Non-standard methods of determining the sex of the fetus


1. A method of determining the sex of the fetus depending on blood type and rhesus factor.

2. By knowing the day of ovulation. Every woman can become pregnant only on certain days of her menstrual cycle, ie ovulation - the day when a mature egg is separated from the ovary. Knowing a woman's own physiology will not only speed up her pregnancy, but will also allow her to determine her gender through ledgers. How? We know that sperm can only live 96 hours. Of these, the activity of sperm carrying the XY chromosome, i.e. the male sex chromosome, is shorter than that of the sperm carrying the XX chromosome (female). Therefore, by determining the day of ovulation by ultrasound (folliculometry) or other special tests, the chances of having a son increase if the fathering occurs on the first or second day. In the following days it is suitable for girls.
3. By maintaining diets. Maintaining a special diet for both parents for two months before pregnancy gives an 80 percent result. That is, if you are planning to have a son, it is recommended to eat more meat products, mushrooms, potatoes, tropical fruits, and walk away from dairy products. If you want to give birth to a girl, it is recommended to eat mainly vegetables, dairy products and sweets. It is better not to eat meat and exotic fruits.
4. Depending on the renewal of the blood. Human blood is periodically renewed. That is, men's blood is renewed every 4 years, women's blood every 3 years. Whose blood is younger, the child will be of the same sex. For example: a woman is 25 years old, a man is 33 years old. Calculate 25: 3 = 8,3 and 33: 4 = 8,2. The male blood is younger and the chances of the fetus being a boy are higher.
5. Determine the sex of the fetus based on the number of heartbeats. Experienced gynecologists can determine whether a fetus is a boy or a girl by looking at the heartbeat by 12-14 weeks. If the number of heartbeats is more than 140 - a girl, if less than 140 - a boy.
UZI is an unusual 7 different types of fetal sex determination.
Here are some of the most unusual, interesting, and “successful” ways to determine the sex of a fetus collected by American journalists.
Mood. If a pregnant woman is calm, confident, drujelyubniy - your fetus is a more confident «pleasant» girl, if the trail is impressionable, nervous and steals the peace of your loved ones - these qualities are more indicates that your fetus is a “warrior” boy.
Food selection. Taste disturbances are due to hormonal disorders in pregnant women. If you hate sweets - expect a girl, if you want salty or spicy flavors - you’re pregnant with a boy.
Facial skin changes. If your face is dull and pigment spots or blemishes appear, know that your daughter is “stealing” your makeup. Boys do not "spoil" their mother's appearance
Sleep. If you give birth to a boy in your dream, your fetus will be more confidently a girl. Conversely, if you give birth to a girl, she will have a boy.

Breasts. If your left breast looks bigger than hers - it attracts a boy, and vice versa - a girl.

Show your hands. Show your hands to any of your interlocutors face to face. If you point the snow palm down - boy, if you point the palm up - kz is childish.
The reaction of young children. Aga 2-3 year olds who come to your house, if you are interested in your pregnant belly - it means that you will give birth to a girl. If your fetus is a boy, your “round” belly will not be interested.

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