What is the amount of money in the world?


What is the amount of money in the world?

The following list shows the amount of money in the world in dollars:
1st place: Gold - $ 8,7 trillion
2nd place: USD - $ 1,7 trillion
3rd place: Euro - $ 1,3 trillion
4th place: Silver - $ 1,1 trillion
5th place: Chinese yuan - $ 1 trillion
6th place: Yen - $ 953 billion
7th place: Rupees - $ 291 billion
8th place: Bitcoin - $ 213 billion
9th place: Ruble - $ 150 billion
10th place: Pound sterling - $ 101 billion
11th place: Swiss franc - $ 85 billion

@NarxiKancha (https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFYQWcvJ78Y5kED_UQ)

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