Symptoms of stroke


♿️Symptoms of stroke♿️

🚷Sudden sensory disturbances: numbness and weakness in the face, arms and legs, especially in the middle of the body.

🔕Sudden speech loss or difficulty in saying or understanding words, reading text.

🥸One or two eyes start to look bad suddenly.

🚷Sudden movement disorder (swaying), sudden dizziness.

🤯 Spontaneous, unexplained headache, vomiting.

BelgilarHemorrhagic stroke symptoms: In hemorrhagic stroke, the patient vomits, redness of the face, drowsiness, spasm of the muscles of the neck, bleeding into the retina, the disease begins suddenly and progresses. Transient, cerebral circulatory disorders in ischemic stroke appear months, years ago. They are similar to stroke symptoms, but differ in that they last for a few minutes, rarely for several hours (up to 24 hours). Often these symptoms pass quickly and brain activity recovers quickly

BelgilariSymptoms of ischemic stroke:
Transient weakness in the arms and legs is manifested in the form of "morning drowsiness", as if the limbs are numb. For a short time there are cases of speech or memory loss. Dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness. He may not be able to see or his eyes may become blurred.

👨‍⚕️When should I see a doctor? Whenever possible, people aged 50-60 should see a doctor from time to time. A doctor should be consulted immediately to check for signs of a stroke. If a stroke has indeed occurred, the patient should be taken to a hospital immediately. Because the effects of cerebral ischemia and hemorrhage can be stopped only in the first hours and the patient can be saved.


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