The healing properties of the black sedan


The healing properties of the black sedan
— sedana oil improves gastrointestinal function;
— prevents and treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and hemorrhoids (Remember: in the treatment of liver diseases, cedar oil is consumed with honey water, juice, sesame or olive oil);
— cures many colds caused by cold;
— sedana is proven to cure the most serious chronic diseases, including deadly cancer and even AIDS;
— prevents constipation, improves digestion;
- cures duodenal ulcers;
— loses the rest in the stomach;
— improves gallbladder function;
- expels bile;
- increases appetite;
— increases immunity;
— treats respiratory tract, bronchitis, asthma;
— prevents endocrinological diseases;
— improves blood pressure;
- it is an effective treatment for nervous diseases, headaches, toothaches;
— central nervous system
has soothing properties in diseases;
- corrects diabetes;
— normalizes obesity, weight loss, metabolism;
- lowers fever;
— cleans the urinary tract;
- stops bleeding from the nose;
— reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
— kills viruses and microbes in the blood;
— helps in the treatment and prevention of skin diseases;
— increases virility;
— is useful in the treatment of infertility;
— increases the milk of lactating women (sedana oil is not consumed during pregnancy);
- regulates menstruation, stops bleeding from the uterus;
- stops diarrhea;
- used as a treatment for angina, tonsillitis;
- cures arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain;
- lowers intestinal worms, giardia;
— spots in cosmetology
has an effective effect on removal;
— in skin tissues
improves regeneration, refreshes the skin;
— prevents hair loss (it is advisable to apply a mixture of sesame and olive oil in hair care).
- expels phlegm;
- cures sclerosis;
- causes absorption of various swellings and tumors that appear in the body;
- crushes kidney and bladder stones;
— has the property of urinating;
— useful in diabetes;
- eliminates colds and flu;
- treats kidney and liver diseases;
- expels bile, makes the stomach smooth;
— improves memory;
- cures insomnia;
— treats epilepsy (that is, seizures);
— has an effect against allergies;
— consumed to relieve headache;
- clears the voice;
— effectively treats skin diseases when applied as an ointment or with vinegar;
— drops when the ear hurts, relieves the pain, increases the ability to hear;
— black sesame oil improves hair growth, prevents premature graying of hair;
— has a destructive effect against microbes, viruses, various fungi (fungi);
— prevents vascular diseases;
- relieves insomnia, various rashes;
- prevents stress, anger, depression;
- cures piles (hemorrhoids);
— used in vision problems;
— reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, keeps diabetes in check;
— cedar oil improves the condition of hair, skin, and nails;
- cleanses the body of toxins;
— helps to heal wounds, regenerate cells;
— improves the hormonal system, mental state;
- recommended for nervousness, skin diseases, asthma, allergies in children.
From the book "Towards a Happy Life".
👉 @ilmi_taom

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