Interesting facts about the heart


The human heart is full of secrets. In adults, it weighs an average of 300 grams, while in babies it weighs about 22 grams. That is, it is 0,8% of body weight;

To explain the size of the heart, a simple and ancient method is used - clench your fist and you will know the size of your heart. Now squeeze a tennis ball between your fists and you will understand how hard the heart works;

In adults, the number of heartbeats per minute is 60-85, while in babies this indicator reaches 150;

Women's hearts beat faster than men's;

During the average human life, the heart pumps approximately 1,5 million barrels of blood through the blood vessels. For a simpler understanding, this is equal to 200 tanks (wagons);

It has already been proven that a good mood is necessary to strengthen the heart and keep it healthy. For example, laughter reduces blood pressure, which improves blood circulation.

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