About raspberries


There’s probably no one who doesn’t like raspberries. Fruit drinks and raspberry tea are distinguished by their tenderness and healing properties. It contains organic acids, essential oil, vitamins B, R, C, carotene, sugar, potassium salts, pectin, mucus, dyes, nutrients.

Ibn Sina recommended that patients with colds and flu prepare and drink tinctures of raspberry fruits, leaves and flowers as a fever-reducing remedy.

In folk medicine, raspberries are used as an appetite suppressant, digestive, diaphoretic, internal and external hemostasis, expectorant, antipyretic. Fresh raspberries can also be stored frozen. From it you can make jam, jam, jelly, marmalade, juice and eat at any time. Drinking the leaves instead of tea is a pleasure.

Raspberries should be treated externally and internally in acne, measles, eczema and various rashes, skin diseases. Put 1 grams of crushed raspberry leaves in 10 cup boiling water and leave for 0,5 hours. This tincture can be drunk or soaked in cotton and put on the affected area.

Tea made from raspberry leaves is rich in vitamins. It is not recommended to eat raspberries in diseases of the joints and kidneys, as well as those with allergies.

Source: "Friendship Flag" newspaper

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