Seven most useful vegetable oils


Scientists from the Norwegian Brain Institute say that every day the brain stays active and young for a long time proved that two tablespoons of vegetable oil should be consumed.
It’s all about vitamin F and oleic acid, which is involved in the construction of cell membranes, which helps fight the retention of cholesterol in the blood vessels (including the small capillaries that feed the brain). It helps in the renewal and regeneration of damaged cells of nerve tissue, i.e. it is responsible for the rejuvenation of brain neurons. Vegetable oils are also rich in vitamins A (necessary for skin, eyesight and immunity) and E (antioxidant, protects against infections).

Below we present to you 7 most useful plant oils

Olive oil. Note the acidity level of this oil as indicated on the label. The lower it is (up to 0,8%), the higher the quality of the oil. Olive oil was called "liquid gold" in ancient Greece. It contains a very large amount of oleic acid. Olive oil almost does not produce carcinogens when heated.

Sunflower oil
. The best source of lecithin. This substance helps to form the nervous system of the child, and in adulthood maintains the vigor of mental activity. Lecithin also helps to exert strength in anemia and stress.

Corn oil
. It regulates cholesterol metabolism in the body very well. Helps break down “bad” hard fats. Corn oil contains phosphorus derivatives, i.e. phosphatides, which are very beneficial for the brain. Nicotinic acid (vitamin RR) in this fat also improves cardiovascular conduction.

Mustard oil
. What is added due to its bactericidal properties helps the product to last longer and heal wounds and burns faster. Mustard oil also has warming and emollient properties, and it is useful to inhale with it during bronchitis and angina. However, this fat cannot be used much in food. Despite its beneficial properties, mustard oil contains acids that are not broken down by digestive enzymes in the body.

Flaxseed oil
. It is the lowest calorie among vegetable oils and is used in diets designed for weight loss. Helps remove toxins from the liver. It lags behind fish oil in terms of the amount of Omega-3 acid it contains. Flaxseed contains an antioxidant that destroys nitrates (e.g. in purchased fruits and vegetables).

Sesame seeds
.Is the champion among fats in terms of calcium content. It is also called women’s oil. This oil is very useful, especially during pregnancy and during hormonal changes. Helps to improve the condition in diseases of the thyroid gland and gout (releases harmful salts in the joints). But sesame enhances blood flow properties. Therefore, people with heart disease and varicose veins should consume it with caution.

Pumpkin oil
. An excellent source of zinc. This substance promotes the production of the hormone testosterone in men. Pumpkin oil can be mixed with olive oil and added to salads. However, frying in this oil is not recommended - your food may burn and give off an unpleasant odor. In addition, pumpkin oil is rich in selenium. In the cold season of the year it increases immunity.

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