Why do women live longer than men?


❓Why do women live longer than men?

✍️ Ahadjon Abdukhalilov

✅ The average life expectancy in the world is significantly higher in women than in men. Medically, too, girls are considered viable, for a number of reasons;

▪️ Harmful habits: Alcohol and tobacco addiction are common among men.

▪️Genetic factor. The presence of a single X chromosome in the male reproductive cell also makes bisexual diseases more common in men.

▪️ Endocrine factor. As you grow older, the processes between testosterone, the main hormone in men, and the metabolism of fats cause men to accumulate fat around their internal organs. This affects the quality of life.

▪️ Stress. Men, as breadwinners, often spend most of their lives under stress, which can lead to a number of illnesses.

Source (https://t.me/soglomhayotuz/2992)

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