Rating of the smallest countries in the world


🇺🇿🌐 Rating of the smallest countries in the world:

1.🇻🇦 Vatican 0.44 square km
2.🇲🇨 Monaco 2.02 sq. Km
3.🇳🇷 Nauru 23.1 square km
4.🇹🇻 Tuvalu 26 square km
5.🇸🇲 San Marino 61 sq. Km
6.🇱🇮 Liechtenstein 160 sq. Km
7.🇲🇭 The Marshall Islands is 183.3 square kilometers
8.🇰🇳 St. Kitts and Nevis 261 sq. Km
9.🇨🇰 Cook Islands 230 sq. Km
10.🇲🇻 The Maldives is 300 square kilometers

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