Numbers are proverbs involving numbers


Numbers are proverbs involving numbers

  1. One spring day feeds a year/One spring day feeds a year — Odin vesenny den god kormit
  2. Five hands are not equal/Five hands are not equal — Pyat paltsev ne ravny
  3. Put five hands in your mouth/Put five hands in your mouth — Sovat pyat paltsev v rot (Stoit po gorlo v vode, a pit prosit.)
  4. The one with a great wrist, the one with the best knowledge, the one with the thousand.
  5. One head can fit anywhere, two heads can fit/One head can fit anywhere, two heads can fit anywhere — Odna golova vezde prolezet, a dve kuda prolezut
  6. One death for one head/One death for one head — Na odnu golovu odna smert
  7. He who sows mulberries for one year reaps pearls for a hundred years/He who sows mulberries for one year reaps pearls for one hundred years
  8. Two coughs for one cough/Two coughs for one cough — Raz kashlyanesh, dva raza zaplatish
  9. One head - head, two heads - gold/One head - head, two heads - gold - Odna golova - golova, dve golovy - zoloto
  10. Killing two birds with one stone - Odnim kamnem sbit dvukh voron
  11. Talk to an older person, listen to a younger person
  12. One night will not be a thousand nights/One night will not be a thousand nights - Odna noch - ne tysyacha
  13. One man digs a ditch, a thousand drink water/One man digs a ditch, a thousand drink water — Odin chelovek kopaet aryk, a tysyachi vodu pyut
  14. If you sow a nose for a day, you will reap a nose for a week / If you sow a nose for a day, you will reap a nose for a week
  15. Forty days of blessings rise from a house where there was a war for forty days
  16. Say hello to the place where you drank salt for forty days
  17. If you go on a journey for a day, take food for a week/If you go on a journey for a day, take food for a week
  18. One saw - acquaintance, two saw - know/One saw - familiar, two saw - know
  19. One raisin was eaten by forty people/One raisin was eaten by forty people — Odnu shtuchku kishmisha sorok chelovek podelili
  20. One hunger has one satiety/One hunger has one satiety — To pousto, to gusto
  21. Don't try the same bad thing again and again
  22. The tree grows green in one place/The tree grows green in one place — Derevo rastet tolko na odnom meste
  23. One enemy is many, but a thousand friends are few
  24. A child under the age of seven eats a stick from the ground/A child under the age of seven eats a stick from the ground — Do semi let rebyonok poluchaet poboi ot zemli
  25. Seven measures one person / Seven measures one person
  26. Do not give a pinch of salt to a bad girl/Don't give a pinch of salt to a bad girl - Za durnogo ne to, chto doch, daje (1) shchepotki soli ne davay
  27. Two ships will be drowned/Two ships will be drowned — Stupivshiy nogami na dve lodki utonet
  28. My neck and shoulders don't eat two mothers, and one with a stiff neck will remain
  29. Seventy little crafts for a young man/Seventy little crafts for a young man — Molodtsu i semidesyati remesel malo
  30. Don't say Sanamay eight dema/Don't say Sanamay eight - Ne soschitav, ne govori vosem
  31. May you have a hundred masters until you have a hundred soms/May you have a hundred masters until you have a hundred soms — Chem imet sto rubley, luchshe imet sto druzey
  32. A whip for a good horse, a thousand whips for a bad horse

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