Ways to increase sexual potency by natural methods


Ways to increase sexual potency by natural methods

1. Nutrition plays a key role in the functioning of the whole organism. Food should contain all the essential nutrients for the body, especially vitamins and minerals that increase sexual energy, the main of which are zinc, selenium, B group, vitamins E and C. Every day you should consume these substances in the amount you need daily.

2. Exercises to increase sexual potency will focus on increasing blood circulation in the small pelvic organs and strengthening the potential muscles (pelvic floor muscles). These exercises do not take much time from you and you will achieve noticeable results after the first week.

3. Sexual function and sexual desire are directly related to the level of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Decreased testosterone in the male body leads to a weakening of potency and sexual ability. This is especially true for middle-aged and older men, as after the age of 25, testosterone levels begin to decline gradually by about 1-1,5% per year.

4. Being overweight in men is the worst enemy of potency. The fact is that obesity not only lowers testosterone levels, but also increases the level of the female sex hormone - estrogen, which not only leads to erectile dysfunction, but also worsens the overall health of men. In addition, being overweight can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, which in turn can lead to decreased sexual potency and deteriorating health.

5. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs. Harmful habits have already been proven by doctors to be the worst enemy of men. Just getting rid of bad habits alone can significantly improve men’s sexual potency.

6. A sedentary lifestyle is able to reduce sexual potency. It is noted that the masculine strength of sedentary occupants is weaker than that of occupants engaged in physical activity. Therefore, another effective way to increase sexual energy at home is to engage in physical activity and active sports.

However, if your profession forces you to work in a sitting position during the day, kegel exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can help correct the situation. The advantage of these exercises is that you don’t have to get up from your workplace to perform them.

7. Often, problems with erectile dysfunction occur as a result of psychological distress. These can be the results of improper sex, lack of confidence in sexual ability, and so on. In any case, if you can not get rid of sexual complexes independently, then you need to get rid of them with the help of doctors - a sexopathologist or psychotherapist.

8. Avoid stress, long-term depression, and depression. When the body experiences any anxiety or depression, sexual function is impaired. This is due to the ancient mechanism of fertilization, the essence of which is that the next generation should be born in the most favorable conditions.

9. Sleep soundly. Set aside at least 8 hours a day. Sleep should take place under optimal conditions, in silence and darkness.

A comprehensive approach to sexual enhancement is needed so that the effectiveness of the treatments is much higher.

@andrology_uz 🚑
www.andrology.uz 🌎

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