Memory exercise


Many worry that their memory is deteriorating with age. Memory decreases even if there are blockages in the blood vessels of the brain or if the body is full of hilts.
Or if a person suffers from epilepsy (seizures), as well as a stroke, traffic accident or other cause, the patient may not remember much, causing concussions and vascular injuries. Stress (stress), depression (depression) also contribute to the development of this disease. First of all, it is necessary to consult a neurologist and get a full treatment on his recommendation. Eating nuts also strengthens memory. It is also helpful to memorize a poem aloud or to say to yourself, "I turned off the lights, the gas, the iron, and locked the door" when I left the house. Reading books, solving crossword puzzles have a positive effect on brain activity. When a person reaches the age of 40-45, if he does not follow a healthy lifestyle, his memory will gradually decline. In particular, poor diet (eating more meat and fatty foods can cause blood clots and blockage in the arteries due to bad cholesterol), lack of exercise, harmful habits (drinking, smoking, due to drug use, toxicomania) a person ages rapidly. This also has a negative effect on the blood vessels in his brain. As a result, a person's memory decreases. To make it easier to remember, do the following memory exercises:
Count the numbers from one hundred to one in reverse order, repeat the alphabet. Find a word for each letter in it. If you have forgotten a letter, go on without stopping. Quickly say twenty male names and repeat the same number of female names aloud. Choose any letter of the alphabet you like. Say twenty words that fit him. Playing chess and playing byte by bye also strengthens memory. Because the bahri must continue to recite to the opponent in accordance with the last completed letter of the poem or ghazal in the byte. If not, the opponent is considered defeated.

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