How useful is the trendy "plank" exercise?


How useful is the trendy "plank" exercise?

Let's first find out which muscles it affects. The following muscles are activated in the plank:

— all groups of abdominal muscles;
— back muscles that support the spine;
— symmetrical functioning of the body and stabilizing muscles protecting internal organs;
— gluteus maximus and calf muscle zones;
- arm muscles: biceps and triceps.

Do not make these mistakes when performing the exercise:

▪️ When performing the plank exercise, the elbows should be in line with the shoulders at a right angle.

▪️ The body should be straight, the back should not be bent. Body weight should be evenly distributed on the elbows, wrists and feet. Try to hold this pose as long as possible.

▪️ When performing the plank, do not relax the muscles of the press, back, legs and buttocks, it is very important that they are in constant tension.

❗️ But the biggest mistake in the plank exercise is to do only one exercise and expect to get huge results.

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