Methods of treatment of pediculosis


📜Pediculosis treatment methods ✅Run to the pharmacy!
If you think bits are simply parasites, you are mistaken. Pediculosis is a very dangerous disease. You scratched and scratched your head or body. In this case, the waste of parasitic insects enters the human body through the blood. This, in time, is likely to cause serious damage to human health. In this case, the lymphatic system is injured and there is a decrease in immunity. In addition, lice are considered a hotbed of dangerous diseases such as sweating, various fevers, skin infections. So start treating it as soon as the symptoms of pediculosis appear. There are many such tools in pharmacies.
When choosing medicines, pay attention to their ovicidality (it also destroys vinegars that are highly resistant to chemicals). For example, the tool "Nittifor" has such a feature.
✅Treatment of pediculosis at home
Mix 50 g of household soap with a quarter cup of paraffin and pour 900 ml of water over it. Using a swab, apply the mixture on your scalp and wrap your hair with a cotton swab. After 1-1,5 hours, wash your head and rinse with five percent vinegar. Repeat the treatment again after 7-10 days. Do not use clean paraffin or benzine to prevent hair fibers from getting injured and burning, especially if they remain bald for a lifetime!
Mash the garlic and onion until it becomes a paste and rub it on the scalp. Wash your head after 15-20 minutes. Let the water be warm, the hot water will sharpen the smell of the vegetables even more. Perform this procedure daily.
Apply bitter wormwood juice or a thick decoction (a glass of boiling water to 3 tablespoons) to the hair every day for a week.
Simple dastorbosh (pajamas obiknovennaya) decoction: 3 tablespoons dry herb pour a glass of boiling water and put on low heat for 5 minutes. Then rest for an hour, swim and squeeze the cocaine. Apply to hair roots for 5-7 days.
✅Useful tips
Cut the boys ’hair as short as possible (preferably shaved). In girls, the issue is a bit more complicated.
Buy an anti-pediculosis drug or prepare it yourself and take the full course of treatment. Just remember: most drugs mainly kill large female lice (vinegar). Therefore, it is better to clean the vinegar (larvae clinging to the hair follicles) with a fine comb.
Boil children's hats frequently and iron them with a hot iron.
Tell the child about the simplest rules of hygiene. For example, explain that it is not possible to use foreign objects (hats, clothes, towels, brushes, hairpins, combs, pillows, sheets, blankets) or give your personal belongings to friends.
Examine your child's head, neck, and back of his ears once a week. Because parasites love these places. The first sign of lice may be that the child begins to scratch his head incessantly.
If a child at school or kindergarten is diagnosed with pediculosis, redouble your efforts.
You can only live one day without lice. A bit that has lost its owner immediately goes in search of a new one. These parasites are very mobile: a female bit can travel a distance of 20 cm per minute and 12 m per hour. © PEDIATRIC_UZ

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