiritual qualities necessary for are described at a high artistic level.
Our writers such as Pirimkul Kadyrov, Odil Yakubov, Sayd Ahmad, Utkir Hoshimov in spiritual education; The wide use of the works of our poets such as Abdulla Aripov, Erkin Vahidov, Aydin Hojiyeva, Omon Matchon, conversations and discussions about the works of art, the character, morals and spiritual world of their heroes are very fruitful.
The role, place and importance of theatrical art in influencing people's consciousness and psyche in spiritual education, the possibilities of the sphere of influence are endless. We can liken theatrical art to a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it brings light into the hearts of people, directs it towards higher spirituality, and on the other hand, it fights against the ignorance, ignorance, that is, immorality and ignorance in the human heart.
Theatrical art, like other forms of art, with its figurative nature has the ability to emotionally affect the human heart, to penetrate deep into his spiritual world, thereby enriching his spiritual world. Strengthening independence, effective use of this feature of theatrical art in educating people in the spirit of high spirituality is a modern requirement. Unfortunately, it is surprising that the interest of our people, including our youth, in theater, cinema, or other forms of art is not high enough.
Theater is an area where our reality, the lives, aspirations, interests and behaviors of our people are reflected with excitement. It is characterized by the ability to influence the human heart through words, music and behavior at the same time. Therefore, the use of this feature of theater and cinema in spiritual education will undoubtedly have a great effect. You just have to use them effectively.
Special attention should be paid to the use of television in the penetration of such works into people's hearts. Our people are eagerly awaiting shows such as "The Word of the Fathers is the Eye of the Mind," which calls for spiritual heights, that is, courage and nobility, spiritual beauty and moral purity, glory, sophistication, and knowledge. art needs high literary and artistic works that promote our spiritual values. Because they not only raise our spirituality, but also are one of the main means of inspiring our youth in the acquisition of knowledge, development of the nation and the homeland, self-sacrifice, pleasure and inspiration.
It is necessary to emphasize the practical work of the Republican Council for Spirituality and Enlightenment in the implementation of educational work and the inculcation of the ideas of national independence in the minds of our youth. Effective work is being done on his knowledge in the regions and in Tashkent. In particular, such important work as the organization of meetings with students of prominent figures of literature and art of the Republic, the organization of various scientific and practical conferences with the participation of prominent scientists is being carried out. In particular, it should be noted that the council publishes scientific, popular science brochures on spirituality, upbringing and education and promotes them among young people. Through its activities, this council contributes to the overall work of education in our country.
In short, spiritual education is the most pressing issue of today. All intellectuals of our country - teachers, journalists, writers, doctors, artists, all leaders are equally responsible for this work. Only when we effectively use all the opportunities and means available in our country to bring up education at the level of modern requirements, it will be possible to achieve the education of young people with high spirituality.
Key words and concepts:
Parents are dear and respected; the parent is the backbone of the child, the inexhaustible wealth; consider one as the moon and the other as the sun; respect for parents is a child's duty, a responsibility to society; ota rozi - god willing; the word of the fathers is the eye of the mind; obedience to parents is obedience to God; good deeds are from an honest bite; the family is the basic unit of society; literature and art have the property of penetrating deep into the human heart, the spiritual world, and thereby enriching his spiritual world.
Review Questions:
  1. What is the greatness of a parent in front of a child?
  2. Think of one as the moon and the other as the sun.
  3. What do you think is the duty of parents to their children?
  4. What do you think is the duty of children to their parents?
  5. What does the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan say about the responsibility of parents and children?
  6. Father's consent - explain the meaning of the phrase god willing.
  7. What do you know about when to start raising a child?
  8. Good deeds, good deeds - from an honest bite? Explain the meaning of the phrase.
  9. What do you know about the spiritual and moral aspects of the Uzbek family?
  10. What do you think is the importance of literature and art in the spiritual and moral education of people?
  11. In the works of which writers and poets are reflected the peculiarities of the Uzbek national spirituality? What role do they play in the development of our national spirituality?
  1. Karimov IA Uzbekistan for a great future. –T .: Uzbekistan, 1998.
  2. Karimov IA The dream of a harmoniously developed generation. –T .: Sharq, 1999.
  3. Karimov IA Allah is in our hearts. // People's speech, March 4, 1999.
  4. Karimov IA The ideology of national independence is the belief of the people and confidence in the great future. –T .: Uzbekistan, 2000.
  5. Problems of state, society, family and youth. (Proceedings of the Republican Conference on State, Society, Family and Youth). –T .: Uzbekistan, 1997.
  6. Aliyev A. Independence and literary heritage. T., Uzbekistan, 1997
  7. Soifnazarov I., Soifnazarova F. Lifelong source of our spirituality., Labor, 1997.
The text of this report was prepared on the basis of an educational-methodical complex on the subject "Fundamentals of Spirituality" compiled by Associate Professor of "Social and Human Sciences" Ozoda Nishonova.


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