States and their rulers


States and their rulers
⚛️Kidarian state

⛎The state of the Hephthalites
🀄️Eftalon (Vakhshunvar)

☮️Sasanian state
🀄️Peruz (484)
🀄️Khusrav I Anushervan 531-579

♊️ Turkish khanate
🀄️Boomin 552
🀄️Korachorin (Mysteries of VI)
🀄️Tong Yabgu 618-630

♐️ Sughd administration
🀄️Gurak 710-737

♒️ The Tahirites
🀄️Tahir ibn Husain 821
🀄️Abul Abbas Abdullah 830-844

♉️Safarians (873-900)
🀄️Yakubin Lays 873-879
🀄️Amir ibn Lays 879-900

♌️Somanites (865-999)
🀄️Ahmed (865)
Prose 865-888
🀄️Ismail Somani 888-914
Prose II 914-943
🀄️Noah 943-954
🀄️ Ibn Nuh of Amuma 954-976
🀄️Noah II 976-997

🕎 Ghaznavis (962-1186)
🀄️Alptegin 962-963
🀄️Sobuqtegin 977-997
🀄️Mahmud Ghaznavi 997-1030
🀄️Masud Ghaznavi 1030-1040

♓️ Karakhani (999-1141)
🀄️HarunBughrokhan (992)
🀄️Nasr Eloq Khan (999)
🀄️Ibrahim Boritegin (1038)
🀄️Mahmud (1137)

🔯 Karakhitoy (1141-1210)
🀄️Gorkhan (30s of the XNUMXth century)

☯️The state of the Salukis
🀄️Malikshah (1040)
🀄️Sultan Sanjar (1153)
🀄️Correct (1194)

☪️Khorazm State (305-1231)
🀄️Africa (305)
🀄️Small (711)

🀄️Mamun (995)
🀄️Mamun II (1017)

🀄️Anushtegin (1097)
🀄️Qutbiddin Muhammad 1097-1127
🀄️Without horse 1127-1156
🀄️Elarslon 1156-1172
🀄️Shultonshah Mahmud (1072)
🀄️Takash 1172-1200
🀄️Alovuddin Muhammad 1200-1220
🀄️Jalaluddin Manguberdi 1220-1231

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