Narcolepsy (drowsiness)


Strange situation… A person sitting in front of you suddenly feels very tired and immediately falls asleep! Sometimes the muscles of the body suddenly relax and fall down, and thus fall asleep. This lasts for half an hour or an hour, after which the patient may wake up spontaneously. Experts call this condition narcolepsy, or drowsiness. “Narcolepsy is caused by the braking process in parts of the cerebral cortex. "Sometimes when you wake up, you can feel that the muscles in your body have lost their tension for a while."
The exact causes of this disease have not been adequately studied. Research has shown that patients with narcolepsy have a deficiency of a biologically active substance (chemical ingredient) in their brains.
If the ability to work decreases sharply…
Have you noticed that your ability to drive, do daily chores, or study has diminished? Does it negatively affect your daily work and life activities? This means you should see a doctor immediately. If you are diagnosed with narcolepsy, you can have a polysomnography test and an MSLT test (a special type of test that can help detect sleep disorders).
Specialists of the somnology center place special electrodes on the patient's head and monitor functional processes in the brain, heart and eyes. On the second day of the test, the MSLT test is performed. That is, during the day, under the supervision of specialists, the patient is recommended to fall asleep for a short time every two hours. Using this test, the patient's sleep pattern is monitored.
A positive result can be achieved not only by treating narcolepsy with medication, but also by controlling your daily lifestyle. The advice is to go to bed at the same time every day and try to wake up at the same time. That is, follow the balance of sleep and rest. Be careful when doing things in the office or at home, such as driving or cooking.
Take your prescribed medication on time. Keep him informed of changes in drug effects.
Strong excitement is also the cause
Excessive sleep during the day is one symptom of narcolepsy. Sometimes, due to the sudden strong excitement, the muscle tension of the body decreases sharply for a short time (cataplexy) and the patient suddenly falls down, but does not lose consciousness. Sleep disturbances, short-term "paralysis" and hallucinations on waking are also symptoms of narcolepsy.
The disease usually appears in adolescence or young adulthood and can persist for a lifetime if not treated in time. A person with this type of drowsiness complains of memory loss, inability to concentrate, and regular headaches. At night, he can't sleep. Older patients are unable to perform daily activities due to stress. Young children, on the other hand, lag behind their peers in development.
Jamila KOMILOVA, doctor.

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