Is the smallness of a testicle harmful?


Is the smallness of a testicle harmful?

"Ever since I recognized my name, one of my testicles has been small." I am married, have 2 daughters, I don’t feel lacking in sex. Is the smallness of a testicle harmful?

- The testicles are a pair of oval-shaped limbs larger than a pigeon's egg located inside the testicle, each testicle being wrapped in seven layers and hanging in a seed system. Although the testicles are paired with organs such as the eye or ear, most people vary in size.

That is, it is normal for one testicle to be larger than the other. Sometimes the fact that the left testicle hangs below also indicates that it is slightly longer than the right of the seminal vesicles, and this is also the norm. Each organism has its own individual norm.

@andrology_uz 🚑

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