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What is a cashback or how do you get back part of the money you paid?
Most users of online payment systems using bank plastic cards (https://t.me/gsmgurus_FAQ/762) have information about cashback services.
Starting from January 2022, 1 (https://t.me/soliqnews/7379) checks for online cash registers issued for purchases made in retail, catering and consumer services QR (https: // Registered by scanning the code t.me/gsmgurus_FAQ/443) in the Tax mobile application (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uz.soliq.mobile&hl=ru&gl=US) individuals will receive a cashback of 1% of the purchase amount. That is, you can now get cashback for products and services purchased for cash.
What is Keshbek and how does it work?
The word cashback consists of two parts: sash - cash and back - return, which literally means “cash back”.
Simply put, for cashback card purchases and services, the bank returns a certain amount to the customer, and this is not always in the form of cash. Cashback can also be given out with bonus points or discount coupons at certain outlets.
Cashback in retail and e-commerce - a delayed discount refunded to the customer after the expiration of the period allotted for exchange / refund.
Cashback in banking is a loyalty program that encourages customers to make purchases using a plastic card.
Here are some of the cashback services I know of:
• 2 - 2,5% cashback for payments made through the payment system CLICK (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.ssdsoftwaresolutions.clickuz). Cashback up to 20% of the payment amount when paying through the "Big Cashback" program. Also, when refueling in the UNG PETRO (UzGazOil) AYOKSH network, you can get 2,5% cashback if you pay by CLICK. (https://click.uz/uz/cashback)
• Humans (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.humans.fintech_uz) probably means most mobile operators (https://t.me/gsmgurus_FAQ/837), but VISA bank cards can also be found among the company's services. This card can be used in Uzbekistan and abroad, does not require a deposit, is provided free of charge, is free of charge and is very convenient for cashback services. Humans provides cashback by replenishing the account, saving money in the account and spending it through the app (you can spend the given cashback on communication services or a nice number). It is possible to get 25% cashback per year by keeping money in the account (I don’t think others have that). (https://humans.uz/uz/landings/cashback/)
- In the loyalty program "U +" of Ucell operator (https://ucell.uz/uz/subscribers/services2/special_offers2/u_plus), subscribers of "Cosmo" and "Special" tariff systems will receive a 5% promo account for various payments can take the form of. Collected promo units can be exchanged for the following offers: 1 year unlimited Telegram, 1 year unlimited YouTube or 1 year unlimited social networks and more.
Q: What other cashback services do you know and have you used the 1% cashback service by scanning a check QR code in the Tax mobile app?